Red Moscow

Chapter 1786

"Yasha," Sokov said after Yakov finished reporting the quantity of weapons and equipment, "The problem of weapons and ammunition is solved, and the next thing to consider is the problem of transportation.

The rest of us are not long after liberation, and it will take some time for the restoration of railway lines. It is obviously unrealistic to use railway transportation. As for transporting it by truck, it seems that it is also very large. After all, troops on all fronts now need to replenish lost weapons and ammunition, and our army's transportation capacity has reached its limit. It will take at least a month for the equipment to be shipped to us, and we can't wait that long. "

"You're right, Misha." Yakov also agreed with Sokov's statement. It will take half a month or even longer for these weapons and ammunition to be delivered to their destinations. "Nowadays, the transportation capacity is tight. If you want to get this batch of ammunition, you will have to wait for a long time."

"Is there any other way?" Sokov asked tentatively, "How about using a transport plane to transport it for us?"

"This is impossible." As soon as Sokov's words fell, Yakov immediately rejected him: "You know, except for refueling and maintenance, Moscow's transport planes are almost flying in the sky, and there is no time at all. Transporting weapons and ammunition for you."

Seeing that Yakov rejected his proposal to use a transport plane to transport supplies, Sokov could only choose the last option: "Yasha, can you use a hovercraft to transport supplies for us?"

He was afraid that Yakov would reject his proposal again, so he hurriedly continued: "March will soon come, and it will be the spring thaw season in Ukraine, and the roads will become muddy, making our road transportation more difficult. And if you use a hovercraft, you can overcome this problem. A hovercraft can carry eight tons of supplies or 30 soldiers, which is equivalent to a large truck. As long as there are 20 hovercraft, I think it can be used for a week. All supplies have arrived."

"Misha, have you considered that the distance from Moscow to you is almost a thousand kilometers." Yakov said on the phone: "Perhaps after these hovercraft transport supplies arrive at your place, they will all be reimbursed due to malfunctions. You know, this thing is expensive, if it is really damaged, who will be responsible for it?"

Sokov was just about to say something went wrong and I was in charge, but he heard Yakov continue: "And the hovercraft is highly classified. Once the Germans capture it and make a large number of imitations, they can quickly mobilize troops and Materials, launch a new attack on us in any area. In order to avoid this situation, we will now seal the hovercraft."

Perhaps because he guessed what Sokov would say, he added on purpose: "This matter is of great importance. Of course you are responsible for any problems. Our weapons and equipment department can't get rid of the responsibility, and it will even implicate Us." Comrade Zinov."

The words Yakov said completely blocked Sokov's mouth, making it difficult for him to say anything. After all, once the hovercraft fell into the hands of the German army, it would be a waste for the Soviet army to start imitating it. a disaster.

Hearing that Sokov suddenly stopped talking, Yakov guessed that he must be depressed at the moment, so he comforted him and said: "Misha, according to my analysis, within half a month to a month, the place where you are There will definitely not be new battles in the area, that is to say, you have enough time to wait for the arrival of weapons and ammunition."

"However, the equipment of the 53rd Army is too weak." Sokov said with a little confidence: "And the enemy facing us is the most elite 1st Tank Division and Banner Guard Division of the German Army. Once a new round of offensive and defensive warfare starts , my troops may not be able to stop the attack of these two German armies."

"Misha, don't worry." Yakov's tone suddenly became steady: "I will find a way to solve the problem of insufficient firepower for you. Comrade People's Commissar and I are going to have a meeting, and we will talk to you next time." After finishing, without waiting for Sokov to speak, he hung up the phone directly.

Smirnov overheard some of the conversation between Sokov and Yakov. After waiting for Sokov to put down the phone, he asked tentatively, "Comrade Commander, what kind of hovercraft are you talking about? Why have I never heard of it?"

