Red Moscow

Chapter 1709

"Misha!" Lunev has always been watching Sokov's attitude towards Ponejielin. Hearing what he said now, he couldn't help shaking his head: "You have to think carefully, don't look at them in the war. In the early days of the outbreak, I used to serve as the commander and commander of the group army, but after all, I was captured by the Germans. Although no problems were found after screening, they are unreliable personnel after all. You must use them with extreme caution Just do it."

Although Sokov understood that Lunev said this for his own sake, he still smiled and said disapprovingly: "Lunev, thank you for your concern. Anyway, they have passed the screening of the relevant departments. This is crucial. I believe that by placing them in the right positions, they will be able to perform at their best."

Lunev saw that Sokov was determined to use Ponejelin and others, so he couldn't say anything more. After all, he is not the other party's military commissar now, and some things can only be persuaded from the perspective of a friend, not as a deputy. Argue with him.

He sighed softly, and said to Sokov: "Misha, since we are partners and friends, if Ponegelin and the others encounter any trouble in the future, you can tell me, and I will try my best to help you solve it. "

"Thank you, thank you so much." Sokov was very pleased with Lunev's statement: "If it is possible, I hope that the superior will let us work together again to establish a new relationship. meritorious service."

Lunev looked down at the Order of Lenin hanging on his chest, and couldn't help feeling a little bit moved. He had worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than ten years. related. But after he partnered with Sokov, he won this high-level medal for the first time. Although he only had a medal this time and was not promoted, he was content to get such a medal.

Considering that partnering with Sokov, he will have more chances to get promotions and honors in the future, Lunev will naturally not let go of such a golden opportunity, nodded quickly, and said: "As long as the superior does not object, I am willing to cooperate with you." You continue to partner."

The reason why Sokov wants to continue to partner with Lunev is entirely because the other party is always focused on himself in his work, and has never had the slightest objection to the combat plan he proposed, and even fully cooperated. Sokov naturally didn't want to replace such a good partner.

At this moment, seeing that Lunev agreed to his proposal, Sokov also seemed very happy. He thought to himself, after he took over a new army group, he would definitely let Lunev be his own in the list of personnel reported. The military commissar, Ponedelin served as the chief of staff of the group army, Muzichenko was the commander of the infantry army, and Kirillov was the commander of the infantry division.

"Lunev," Sokov asked Lunev tentatively, "do you think I should find a chance to let the three of Ponejelin meet the twelve students from the intermediate training class?"

"No, absolutely not." Lunev was taken aback by Sukov's words, and said repeatedly: "You are still studying at the Frunze Military Academy, and you have not been officially assigned any work, so you hurriedly called everyone to meet , is obviously inappropriate, and I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

Lunev's words reminded Sokov that he realized that calling the two groups of people to meet at this moment might really cause some unnecessary troubles, so he laughed dryly and said with some embarrassment: "Lunev, you are right Yes, I didn't think carefully about this matter, and it is not suitable for the two groups of commanders to meet at this moment."

Seeing that Sokov was not stubborn, Lunev couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. If Sokov really insisted on letting the two groups of commanders meet, he would consider staying away from him. Suspected of forming a gang. If this matter is used by people with ulterior motives, it may cause a storm.

When Lunev was about to say goodbye and leave, Asiya came over and asked politely, "General Lunev, are you here by car?"

"No." Lunev shook his head and said, "I came here on foot."

Seeing the disappointed expression on Assia's face, he quickly asked, "Assia, what's the matter?"

"It's like this, I need to buy some daily necessities. As you know, those military stores with sufficient goods are all near the city center..." Asiya paused for a moment, and then said: "Since you didn't drive over, then it's okay Yes, I will take the subway there to buy later.”

"You must worry, Assia." After figuring out what was going on, Lunev comforted Assia: "I will call the driver and ask him to bring the car over and take you to the city center for shopping."

"Lunev, thank you so much."

