Red Moscow

Chapter 1728

"This time the German spies who sneaked into the city were captured. Comrades from the Weapons and Equipment Department have contributed a lot, and they should be rewarded." Sokov said generously: "As for whether I have a reward, it doesn't matter at all. .”

Lunev still admires Sokov's open-mindedness. After pausing for a moment, he cautiously reminded Sokov: "Misha, if you encounter this kind of situation in the future, it is best to contact the nearby police station or patrol team, and try not to use your relationship to casually mobilize troops."

"Why?" Sokov asked puzzled.

"This is Moscow." Seeing that Sokov hadn't figured out the situation, Lunev reminded him as a friend: "If there is no order from the superior, the troops will be mobilized without authorization. Once there is any problem, not only the commander who leads the team You will be held accountable, and I'm afraid you will be in trouble too."

After listening to Lunev's words, Sokov didn't feel that the other party was alarmist at all. Today, because of a communication problem, the administrator in the building misunderstood and secretly called to report himself. As a result, hundreds of internal security forces and civilian police were recruited. If he hadn't revealed his identity in time, there might be a firefight.

In a city like Moscow, once a firefight occurs, the consequences are very serious. At that time, not only the commander who led the team ran away, but I am afraid that he will also be punished.

After thinking about this, Sokov blushed and replied: "I will remember that, if similar incidents happen in the future, I will seek help from the nearby police or patrol team."

Lunev didn't say much about this matter. After chatting for a while, he suddenly asked, "Misha, I heard that after you left the hospital, you moved to the courtyard on Lenin Avenue."

"You know this place too?"

"I know, of course I know." Lunev nodded and said, "Many famous people lived in that yard, such as Marshal Budyonny, Marshal Voroshilov, Marshal Timoshenko and General Meretskov. They used to be residents there."

Sokov heard that the characters mentioned by Lunev were all big men in the army, and he couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart. He felt that his superiors had arranged for him to live here because he had further considerations.

He was about to tell Lunev that his new residence was arranged by Yakov, but the other party asked first, "Misha, do you know who arranged your residence?"

If the other party asked this question, Sokov would definitely say without hesitation that Yakov arranged it, but since Lunev asked this question, the person who arranged the residence for him is definitely far higher than Yakov husband. Thinking of this, he tentatively asked: "Lunev, do you know who arranged the accommodation for me?"

"Of course I know." Although Lunev knew that Sokov couldn't see his expression, he nodded instinctively and replied, "Your residence was arranged by Comrade Beria."

"Arranged by Comrade Beria?" Sokov couldn't help being a little dazed when he heard Lunev say this. He said that he and Beria had never met before. How could the other party be so kind and arrange such a high-level residence for him? ? "Lunev, do you know why he did this?"

"Misha, based on what I know about him." Lunev said carefully, "I'm afraid he is also following orders."

"He is also acting under orders?!" Sokov asked in confusion: "Whose orders?" There will be no one but the Supreme Commander himself: "Lunev, is it...?"

Before Sokov could say the name, Lunev rushed to say: "Yes, it is him. This should be a reward for you. After all, you have made great achievements on the battlefield, which can surpass you Not many people."

"Lunev," Sokov still attaches great importance to Lunev, a comrade in the same trench who used to be in the same trench. After the other party's words came to an end, he took the initiative to say: "If you have time, you can come to my house Come to be a guest, you are welcome both Asiya and I."

The invitation sent by Sokov made Lunev very happy, and he readily agreed: "Okay, I will definitely come to your house as a guest when I have time."

The two chatted for a while, and just as Sokov was about to find a reason to end the call, he suddenly heard Lunev ask, "Misha, have you contacted Marshal Zhukov recently?"

"Yes." Sokov remembered that the reason why he organized the whole class into his team was because of Zhukov's instruction. Although he didn't understand the meaning of Lunev's question, he replied truthfully: "I called Marshal Zhukov two days ago."

