Red Moscow

Chapter 1611

The appearance of Sokov immediately gave the commanders present a backbone.

Originally, Keida was still worried that even if the superior sent someone to command the battle, if he wanted to capture the city, he might have to pay a huge sacrifice. But now the appearance of Sokov has made the stone hanging in his heart fall to the ground. For him, Qijilin is already in his pocket, and it is only a matter of time before he wins it, and the casualties will be controlled to an acceptable level scope.

"Comrade Commander." Thinking of this, Koyda couldn't help but feel a little eager to try. He asked Sokov, "I wonder which division you plan to let take the lead?"

"When General Fomenko's troops withdrew from the city, they suffered certain losses. It is obviously unrealistic to continue to serve as the main offensive." Sukov knew everyone's heart and wanted to know which troops he planned to arrange to fight The main attack, after a faint smile, said unhurriedly: "I think the 188th Division in Koida will be responsible for this task."

Hearing that the main attack mission fell on him, Koida couldn't help but rejoice, while Gritsenko, who didn't receive the mission, looked frustrated. If someone else arranged it like this, he might have to argue a few more words, but since it was Sokov's order, he could only choose to remain silent.

What Sokov said next shocked everyone: "Before the offensive begins, we no longer prepare for artillery fire, but directly attack the city..."

"Comrade Commander," Keida couldn't help feeling a little anxious when he heard this, "If we cancel the artillery preparations before the attack, won't we suffer huge casualties when we break through the enemy's defense line?"

"Colonel Koida, you don't worry too much." As soon as Koida finished speaking, Fomenko went on to say: "From our place to the south of the city, there are no fortifications that can be deployed. You can rest assured about this. If you With luck, he can even rush straight into the city before the Germans come to their senses."

"It's easy to rush into the city, but what about entering the city?" Sokov said unexpectedly: "If the Germans set up firepower points in the buildings on both sides of the street, add barricades, and use crossfire to block your advance. Road. How are you going to deal with them?"

If it was in the past, there would definitely be a commander who said without hesitation: "If one attack is unsuccessful, we will launch a second or third attack until we take down the blocks controlled by the enemy."

But in front of Sokov, if anyone dares to say that, it is a trivial matter to be scolded, and you may be sent to the side to sit on the bench, and someone else will take over your command.

But the division in Koida will be the main offensive task. He felt that if he didn't ask clearly, the troops might suffer huge casualties, so he tentatively asked, "Comrade commander, what should we do?"

"Colonel Terenga," Sokov turned to face the artillery division commander and said, "Deploy a 76.2mm artillery regiment to follow the 188th Division in Koida. If you find the enemy's firepower point, you will destroy it with artillery fire without hesitation. it."

As Sokov's old subordinates, everyone naturally understands that Sokov likes to use the cannon to mount a bayonet, and let the artillery regiment follow the 188th division, just to repeat the old trick. But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that when encountering the situation that Sokov mentioned in the city, using artillery to deal with them is undoubtedly the best way.

After explaining that the artillerymen were attacking with the 188th Division, Sokov turned his attention to Koida again: "Comrade Colonel, which regiment do you plan to let take the lead?"

"The 562nd Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Majwo," Koida replied, "their regiment is now fully staffed, and the commanders and fighters are full of enthusiasm for fighting. If they go out, they will definitely give the Germans a hard lesson."

Sokov nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, and said: "It is good to have fighting enthusiasm, which is very beneficial to defeating the enemy. But at the same time, we must tell Lieutenant Colonel Majwo to fight steadily in battle, and don't rush to ask for help." Don't underestimate the enemy. You know, the combat effectiveness of the defenders in the city is beyond our imagination."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Keida said, "It's also very painful for a wounded beast to bite a person. I will tell my subordinates that even when they have the upper hand, they must not underestimate the enemy."

Sokov raised his hand to check the time, and asked, "There is still an hour to start the battle. All commanders return to their respective units, make all preparations for battle, and are ready to attack at any time."

"Comrade Commander," Gritsenko, who had been snubbed by Sokov for a long time, asked loudly, "I want to ask, what is the mission of our division?"

"Same as the 84th Division, as a reserve." Sokov said to Gritsenko: "I will put your division into battle at the right time."

As a reserve team? ! Hearing what Sokov said, Gritsenko was in a bad mood: "Comrade Commander, I think that if our division is also put into battle, it may shorten the time to liberate Chijilin."

"General Gritsenko," Sokov waited for the other party to finish speaking, and said slowly: "If we put the main force into the offensive at the beginning of the offensive. If we are in a stalemate with the defenders in the city, German reinforcements have arrived, what strength shall we use against them?"

In order to thoroughly convince Gritsenko, Sokov even used what happened yesterday as an example: "General Gritsenko, you must know that the 84th Division was attacked by the German army last night and was forced to withdraw from the city, right?"

"Yeah. I know."

"Now that you know, you should be very clear that the Viking division of the German army only dispatched one grenadier regiment and one assault artillery battalion to defeat one of my main divisions." Sokov said seriously: "If I send all the troops Once our army has been unable to take down the city, and the new German reinforcements have rushed over, what strength will we use to block and destroy them?"

Sokov's words made Gritsenko silent. If the defenders in the city were other troops, there was nothing to worry about, but the reinforcements they were about to face were Viking divisions, so the nature was quite different. He asked himself that even when the troops were superior, it would be very difficult to block the attack of the Viking division, let alone actively attack the opponent.

Seeing that Gritsenko was silent, Sokov waved his hand at him and said, "General Gritsenko, you should go back to the army first so that you can deal with various emergencies in a timely manner."

Now that Sokov said so, Gritsenko knew that it would be meaningless to stay here any longer, so he raised his hand to salute Sokov, then turned and walked out of the headquarters.

But when only Sokov and a few division commanders of the 84th Division were left in the headquarters, Fomenko asked Sokov curiously: "Comrade Commander, I wonder how the 7th Guards Army plans to cooperate with us? "

Sokov considered that in the next few days, he might send out to cooperate with the troops of the 7th Guards Army, that is, Fomenko's 84th Division, so he did not hide it, but truthfully told the 7th Guards Army that he was going to force him to cross. The Dnieper River established a landing site on the right bank, but now there is a lack of crossing equipment and bridging materials. I told the people present.

After hearing this, Belgin sighed softly and said, "Misha, it's a pity that we are downstream of the 7th Guards Army, and we can't do anything about their problems..."

From Belkin's words, Sokov seemed to hear something, and asked quickly: "Colonel Belkin, wait a minute, are you trying to explain something?"

Seeing that Sokov heard the overtones, Belgin nodded and continued: "If we are upstream of the 7th Guards Army, then we can help them build a group of rafts and float down the river, so that they can go downstream. Receiving these rafts will solve the problem of crossing equipment."

"It's a pity that we are downstream of them." Sokov felt that the method Belkin said was good, but unfortunately his troops were stationed downstream of the 7th Guards Army. Even if he wanted to provide them with materials, it was impossible. : "Otherwise, you can try this method."

"Comrade Commander," Fomenko saw that there were no outsiders here, so he took the opportunity to say to Sokov: "Our division suffered a lot of casualties in yesterday's battle. When do you think we can replenish our troops?"

"Don't worry, General Fomenko." Sokov doesn't want to add troops to the 84th Division, but now he is also a smart woman who can't cook without rice. Most of the troops planned to replenish the 73rd Infantry Brigade are still in the field hospital. To take care of his body, he could only say helplessly: "When the battle is over, I will find a way to replenish it for you."

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