Red Moscow

Chapter 1703 Design Plan

For the next month or so, every time after class, enthusiastic students would surround Sokov, including several majors. Regardless of their higher military rank than Sokov, they still humbly greeted him. Ask for tactics you don't understand.

Sokov wants to train his own team from among them, so naturally he will not hide his secrets. He usually uses the military theory he has learned, combined with a series of battles he has commanded, to teach combat experience in a simple and simple way, so as to benefit those who seek advice. A lot.

That day, he was discussing the skills of street fighting with the students, but he saw a familiar figure walking in from outside. After seeing the person coming, he showed a surprised expression: "Yasha, why are you here?"

The students surrounding Sokov saw a colonel striding towards their position, quickly dodged to the sides, made way for him, and raised their hands to salute Yakov.

Yakov casually raised his hand to his forehead, then quickly put it down, and said to Sokov: "Misha, I said that I waited outside for a long time, but I didn't see you coming out. So you are here for everyone. Lecture."

From Yakov's tone of voice, Sokov could tell that the other party was going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so he asked bluntly, "Yasha, what do you want from me?"

After Yakov quickly glanced over the faces of the students present, he did not immediately explain the purpose of coming, but said to Sokov: "This is not a place to talk, you follow me now, when you get there, I will explain in detail tell you."

Victor and Sukharev stepped forward to help push Sokov's wheelchair, but Yakov stopped him: "Let me do it."

Seeing Sokov pushed out of the classroom by Yakov, all the students looked at each other and asked each other: "Who is this colonel? It seems that he is quite familiar with Captain Sokov."

And Sukharev also approached Victor's ear and asked in a low voice, "Victor, do you know this colonel?"

Victor smiled lightly, and then replied in the same low voice: "He is Colonel Yakov, the eldest son of the Supreme Commander himself."

Sukharev was startled and trembled: "What, that is the son of the Supreme Commander himself?"

Victor didn't want to discuss this issue here, so he nodded slightly, and then said to Sukharev: "It's getting late, Sukharev, we should go back to the dormitory."

Besides, Yakov pushed Sokov to the parking lot, first helped him into the car, and then folded the wheelchair and put it in the trunk. After doing all this, Yakov sat in the driver's seat and started the vehicle.

"Yasha," Sokov asked again after the car started, "You came here to find me on purpose today. What happened?"

"Just yesterday, General Rokossovsky commanded the troops of the First Ukrainian Front to launch a fierce offensive against the German army on the Zhitomir-Berdichev front, which is hundreds of kilometers wide. Now our The troops have broken through the German defenses and are advancing in depth."

Hearing what Yakov said, Sokov immediately remembered the Zhitomir-Berdichev battle, which began on December 24, 1943 and ended on January 14, 1944. During the battle, the troops of the Ukrainian First Front defeated six divisions of the German army, advanced 80-200 kilometers, and almost completely liberated Kiev and Zhitomyr regions, as well as Vinnitsa and Rivne regions. some areas.

"Yasha," Sokov asked a little puzzled, "I'm just a wounded person recuperating in the rear. It's unknown when I'll be able to recover and leave the hospital. The progress of the Ukrainian First Front Army doesn't seem to have much to do with me." Does it matter?"

Yakov did not answer Sokov's question immediately, but said to himself: "The resistance of the German army on the ground was quickly destroyed under the powerful artillery fire of our army. But our army was on the offensive. But we were attacked by enemy planes from the air, and before our fighter planes arrived, the enemy planes had left the battlefield."

"Don't our air defense forces have anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns?" Sokov asked back: "Aren't they still unable to complete the air defense mission?"

"Yes, our air defense force has a large number of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns." Yakov said with a wry smile: "But these anti-aircraft weapons are usually fixed in a certain position and cannot follow the troops forward. So the superior gave We have issued a new task, which is to study a mobile anti-aircraft weapon."

