Red Moscow

Chapter 1817

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I guess the enemy must be thinking of a target to launch missiles again." Sokov said decisively: "Order the reconnaissance unit to launch an attack immediately. If there are new rockets, use new rockets; if not, Even if it is filled by people, the German launchers must be blown up, and they must not be allowed to launch missiles at our targets."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Smirnov replied: "I will immediately notify the scouts on the front line and let them destroy the German arrival launchers at all costs."

"Comrade Commander." As soon as Sokov put down the microphone, Victor asked tentatively, "Is the missile you just mentioned a new weapon that the Germans can carry out long-range attacks?"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." Sokov replied in an affirmative tone: "What the scouts discovered was the launcher of the V1 missile. The Germans used this launcher to launch the V1 missile to attack our army. remote target."

Victor is only a regiment commander, so he naturally doesn't know what the V1 missile is, but from Sokov's serious expression, he can still judge that this new German weapon is a huge threat to his own troops.

At this time, Sukharev also asked curiously: "Comrade commander, is this missile powerful?"

Sokov didn't answer his question directly, but asked instead: "Major, how many shells do you think the wooden house we are in can withstand?"

"If the Germans are using 75mm guns, I think this cabin can probably withstand two or three shots."

Sokov nodded after hearing this, and said: "If the V1 missile landed 20 meters away, the shock wave generated by the explosion would be enough to blow the wooden house down, and most of the people in the house would be injured. .”

"My God, how powerful is this missile?" After listening to Sokov's story, Sukharev became more interested in the V1 missile: "Then how does it find the target?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room became quiet. Yes, how did the V1 missile hit the target after flying a long distance?

After a while, Shtemenko asked Sokov, "Comrade Sokov, do you know the answer?"

Sokov naturally knew the answer, but if he said it directly, Yakov might be suspicious: Our weapons and equipment department has not yet figured out the working principle of the V1 missile, but you understand it perfectly. How can this be explained? ?

"I don't know too well." Sokov thought for a while, and decided not to give the correct answer, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for himself: "But I guess, there may be some navigation device on the missile that can control the direction of the missile. Fly to the pre-set target. However, the German navigation device should not be perfect, so after launching the missile, whether it can hit the target can only depend on God's will."

"So, it is very difficult for the German missiles to accurately hit a target?" Shtemenko continued: "Comrade Sokov, is my understanding correct?"

"I think it should be correct." Sokov said vaguely: "Although the range of this rocket is very long, but because of the lack of precision, the Germans must launch a large number of rockets at the same time if they want to hit the target. , rely on quantity to win."

"Comrade Commander, according to what you said," Victor interrupted suddenly, "the Germans will definitely launch a large number of missiles at the same time if they want to attack our army's targets. In addition to the two launchers, there should be more launchers..."

One word awakened the dreamer, and Victor's words made Sokov realize that he had not considered the issue comprehensively. If the Germans really wanted to use V1 missiles to attack their own targets, how could they only launch one or two missiles? They must have deployed more launchers, but they have not been discovered by the scouts for the time being.

Thinking of this, Sokov quickly grabbed the microphone and whispered to his ear, "I'm Sokov, call me the Chief of Staff."

The call was connected quickly.

Smirnov on the other end of the phone thought that Sokov knew whether the order had been conveyed, so he hurriedly said: "Comrade commander, I have conveyed the order. I believe it will not take long before our scouts can Destroy the German missile launchers."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I just remembered something." Sokov said into the microphone: "The missiles used by the Germans for long-distance attacks, the navigation devices that control the missile's flight line of defense, should not be perfect, and they should be used for attack missions." It is entirely possible for the missiles to deviate from the target. Therefore, if the Germans want to take advantage of the night to attack our defense zone, they will definitely launch a large number of missiles to ensure that some missiles hit the target."

Smirnov is also a smart person. Hearing what Sokov said, he immediately understood what the other party meant, and asked quickly: "Comrade Commander, you mean that besides the launchers discovered by our scouts, there are still a large number of launcher?"

"That's right, Comrade Chief of Staff, that's what I mean." Seeing that Smirnov realized what he meant, Sokov felt very happy, and he continued: "Let the scouts conduct a larger search, It is imperative to find more launchers and make sure the Germans do not fire a single missile."

"I understand, Comrade Commander." Smirnov assured Sokov, "I will immediately contact the Director of Reconnaissance and ask him to notify the scouts behind the enemy to expand the search area and find the remaining missile launchers. Prevent the enemy from firing missiles at our defense zone."

The task of expanding the search area and destroying all the missile launchers of the German army was quickly conveyed to every reconnaissance unit behind the enemy, but for these scouts behind the enemy, the difficulty factor of this task is tantamount to hell.

After Sokov put down the phone, seeing Victor and Sukharev still standing there, he couldn't help wondering: "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Comrade Commander, didn't you tell us to stay here and wait for the hovercraft?" Sukharev quickly explained to Sokov: "Without the guidance of a guide, the hovercraft cannot march at night."

"That's right, that's right." Yakov agreed with Sukharev's statement: "In an unfamiliar area, our hovercraft will actually take a lot of risks if we have a guide. This risk can be minimized.”

The reason why Sokov rushed the two to leave was because Shtemenko was sitting in his forward headquarters and had some things to say, so he had to send the two to leave first. But Yakov had already talked about this, and Sokov couldn't say anything more, so he could only reluctantly let the two stay.

"Comrades, two commanders," Shtemenko saw that Viktor and Sukharev looked a little familiar, and asked with a smile, "I see that you look familiar. Have you met somewhere before?"

"Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff," Victor glanced at Sokov, who was busy, and continued, "When Comrade Commander was studying at the Frunze Military Academy, we were all in the same class as him."

