Red Moscow

Chapter 1643 Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion

It is entirely within the authority of the group army headquarters to collectively promote the commanders and fighters of the antiaircraft artillery battalion to the first rank. Lunev quickly finished drafting the rank order and handed it to Sokov to sign: "Comrade Commander, the order has been drafted, please sign it."

Sokov took over the promotion order from Lunev, and did not immediately sign his name, but checked the list carefully to avoid any mistakes.

"Comrade Commander," Sameko leaned over and suggested to Sokov, "Since you want to promote the military ranks of the commanders and fighters of the Women's Antiaircraft Battalion, why don't you promote the rank of Major Guchakov as well. No matter what Said that he is the commander of the 73rd Infantry Brigade, and he has the rank of major, which always seems a bit nondescript."

Before Sokov could speak, Lunev echoed, "That's right, every time the headquarters held a military meeting, Guchakov would feel awkward among a group of colonels or generals. I think since the headquarters has The right to be promoted to military rank, why not simply promote him together."

According to Lunev's idea, Sokov and Guchakov have a good personal relationship, and they will definitely not refuse his proposal. Unexpectedly, after a while, Sokov's answer surprised him: "Comrade Military Commissar, you are right, our headquarters does have the right to be promoted to military rank. But according to my authority, at most he can only be promoted to the rank of Colonel, and based on his military achievements, it is far from enough to be promoted to lieutenant colonel."

Sameko understood what Sokov meant, and planned to wait for a while, and when the time was right, he asked his superiors to directly promote Guchakov to colonel. Thinking of this, he nodded his head and said, "Comrade Commander, after hearing what you said, I also think we should wait. If Guchakov is promoted to lieutenant colonel at this time, then when our army breaks through the German army's first When the defense line of the Niebo River is ready to be rewarded for his meritorious service, he will not be eligible to be promoted to the rank of the military again. In this way, it will take a long time before he can be promoted to the rank of colonel again."

Sameko's words are equivalent to setting the tone for the whole matter. If Guchakov is promoted now, these things will not be relevant to him when he is awarded honors and promotions in the near future. Lunev said helplessly: "Well, since this is the case, we will only discuss the promotion and honors of the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion today. By the way, I haven't informed Colonel Chuvashov yet. call him."

After finishing speaking, Lunev dragged the phone in front of him, and after shaking the crank on the base a few times, he picked up the microphone and stuck it to his ear and said, "I am Lunev, help me connect the 98th Guardsman." Teacher department."

When the operator heard that Lunev was on the phone, he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately connected him to the headquarters of the 98th Guards Division in the shortest possible time.

As soon as the call was made, the person who answered the phone was not Colonel Chuvashov, the division commander, but Chief of Staff Uzakov: "Hello, Comrade Military Commissar, I am Chief of Staff Uzakov. What instructions do you have?"

"An hour ago, four German bombers broke into the sky above the city." Lunev said into the microphone: "The women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion of your division successfully shot down two bombers. This is a remarkable victory. You must report to your superiors in time."

Hearing Lunev's compliment, Uzakov couldn't help but beam with joy: "Comrade Military Commissar, I will tell them about your compliment to the Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion as soon as possible."

"No need to tell, Lieutenant Colonel Uzakov." Unexpectedly, Lunev interrupted his later thoughts: "It won't be long before Comrade Commander and I will go to the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. I'll tell them to their face."

Hearing that Lunev and Sokov were going to the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion, Uzakov couldn't help feeling a little flustered. He asked nervously, "Comrade military commissar, what are you going to do in the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion?"

"I just said that they have achieved good results in today's air defense operations." Lunev said with a smile: "Commrade Commander and I used to commend them, so you don't have to worry about that." .”

Hearing what Lunev said, Uzakov felt more at ease. Although Lunev is the military commissar of the group army, but because he is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the commanders at all levels below are still very afraid of him. Now that he said that he would personally commend the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion, he must not be joking with himself. But just to be on the safe side, he still asked tentatively: "Comrade Military Commissioner, I don't know when you will go to the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. The division commander and I can wait for you there in advance."

