Red Moscow

Chapter 1657

The Soviet soldiers never dreamed that the armored vehicles of the German army drove over, and without a word, they went straight to work. They were caught off guard immediately, and seven or eight soldiers died heroically in the machine gun fire.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the tarpaulins of the trucks parked behind the armored vehicles were lifted, and the German soldiers sitting in the carriages jumped down like dumplings. After the officers and soldiers got off the vehicles, they did not gather together, but moved in groups of three or four to remove the obstacles on the road, preparing to clear a passage so that the armored vehicles could rush into the warehouse area smoothly.

The machine gunners of the sandbag fortifications on the left and right sides of the gate instinctively hid in the fortifications when the machine guns on the armored vehicles started firing, avoiding the deadly bullets. At this moment, seeing the German infantry moving obstacles, trying to let the armored vehicles rush into the warehouse area, they quickly leaned out and shot.

After the machine guns in the sandbag fortification roared, the German soldiers who were moving the obstacles fell down a dozen of them, and the rest hurriedly lay down on the spot, or hid behind armored vehicles and trucks, and opened fire at the sandbag fortification at the door. .

The soldiers on duty in the guard room also came to their senses at this moment, knowing that the German army had begun to attack, they hurriedly picked up the phone on the table and called the company headquarters to report.

As soon as the call was made, the soldiers shouted anxiously: "Battle alert, enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Unexpectedly, a strange voice came from the other end of the phone: "The company commander is not here, what can you do?"

"This is the main entrance!" The soldier continued to shout into the microphone regardless of who was answering the phone: "The enemy is attacking us, we ask for support, ask for support!"

The person who answered the phone in the company department was just a communication soldier. Hearing the report from the guard, he realized the seriousness of the problem: "What, your place was attacked by the Germans?"

"Yes, the Germans are attacking." The soldier replied in a panic: "Now there are only two machine gun fire points left outside the gate, and they are still resisting. No,... there is a machine gun fire point, which has been destroyed by the Germans. Now there's only one left..."

"Don't panic, I will report to the superior immediately and ask for their support." The signal soldier said emotionally: "Before the reinforcements arrive, you must hold on!"

The sound of gunshots and grenade explosions from the direction of the main entrance alarmed Mikhaiev in the office building. He walked out of his office and came to the corridor. Looking at the main entrance with black smoke rising, his heart surged There was an ominous premonition.

It just so happened that Narva entered the building with two soldiers, heard gunshots and explosions in the distance, and hurried up to the second floor, trying to figure out what happened.

As soon as Mikhaiev saw Narva, he quickly greeted him: "Comrade Captain, come over and have a look. There were dense gunshots and explosions from the direction of the main entrance, and even black gunpowder smoke rose. It seems that There is a problem with the main entrance."

"No way?!" Hearing what Mikhaiev said, Narva had an unbelievable expression on his face: "I just came from that direction, and it was calm outside, so there must be no movement, how could there be a sudden fight? "

Seeing that Narva questioned his words, Mikhaiev did not explain much, but handed the telescope in his hand to the other party, and said at the same time: "Comrade Captain, if you don't believe it, you can see it for yourself."

In fact, even without binoculars, you can clearly see the black smoke rising from the direction of the main entrance, and hear the gunshots and explosions from that direction. Narva only glanced at it before realizing that something had happened, and hurriedly said to Mikhaiev: "Comrade Battalion Commander, it seems that there is indeed a problem with the direction of the main entrance."

"What's going on?" Facing the sudden attack of the German army, Mikhaiev was at a loss. He asked Narva: "Comrade Captain, why did the enemy attack us suddenly? Could it be that where we are?" Showed a flaw, so that the enemy saw through his identity?"

Narva pondered carefully for a moment, then shook his head and said: "After we occupied the warehouse, we did a good job of keeping secrets. We have been allowed to enter and not allowed to leave. The information can't be passed on at all. How did the Germans see through us? "

"We will discuss this issue after the battle is over." Mikhaiev asked Narva with a serious expression, "Comrade Captain, how many troops have you deployed at the main gate to stop the German attack?"

"I put the platoon there." Narva assured Mikhaiev: "That is the platoon with the strongest combat effectiveness in our company. With them there, it will definitely be able to block the German attack."