"Mobile anti-aircraft weapons?" Sokov said casually, "You mean self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, right?"

"That's right, it's this kind of anti-aircraft weapon." Yakov nodded and said, "It seems that you are still smart. I just mentioned it casually, and you guessed it."

From Yakov's words, Sokov understood that the other party was eager to find the school, and he must want to provide some ideas for their design. He thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you have any ideas for your current research work?"

"In the past, we temporarily modified a lot of self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons, mainly using cars to carry 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns or 25mm anti-aircraft guns. These equipment only solved the problem of maneuvering anti-aircraft weapons. But the car itself is not a very stable shooting platform. And there were very few of them, so the weapons didn't do much."

Yakov said: "I have discussed with the designers of the equipment department. Everyone thinks that the easiest and fastest way is to find a way to install a 37mm anti-aircraft gun on the chassis of the T-34 tank."

Sokov did not comment on Yakov's statement, but continued to ask: "Yasha, I want to hear your thoughts. Do you agree with this modification method?"

Yakov thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Airplanes are getting faster and faster today. If you want to rely on 37mm anti-aircraft guns to deal with enemy aircraft in the air, the effect may be very limited."

Seeing that Yakov was also aware of this problem, Sokov nodded slightly, and then said: "That's right, installing a 37mm anti-aircraft gun on the chassis of the T-34 can have very limited air defense effects. "The reason why Sokov dared to say this was entirely because in 1946, the 174th Engineering Design Bureau of Omsk and the 58th Research Institute of Kaliningrad jointly launched the T-34 as the chassis to install four-tube 37 mm anti-aircraft guns, but was rejected by the National Defense Committee, which preferred to use the T-54 chassis.

Four 37mm anti-aircraft guns are installed on the chassis of the tank, and it is difficult to play the role of air defense, let alone only one 37mm anti-aircraft gun? With this in mind, he continued: "Even if this kind of plan is reported, it will probably be rejected by the National Defense Committee, and a new plan must be selected."

When Yakov heard what Sokov said, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he couldn't wait to ask: "Misha, did you think of a good solution?"

"Let's go to the weapons and equipment department first." Sokov deliberately whetted the other's appetite, but didn't say what he was thinking: "When we get there, I'll listen to the ideas of those designers."

In the design room of the weapons and equipment department, more than a dozen designers were finalizing the shape of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and when they were arguing endlessly, Yakov was seen coming in from the outside pushing a wheelchair, and a young captain was sitting in the wheelchair.

The chief designer Struchkov frowned when he saw a stranger entering the design room. Due to Yakov's special status, he couldn't get angry, so he could only mutter in a low voice: "Colonel Yakov, didn't I say it several times, this is an important area, you can't just bring people in."

"Comrade chief designer," Yakov explained to him with a smile after hearing what Struchkov said: "Misha is not an ordinary person. Besides being my friend, he is also a great man. Weapons designer. The assault rifles, new rockets, anti-tank rocket launchers and hovercraft used in the military today are all developed by him.”

The design room is a place where strength speaks. When Struchkov learned that Sokov had actually researched so many weapons, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

After a while, the expression on Struchkov's face changed, and his attitude changed from being arrogant at first to being flattering. He smiled and said to Sokov who was sitting in the wheelchair: "So you are General Sokov, I've heard stories about you, and I didn't expect to meet you here today, it's a great honor for me."

Struchkov had never seen what Sokov looked like, but after hearing Yakov introduce the weapons and equipment invented by Sokov, he immediately realized that he was too reckless, and he looked at Sokov's shoulder. He said embarrassingly, "Because you are wearing the uniform of a captain, please forgive me for not recognizing you at the first time."

Sokov naturally doesn't care about these trivial matters. Since he is here to assist in his work, he should quickly turn the topic to work-related aspects: "Comrade chief designer, don't worry about these details, can you show me What is your plan?"