"Don't be so polite, Assia." Lunev said with a smile: "Misha and I are not only partners, but also good friends. This trivial matter is just a matter of little effort, so you don't have to worry about it."

While Lunev left the ward and went outside to make a phone call, Assia bent down to open the suitcase in the corner and began to rummage through it. Sokov asked curiously: "Assia, what are you doing?"

"I'm going out later, I want to change into casual clothes." After she finished speaking, she took out a black woolen coat from the suitcase and threw it on the empty hospital bed aside: "I'll just wear this."

A few minutes later, Asya, who was originally wearing a military uniform and a white coat, turned into a fashionable girl in a long black woolen coat and a white woolen hat. After turning around quickly, she asked Sokov curiously, "Misha, what do you think of my outfit?"

"Beautiful, really beautiful." Assia's casual attire reminded Sokov of the first time he saw her in Khimki Town: "Assia, do you still remember our first How about the first time we met?"

"Remember!" Assia nodded and replied, "I still remember that a German reconnaissance team attacked Khimki that day, and you led a squad of soldiers to stop them there. Wait for the militia battalion from the instrument factory to catch up." At that time, there are only three of you left, and one of the soldiers died, and I bandaged him."

Sokov remembered that there were only himself, Seryosha and Christopher left in the class at that time. Christopher's arm was injured, and it was Asia who bandaged him. It was at that time that he saw him for the first time. Asiya: "I really didn't expect that after more than two years, you still remember it so clearly."

"Because I met you at that time," Assia's face blushed, "How can I forget such an important thing?"

Lunev, who returned to the ward after making the phone call, raised his eyebrows when he saw Asiya in casual clothes, and then said in surprise: "Asiya, I'm used to seeing you in military uniform, but I didn't expect you to wear military uniform. The casual clothes are also so pretty.”

"Lunev," Sokov said with a smile on the side, "on the day she wears a wedding dress, you may think she is even more beautiful."

"That's for sure." Lunev agreed with Sokov's words: "A woman wearing a wedding dress is the most beautiful moment in her life, and I believe Assia is no exception."

"Assia," Lunev said to Assia, "my car will arrive in a few minutes, let's go out and wait for the car now."

When the two came to the hospital gate, they saw a black car approaching from a distance. Lunev said to Asiya, "Asiya, that's the car. Do you want me to go with you?"

"Thank you, no need, Lunev." Assia said politely, "You still have important work to do, just ask the driver to accompany me."

"That's fine." Lunev has a lot of work on hand, because he is in charge of receiving Vatutin today, so he temporarily put it aside. He wanted to accompany Asya to the military store in the city center to buy something. , and then go back to work. Since Assia offered not to accompany her at this moment, he didn't insist, so he nodded and said, "I'll tell the driver to accompany you there."

The car came to a stop at the entrance of the hospital. The driver pushed open the door, came around from the front of the car, opened the rear door, and asked Lunev to get in the car. But Lunev waved at him and said, "I will walk back to the office by myself, and you will take Comrade Asya to the military store in the city center and bring her back safely. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Deputy Minister." After the driver agreed, he turned to Assia and said, "Comrade Assia, please get in the car."

In Moscow, which is far away from the threat of war, the barricades at the crossroads were dismantled, and the iron tripods placed in the middle of the road to block German tanks were also removed. The number of military vehicles on the road was also greatly reduced. The black cars driven by drivers only It took less than ten minutes to arrive at the largest military store.

The driver stopped the car on the side of the street, turned his head and said to Asiya who was sitting in the back row: "Comrade Asiya, this is right here. I will wait for you here, and I will take you back after you finish shopping."

After thanking the driver, Asiya opened the door and got out of the car.

She saw a long queue at the entrance of the food store on the other side of the street. It should be citizens queuing up to receive their daily food rations. But in front of the military store next to him, it was deserted, and no one came in or out at all. Looking in through the two closed glass doors, except for the salesperson, there are no customers at all.

