Red Moscow

Chapter 1779

As the German army crossed the Gniloydikic River and joined the troops who came to meet them, it meant that this battle came to an end. Next, what the Soviet Union and Germany can do is to consolidate their defenses and seize the time to allow the troops to rest.

Konev came to the headquarters of the 53rd Army, and after a few simple greetings, he said to Sokov, "Comrade Sokov, I want to go to Height 239, is that okay?"

"Of course." Anyway, there is no more fighting around Height 239 now. Sokov naturally agreed to Konev's proposal very readily: "I will go with you."

An hour later, Sokov and Konev arrived at Height 239.

Kirillov, who had already been notified, greeted the two at the foot of the mountain in person.

When Konev saw Kirillov standing at the foot of the mountain from a distance, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked, "Comrade Sokov, what is Kirilov doing here?"

When Sokov heard Konev's question, he quickly explained to him: "Comrade Front Army Commander, please listen to my explanation. It happened like this. At that time, the commander of the 252nd Division was injured and withdrew from the battle. I temporarily appointed Kirillo Lieutenant Colonel Husband, here to temporarily act as division commander."

Konev put a straight face on his face and said displeasedly: "Comrade Sokov, don't you know that Kirillov's identity is sensitive, why did you assign them such an important position? If something goes wrong, you will be responsible for it." Are you responsible for this?"

Sokov laughed dryly, and replied with some embarrassment: "Facts have proved that he has performed his duties as a division commander very well. It was under his command that the German army launched attacks on Height 239 time and time again. The troops under his command were shattered. And they also discovered the German army's attempt to break out of the encirclement in the dark in time, and used artillery fire to inflict greater damage on the enemy."

Konev was silent for a moment, sighed softly, and said to Sokov: "Comrade Sokov, you must be cautious in using the three of them, otherwise it may cause you unnecessary trouble."

Faced with Konev's concern, Sokov was still very moved. He nodded vigorously and replied, "Understood, Comrade Commander of the Front Army, I will take care of myself."

When the car stabilized, Kirillov, who was standing on the side of the road, hurriedly stepped forward and opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation to let Sokov and Konev get out of the car.

Although in the car, Konev expressed dissatisfaction with Sokov's appointment of Kirillov as division commander. But when he saw Kirillov at this moment, his face was still full of smiles. While shaking hands with him, he admired and said: "Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, you and your subordinates are doing well. The German army It's really amazing to have launched so many attacks on Height 239, but never been able to break through your defense line."

Hearing Konev's praise, Kirillov showed a knowing smile on his face. In order to block the enemy trying to break out, the troops have paid huge casualties, and now they can get the approval of their superiors, and everything they have done is worthwhile.

When several people walked to the top of the mountain, Konev asked kindly: "Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, what is the casualty situation of your division?"

"Report to Comrade General." Kirillov replied neither humble nor overbearing: "After these few days of fighting in the whole division, only one-third of the people are left. I am afraid that we need to rest for a while before we can continue to fight."

"It's really difficult for you." Konev also felt very sad when he learned that the casualties of the 252nd Division reached two-thirds. He comforted the other party and said, "But don't worry, when the additional soldiers from the superior arrive, I will give priority to them." Supplementary for you."

"Thank you, Comrade General." Kirillov quickly straightened his side, and said to Konev respectfully: "On behalf of the commanders and fighters of the division, thank you!"

Several people came to the top of the mountain and looked down, only to see that the front of the position was covered with corpses, and many of them had been blown to pieces by shells long ago. Konev asked: "Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, why haven't the German corpses on the hillside restrained yet?"

Before Kirillov could reply, Sokov said first: "Comrade Front Army Commander, the situation is as follows. Since the casualties of both the enemy and ourselves were heavy during the battle, after the battle, I ordered Kirillo Lieutenant Colonel Husband, give priority to confiscating the remains of our fallen soldiers. As for the German corpses, it won’t be too late to confine them after a while, after all, the weather is cold and the corpses are not easy to rot.”