Regarding Uzakov's proposal, Lunev did not object. He said into the microphone: "Yes. But before you go to the women's anti-aircraft artillery camp, there is one thing that needs to be done."

"whats the matter?"

"The Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion shot down two German bombers today. They have achieved such a good result, we must reward them." Lunev said: "But before that, you must first give them the results of the battle. Only by submitting the report, we can arrange awards for them according to your award application form."

"So that's the case." Uzakov quickly said after figuring out what was going on, "I will prepare the award application form as soon as possible."

"how much time is required?"

According to past practice, it takes at least three days to fill out such an award application form, so Uzakov tentatively replied, "Two days, okay?"

"No, it's too long!" Lunev refused him without hesitation.

Seeing that Lunev refused the time he had given, Uzakov pondered for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said, "One day. Comrade Military Commissar, this is already our limit."

Lunev laughed after hearing this, and then retorted: "Commrade Commander and I happen to be free today, if you can send up the award application form before dark, we can go there as soon as possible to give the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion an award." Xun."

After saying this, he picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea, then continued: "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. If we go to the women's antiaircraft artillery camp today, we will not only Give honors to girls who have made great achievements, and at the same time promote their ranks."

"What, you want to promote their ranks?" Hearing what Lunev said, Uzakov couldn't hold back any longer, and he quickly stated: "Comrade military commissar, I will immediately count the results of the battle and the personnel who participated in the battle." , and then within three, two, within one hour, send someone to send the award application form to the group army headquarters."

"Okay, the commander and I are waiting for your award application form at the headquarters."

After putting down the phone, Lunev smiled and said to Sokov: "Comrade commander, have you seen it? As for the commanders below, sometimes they don't rush them, and they can finish the work in a few hours. Delay for a few days."

Sukov has long been aware of the old Maozi's procrastination. He once tried to change this bad habit of the other party, but with little effect. Seeing that Lunev's method is so effective at this moment, I can't help but start to wonder, should I leave it to Lunev to solve similar difficult problems in the future?

Lunev didn't know the wishful thinking in Sokov's mind, and continued: "The women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion is too small. Can you use this opportunity to expand?"

"Expansion?" Sokov couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard what Lunev said, and then asked, "How about expansion?"

Lunev was just on a whim, and he couldn't tell how to expand the army. While hesitating, seeing Sameko standing at the table, he quickly threw this difficult problem to Sameko: "I think it's better for the chief of staff to explain this matter, he explained it more clearly than me."

Sokov knew in his heart that when he was not at the headquarters a few days ago, Lunev and Sameko must have discussed many things, and the expansion of the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion of the 98th Guards Division should be one of them. Then he turned to Sameko and asked, "Comrade Chief of Staff, tell me, how do you think about the expansion of the Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion?"

"The situation is as follows, Comrade Commander," Sameko explained to Sokov: "The 98th Guards Division is a combination of two marine brigades and an infantry brigade, and there is a 239th Guards Artillery Regiment .But since none of the three brigades had artillery at that time, the artillery regiment was almost empty, with only one artillery company equipped with 76.2mm cannons. In order to enrich the artillery regiment, we incorporated Captain Lida's antiaircraft artillery battalion into the regiment .”

"That's right, that's true." Sokov nodded and continued to ask: "Then how do you plan to expand the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion?"

"Today's 239th Guards Artillery Regiment has three complete artillery battalions, and it is a bit redundant to keep the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion." Sameko said here, looking at Lunev who was sitting next to him. After glancing at it, he continued: "After consultation with the military commissioner and I, it was decided to withdraw the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion from the 98th Guards Division, put it under the direct command of the group army, and expand it into the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment."

When the 98th Guards Division was first formed, Sukov felt that the artillery strength of the division was too weak, so he took the initiative to assign the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion under the command of the group army to the artillery regiment of the division. Now that the artillery regiment of the division has been fully staffed, it is only logical that the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion should be restored.