However, as soon as the words fell, the gunshots from the direction of the gate became sparse, and then the two saw a German armored vehicle, knocked down the iron gate, and swaggered in. Seeing this situation, Narva couldn't help being stunned: What the hell, just a few minutes into the battle, and the position of one of his platoons was easily broken by the German army?

"Come on!" Mikhaiev saw that as the armored vehicle entered the gate, groups of German soldiers appeared behind them. They held guns and bowed their waists. They followed the armored vehicle and cautiously walked towards the office building. coming from the direction. He quickly called an officer and told him: "The enemy is rushing towards us, immediately order everyone to prepare for battle."

After giving the order, Mikhaiev didn't ask about the preparations for the battle, but returned to the office, planning to call the other two company commanders and ask them to send troops over for support. Originally, they planned to hold out in the warehouse for a few days, but within ten minutes of the battle, the German army broke through the company's frontal defensive position and rushed into the warehouse area. If their attack is not contained, the Kurdish area will be reoccupied by the Germans before dark.

Unexpectedly, just as Mikhaiev walked into the office, he found that Narva followed in, and he couldn't help frowning: "Captain Narva, why don't you organize troops to resist the German attack, come to my office do what?"

"Comrade battalion commander," Narva blushed with embarrassment, and asked with some embarrassment, "I want to ask, what instructions do you have?"

"My instructions are very simple." Mikhaiev said with a straight face, "It is to do everything possible to block the German attack."

As soon as he finished his words, there was intensive gunfire outside. It should be the commanders and fighters upstairs and downstairs who were firing at the enemies approaching the office building. Hearing the movement, Mikhaiev raised his voice and said to Narva: "Comrade Captain, I order you now to go back to your company immediately and organize troops to resist, so that all the enemies who rush into the reservoir area will be wiped out." Get them all out."

After driving away Narva, Mikhaiev shook his head with a wry smile, thinking to himself: If the troops guarding the main gate were Yegor's second company, maybe the enemy would not be able to break through in such a short time. Even if it is a breakthrough, Yegor will organize troops to counterattack, trying to drive the enemy out of the reservoir area in the shortest possible time, instead of following behind him like a headless chicken without knowing what to do.

After calling Yegor and the third company commander, Mikhaiev came to the communication room again and said to the radio operator: "Communication operator, immediately send a telegram to the brigade headquarters, saying that we have been attacked by the German army and the situation is very critical. .”

Mikhaiev stopped at this point, but the operator kept looking up at him and did not start sending.

Seeing this, Mikhaiev asked with some puzzlement, "Radio operator, why didn't you send the report?"

"Comrade Battalion Commander, have you finished dictating your telegram?"

"It's over, any questions?"

"Comrade Battalion Commander," the radio operator cautiously reminded him, "You only mentioned that our situation is critical, but you didn't ask for help from your superiors."

After figuring out what was going on, Mikhaiev explained to the operator: "Comrade operator, when the main force of the brigade launches an attack on the enemy is determined by the superiors based on the battlefield situation, not because of whether we meet or not." If you are in danger, just attack the German defense line. Do you understand?"

Seeing that the radio operator was about to start sending a report, Mikhaiev told him: "If the brigade headquarters calls back, send it to the office immediately."

"Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander." The operator quickly replied, "As soon as I get a call back, I will send it to the office for you."

The German armored vehicles that rushed into the warehouse area stopped 300 meters away from the office building, and used their vehicle-mounted machine guns to cover the infantry charge. However, the Soviet army had already set up a tight defense here in the office building. The crossfire formed by five or six machine guns upstairs and downstairs blocked the German army's charge route. The German army who tried to rush into the building, after dropping more than forty corpses, retreated in the direction of the factory gate in despair, preparing to regroup the team before launching a new attack.

Mikhaiev saw that although the enemy's attack was repelled, the German armored vehicles were still parked 300 meters away, and they kept firing machine guns in the direction of the office building. The machine guns in the office building kept firing at the armored vehicles, but because they didn't use armor-piercing bullets, the bullets splashed countless sparks on the armor plate, but unfortunately they couldn't penetrate the armor.

Mikhaiev called an officer, pointed to the armored vehicle in the distance and asked: "This armored vehicle of the Germans is too arrogant. Kill it immediately with a rocket launcher."