Konev nodded slightly, and said with emotion: "I have seen countless bloody scenes in wars, but I have rarely seen so many dead Germans in such a small area. From this we can see It can be said that in order to highlight the tight encirclement of our army, the Germans simply spared no expense."

"Yes." Sokov said proudly: "Although the Germans invested in the Viking Division and used powerful artillery fire, they still failed to pass through here."

Konev withdrew his gaze from the hillside, looked at Sokov and said, "It's a pity that there are too few mistakes like you, otherwise the German army would not be able to break out of our encirclement and cross the Gniloydikich River." Join forces with the Germans who are coming to the rescue."

Sokov thought to himself, in the real history, more than 40,000 Germans broke through the encirclement. Now that there is an unexpected factor of himself, the casualties of the German army have increased greatly, and the number of Germans who can escape the encirclement must not reach 40,000. million people.

In order to clarify this question, Sokov specifically asked Konev: "Comrade Commander of the Front Army, how many Germans have rushed out of our encirclement?"

"According to the information we have intercepted, the German army's troops protruding from the encirclement are only more than 17,000 people. That is to say, there are more than 40,000 enemies in the encirclement, who were annihilated or captured by us."

After listening to the data that Konev said, Sokov felt a little relieved. Although it was still like in history and could not replicate the record of Stalingrad, after all, more than 40,000 enemies were annihilated. The earth weakened the vital strength of the German army.

"Comrade Front Army Commander, when will we launch a new offensive against the enemy next time?" Sokov asked.

Konev looked at Sokov and said with great interest: "Comrade Sokov, we have just finished a battle, and the troops have not had time to rest before you start thinking about the next attack."

"The Germans have just suffered a disastrous defeat, and their morale must be very low." Sokov said: "If we launch a new offensive in a short period of time, it will definitely cause them greater losses."

"Comrade Sokov, I also have the same thoughts as you." Konev sighed softly after Sokov finished speaking, and said helplessly: "But after such a long battle, our troops not only suffered casualties It consumes a lot of ammunition, and the commanders and fighters have become exhausted, and they need to take a good rest for a period of time before they can have the physical strength to participate in new battles."

Sokov knew that what Konev said was true. After all, most of the recruits in the army today were supplemented after entering Ukraine. Because they lived in the area occupied by the German army for a long time, they had no chance of military training at all. Although the strength of the troops has increased with their joining, the combat effectiveness has been severely diluted. This is why millions of people cannot annihilate the 60,000 German troops.

Seeing Sokov's pensive expression, Konev couldn't help asking: "Comrade Sokov, what are you thinking?"

Sokov raised his head and said to Konev: "Comrade Front Army Commander, I'm wondering where I should get some veterans to supplement. This will be very helpful to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops."

"Veterans with rich combat experience are urgently needed by all troops." Konev shook his head and said, "However, according to the regulations of the superiors, priority should be given to the Guards Division for the replenishment of veterans. And the infantry commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov The 252nd Division, being just an ordinary infantry division, does not enjoy priority for replenishment."

When Kirilov heard what Konev said, his face could not help but be filled with disappointment. During his time as division commander, he found that the commanders and fighters in the division were indeed brave on the battlefield, but it was because of their lack of combat experience that they caused many unnecessary casualties. If the superiors still use new recruits to supplement themselves when replenishing soldiers, I am afraid that the combat effectiveness of the division will not be able to be effectively improved in a short period of time.

Just when the few people were at a loss, a staff officer from the division walked up to Kirillov and whispered something in his ear. Kirillov nodded after hearing this, and then said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, you have a call from the observation post, and it is General Smirnov."

Sokov guessed that Smirnov must have something important to call when he called, so he told Konev and limped towards the observation post.

Walking into the observation post, a staff officer in the room quickly picked up the microphone on the table and handed it to Sokov. Sokov put the microphone close to his ear and said, "I'm Sokov, what's the matter?"

Smirnov's voice came from the receiver: "Comrade Commander, the German army has sent a major to see you."

