Red Moscow

Chapter 1676 Asiya's Worries

Sokov, who was lying on the hospital bed, did not know that Stalin was discussing his appointment with Vasilevsky. The war on the front line had nothing to do with him for the time being. heartfelt emotion.

Vera, who was sitting by the side, couldn't bear the two of them throwing dog food in front of her, so she got up and left the ward on the pretext that she was still busy with work, and closed the door behind her.

Seeing that she and Sokov were the only ones in the room now, Assia could finally say something she was holding back in her heart: "Misha, there is a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time."

"Tell me, what's the problem?"

"Didn't I and my sisters be captured by a sneak attacking German squad last time?" Assia asked, "Misha, do you still remember this incident?"

How could Sokov not remember such an important matter, he nodded quickly and said: "Yes. After learning the news that you were captured, I immediately organized troops to launch an offensive in advance and wiped out the German 19th Armored Division .” Having said that, he intentionally paused for a moment to observe Asiya’s expression.

Seeing the other party's solemn expression, as if he seemed to have something on his mind, he tentatively asked, "Asiya, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly think of asking about this?"

Assia did not answer Sokov's question, but suddenly wiped away tears.

Sokov didn't expect Asiya to cry, and suddenly panicked, he raised his hand to help her wipe away tears, but as soon as he moved, he pulled the wound on his body, the pain made him grin his teeth, and he couldn't help but groaned One sound.

"Misha!" Hearing Sokov's snort, Assia hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you, what's wrong?"

"I just moved a bit, and I accidentally pulled the wound." Sokov was eager to know the reason for Assia's tears, and he didn't care about his own injuries. He asked with concern: "Asiya, tell me, what happened? Did someone make a fuss about it?"

"No, no, Misha, you misunderstood me." Seeing that Sukov misunderstood her meaning, Assia hurriedly explained to him: "I just want to know, if I am captured, You didn't rescue me in time, so what will happen to me now? Do I die, or suffer inhuman torture in a German prisoner-of-war camp?"

Assia's question really stumped Sokov. In the history he has mastered, although most of the captured Soviet commanders and fighters were detained in prisoner-of-war camps, many were also sent to notorious prisoner-of-war camps. Some of the Soviet prisoners of war who entered the prisoner-of-war camp were left behind for hard labor, while the other part were sent to the gas chambers themselves. Asiya is a military doctor. Even if she is imprisoned in a concentration camp, she may temporarily save her life because of her medical skills.

Out of caution, Sokov didn't say his answer immediately, but asked instead: "Asiya, tell me the truth, why do you ask such a question?"

Assia was silent.

Sokov wanted to raise his hand to grab the other's hand on the side of the bed, but when he moved a little, he felt pain from the wound, so he had no choice but to give up this plan, and asked softly: "Assia, we It's husband and wife, what can't you say? Just tell me, why do you suddenly think of asking this question?"

Assia lowered her head and said with red eyes, "Misha, at the beginning of September, an engineer in charge of tank development came to the weapons and equipment department. One day he came to see a doctor..."

Hearing this, Sokov couldn't help but thump in his heart, wondering if this engineer won Assia's trust and made his hat turn green? But before he could speak, Assia continued: "When I checked his body, I found that he had a gunshot wound on his chest, which was shot by a German pistol. When I asked about the origin of the wound, he Tell me about your tortuous experience."

Sokov realized that there might be a problem with his guess. There must be no emotional entanglement between Asia and the other party. It should be something else that touched her, so he couldn't help but interjected and asked: "What is the gunshot wound on his chest?" How did it come about? Was it wounded in a certain battle?"

Assia shook her head and replied: "He was captured by the German army when Kharkov fell in 1941, and then sent to a concentration camp established in Ukraine. In the concentration camp, he saw the German army officer Let the weak prisoners of war lie on the ground, and then shoot them in the back of the head with a pistol. Sometimes, in order to save bullets, one person is even placed on top of another person, so that two people's heads can be shot through... ..."

