Red Moscow

Chapter 1740

When the car in which Sokov and others were riding was about to drive into the compound, it was stopped by a sentinel standing guard at the door.

Seeing that the car was stopped by the sentry in the compound, Koshkin, who was driving, said angrily to the corporal: "Comrade corporal, don't you see General Sokov in the car?"

"I see, Comrade Lieutenant."

"Since you saw it, why did you stop our car?"

The corporal bent down and glanced into the car, and asked cautiously, "Comrade lieutenant, is the general alright?"

Koshkin was confused by his words. Koshkin turned his head and glanced at Sokov who was sitting in the back row, and asked puzzledly, "What can Comrade General do?"

"Comrade Lieutenant, the situation is as follows." The corporal explained to Koshkin: "Ten minutes before you returned, an ambulance drove into the compound. According to the medical staff, Comrade General had a little accident. They are to treat him."

"Medical staff?" Now not only Koshkin was confused, but even Sokov and Assia were puzzled. Where did the medical staff appear to treat his injuries? "What did they say it was from that hospital?" asked Koshkin.

Koshkin naturally had his reasons for asking this question. After all, there is a military hospital a few hundred meters away from the compound. According to his thinking, maybe these medical staff came from this military hospital.

"It seems to be from a military hospital near Lubyanka." The corporal said with a guilty conscience: "Although I have never heard of any military hospital there, but seeing their background is not small, I didn't dare to ask in detail."

"Then where are they?"

"At this moment, you should be waiting outside the building where Comrade General lives."

"Lieutenant Koshkin, drive." Hearing this, Sokov vaguely guessed that the medical staff mentioned by the sentry should be from the underground hospital in Lubyanka, so he ordered Koshkin: "Let's go and see Who is it?"

The car restarted and drove towards the building where Sokov lived.

On the way, Assia asked Sokov in surprise, "Misha, what's going on, why did medical staff come to you?"

"I don't know either." Sokov was also at a loss: "When you were in Lunev's office just now, you asked me to check it out, but I didn't agree. You wouldn't call the hospital behind my back." call, let them send someone to check my body?"

"How is this possible." Assia denied, "I've been with you all the time, how can I have time to make any phone calls? Besides, I don't know the phone number of the dean's office."

The mystery was soon revealed. When the car came near the residence, Sokov saw a dark green ambulance parked next to the building, and several medical staff were standing beside the car and chatting.

"Misha, look quickly." Assia suddenly exclaimed, "Look quickly, the nurse standing by the car is Vera."

Sokov looked in the direction of Assia's finger, and he saw Vera, and said in surprise, "It's really Vera, why is she here?"

Not only Sokov and Assia knew Vera, but Koshkin and Vera were also very familiar with it. They quickly parked the car not far away, rolled down the window, put their heads out and shouted at Vera who was standing beside the ambulance: "Hello, dear Vera, what are you doing here?"

Vera heard someone calling her name, turned her head and saw that it was Koshkin. She quickly walked towards Koshkin and asked at the same time, "So it's you, Lieutenant Koshkin, is General Sokov in your car?"

Assia, who was sitting in the back row, quickly opened the car door and shouted at Vera, "Vera, we are here."

The medical staff standing next to the ambulance, when they saw Sokov coming back, immediately surrounded him and said hello to Sokov.

Sokov recognized a military doctor among the crowd, and asked him curiously, "Comrade military doctor, did you come here specially for me?"

"Yes, Comrade General." The military doctor said respectfully, "We heard that you may be injured, and we came here specially to examine you."

"Who told you that I was injured." Sokov raised his arms, turned around in a circle, and said to the military doctor, "Look, I am in good health, and there is no problem at all."

"Comrade General, Comrade President told me that it was General Lunev who called him and told him that you might be injured, so he arranged for us to come over and check you up."