"The German army sent a major to see me?" Smirnov's words surprised Sokov. What did the Germans send someone to see me for? Could it be that they wanted to instigate me? With this question in mind, he asked a little angrily, "What are they trying to do?"

Hearing Sokov's harsh tone, Smirnov realized that he might have misunderstood, and quickly explained to him: "Comrade Commander, this German major has brought a message from Marshal Manstein, and he wants to Return the body of General Stemmelmann."

After figuring out that Manstein sent someone to see him in order to get back Stemmerman's body, Sokov couldn't help but feel elated. He was worrying about how to get in touch with the German army and then return Stemmerman's body. . At this moment, since the other party took the initiative to send someone to contact him, he could open his mouth like a lion.

"Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov controlled his emotions and tried to ask in a calm tone, "Where is that German major now?"

"He is by my side right now." Smirnov asked Sokov for instructions: "Comrade Commander, how should we answer them?"

"There is no need to answer them for the time being." Sokov said into the microphone: "I will rush back to the headquarters immediately."

When Sokov hung up the phone, he saw Konev standing in front of him. Only then did he realize that the person with the highest position here was Konev. Before he spoke, he could not leave as he wanted. He quickly explained: "Comrade Front Army Commander, I need to return to the Army Group Command immediately, and my chief of staff reported to me that Manstein sent a major to negotiate with me about the return of General Stemmelmann's body. "

"Then you go there now." Konev waited for him to finish speaking, and said reasonably: "Anyway, I have seen everything I want to see, and I should go back to the headquarters."

In this way, Sokov and Konev parted ways, one returned to the headquarters of the 53rd Army, and the other returned to the headquarters of the Front Army.

Sokov returned to his headquarters and saw a Wehrmacht major inside. He couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face, thinking that Manstein was still very considerate, and the officer sent to negotiate was the Wehrmacht, not the SS. , it seems that he is very sincere.

Before Sokov finished speaking, he heard Smirnov introduce to the German major: "Mr. Major, this is our commander, General Sokov."

After hearing this, the German major took two steps forward, raised his hand to salute Sokov, and spoke in proficient Russian: "Hello, General Sokov, I am Major Dürer, the negotiator sent by Marshal Manstein, I’m here to discuss with you about the return of General Stemmelmann’s body.”

Sokov didn't expect the German major to speak Russian so well, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Major Dürer, I really didn't expect that you can speak Russian so well, where did you learn it?"

"I studied in Leningrad." Major Dürer replied truthfully: "I major in mechanical manufacturing, and I studied at the Mechanical Academy in Leningrad for three years. That's where I learned to speak Russian. "

After calling the other party to sit down, Sokov asked straight to the point: "Major Dürer, since Marshal Manstein sent you to negotiate, he must have given you some authorization, right?"

"Yes, General Sokov." Facing Sokov, the general who made the Germans fearful, Major Dürer still showed enough politeness: "I am here to collect the stermer under the order of Marshal Manstein. General Erman's body. As long as you are willing to return the general's body, no matter what conditions you ask, we will try our best to satisfy you."

Sokov waited for Dürer to finish, and asked with a half-smile, "Mr. Major, can you really satisfy any of my conditions?"

"General Sokov," Dürer may have realized that his expression was not accurate enough, and added on purpose: "As long as it is within our capabilities, we will definitely try our best to satisfy you."

"Then tell me, what kind of conditions can you give me?" Sokov did not rashly raise his own conditions, but pre-emptively said: "If the conditions you give me satisfy me, I will definitely arrange The person returned the body of General Stemmelman to the other party."

Sokov's words stunned Dürer. Before coming here, although Manstein told him that he could try his best to meet the conditions proposed by Sokov. But now, the other party did not put forward the conditions they wanted, but asked what conditions he could satisfy them, which made Dürer feel in a dilemma.

"General Sokov," Dürer hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "You should put forward the conditions, and I will see if your wishes can be fulfilled."

"Major Dürer, do you really want me to make a condition first?" Sokov looked at Dürer and asked, "You won't go back on your word, will you?"

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