Sokov, who came from later generations, has watched many documentaries and various film and television works about concentration camps. What Asiya said inevitably produced a strong sense of imagery in his mind. Thinking of those scenes, Sokov couldn't help itching his teeth with hatred, wishing to send all the concentration camp guards he caught to the gas chamber.

Sokov's emotional changes were immediately noticed by Asiya, and she quickly asked with concern, "Misha, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Assia's voice woke up Sokov from his thoughts, he tried hard to squeeze a smile on his face, and said far-fetchedly: "The story you told reminds me of those who were released from prisoner-of-war camps. The rescued commanders and fighters suffered all kinds of torture in the prisoner-of-war camp, and their hearts were full of hatred for the Germans, so they performed extremely heroically in battle. By the way, you go on to say, how did the engineer escape in the end? Out of the concentration camp?"

"The engineer's hobby is playing the violin, and it is this hobby that has become the capital for him to survive in the concentration camp." Assia went on to say: "In order to whitewash the peace, the Germans deliberately selected from the concentration camp prisoners of war or Jews, A group of people who knew musical instruments were selected to form a band. The task of this band was to play at the gate of the concentration camp when new prisoners of war or Jews entered the concentration camp, so that they would relax their vigilance, and then willingly walked into the death gas chamber.

Of course, the members of the band survived only temporarily, but did not escape the fate of death. Once, they went to a village near the concentration camp to perform for the SS officers who were visiting here.

Unexpectedly, during the rehearsal, a battle broke out just over 20 kilometers away from the concentration camp, and our army launched an attack on the German defensive position. Due to the start of the battle, the officers watching the show had to leave in a hurry. The members of the band did not receive the order to stop, but continued to play hard.

An SS officer, passing by the orchestra, drew his pistol and killed a cellist who was playing. However, he was not satisfied, and called his guards again, and let the soldiers take turns shooting at the band members who were playing. A guard who came out of the concentration camp with the band, seeing this situation, was afraid that it would be difficult to do business when he went back, so he hurriedly pleaded with the SS officer, hoping that he would let the remaining band members go. But the officer ignored him at all, and still ordered his men to continue shooting.

The engineer told me that although his companions fell to the ground one after another, none of them dared to stop playing. Because it is possible to be shot to death while playing, and if you stop, you will definitely be the first one to be killed. In this way, he continued to play his violin according to the music score under the condition of gunshots and his companions falling to the ground and dying.

When the band was down to the engineer playing the violin and the bandleader, the officer handed the guard his own pistol and ordered him to kill the two remaining band members. The guard had no choice but to shoot at the conductor's head first, and then point the gun at the engineer who was playing after the conductor fell to the ground. I don't know whether it was out of sympathy or for some other reason. When the guard shot at the engineer, he didn't aim at his head. Instead, he shot at his chest, and deliberately avoided the vital parts.

After seeing all the band members fell to the ground, the SS officer took his men away with satisfaction. "

"Although most of the guards in the concentration camp are cruel and heartless, it is not ruled out that one or two of them have conscience." After expressing his emotion, Sokov asked curiously: "Then how did the engineer survive?" Woolen cloth?"

"If they died in a concentration camp, the body would be sent to the cremator soon, and the engineer would have been burned to ashes, even if he hadn't died at the time." Assia said: "But they were shot in the village. In addition, there was another battle nearby, so their bodies were thrown in the village and no one cares about them.

Fortunately, our army's offensive went very smoothly. Two or three hours later, a motorized squad arrived here. When he found that the ground was full of corpses, he went up to check, and unexpectedly found that the engineer hadn't died yet, so he called a military doctor to treat him, and he survived fortunately. "

"What about the prisoners of war and Jews in the concentration camp?" Sokov couldn't help interjecting when he heard this, "Have they all been rescued after our army captured the concentration camp?"

