Red Moscow

Chapter 1725 Spy in the City

Assia quickly turned her head and asked nervously, "Misha, what happened?"

"I think there is something wrong with the officer who came over." Sokov said in a low voice, "He kept looking around when he was walking, as if he was worried that someone would follow him. Today's Moscow has got rid of the threat of war, and there is no danger at all, but He played like he was on the cutting edge."

"Then what should we do?"

Seeing that the officer was only a dozen steps away from him, Sokov suddenly had a bold idea in his mind: "Assia, help me up, let's go back."

"Go back?" Assia asked puzzled, "Why?"

"I'll explain to you later." Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer to him, Sokov urged, "Hurry up and help me up!"

Assia hurriedly bent down to help Sokov, but unexpectedly there was ice on the ground. As soon as Sokov stood up, he slipped and sat back on the bench. Cove grinned.

When Sokov tried to stand up again, a man's voice came from beside him: "Friend, your leg is hurt, let me help you." Then, Sokov felt someone grab his arm and tried to Help yourself to stand up.

Sokov turned his head and saw that the speaker was the officer whom he suspected, he quickly squeezed a smile on his face, pretended to be grateful and said to the officer: "Comrade commander, thank you !"

The officer helped Sokov stand up from his seat, watched him walk a few steps forward with Assia's support, and asked tentatively, "Friend, where did your leg hurt?"

Hearing what the officer said, Sokov realized that the other party was trying to test him, and quickly put on a regretful expression and said, "Hey, it's really embarrassing to say it. Three months ago, the militia destroyer battalion in our factory arrived. I was going to clear obstacles on the road outside the city. My colleague and I accidentally stepped on a landmine when we moved a triangle iron frame to the side of the road. My colleague was killed on the spot and I was seriously injured. After such a long time Treatment, I was finally discharged today."

After listening to Sokov's explanation, the officer inquired about some details. Fortunately, Sokov had already prepared, and his answer was watertight, completely dispelling the other party's suspicion.

"Friend," the officer nodded at Sokov, and said kindly, "I have something urgent to do, so I can't stay with you any longer. You can only walk back slowly."

"Comrade Commander," Sokov said with a smile, "If you have something to do, go to work, and we will walk back slowly. Thank you for helping me stand up just now."

When the officer turned to leave, Sokov restrained the smile on his face, looked at the other's back and sneered.

"Misha," Assia approached Sokov and asked in a low voice, "what shall we do next?"

"Follow him." Sokov said, "Find out where his foothold is?"

In this way, the two followed the officer far behind and walked forward along the sidewalk.

After walking for seven or eight minutes, Sokov saw the officer stop at the door of a building. After checking the left and right sides, he opened the closed iron door and walked in.

"Misha, did you see that? The officer entered the house ahead."

"I saw it." Sokov nodded, and asked back: "Assia, do you know where there is a phone?"

"Misha, what are you going to do?"

"I think there is something wrong with this officer," Sokov replied, "I'm going to call Lunev and ask him to send someone to arrest this officer."

When the two approached the iron gate through which the officer entered, Assia couldn't help turning her head to look there, Sokov quickly reminded her: "Assia, don't look around, maybe the officer is hiding somewhere spy on us."

In this way, the two slowly passed the iron gate and continued to walk forward.

The two of them walked forward for five or six hundred meters before they saw a bookstore with a large area. According to Sokov's experience, a bookstore of this size often has the phone you want.

Sokov walked into the bookstore and saw that there was no customer in the store except the salesperson sitting behind the counter at the entrance. He limped up to the salesperson and asked politely, "Comrade, do you have a phone here?"

The salesperson glanced at Sokov, and replied indifferently: "There is a phone, but we don't give it to the public."

Although the salesperson said that the phone cannot be used by outsiders, Sokov is not willing to let it go. He quickly took out his ID card, put it in front of the salesperson, and said with a serious expression: "Comrade salesperson, this is my ID card. I am now If there is an urgent matter, I need to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I hope you can provide me with a little convenience."