"It's a new type of means of transportation. In addition to being able to drive on roads, it can also drive quickly on lakes and swamps." Since his chief of staff asked, Sokov naturally wouldn't hide anything from him. After all, there are many commanders and fighters who have seen this weapon: "The hovercraft is divided into two types: assault type and transport type. Assault type hovercraft can carry 7 soldiers and a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun; while the other is a transport hovercraft , can carry 30 fighters or eight tons of cargo."

After listening to Sokov's talk about the transportation capacity of the hovercraft, Smirnov couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and then asked: "Comrade commander, how fast is the situation of the hovercraft?"

"The design speed is sixty knots, but when driving on the water, it can reach thirty-five knots."

Smirnov was in the army, not the navy, so when he heard that speed was calculated in knots, he couldn't help scratching his head, not knowing how to calculate it.

At this time, a voice sounded from the side: "Internationally, 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/hour, 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers, 35 knots is 64.82 kilometers per hour."

Smirnov glanced at Gorokhov who was speaking, and said in surprise: "That speed is really not slow." Then he looked at Sokov and said, "Comrade commander, we are more than a thousand kilometers away from Moscow. If the hovercraft is really used for transport, it will take less than 24 hours to transport the supplies."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, why don't I think so." Sokov sighed and said, "You know, these hovercraft can not only transport supplies, but they can also be used for great purposes when crossing rivers for assault."

"Has the hovercraft ever been used in actual combat?"

"It must have participated in actual combat." Sokov nodded and said, "The river is hundreds of meters wide, and it took less than a minute to take a hovercraft with commanders and fighters, and it rushed directly to the opposite bank. The officers and soldiers are not even ready for battle. After all, in their concept, to cross such a wide river, even if they paddle with all their strength, it will take about ten minutes."

After digesting what Sokov said in his mind, Smirnov asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, although the Weapons and Equipment Department is unwilling to use hovercraft to transport supplies for us, how can we allow our army to cross the river to fight?" Is the hovercraft coming to support us? I just heard you say that the ship is equipped with a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun, which is enough to suppress the German firepower on the other side."

I heard Smirnov mentioned the 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun. Sokov began to think about it, maybe he should tell Yakov to replace the 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun with a 12.7mm machine gun, so that the saved weight can carry more ammunition.

"Comrade Commander, what are you thinking?" Seeing that Sokov's eyes suddenly became unfocused, Smirnov knew what he was thinking about again, and quickly asked, "Are you thinking about when to use the hovercraft? "

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I think you should know that the rivers in our country are all flat on the left bank, while the right bank is full of cliffs." Sokov said: "Even if the hovercraft can travel under various complex terrains, it is There is no way to climb mountains. Therefore, even if the assault hovercraft is handed over to us, it will not be of much use until Ukraine is liberated."

A person hurried in from the outside, Sokov thought it was a staff officer, so he glanced casually. But he soon realized that he was wrong. It was not the staff officer who came, but Selivanov, the commander of the 5th Guards Cavalry Army. He quickly got up and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Selivanov." General!"

Selivanov first raised his hand to salute Sokov, then took the other's outstretched hand and said politely: "Hello, General Sokov."

After calling Selivanov to sit down, Smirnov personally poured a cup of tea, put it in front of him, and said enthusiastically: "General Selivanov, why do you have time to come here today?"

"General Smirnov." Although the two have the same military rank, Selivanov stood up out of respect for the old general, and said respectfully: "I came in here to tell you that I just received an order from my superior. , lead the cavalry army back to Jian as soon as possible. Although this matter can be discussed on the phone, but after careful consideration, I think it is better to explain clearly to you in person.”

"What, it's going to be built?" Sokov was very surprised when he heard the other party say this: "When did you receive the order from your superiors, why didn't I know about it?"

"Half an hour ago." Selivanov looked at Sokov and said, "I could have called you to inform you, and then left with the troops directly. But considering your lieutenant colonel Muzichenko, Now acting as the commander of the 66th Cavalry Division, I feel that I should come over to say hello to you and see how to arrange him. Should I let him stay, or officially become a member of the Cavalry Army."