Sokov looked at Sameko and asked thoughtfully, "Comrade Chief of Staff, can the women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion be expanded to have so many soldiers and equipment?"

"No problem." To Sokov's question, Sameko replied confidently: "Due to the enemy's early bombing, many factories and enterprises in the city were destroyed, and I am afraid they will not be able to resume work in a short time. We can recruit those Women who have no jobs temporarily, let them join the anti-aircraft artillery regiment, so that there will be enough soldiers."

"What about the weapons?" Sokov has no doubt that as long as the conscription order is issued, there will be a steady stream of women who will volunteer to join the soon-to-be-expanded Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment. But without weapons, they are just a group of civilians in military uniforms, facing the enemy planes in the sky, they can only wait to die. "Without enough anti-aircraft weapons, what's the point of the expanded women's anti-aircraft artillery regiment?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Sameko said quickly: "I have contacted the director of the logistics department of the Front Army Command, and he is willing to provide us with 24 85mm anti-aircraft guns and 36 14.5mm quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns. There are With so many anti-aircraft weapons, not to mention expanding into one regiment, even two regiments are enough."

Although Sokov thought that the more troops he had in his hands, the better, but blindly expanding the troops would inevitably lead to the weakening of the troops' combat effectiveness. Don't look at a women's anti-aircraft artillery battalion that shot down two enemy planes today. After expanding into an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, if they encounter such a situation, not only will the results of the battle not be improved, but there may even be a situation where there is no harvest.

"I think a women's anti-aircraft artillery regiment is enough, there is no need to expand blindly." Sokov raised his hand and interrupted Sameko's words: "Just use the anti-aircraft weapons provided by our superiors to arm the expanded women's anti-aircraft artillery regiment." Artillery regiment. Leave all the extra weapons to them, so that even if the weapons are damaged on the battlefield, they can be replenished in time."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." From Sokov's tone, Sameko knew that the other party did not want to recruit too many female soldiers here, so he said smoothly: "Then we wait until the number of recruits reaches a regiment. Stop conscription."

"Well, you can figure it out." Sokov said to Sameko: "After completing the conscription mission, you must hurry up and train, and try to make them play their role as soon as possible..."

As soon as Sokov said this, he found Lunev and Sameko staring at him with strange eyes, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Comrade Commander," Sameko forced a smile and said, "Aren't you going to the Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion with the military commissar later? If you have anything to ask, you can tell Captain Lida directly."

"Oh, that's true." Sukov thought for a moment, as if that was the case. I will go to the Women's Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion with Lunev soon, and if there is any important matter, I can completely explain to Lida in person. However, passing the message through Sameko will waste time on the one hand, and on the other hand, many contents may be misinterpreted. It would be more convenient to say directly: "Then I will personally tell Captain Lida... No, she will be a major soon. All I will personally account for the work to Major Lida."

"Also," Sameko continued: "Do you need to report to your superiors about the expansion of the troops?"

"It's not necessary." Sokov shook his head and said, "If I report to my superiors, maybe they will issue a series of regulations for the expanded troops. I don't want my troops to be bound by these rules and regulations."

"Okay then." Now that Sokov has stated that he does not intend to report this matter, Sameko will naturally not argue with him on this matter, and reminded the other party: "But the promotion of the female soldiers collectively, The impact is very large, and I am afraid that we still need to report to the superiors."

"This is what it should be." Sokov may not report to the front army headquarters by privately expanding an insignificant army, but suddenly he promoted hundreds of people at the same time. This is not a trivial matter. The procedure of reporting to the superior is natural Unavoidable, he said to Sameko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I will leave it to you to write the report."

"No problem." It was Sameko's job to report the battle report to his superiors every day. Hearing Sokov's order at this moment, he replied without hesitation: "When the application form for the 98th Guards Division is handed over, I will report to the front army headquarters together with the application form and the order of honors and promotions issued by us."

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