Red Moscow

Chapter 1760 Active Defense (Part 2)

"I think I have the right to speak about this matter." General Gorokhov, the military commissar who was almost transparent, said suddenly: "May I talk about it?"

"Please tell me, Comrade Military Commissioner." Sokov was quite polite.

"When the war broke out, I was in the Leningrad Front." Gorokhov said: "Facing the tide of the enemy, our soldiers and mobilized residents all acted bravely. The superior enemy fought tenaciously. However, our cities, settlements and villages were constantly occupied by the Germans.

There was a sense of defeat in the army and in the city, that no matter how heroic and tenacious we were, it would be impossible to stop the enemy, and that the fall of Leningrad was only a matter of time. But with the arrival of Marshal Zhukov, we see hope again.

After Marshal Zhukov took over as the commander of the front army, he first asked the troops fighting the enemy to change their tactics. We used to hide in the trenches, if the Germans didn't move. we are very happy. When the Germans attack, we will resist to the death and will not retreat a step. But after the implementation of the new tactics, the situation has completely changed. When the Germans attack, we resist; if the Germans stand still and stop attacking, we will no longer be happy because we have a chance to breathe, but will take the initiative to attack.

It wasn't just a tactic that changed, it was a mentality shift. With the enemy's attack contained, everyone saw hope again and was full of confidence in victory. "

When Gorokhov said this, he stared at Sokov with both eyes, and said with a solemn expression: "If it is Marshal Zhukov who restored the hope and confidence of the Leningrad army and people back then; The one who becomes famous in battle is none other than you, Commander."

Seeing that Gorokhov raised himself to the same level as Zhukov, Sokov couldn't help but blushed, and waved his hands quickly and said, "Comrade Military Commissar, you are really flattering me. How can I be as good as Zhukov?" Marshal on par?"

"Comrade Commander." Hearing Gorokhov's flattery to Sokov, Smirnov just smiled lightly, and then got down to business: "Let's continue talking about how you plan to take the initiative to defend."

Sokov originally only had an idea, but when Gorokhov interrupted him, his whole thinking was disrupted. After thinking for a long time, he said: "German tanks are indeed better than our tanks, but tanks without fuel and ammunition , It’s just a pile of scrap iron. Therefore, I plan to send several small troops, disguised as German troops, to attack the German oil depots and logistics bases. As long as the logistical supplies of German tanks are cut off, their threat to us can be greatly weakened. When the time is right, we can launch a massive counterattack."

"Can it work?" As soon as Smirnov asked this question, he realized that he had made a mistake, and quickly argued: "Comrade Commander, our troops have never implemented this kind of tactic before, so I don't know what to do." end."

When Sokov was in Kremenchug, he once commanded the 53rd Army. He knew that the original commander and chief of staff were old-school soldiers who were used to face-to-face offensive or defensive warfare. is very strange. Now that I am the commander of the 53rd Army, I have to start to gradually promote my tactics in the army.

"Don't worry, Comrade Chief of Staff." If you want to promote your own tactics, you must first convince Chief of Staff Smirnov: "I have used this tactic to beat the Germans unspeakably."

"Okay, Comrade Commander, since you said so, then do as you say." Smirnov said, "But we are not familiar with the tactics you mentioned, so you can just tell us what to do."

Seeing Smirnov's cooperation, Sokov was very satisfied. He nodded with a smile, and said, "To carry out this mission, we must first select a group of commanders and fighters who understand German. After all, they are disguised as Germans. If you don’t know German, it’s easy to pass through.”


At the same time, at the headquarters of the Second Ukrainian Front.

"Comrade Commander," Zakharov said to Konev with a serious expression after the phone call, "I just finished talking with the commander of the 5th Guards Airborne Division, and I can confirm that Komarovka Heights has been Occupied by the Germans."

"What the hell is going on?" Konev slapped the table hard, and said angrily, "Why did they not find out that the position was lost for so long?"

Seeing that Konev had an attack, Zakharov quickly explained: "Comrade Commander, I have already learned about this matter, and I really can't blame them all."


"The scouts who went to inquire about intelligence captured a German prisoner. According to the results of the interrogation, the German soldiers who carried out the sneak attack were all wearing white camouflage uniforms, and using the cover of snow, they quietly approached the defense area of ​​the airborne division." Zha Harov reported: "First, they dispatched capable soldiers, killed our sentries, and then controlled the communication equipment. After all this was done, their large troops rushed in, and in just a few minutes Komarovka and several nearby villages were captured."

After listening to Zakharov's report, Konev finally realized: "It turns out that the Germans moved so fast and so covertly that even the division headquarters of the Airborne Division did not get any news. Comrade Cove reminded us that we may still be kept in the dark."

After a pause, Konev asked again: "Has the Airborne Division taken any measures?"

"They are organizing troops for an attack on Komarovka and the surrounding villages, to retake lost positions from the Germans."

"That's right, the lost position should be regained." Konev worried about the lack of strength of the 5th Guards Airborne Division, and said to Zakharov: "Chief of Staff, you should contact the commander of the 5th Guards Tank Army immediately. Commissar Rotmistrov, let him send troops to take part in the battle to recapture Komarovka."

But after Zakharov waited for Konev to finish speaking, he did not immediately follow his order, but said cautiously: "Comrade commander, I have an idea."

"Tell me, what do you think?"

"Since it was Comrade Sokov who reminded us that the German army appeared near Height 239, it may be that there is something wrong with the defense line in the Komarovka area. Then we should tell him the results of the investigation and see what he can do. ?”

Zakharov's proposal made Konev silent for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, Comrade Chief of Staff, then tell Sokov about the situation here and see what good suggestions he can make .”