Unexpectedly, Lunev asked unexpectedly: "What did you say on the phone?"

Sokov was taken aback for a moment, thinking what Lunev was asking this for? "I don't want to incorporate some students from the intermediate training class into my own team." He explained to Lunev: "I called Marshal Zhukov just for this."

"Then how did he answer you?"

"He was dissatisfied that I only selected 30 students, and suggested that I put all the students in the class into my team."

"Based on what I know about you, you must have complied with Marshal Zhukov's instructions and included everyone in your team." Lunev asked, "Am I right?"

"That's right, that's true. I've incorporated everyone into my team." After answering this question, Sokov asked puzzledly, "Lunev, why are you asking this?"

"Misha, let me tell you something confidential." Lunev said cautiously: "Marshal Zhukov may temporarily suspend all work due to physical reasons in a few days."

"Ah, something is wrong with Marshal Zhukov's health?" Sokov couldn't help becoming anxious when he heard Lunev say this: "What's wrong with him?"

"It's just an excuse to get sick." Lunev knew everything about Sokov, "It is said that someone complained to the Supreme Commander himself, saying that Marshal Zhukov took the defense of Moscow, the defense of Stalingrad and the liberation of Kharkov. All the victories are due to my own credit. Therefore, Marshal Zhukov may stay in Moscow for a period of time to recuperate and will no longer participate in any combat command.”

Lunev's words brought an idiom to Sokov's mind: Great achievements are overwhelming! The role Zhukov played in the Great Patriotic War is obvious to all. It can be said that without Zhukov, even if the above-mentioned battles can be won, the Soviet army will pay even heavier losses. Now that the situation has just become favorable to the Soviet army, some people have made small moves in the back, so that Zhukov, who is under one man and over ten thousand, has to temporarily live a life of isolation in the name of recuperating.

"Lunev," Sokov is a kind and righteous person. Knowing that Zhukov is now in peace, not only will he not make trouble, but he is more concerned about Zhukov's current situation: "Where is Marshal Zhukov now?"

After Lunev gave an address, he asked back: "Misha, you don't want to visit Marshal Zhukov, do you?"

"What's wrong?" Sokov asked back: "You know, Marshal Zhukov is not only my superior, but also my elder. I should visit him both public and private."

Seeing that Sokov wanted to visit Zhukov, Lunev did not stop him. Based on his understanding of Sokov, he knew that once his former partner decided to do something, it would be difficult to persuade him to change his mind. He just reminded him tactfully. He: "Misha, don't you worry that it will affect your future?"

"Lunev, I understand what you mean." Sukov knew that Lunev asked this because he was worried that he would be implicated, so he said to him: "I am not going to see my superior, but my elders. I think no one will gossip like this.”

Lunev knew that Sokov's father had friendships with many important people today. It made sense for Sokov to regard Zhukov as his elder. After all, in Lunev's perception, Zhukov had always regarded Soko Husband as his most caring junior.

Thinking of this, he reminded Sokov: "Misha, you may be right. But as your friend, I think it is necessary to remind you to act cautiously so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Don't worry, Lunev." Sokov thought that it is the end of January now, and in a month at most, Vatutin will be unable to command the troops due to injuries, and Zhukov will be able to replace him as Ukraine's No. Commander of the Front Army. So Sokov said confidently: "I will take care of myself."

Sokov didn't want to continue talking about this sensitive topic, but asked Lunev: "Lunev, when will those soldiers from the Weaponry Department receive the medals you awarded?"

"Misha, we will interrogate that suspect as soon as possible." Lunev assured Sokov, "As soon as tomorrow, or within a week, we will award medals to the soldiers of the Armament Department who participated in today's operation." .”

After getting Lunev's promise, Sokov said with a smile: "Lunev, then on behalf of the comrades in the Armament Department, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

After finishing the call with Lunev, Sokov asked the operator to connect him to Yakov's office. The person who answered the phone this time was Yakov: "I am Colonel Yakov, where are you?"