If someone else asked this question, maybe Struchkov would let the other party hit a soft nail, but in the design department, a place that relies on strength, Sokov's previous series of excellent designs made Struchkov Ke Fu was so impressed, he said courteously, "Yes, yes. I'll show you the design drawings right away."

The design drawings were quickly placed on the table. Sokov leaned over to take a look, and his first reaction was: This self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is really ugly.

After reading the design drawings, Sokov looked up at Struchkov and said: "Comrade Chief Designer, please forgive my frankness. If you really submit this design drawing, I can assure you that it will definitely rejected."

"Then do you have any good ideas?" asked Struchkov.

Sokov pointed at the design drawing on the table, and said to Struchkov: "Comrade chief designer, if I were you, I would definitely increase the caliber of anti-aircraft guns, for example, from the current 37 mm to 57 mm. mm, and the number was increased from one to two. Then the two 57mm anti-aircraft guns were fixed on the chassis of the tank."

"Two 57mm anti-aircraft guns?" Struchkov had a pensive expression on his face: "Is this okay?"

"Yes." Sukov's later generations had seen the design drawings of the Soviet Army's 57mm twin self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in newspapers and magazines. The zsu-57-2 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

While drawing, he explained to the designers: "The self-propelled antiaircraft gun uses the T-34 main battle tank as the chassis, and is equipped with an open thin armored rotating turret. Aiming system, communication and fire fighting equipment.

The whole vehicle is divided into three parts: cockpit, fighting compartment and power compartment. The cockpit is located at the front of the car body, and the driver's seat is placed on the left side of the car body. This is the driver; the fighting compartment is located between the cockpit and the power cabin. -13mm varies.

The crew of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is six people. Except for the driver in the front of the car body, the seats of the other five and five crew members are all located in the turret. Target slant distance, speed and heading; his left side is the gunner and high-low manipulator, responsible for firing and high-low aiming; while the commander and direction manipulator seat is located on the right side of the rear of the turret, responsible for directing the whole vehicle to fight and aim at the direction . "

Sokov began to introduce the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns he knew. Most of the designers listened with gusto, but the chief designer looked puzzled. He had a feeling that this kind of weapon had appeared a long time ago, otherwise, how could Sokov describe it in such detail?

Doubts are doubts, but their current priority is to develop a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that can deal with German aircraft. What Struchkov has to do now is to figure out Sokov's design ideas, and then submit the plan to the National Defense Committee .

Sokov didn't notice Struchkov's strangeness, and continued to say according to his own thinking: "The weapon system is highly reliable, with a wide strike range, and the oblique range can cover the enemy aircraft from entering to bombing and firing. It can effectively protect armored and mechanized units on the move.”

Seeing Sokov talking eloquently in front of many designers, Yakov let out a laugh, and then said to himself: "This Sokov, I don't know what kind of brain he uses to be able to do this in such a short time." Come up with such a good design within the time limit. If I had known this, I would have invited him over yesterday, and I would have saved the trouble of arguing with these designers."

The design plan has been released, but whether to start developing and producing new weapons immediately requires some verification before knowing whether the design plan is reasonable.

"Comrades designers," Yakov felt that it was time for him to speak, he clapped his palms vigorously a few times, and when everyone's eyes were on him, he said, "The easiest way, Just immediately mount a 57mm anti-aircraft gun on the T-34 chassis and see how it works.

If the effect is really as Sokov said, we can put this weapon into formal production in the shortest possible time to equip the troops. "

Struchkov thought for a while, then nodded and said, "You are right, Colonel Yakov. I will arrange manpower as soon as possible to assemble according to the pattern drawn by General Sokov."

"How many days can I see the finished product?" Yakov asked.

"Three days." After hearing Yakov's question, Struchkov was silent for a few seconds, and then he answered bravely, "It will take up to three days to complete the transformation work."

Yakov nodded: "I will let the production department fully cooperate with you, and strive to complete the manufacture of the prototype car as soon as possible."

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