But after the officer heard this, he said bitterly: "Comrade battalion commander, have you forgotten that when we set off, in order to prevent our identities from being exposed, all staff were equipped with German equipment, assault rifles, new rockets and rocket bombs?" None of them were carried."

The officer's words reminded Mikhaiev that when he set off, in order to make his unit look more like the German army, it was equipped with all German equipment. The only difference from ordinary German troops is that there are more submachine guns. This is because there is enough ammunition in the warehouse and enough submachine guns can form a firepower advantage.

"What about anti-tank guns?" Without a rocket launcher, Mikhaiev could only do the next best thing: "Using anti-tank guns at such a short distance can easily destroy German armored vehicles."

"We don't have any here." The officer replied honestly, "But there should be..."

Before the officer could finish speaking, Mikhaiev interrupted him: "Since there may be anti-tank guns in the warehouse, why don't you send someone to find them quickly? Don't you know that every minute on the battlefield is valuable."

Seeing that Mikhaiev was angry, the officer didn't dare to neglect, and quickly agreed, turned around and ran downstairs, preparing to take people to the warehouse to find anti-tank guns that could deal with German armored vehicles.

Looking at the German armored vehicle a few hundred meters away, Mikhaiev gritted his teeth and said, "If our rocket launcher hadn't been brought here, how could you be so arrogant."

The officer had just arrived downstairs and was gathering manpower to take them to the warehouse to find anti-tank guns, but saw Yegor leading a group of soldiers coming in through the back door, and hurried forward to salute.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Yegor asked tentatively, "Lieutenant, where are you going?"

"Captain Yegor," the officer replied respectfully: "Although the German attack was repelled by us, their armored vehicles were still parked a few hundred meters away from the office building, and they kept shooting at us. Not a small threat. The battalion commander ordered me to go to the warehouse immediately to find anti-tank guns to kill the German armored vehicles."

"No need to go." Yegor said to the officer: "I guessed that the German army might send out armored vehicles, but we didn't have effective weapons to deal with them, so I asked Comrade Victor to help us find some anti-tank guns. After finishing speaking, he waved to the soldiers behind and ordered loudly, "Bring over the anti-tank gun."

Soon, two anti-tank guns with long barrels were handed to the officer. Yegor picked up an anti-tank gun, handed it to the officer, and said to him: "Comrade Lieutenant, you can use this gun and twenty armor-piercing incendiary bombs."

After the officer went upstairs with the gun, Yegor came to the front, pointed his head outside, and observed the enemy's movement. After looking at it for a while, he turned his head and said to the commanders and fighters he brought: "Comrades, the German infantry has all retreated to the gate, and we will charge the enemy after the troops directly under the battalion kill the German armored vehicles. ?"

Dozens of soldiers replied in unison: "I heard it!"

The officer came to the top of the building with an anti-tank gun. He did not hand over the gun to anyone, but prepared to kill the German armored vehicles by himself. Regardless of the increase in the thickness of the armor of German tanks, this kind of anti-tank gun has gradually lost its use, but it is more than enough to deal with German armored vehicles hundreds of meters away.

The German armored vehicles a few hundred meters away, parked there motionless, are simply the best shooting targets. The officer fired four shots back and forth. Except for the first shot which missed, the remaining three shots all hit the target in a prepared manner. The German armored vehicle, which was originally invincible, soon turned into a burning torch. The soldiers in the vehicle escaped from the vehicle with fire all over them. After briefly identifying the direction, they fled towards the gate of the warehouse area.

They wanted to escape, but it was not an easy task. Seeing the enemy escaping from the armored vehicle, several machine guns in the office building that had stopped firing started firing frantically again. This time their target was the German armored soldiers who were fleeing. After the intensive gunfire sounded, these soldiers who were covered in fire fell to the ground one after another, allowing their bodies to be devoured by the flames.

Seeing that the enemy's armored vehicles were destroyed, Yegor immediately ordered someone to open the gate on the first floor. As soon as the door opened, he stood at the door, raised his pistol high, half turned around and shouted at his subordinates: "Comrades, come with me!"

Following Yegor's shout, a tsunami-like shout of "Ulla" resounded in the hall. When Yegor rushed out waving his pistol, countless soldiers followed him, including commanders and fighters of the second company, as well as soldiers directly under the battalion. They rushed out of the office building from the hall, and headed towards the enemy at the gate of the warehouse area. rushed over.

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