"Comrade military doctor," after hearing what the military doctor said, Sokov finally understood why he saw a group of medical staff from the Lubyanka Military Hospital here. It turned out that Lunev was responsible for his injuries, so he called the director himself , Let him send someone to treat himself. He said apologetically to the military doctor: "As you can see, I am in good health and nothing is wrong. You can take your people back home."

"No, Comrade General." Unexpectedly, the military doctor said stubbornly: "Our job today is to check your body. We can't go back until the task is completed."

Just when Sokov was about to politely refuse again, Assia on the side said, "Misha, since they're all here, let them check it out, so I can feel at ease."

Now that Asiya has spoken, Sokov will seem a little unreasonable if he refuses again, so he nodded and said to the military doctor: "Okay, comrade military doctor, since you are here with a mission, if I If you don’t cooperate with you, it won’t be easy for you to go back. How about it, it’s too cold outside, so go to my house and help me do a checkup.”

After five or six medical staff followed Sokov to his new home, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Vera held Assia's arm and said, "Assia, I really envy you for living in such a spacious house. If I can live in such a house in the future, I will definitely die of happiness."

Assia turned her head and glanced at Koshkin standing at the door, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she lowered her voice and said to Vera: "Vera, I think Lieutenant Koshkin is interested in you, I wonder if you have considered him?" ? If the two of you can get married, maybe you can live in a house similar to mine."

Vera couldn't help but glanced at Koshkin, who was smirking at her, and said with a pout, "I won't marry him, he looks stupid."

"Vera, he's not stupid. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stupid people can't survive for a long time." Assia felt that since Vera and Koshkin had a good impression of each other, they intended to match them, so she said cautiously: "Or, how about you try dating him and find out how it feels? Anyway, it's not marriage. If you think it's not suitable, it's not too late to separate."

"Assia, shall we not talk about this?" Vera blushed and changed the topic: "Let's do an examination for Comrade General and see how his health is."

"By the way," Assia wanted to know what Lunev said on the phone as soon as Vera said to examine Sokov, "I don't know what your dean said to you?"

"I didn't say anything, just said that Comrade General accidentally fell, which may cause the unhealed wound to burst. We specially asked us to do a comprehensive examination for Comrade General."

Sokov was talking to the military doctor and didn't hear the conversation between Asiya and Vera. However, when everyone was examining himself, he still asked the military doctor curiously: "Comrade military doctor, I want to ask, what did the dean say to you?"

"The dean said that when you went to see General Lunev in Lubyanka, you stepped on the ground and fell down." The military doctor said, "General Lunev was worried about your wounds bursting, so he called the dean specifically. Let us do a medical examination for you."

When Sokov heard this, he felt that Lunev's mouth was quite close. Instead of telling the truth about what happened in the Lubyanka building to the director of the hospital, he avoided falling. But when I think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with the other party's statement. In order to grab the TK pistol, I did fall heavily. Many places on my body began to ache, and it was indeed necessary to check.

After an hour or so of examination, the military doctor said to Sokov: "Comrade General, according to our examination, after you fell, you may have a certain degree of internal bleeding. I think it is necessary to give you some anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent There may be danger to life." After saying this, the military doctor did not wait for Sokov to speak, and ordered Vera, "Vera, give Comrade General two sets of anti-inflammatory drugs. We will go back first. What's the matter, you Call the hospital directly."

Regarding the military doctor's order, Vera said in embarrassment: "But, where can I make a phone call around here?"

"Vera, don't worry." Assia comforted Vera and said, "My house has just installed a telephone, and it is very convenient to call the hospital."

The military doctor put on anti-inflammatory drugs, and after a few more instructions to Vera, he said to Sokov: "Comrade General, we still have something to do, and we need to rush back to the hospital as soon as possible. I will leave Vera to take care of you."

"Comrade military doctor, if you have something to do, hurry up and do it." Sokov nodded at the military doctor and said gratefully, "Thank you very much for coming here to check me up."

After the military doctor took people away, Sokov asked Vera who was sitting by the bed: "Are you and I considered friends?"