The salesperson did not reach out to take the ID in Sokov's hand at all, but said solemnly: "Sorry, I have no right to check anyone's ID. I have already told you that the phone here is not open, you should go to another place .”

"Comrade salesperson," Sokov saw that the salesperson was not willing to cooperate with him at all, smiled wryly, and said to him, "I suggest you take a closer look at my certificate, otherwise you will not be able to bear the responsibility if something happens in the future .”

The salesperson casually opened Sokov's ID, and after seeing the contents clearly, he was stunned. He stood up suddenly, handed the certificate back to Sokov with both hands, and said in a panic: "Comrade General, you are wearing casual clothes, I thought you were an ordinary citizen, please forgive my rudeness. "

Sokov naturally wouldn't care about such a small person. After taking back his ID, he asked the other party: "Comrade salesperson, where is your phone number here?"

The salesperson quickly bent down and picked up the phone from under the counter, put it on the counter, and said to Sokov respectfully: "Comrade General, this is our phone, please feel free to use it."

Sokov picked up the phone, dialed the telecommunications bureau directly, and said to the operator: "Hi, please help me get through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lubyanka, and find General Lunev, the deputy minister."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Sokov said, the other party said coldly: "I'm sorry, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a special line. The phone you are using is a civilian line and cannot be connected to you."

Seeing Sokov put down the phone, Assia quickly asked with concern: "Misha, why didn't you call?"

Sokov smiled wryly and said, "Assia, the operator said that the phone I am using belongs to a civilian line and cannot connect me to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is a special line."

"Then what should we do next?" Assia glanced at the salesperson behind the counter and said to Sokov in a low voice, "Why don't we go directly to the police station and ask them to arrest that person."

"No." Sokov shook his head and said, "I just suspect, but I'm not sure. It would be bad if the wrong person is caught."

"Then what should we do?" Assia asked, "Should we just go home like this?"

"No, we can't go home yet." Sokov shook his head and said, "Since I think there is something wrong with this person, I must find a way to figure it out."

"But the operator doesn't connect you to the Ministry of Internal Affairs at all, so you can't contact General Lunev." Assia said anxiously, "Can't the two of us catch that suspicious person?"

"How is this possible?" The officer has a burly figure, not to mention that Sokov is still lame, even before he was injured, he might not be the opponent's opponent. Now that this situation has passed, even with Assi Ya, it is also the fate of giving away the head. Sokov would not do such a stupid thing. "Do you think the two of us can beat each other in our current situation?"

"I can't beat it." Assia also knew herself. When she heard Sokov say this, she immediately shook her head and said, "Even if we tie the two of us together, I'm afraid we are not his opponent."

Sokov tapped lightly on the counter with his hands, thinking about where to find someone to arrest the suspicious officer.

Seeing that Sokov was still unable to make a decision, Assia said from the side: "Why don't we go home first, and then call Yakov and ask him to contact Lunev for you?"

The speaker was not interested in the listener, and Asiya's words reminded Sokov that yes, Lunev couldn't be contacted, and he could still contact Yakov. Although the telephone lines of the weapons and equipment department are also military lines, because the workers in the factory often have to communicate with the outside world, the management is naturally not as strict as that of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and even civilian lines can be used.

"Assia, I remember that the weaponry department has a special security force, isn't it?"

"Yes." Assia was taken aback when she heard Sokov's question, and then understood what he meant, and quickly said, "Yakov has the right to mobilize these guards."

After getting the answer he wanted, Sokov dialed the telecommunications bureau again and said to the operator, "Please help me connect to the switchboard of the Armament Department!"

This time the operator did not embarrass Sokov, but successfully connected him to the switchboard of the weapons and equipment department.

Soon, another voice came from the receiver: "This is the switchboard of the Armament Department. Where do you want?"

"I'm Lieutenant General Sokov," Sokov worried that the switchboard operator wouldn't connect him to the phone, so he took the initiative to identify himself. "Please help me pick up Colonel Yakov's office."

Sure enough, after learning that the caller was Sokov, the operator immediately showed due respect: "Comrade General, please wait a moment, I will connect you to Colonel Yakov's office immediately."