"No." Assia shook her head and said, "Before our army captured the concentration camp, the German guards slaughtered everyone in the concentration camp. When our commanders entered the concentration camp, they only saw corpses all over the ground, a living person." None. The engineer was the only one who survived."

Assia moved the chair she was sitting on to the side of the bed, then rested her head lightly on Sokov's shoulder, and said with emotion: "Misha, if you hadn't rescued me in time, I'm afraid He was sent to a POW camp or a concentration camp long ago, and then he was either sent to the gas chamber or killed by the Germans. In short, we will never see each other again."

"No, no." Sokov comforted Assia and said, "As a commander of the group army, how could I watch my wife being sent to a prisoner-of-war camp or a concentration camp by the Germans? I didn't rescue you at that time, and I will continue to send people to rescue you until you are rescued. If it really doesn't work, I will..."

"What will happen?" Assia sat up straight, looked at Sokov and asked, "If I was really sent to a prison camp or a concentration camp by the Germans, what would you do?"

"Two-pronged approach," Sokov said without hesitation since there were only himself and Asiya in the room: "One is to send a capable team to go deep behind the enemy lines to find out your whereabouts and try to rescue you. Another way is to take risks.”

"What way?" Assia asked curiously, "What kind of risk will I take?"

"If the squad can't find your whereabouts," Sokov gritted his molars and said, "I will try to contact Manstein and exchange the captured German general with you. Court, I will not hesitate."

"Oh my God." After hearing Sokov's thoughts, Assia's eyes widened in surprise: "Misha, is it worth it to be sent to a military court for me?"

"Totally worth it." Sokov recalled that in order to save his wife, Li Yunlong could take troops with outdated equipment to attack cities with strong Japanese defenses, thus making the Battle of Ping'an Grad a turning point in World War II that netizens ridiculed. And he commanded nearly 100,000 well-equipped and well-trained troops, how could he watch his wife being captured by the Germans, so he said without hesitation: "As long as I can rescue you, I am willing to pay any price. "

Assia's eye circles turned red again, this time because she was moved by Sokov's words. She took Sokov's hand and said gratefully: "Misha, thank you, thank you. You are so kind to me."

Sokov grinned and said, "Asiya, do you still need to say thank you? I am a man, and you are my wife. Men have the responsibility to protect their wives."

There was a knock on the door, and Assia let go of Sokov's hand, and got up to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Vera, who had left, appeared at the door, holding a tray in her hand containing Sokov's dinner. She smiled at Assia, then went straight to Sokov's bed, bent down and said, "Comrade General, it's time for dinner. I'm going to shake the bed a little so I can feed you."

"Vera, let me do it." Assia came over and said to Vera: "From now on, I will do all these things, and you can help me."

Now that Assia said so, Vera did not refute, but nodded, and said obediently: "Okay, Assia, I will do as you say, and if there is anything in the future, just tell me, I will definitely work hard Do your best."

After Sokov finished his simple dinner, Vera left the ward again with the tableware.

Assia sat down by the bed, held Sokov's hand, and said, "Misha, Vera was here just now, and I still have something to say."

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Misha, you were injured on the way to the front line this time." Assia said to Sokov, "You must promise me that when you return to command the troops in the future, try not to run to the most dangerous places. okay?"

Sokov didn't know how to answer the request made by Assia. You know, staying in the headquarters all day and only knowing the situation on the battlefield through the battle reports from the subordinates is simply a kind of torture for Sokov. He prefers to stay at the forefront so that he can timely respond Master the form changes on the battlefield.

Seeing that Sokov remained silent for a long time, Assia sighed softly, and then said: "Misha, I know you are very brave and not afraid of any danger. But some things are beyond our control, and you are always the most dangerous In addition to the possibility of being injured, there is also the possibility of being captured by the Germans. I am just an ordinary military doctor. If you are really captured, I have no way to rescue you."

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