The return of the cavalry army was too sudden for Sokov, and he was not prepared at all. Now Selivanov heard whether Muzichenko should stay or leave with the cavalry army, which made Sokov feel difficult. Muzichenko finally became the acting commander of the cavalry division, so I ordered him to stay. He would definitely not say anything, but there was a lump in his heart.

But it doesn't seem like a good thing to let him leave with the cavalry army. After all, the current cavalry is a weak army, and I am afraid that there are not many opportunities to participate in major battles. In other words, if Muzichenko continues to stay in the cavalry army, he may not have any chance to make contributions.

Seeing that Sokov remained silent, Selivanov said: "General Sokov, since the emergence of a large number of automatic weapons, rapid-fire artillery, tanks and aircraft on the battlefield, the army has appeared stretching forward and hiding in bunkers. The cavalry has lost its former role as an army protected by barbed wire.

I think this battle that our army participated in should be the last time. From now on, I am afraid that we will be arranged in the rear to maintain order, transport supplies, etc., and there will be almost no chance of participating in the battle. In my opinion, for the sake of Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko's future, let him stay. Staying by your side, maybe he can make more achievements. "

What Selivanov said seemed grand on the surface, but in fact he also had unspeakable difficulties. According to Muzichenko's performance on the battlefield, he originally wanted to apply to his superiors to officially become the commander of the 66th Cavalry Division. But someone stopped him, and said that Muzichenko had just been reviewed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and if he rashly recommended him to be the commander of the cavalry division, he might have a bad influence on himself.

It is for this reason that after repeated consideration, Selivanov finally decided to give up. After all, an excellent subordinate is not as important as his own future. But after he struggled to express his point of view to Sokov, he couldn't help becoming nervous, fearing that Sokov would reject him.

However, what he was worried about did not happen. On the contrary, Sokov replied straightforwardly: "Okay, then let Muzichenko stay. Please go back and tell him later, so that he can come back to report as soon as possible. "

Selivanov thought he did it brilliantly, but not only Sokov, but even Gorokhov saw through his little thoughtfulness. He waited for Selivanov to leave, then snorted coldly, and then said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, it seems that the commander of the cavalry army is worried that Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko will stay by his side and will It brought him unnecessary trouble, so he came to us specially to get rid of this burden."

Sokov also understands the opponent's psychology. Originally, the current cavalry army does not have many opportunities to make contributions. If Muzichenko affects the future, it will really be worth the candle. He waved his hand at Gorokhov and said: "Comrade Military Commissar, this is the end of this matter, there is no need to talk about it. The return of Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko is not a bad thing for us. I can't think about it for long. We may launch an attack on the Uman area, which is also his chance to wash away his shame. If he really leaves with the cavalry army, this may become his lifelong regret."

Gorokhov thought about it carefully, and it was really the case. The three former generals, Ponedelin, Muzichenko and Kirillov, were unfortunately captured by the German army during the Battle of Uman. Now that the troops are within easy reach of Uman, it will be a matter of time before they launch an attack there. As long as Uman's German army can be defeated, the three of them can wash away the shame of the past.

However, Gorokhov still asked with concern: "Comrade Commander, after Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko returns, how do you plan to arrange his work?"

"Since he is a member of the advisory group, he will continue to stay in the advisory group and advise us in commanding operations." Sokov said: "As for Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, he will continue to serve as the commander of his infantry division." .”

"Comrade Commander, I have a proposal." Smirnov, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Aren't we planning to recruit recruits from the local area to enrich our troops? In my opinion, the work of recruiting recruits can , to Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko to complete."

"That's a good idea." Sokov considered that Muzichenko would basically have nothing to do when he returned to the headquarters, so he might as well arrange some work for him so that he wouldn't be too bored, so he nodded and agreed: "Again Draw a few people from the student team to assist him in completing this work."

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