After getting Konev's permission, Zakharov quickly ordered someone to connect to the 53rd Army Headquarters.

"Hi, I'm Zakharov, who are you?"

"Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff." Smirnov's voice came from the receiver: "What instructions do you have?"

"Where is Sokov?"

Smirnov glanced at Sokov who was sitting next to him, and replied, "He's sitting next to me, do you need him to answer the phone?"

"Yes, give him the microphone."

When Sokov learned that Zakharov was looking for him, he first thought that it might have something to do with the Komarovka area. So he put the microphone behind his ear and asked bluntly: "Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army, are you calling me to inform me about Komarovka?"

Zakharov didn't speak immediately, but covered the microphone with his hands, turned to Konev and said, "Comrade Commander, he guessed what I was going to say before I spoke."

Konev nodded with a smile, and gestured to Zakharov, signaling him to continue talking to Sokov.

Zakharov moved his hand covering the microphone, and continued: "Comrade Sokov, you guessed right, my call to you is indeed related to the Komarovka area."

Knowing that Zakharov was looking for him because of the Komarovka area, Sokov hurriedly asked: "Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army, is it already occupied by the Germans?"

"You guessed right, Comrade Sokov." Zakharov replied in a positive tone: "I have learned from the 5th Guards Airborne Division that the Germans have indeed occupied the Komarovka highlands and the vicinity. several villages."

"I want to ask," interrupted Sokov, "how did the enemy take the hills and the village?"

"The enemies were all wearing white camouflage uniforms, and under the cover of night and snow, they quietly approached the airborne division's defense zone." Zakharov explained: "They sent out a capable team, first killed the sentries on duty, and then After taking control of our communication equipment, we launched an overall attack and quietly wiped out the two companies of our army stationed in this area."

"It's really beautiful." Sokov couldn't help sighing after hearing Zakharov's words, but as soon as the words came out, he felt that Zakharov might be misunderstood, so he quickly explained: " Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army, don't misunderstand me. I mean that the Germans' sneak attack tactics are so clever. Not to mention the easy occupation of Komarovka, the troops around us have not been alarmed. This can be said to be a recordable battle. Textbook battle."

"Comrade Sokov, although these Germans are our enemies, I still admire them in my heart."

"Then what measures have you taken?" Sokov asked tentatively: "For example, send troops to attack and try to retake this area from the Germans?"

"The 5th Guards Airborne Division is now gathering troops and will soon launch an attack on the Komarovka Highland." Zakharov said: "I believe that the airborne commanders and fighters will retake the highland in the shortest possible time. "

"Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army," Sokov organized the vocabulary in his mind after listening to Zakharov, and then said: "If I were you, I would never let the troops launch such an attack."

Zakharov was confused by Sokov's words, and he asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"For the Germans, occupying Komarovka and the nearby villages is a passage of life for them." Sukov saw that Zakharov didn't understand, so he explained to him: "In order to keep this passage , when the Germans are attacked, they will definitely resist desperately. I think no matter how many troops are invested, it will be very difficult to regain this area in a short time, and the battle will fall into a stalemate."

"That's right, Comrade Sokov, what you said is very reasonable, and we have taken this into consideration." After Zakharov finished speaking in his heart, he humbly asked Sokov: "What good things do you have?" Is there a way?"

"The Germans are eager to break out of the siege. If they encounter obstruction, they will desperately fight a way. In this way, both the enemy and the enemy will suffer casualties." Sokov said cautiously: "Therefore, we have to change our thinking and put the Troop casualties were kept to a minimum."

"Oh, do you have a way to reduce the casualties of the troops?" Zakharov said with some surprise: "Let's hear it."

"Stop the attack on Komarovka!"

"What, stop the attack on Komarovka?" Even if a shell landed beside Zakharov and exploded, it would not be as shocking as Sokov's words.

"Yes, stop the attack on Komarovka." Sokov said plausibly: "Get out of the way and occupy the hatchback. I think this will allow our army to greatly kill the German army while reducing casualties. Vitality."

"I don't understand." Sokov's remarks confused Zakharov: "Can you explain to me?"

"As I said just now, the Germans are eager to break through. If they find something blocking their way, they will definitely try to destroy it." Sokov asked back: "If they find that the road ahead is clear, what will they do?" Woolen cloth?"

"It's very simple." Zakharov replied without hesitation: "The German officers and soldiers will definitely rush forward desperately in order to escape from this death zone."

"Yes, that's it." Sokov waited for Zakharov to finish, and added: "If at this time, our troops adopt the method of attacking from the flank or following the attack, attacking the enemy who is trying to escape from the encirclement , do you think they can organize an effective resistance?"

Zakharov thought about Sokov's words and immediately understood what the other party meant: "Comrade Sokov, I think I understand what you mean. If we deliberately give way to the Germans and are eager to escape, the Germans will die." No intention to fight, just want to jump out of our encirclement in the shortest time. At this time, our troops adopt flanking attack or tail attack tactics, the enemy will definitely not be able to organize an organized resistance, and it is bound to pay a huge price casualties."

"Yes, that will definitely be the case at that time." In order for Zakharov to adopt his suggestion, Sokov also drew a cake for him: "Think about it, the German troops who were defeated by you, fleeing If they are stopped by us at Height 239, they will have nowhere to retreat, and I am afraid that they will be wiped out in a short time."

The beautiful scene that Sokov depicted made Zakharov's heart skip a beat, and he almost blurted out to agree to the proposal proposed by Sokov. But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back abruptly. He coughed lightly, cleared his throat and said, "Comrade Sokov, your proposal is very constructive, but I have to ask General Konev for instructions first, and then decide what tactics to adopt after getting his approval. To deal with the enemy trying to break out."

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