"Oh, so that's the case." Shtemenko suddenly realized: "I only heard that after the training course that Comrade Sokov attended, all the students were packaged and received by him. Presumably you are two of them. "

"That's right, Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff." Victor replied, "All the students in the class followed the commander to the front line. The two of us were assigned to the grassroots units, and the rest of us were in this forward command." Ministry."

Hearing what Victor said, Shtemenko noticed that the staff officers in the headquarters were all school-level officers, and he couldn't help but said to Sokov with emotion: "Comrade Sokov, your forward headquarters level Not low, the lowest-ranking staff officers are all majors."

Sokov laughed a few times and explained: "Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, since there are not so many command posts in the grass-roots units, I left the remaining students at the command headquarters. I believe that they are A lot of useful knowledge can be learned here, which will be useful when the troops are on their own in the future.”

Everyone chatted in the headquarters for about half an hour. After Ponejielin answered the phone, he reported to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, two transport hovercraft have entered the defense area of ​​the 18th Guards Army. What should General Afunin ask for instructions?"

"Oh, the hovercraft has arrived." Yakov stood up and asked Ponegerin, "Where is it parked?"

"In the defense zone of the 15th Regiment of the 4th Guards Airborne Division." Ponejielin asked tentatively: "Colonel Yakov, do you need me to take you there?"

Although Victor and Sukharev are also members of the 18th Guards Corps, they are not familiar with the terrain here. Obviously, they cannot take Yakov to the defense area of ​​the 15th Regiment, so Yakov is very refreshing He readily agreed: "Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Ponegelin, then I will trouble you to be our guide."

After Ponegerin left with Yakov, Victor and others, Sokov picked up the phone and called Afunin, asking, "General Afunin, how is the battle ahead?"

Shtemenko, who was about to ask Sokov a question, remembered the position of the 124th Regiment of the 41st Guards Division when he heard Sokov's question. It was attacked by the German army a few hours ago, and he didn't know how the battle was going. up. He listened to Sokov's conversation sideways, trying to figure out what the current battle was like.

"The two attacks launched by the German army have been repelled by the commanders and fighters of the 41st Guards Division." Afunin reported: "At this moment, General Kurishenko is adjusting his deployment and is preparing to meet the next round of the enemy's attack. "

"Well, I see." Knowing that the German attack was repelled, Sokov felt at ease. Although the Germans may still attack, they already know that the defenders have taken preventive measures. If they want to attack again, it will not be a surprise attack but a forced attack, and they will definitely pay a higher price. "Keep in touch. Once there is a new situation, remember to report to me in time."

"Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff," Sokov explained to him when he put down the microphone, seeing Shtemenko staring at him, thinking that he was concerned about the war on the front line: "The German attack has been repulsed by our army. , I think they have suffered such a big loss, and they should calm down next time, and will not continue to attack."

"Are you so sure?" Shtemenko asked with a half-smile.

"That's right, Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff," Sokov replied, "The Germans' surprise attack on our positions tonight has ended in failure. If they want to continue their offensive, they will have to turn their surprise attack into a forced attack. Judging from the enemy's artillery configuration, they are obviously not ready for a strong attack, so I can say with certainty that they will not launch a new attack on the positions of the 41st Guards Division before dawn."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Shtemenko somewhat agreed with Sokov's analysis, and he nodded. Just as he was about to say a few words, the phone on the desk rang again.

Sokov thought it was Afunin's call, so he quickly grabbed the receiver and put it to his ear, and said loudly, "I'm Sokov. Is this General Afunin? Is there a new enemy situation in your place?" The change?"

Unexpectedly, after a moment of silence in the receiver, Smirnov's voice came out: "Comrade Commander, it's me!"

"It turned out to be the chief of staff." Sokov heard that it was Smirnov, and asked back, "What's the matter?"

"Comrade Commander, the situation is like this." Smirnov explained to Sokov: "After our scouts expanded the search area, we soon found three launchers in other areas. But when launching the attack , due to the tenacious resistance of the German army, the missile on one of the launchers was launched!"

"What, a missile was launched." Sukov couldn't help but be surprised: "Do you know where to fly?"

"I don't know." As soon as Smirnov finished speaking, the sound of an explosion came from the earphone, and then Sokov heard Smirnov asked sharply, "Where did it explode?"

Hearing that the sound should not be far from the headquarters, Sokov quickly ordered Smirnov: "Chief of Staff, listen to the explosion, it will not be more than 300 meters away from the headquarters, send someone to check immediately, what is it?" There was an explosion."

"Okay, I'll send someone to investigate right away." Soon, Sokov heard Smirnov giving orders on the other end of the phone. After just a few tens of seconds, Smirnov's voice came again from the receiver: "Comrade Commander, I have sent someone to investigate. I believe it will not take long before we can find out the truth."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Sokov was very sensitive to the explosion near the headquarters. He tentatively asked Smirnov, "What do you think of the explosion?"

"I think the enemy may be doing sabotage." Smirnov said: "Seeing that our headquarters is heavily guarded, they can't get in at all, so they can only create explosions nearby to attract our attention. Then he You can wait until the commanders and fighters are searching for the source of the explosion, and sneak into our defense zone."

As soon as he said this, there was a loud explosion sound from the earpiece, and then Sokov found that there was no sound in the earphone. "Hey, hello," he said to the communications soldier next to him, beating the ring with his hand, "Commissioner, come quickly and have a look. What's wrong with this phone line?"

"Comrade Sokov," Shtemenko asked Sokov with concern while the communicator was checking the line: "What happened?"

"I was on the phone with the chief of staff, and there was a bang in the headset, and then the call was cut off." Sokov replied: "I asked the communications officer to check to see if there is a problem with the line."

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