Red Moscow

Chapter 1680

"I came here to visit a colleague who was hospitalized, and I happened to meet Asiya." Agelina replied, "I heard that you are hospitalized here, so I will stop by to have a look."

Assia came over with a cup of hot tea and handed it to Agelina: "Agelina, if you are not in a hurry to leave, can you chat with Misha? He has been lying on the hospital bed all day long. It's suffocating."

"I have nothing urgent." Adelina has a good friendship with Sokov. Seeing that he is hospitalized here, she is very worried about his injuries. How could she leave after just chatting casually? She is worried that she can't find a reason After sitting for a while longer, when I heard Asiya's words, I said smoothly, "Okay then, I'll stay and chat with Misha for a while."

"Adelina, can you tell me and Assia about your story behind the enemy lines?" Sokov worried that Adelina would be in trouble, and specifically emphasized: "Of course, just tell us those that don't involve secrets." things, can you?"

Regarding Sokov's request, Adelina hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded and said: "Okay, Misha, since you can live here, you must have a high level of confidentiality, I can I will tell you some stories about myself behind enemy lines."

Vera, who was busy in the room, stopped what she was doing when she heard what Adelina said, and said to Assia: "Assia, I remembered that I still have work to do, so I need to leave for a while. , I'm counting on you here."

Knowing that Vera was worried about what she shouldn't hear, she took the initiative to find a reason to leave, and she didn't object, so she nodded and said, "Okay, Vera, leave the matter here to me, You can go to work at ease."

After Vera left, Assia closed the door and moved another chair to Sokov's hospital bed, ready to listen to Adelina tell her own story.

Seeing Asiya sitting next to her, Agelina said slowly, "I think you must really want to know how I was exposed, right?"

"That's right." Sokov nodded slightly and said, "Can you tell us the reason?"

"I just said that before the Battle of Kursk, I stayed in the enemy's key departments and was responsible for collecting relevant military intelligence." For reasons of confidentiality, Adelina did not tell Sokov and Assia, what city is she in and what kind of work is she doing specifically: "The day after the battle started, I suddenly received an order from my superiors, saying that an important person was captured by the German army after being wounded and sent to the I was treated in a military hospital in my city. My task was to find out the distribution of German guards in the hospital and provide rescuers with a detailed map of the hospital.

I followed the instructions and put the collected hospital map and guard deployment in the designated location.

The next day, I heard that important people detained in the hospital were rescued by members of an underground resistance group. The German army therefore sent a large number of manpower to hunt down the missing prisoner and the team that rescued him. "

Hearing this, Assia couldn't help interjecting and asked, "Adelina, did that important person escape successfully?"

"Assia, don't interrupt, let Adelina continue." Sukov realized that there might be a mistake in this rescue operation. He was eager to know the answer, so he stopped Assia's inquiry, but asked Adelina Jelena said, "Go ahead."

Agelina nodded and continued: "Among the medical staff responsible for treating the important person, there is a nurse from our own family, and with her assistance, the rescue team rescued the important person from the hospital.

During the rescue, nurses and a rescuer shot and killed the guards guarding the important people one by one with pistols equipped with silencers. Several guards were going to the bathroom at the time, and they were also shot dead in the bathroom one by one by the two men.

But they didn't know that the officer in the guard was in the innermost compartment of the bathroom at that time, and when he heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside, he realized that something was wrong, and quickly climbed to the top of the compartment to avoid possible attacks. shooting.

The nurse and her companions shot at the door of the compartment, and then kicked the door open to see if the people inside were still alive. Anyone who didn't die was given another shot or two. After shooting at the door of the last compartment, they were about to break in when they heard a signal to retreat from outside. In desperation, they hurried out of the bathroom before checking the last cubicle.

The officer who survived happened to see through the crack of the door that the person who shot outside was a nurse he knew. After the nurse and others left the bathroom, he hurried out to report the news. Since the nurse didn't know that her identity had been exposed, she continued to stay in the hospital, but was caught by the officer. "

Assia let out a cry of surprise, and then asked impatiently, "Did the nurse confess your rescue operation after she was arrested?"

"At the beginning, the nurse was still very stubborn. No matter how the Germans tortured her, she insisted that she didn't know." Adelina said blankly: "But then the Germans took her child to her In front of her, she said that if she did not confess, she would kill her child in front of her.

In this case, the nurse chose to compromise. Not only did she confess to the other members of the hospital, she even reported to the Germans where the rescue team would stay after escaping. In this way, based on the information she provided, the Germans first captured all the members of the underground resistance organization in the hospital, and then sent elite troops to intercept the members of the rescue team. "

"What happened in the end?" Ashiya asked.

"What else?" Adelina replied with a wry smile: "The members of the rescue team and the important people they rescued were captured by the Germans at the second stop.

Among the members of the resistance organization captured in the hospital, some couldn't stand the torture of the Germans to extract confessions, so they all became soft bones and confessed everything they knew, which led to the arrest of almost all members of the underground resistance organization in the city. And I got the transfer order from my superiors before the Germans arrested me, and got out of danger in time, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me today. "

"That's right." Sokov agreed with Adelina's statement: "As long as it falls into the hands of the Germans, especially the hands of the Gestapo, the chances of surviving are negligibly low. Yes. By the way, which route did you escape from?"

"I know that the rest points on the transfer route have been controlled by the Germans. If I appear in those places, I will fall into the trap of myself, so I will turn around and go west..."

"Why do you want to go west?" Assia asked puzzledly, "Isn't that area controlled by the Germans? If you go in that direction, it's easy to fall into the hands of the Germans."

"Assia, that's not what you said." Sokov said: "Sometimes the most dangerous places are often the safest. The Germans think that a person who is eager to escape will not hide in these places, so in When manhunts are carried out, these places are ignored."