The phone rang for a long time before someone picked it up, and then a strange voice came from the receiver: "Hello, who is it?"

"I'm Lieutenant General Sokov!" Hearing that it was a stranger who answered the phone, Sokov revealed his identity again, and asked bluntly, "Who are you? Where is Yakov?"

"Hello, General Sokov." The person on the other end of the phone replied: "I am Captain Ignat, Colonel Yakov's assistant. Comrade Colonel has gone to report to work, and I don't know when he will be back."

After a pause, Ignat asked again: "General Sokov, if you have anything to say, you can tell me, and I will tell him when the colonel returns."

Sokov thought for a while, but did not explain the specific situation to Ignat, but simply ordered the other party: "Comrade Captain, can you transfer a group of people to do something with me?"

Ignat froze for a moment: "Comrade General, how many people do you need?"

Sokov said: "You don't need many soldiers if you recruit a group of trustworthy fighters. Twenty or thirty soldiers are enough."

Regarding Sokov's need for twenty or thirty helpers, Ignat asked curiously: "Comrade General, what's the matter?"

Sokov said: "Don't worry about anything, I will give you twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, I hope to see you and your subordinates appear in front of me. By the way, let all the soldiers change into plain clothes , don’t forget to bring your weapon!”

When Ignat heard it, Sokov also specifically told him not to forget to bring weapons, and he immediately understood that this was by no means a trivial matter. Since Sokov didn't say anything, he didn't ask any more, which proved that the other party didn't want him to know the secret for the time being. He specifically asked where Sokov was, and said, "General Sokov, we will be there on time within twenty minutes."

After putting down the phone, Ignat thought about it. This matter is of great importance, and he still needs to communicate with Yakov, so he wrote a note and put it in the most conspicuous place on his desk, so that when Yakov arrives When you come back, you can see it immediately.

Ignat gathered 30 soldiers from the guards of the Weapons and Equipment Department, and after asking everyone to change into plain clothes, he personally led the team, took an ordinary-looking bus, and headed towards Sokov and the others. location.

Sokov and Assia stood at the door of the bookstore, looking around, wondering which direction Ignat would lead people to appear from. At this time, an ordinary-looking bus stopped in front of them, and then someone poked his head out of the window and asked Sokov, "Is it General Sokov?"

Sokov looked at the man who asked the question, it was a strange face. But when I saw the passengers sitting in the car, although they were all wearing plain clothes, they were all sitting upright, and they looked like well-trained soldiers. Sokov wondered if this person was Yakov's assistant, Captain Ignat?

He stepped forward, raised his head and asked the other party: "Do you know me?"

"General Sokov, I am Captain Ignat, Colonel Yakov's assistant." The man said with a smile on his face, "Although I have never seen you, Asiya next to you is our weaponry. The military doctor of the Ministry, I went to see her once."

Sokov turned his head to look at Asiya, trying to get the answer he wanted from her. Although Assia couldn't pronounce Ignat's name, she had indeed seen him in the infirmary many times. When Sokov asked, she nodded slightly, indicating that this person was indeed from the Weapons and Equipment Department. of.

After confirming Ignat's identity, Sokov got into the car through the open door.

Ignat asked, "General Sokov, where are we going next?"

"I just discovered a suspicious person." Now that Ignat had brought his subordinates in front of him, Sokov decided that he should tell him the truth: "I asked you to bring someone here just to arrest him."

Hearing what Sokov said, Ignat smiled wryly, "General Sokov, arresting suspicious elements is a matter for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You should contact them."

Sokov said: "I just called the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the operator said that I was using a civilian line and refused to connect me. I had no choice, so I thought of calling Yakov."

"Then you can also find the police or the patrolling militia." Ignat said a little bit dumbfoundingly: "As long as you reveal your identity, you can mobilize enough troops to arrest the suspicious person."

"Captain Ignat," Sokov explained to Ignat, "I just initially suspect that there is something wrong with the other party, but there is no real evidence. If you rashly ask the police or militia for help, it may have adverse effects. "

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