"Yes, Misha." In front of everyone, Vera called Sokov Comrade General, but privately followed Assia and called him Misha: "We are friends."

"Tell me truthfully, how is my body?" Sokov didn't go around in circles, and asked straight to the point: "Tell me, is my fall serious?"

"It's hard to say, Misha." Vera said thoughtfully: "You must know that after some people are injured, they seem to have nothing wrong and are still alive and kicking, but in fact it is internal bleeding. Gone."

"Then will this happen to me?"

"Probably not." Vera shook her head and said, "Judging from the results of the examination just now, you are all normal. The reason why I gave you two sets of anti-inflammatory drugs is to completely prevent internal bleeding."

"Misha, don't worry." Seeing Sokov's melancholy face, Assia quickly comforted him and said, "According to my experience, there is nothing wrong with you, and the military doctor only arranges maintenance for the sake of safety." La will give you two sets of anti-inflammatory drugs."

In Sokov's original plan, he was going to see Zhukov tomorrow. Hearing that Asiya said she was fine, she asked casually, "Can I go out tomorrow?"

"No." Unexpectedly, as soon as Sokov said, Asiya and Vera said in unison: "Although you have nothing to do, to be on the safe side, you should stay in bed for two days to observe your body Condition."

"Two days is too long." Sokov, who was lying on the bed, said to the two with a playful smile: "I will only lie in bed for one day, okay?"

This time, the two did not object immediately, but remained silent, as if they were thinking about whether they should agree to Sokov's request. After a brief silence, Vera looked at Assia and asked cautiously: "Assia, you are also a military doctor, do you think you can do it?"

Assia did not answer the question immediately, but looked at Sokov and asked, "Do you want to go there tomorrow?"

Sokov replied with a serious face: "Yes, I want to go there as soon as possible."

Vera was confused by the riddle-like conversation between the two, but she couldn't ask, so she could only stare at the two in front of her with strange eyes.

Asiya had chatted with Sokov in the past two days, and knew that visiting Marshal Zhukov would be very helpful for Sokov's future. After thinking for a while, she said, "Well, let's check your body tomorrow morning, and if there is no problem, you can go out."

Vera finally found a chance to speak at this moment. She reminded Assia: "Assia, Misha's current situation is not suitable for intense sports at all. If something happens, no one can afford it. "

"Vera, let's check again tomorrow morning. If there are still problems, we must continue to rest in bed. But it is confirmed that there is nothing wrong, and I will personally accompany him to go out. Even if there is something, I can deal with it in time. "

Hearing that Assia said that she was planning to go out with Sokov in person, Vera let go of her worries. After getting along with each other for several months, she still has a lot of trust in Asiya's medical skills. With Asiya by her side, even if Sokov has some problems, he can be treated in time.

By the time the two groups of anti-inflammatory drugs were infused, it was already dark.

Originally, Vera wanted to leave and go back to the hospital, but was stopped by Vera: "Vera, I think you will live here tonight."

"But the hospital is still waiting for me to report Misha's situation."

Asiya pointed to the phone on the bedside table and said, "This phone can communicate with the hospital. You can call the hospital here and tell Misha to check up on Misha tomorrow morning before returning to the hospital." Not too late."

Seeing Assia's enthusiasm to stay, and considering that she would have to make a trip to check Sokov tomorrow morning, Vera agreed to stay: "Okay, Assia, I will stay here with you today. I'll check Misha again tomorrow morning."

Seeing that Vera agreed to stay, Sokov said to her: "Vera, it's getting late, you must be hungry too, follow Asiya to the restaurant to have something to eat."

After several months of getting along, the three of them had already become close friends. Vera didn't object to Sokov's proposal. She got up and took Assia's arm, and headed for the living room.

Before going out, Assia turned her head to Sokov and said, "Misha, lie still and I'll bring you dinner right away."

"No need, no need," Sokov quickly waved his hand and said, "I'll sleep for a while, and when I wake up, I'll go to the restaurant to eat by myself, so don't worry about me."

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