"That's right, Misha, you're right." Agelina nodded in agreement with Sokov's statement: "If I had escaped and headed east, it would indeed have been possible in the shortest possible time. Back to my own side. But the Germans can also think of it, and they will continue to pursue along this road, which will increase the chances of my arrest.

As for going west, the enemy's expectations were greatly exceeded. They would never have imagined that I would choose this route to escape, so that I would not set up checkpoints along the way. Although I made a detour in a wide circle, I managed to get back to Moscow at last. "

Although the story told by Adelina sounds unremarkable, Sokov knew very well in his heart how dangerous it was at that time, and if he was a little careless, Adelina would fall into a situation beyond redemption: "Thank God, You are so lucky to be back safe and sound than anything else."

"Yes," Adelina agreed with Sokov's statement, "Compared with those comrades who died, I am really lucky."

Once there is a topic, the conversation will naturally be very speculative, and a few hours will pass without knowing it.

Vera, who avoided it with excuses, thought that Adelina had already left. When she opened the door and came in and found that Adelina was still there, she couldn't help but look a little embarrassed.

When Assia heard the sound of the door opening, she turned her head and looked towards the door. When she saw Vera standing at the door, she smiled and asked, "Vera, what's the matter?"

"That's right, Assia." Vera replied with some difficulty: "Now it's dinner time, shouldn't someone bring Comrade General's dinner over?"

"Ah, it's so late." Adelina raised her hand and looked at her watch, stood up and said to Sokov, "Misha, it's getting late. I'll come to see you another day. You should rest well."

"Adelina, since it's time for dinner, why don't you go back after eating here." Assia was worried that Adelina would miss her meal when she returned to the canteen, so she tried her best to keep her: "Said Maybe when you go back, the cafeteria has finished working."

Although Adelina has just returned to Moscow, she is very clear in her heart that the rationing system is implemented in the city. Sokov and Assia have a fixed amount of food every day. If she stays, the other party will eat their share. will decrease. So she shook her head and declined Assia's kindness politely: "Assia, thank you for your kindness. I think I should go back and try my luck. Maybe the staff in the canteen haven't left work yet."

Only Sokov, who was lying on the bed, understood the reason why Adelina didn't want to stay. He smiled and said, "Adelina, are you worried that if you stay for dinner, you will let Asie and I stay together?" Is Ya's share reduced?"

Adelina, who was guessed by Sokov, blushed instantly, and didn't know how to answer Sokov for a while.

"Adelina," Assia grabbed Adelina's watch and asked with great interest, "Is Misha's guess right?" Before the other party could speak, she continued, "Don't worry, Misha is hospitalized here and enjoys special treatment, and his daily meals are not affected by the ration."

In order to prove what she said was true, she turned her head and said to Vera who was standing by the door: "Vera, tell my friend Adelina, is Misha's food here unlimited?"

"That's right, Assia." Vera nodded and said, "Because Comrade General is a person who has been specially taken care of by his superiors, there is no restriction on his food. As long as he is willing, he can be in the ward every day." All banquet guests are welcome.”

After hearing the same words from Asiya and Vera, Agelina let go of her worries, nodded and said, "Okay, Misha, Asiya, then I'll stay and eat with you. "

Seeing that Agelina was willing to stay, nothing was more gratifying than Asiya. She quickly turned around and told Vera: "Vera, please hurry up and prepare dinner for three people. Misha and I are going to invite Ajieli Na, have a good meal."

A few minutes later, Vera pushed the dining cart into the ward.

Adelina glanced at the food on the dining car. Although it couldn't be compared with what it was before the war, it was much richer than her usual meal. There are not only steaming red cabbage soup on the trolley, but also rare foods such as barbecue and baked potatoes these days.

Asiya and Vera moved a small table next to the hospital bed, and then put the food from the trolley on the table. After finishing all this, Vera pushed the cart and left.

"Vera." Seeing that Vera was about to leave, Assia specifically stopped her: "You should stay and eat."

"No, Assia." Maybe it was because of the presence of outsiders, which made Vera feel very uncomfortable, she politely declined Assia's kindness: "I'll go to the kitchen to eat something, you guys take it easy. "

Sokov's hands were still unable to move, and if he wanted to eat anything, Assia could only do it for him. While feeding Sokov, Assia asked Adelina curiously: "Adelina, will you stay in Moscow from now on?"

"It's hard to say." Adelina shook her head and said, "I'm only working in Lubyanka temporarily. Where I go in the future depends on the arrangement of my superiors."

"In fact, it's good to stay in Moscow, so that we will have more opportunities to meet in the future." Assia complained, "I haven't been home to see my parents for more than a year."

This was the first time Agelina heard Assia mention her parents, so she couldn't help asking curiously: "Assia, which city are your parents in?"

"It's in the town of Khimki in Moscow." When Asya said this, her pretty face blushed slightly: "I'm Misha who I met during the defense of Khimki." Speaking of this, she couldn't help it He turned his head and glanced at Sokov.

She was taken aback by this sight. When she was feeding Sokov with baked potatoes just now, she was too busy talking to Adelina. As a result, the salad in the potatoes covered Sokov's face. He wiped Sokov's face with the towel on his face, and said apologetically, "Misha, I'm sorry, I was too sloppy and made your face covered in salad."

"It's all right." Sokov naturally didn't care about these trivial matters. He smiled and said to Asiya: "My face also wants to taste the taste of this salad, and you just satisfied their curiosity."

Seeing the teasing between Sokov and Asiya, Adelina who was sitting aside suddenly felt a little sour in her heart, and the delicious food in front of her suddenly became tasteless. However, she did not express her disappointment on her face. On the contrary, she managed to squeeze out a smile and said to the two with envy: "Misha, Asiya, you two are so loving."

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