Assia pushed open the glass door and walked in, stopped to look around, and then walked towards the counter selling daily necessities. He nodded to the fat salesman behind the counter and said, "Hello, I want to buy toothpaste, towels and soap."

After the fat salesman waited for Asiya to finish speaking, she didn't immediately go to help her get what she needed, but instead asked, "Comrade women, are you a family member of a soldier?"

"Yes, I am a military family member." Assia replied without hesitation.

"Do you have a military preferential treatment card?"

Although Asiya had heard of this special treatment certificate, she felt that she was also a soldier, so she didn't apply for it. I didn't expect that when I went shopping here today, the salesperson actually asked about this certificate, and she could only reply awkwardly: "Um, I don't have this."

"I'm sorry, women comrades." The fat salesman saw that Asiya couldn't produce the military preferential treatment certificate, and said with a straight face: "You don't have a military preferential treatment certificate, so you can't prove your military status, so you can't buy any products here, please Leave now."

"Although I don't have a military preferential treatment card, I do have a military ID card." Assia took out her military ID card from her pocket and put it in front of the fat salesman: "This is my ID card, please take a look at it."

The fat salesman took Asiya's military ID card, opened it for inspection, and suddenly changed his face: "So you are a military doctor, why didn't you say it earlier."

After returning the military ID to Asiya, she asked with a smile, "What would you like?"

After Assia told the fat salesperson what she wanted again, she asked tentatively, "Is there a limit to the amount you buy here?"

"No, comrade military doctor." The fat salesman said with a smile on his face, "As long as you bring enough cash and can handle it, you can buy as much as you want."

Hearing what the fat salesman said, Assia immediately felt relieved. She took out a list that she had already written, handed it to the other party, and said, "Take a look, is there everything on the list?"

The fat salesman carefully read the items on the list, nodded and said: "Yes, comrade military doctor. You have everything on this list. Do I need to bring you a copy according to the above content?"

"Yes, Comrade Salesperson." Assia said in an affirmative tone, "Please follow the list and prepare something for me."

"Can you get so many things?" The fat salesperson asked, "Because of the limited number of people in the store, we can't provide delivery services. You can only find a way to move all the things back by yourself."

"You don't need to worry about that." Assia pointed out the door and said, "There is a car that can help me take all my things back."

The fat salesperson took a look outside and saw clearly that it was a black car with a special license plate on the front, which made her realize that the military doctor standing in front of her was a man of considerable background, and quickly said: "Comrade military doctor, Please wait a moment, I will prepare what you need right away."

Just as the fat salesman was preparing the items on the list for Asia, the glass door was pushed open from the outside, and a lieutenant in his thirties walked in.

The lieutenant originally went towards the food counter when he entered the door, but after walking a few steps, he saw Asiya standing in front of the daily necessities counter. before.

The lieutenant nodded to Asiya, and then asked, "Girl, are you here to buy something?"

"Yes," Assia saw someone asking herself, she could only nod her head, and replied casually, "I'm here to buy some daily necessities."

"Girl, I want to remind you that this is a military store, and non-soldiers are not qualified to buy things here." The lieutenant said this with a straight face, and suddenly changed his face: "But what do you need? You can tell me, and I can buy it for you."

"Thank you, Comrade Lieutenant." Facing the lieutenant who was getting close to him, Asiya said, who didn't want to ignore him: "I can buy things here myself, so I won't trouble you."

"Girl, don't say such outrageous things." The lieutenant continued: "Anyway, this is a military store. As an officer, I can buy any goods in the store, and many of them are not sold to civilians. of."

Seeing that the other party regarded herself as an ordinary citizen, Assia just smiled lightly, and did not explain her identity to the other party. She is now a lieutenant, so naturally she doesn't have to pretend to be an officer of the same basic level, and said coldly: "Comrade lieutenant, please don't bother me to buy things, okay?"

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