"Yasha, it's me." Sokov heard that it was Yakov's voice, and said quickly, "I'm Sokov."

"It turned out to be Misha." Yakov picked up the note that Ignat put on the table, and asked Sokov puzzled: "I was just about to ask you, you asked my deputy, Captain Ignat What did you do?"

After listening to Yakov's question, Sokov realized that Ignat hadn't communicated with Yakov at all before he brought the troops to see him. Didn't I say hello to you?"

"How do you say that?" Yakov said with some embarrassment, "You can say hello, or you can say you didn't say hello."

"Yasha, what does this mean?" Yakov's words confused Sokov, and he asked in puzzlement: "If you say hello, you mean hello, if you don't say hello, you don't say hello. What do you mean by saying hello?" , you can also say that you didn't say hello?"

"It's like this," Yakov realized that he didn't speak clearly, which made Sokov confused. He couldn't help laughing, and quickly explained: "When Ignat left, I was reporting to Comrade Ustinov. Work. He just left me a note saying that he received a call from you and said that he needed help with something. Because I was not here, he brought thirty guards and platoon fighters, put on civilian clothes and rushed to meet with you. You meet."

Yakov paused for a moment, and then asked, "Misha, what's the matter with you that you need to dispatch troops?"

"Captain Ignat and the others haven't gone back yet?"

"Not yet." Yakov said angrily, "If they come back, I won't be able to figure out what happened until now."

Since Ignat and the others have not returned to the weapons and equipment department, Sokov must explain to Yakov what happened, so that the other party is still confused: "Yasha, the situation is like this. I I went out for a walk with Asiya today, and met a suspicious officer on the road..."

After patiently listening to Sokov's narration, Yakov was silent for a long time, and said, "Misha, it is undeniable that your starting point is good, but there is something wrong with mobilizing troops from the Weapons and Equipment Department without authorization." That's it."

Although Lunev also criticized himself on this matter not long ago, when he heard Yakov say this, Sokov couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"Captain Ignat is my deputy, and his authority is only to command the security forces to protect the safety of the weapons and equipment department." Yakov explained to Sokov: "Fortunately, you caught someone this time. If you didn't catch someone If you are a human being, Captain Ignat will be punished just by mobilizing troops without authorization."

Sokov knew very well in his heart that the punishment Yakov said was definitely not as simple as being scolded by his superiors. At least he would be punished, and at worst he might be dismissed. He hurriedly said to Yakov: "Yasha, you are right. This time I did not think carefully and caused you trouble. I promise you that similar things will not happen again in the future."

Yakov is also very concerned about his subordinates. As soon as Sokov finished speaking, he couldn't wait to ask: "Misha, have you contacted Lunev, they will not pursue Captain Ignat and the others. responsibility?"

"I've already contacted Lunev." Sukov heard the worry in Yakov's tone, and deliberately to whet his appetite, he said slowly, "I talked to him about this specifically."

"How did he say?"

"He said it couldn't be closed so easily."

Yakov was frightened into a cold sweat by Sokov's words. He knew very well that being remembered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs meant that Ignat would be in trouble. After taking a deep breath, he asked solemnly, "How does General Lunev plan to deal with Ignat?"

"It's very simple." Sokov said in a serious tone: "In view of the performance of Captain Ignat and others in today's operation, General Lunev will award them medals in the near future to commend their achievements."

Hearing what Sokov said, Yakov almost threw out the microphone in his hand: "Misha, what are you talking about? Lunev won't hold Captain Ignat accountable, and he wants to award them a medal?"

"Yes, that's exactly what it is." Sokov nodded and said, "General Lunev said that tomorrow at the earliest, and no more than a week at the latest, he will go to the Weapons and Equipment Department in person to provide Igna Captain Special and others awarded the medal."

"Misha, this is really exciting news." Yakov said excitedly, "I will tell Ignat the good news as soon as he comes back."

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