Red Moscow

Chapter 1842

"However, we used to fight like this before." The former division chief of staff replied in a flustered expression, "You must know that the direction we choose is the main direction of attack and cannot be adjusted casually."

After listening to the other party's words, Muzichenko realized that there were many problems in this army. First of all, the tactical thinking was dull, and it would be strange to win the battle. He waved his hand and said, "Colonel Yesenin is outside, you can go back to the headquarters with him."

After dismissing the former chief of staff, Muzichenko directly asked the chief of staff Lekashari he had brought: "Comrade major, tell me what you think."

"The task of the superior is very clear, which is to break through the defense of the German army outside the town of Golovanivsik, enter the town to join the friendly forces, and control the entire town." Lekashari quickly entered his role. He didn't seem to Because the military ranks of the several regiment leaders were higher than their own, they seemed embarrassed, but said with this expression: "Although we attacked the town twice, both ended in failure and even paid huge casualties, but we still need to attack the town." Go on the offensive."

Hearing what Likashali said, the head of the 701st regiment couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, thinking to himself: "Continue to attack, doesn't that mean that our regiment will also participate in the attack?"

Sure enough, after a while, he saw Likashari's gaze resting on himself: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel," Likashari said politely: "The next attack, your regiment will be the main offensive, and you must attack before dawn." , broke through the German defenses, rushed into the town and joined the friendly army."

"It's very difficult, Comrade Major." The head of the 701 regiment deliberately bit the word major clearly, as if to remind the other party that his military rank was higher than him: "Our two attacks ended in failure. If we continue to attack Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be even more casualties.”

"You are right, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." Lekashari unexpectedly agreed with him: "If you continue to attack from that area, even if you barely break through the German defenses, it will be a miserable victory. If the troops If they are all shot, then the next battle will have nothing to do with our division."

The head of the 701 regiment also felt the same way. If all the troops are wiped out, then they will be beaten. He nodded and asked politely: "Comrade Major, I wonder how you plan to reverse this situation?"

"Commander of the 700th regiment," Lekashari said to the commander of the 700th regiment, "you put up an offensive posture on the south side of the town to attract the attention of the Germans. As for the 701st regiment, this took advantage of the attention of the Germans to be captured." While the 700th regiment was attracting them, they quietly detoured to the east of the town and entered the town from there."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Major." The commander of the 701st regiment interrupted Lekashari and asked, "Why did we make a detour from the east of the town? Can we break through the German defense from that direction?"

"I think this possibility is very large." Muzichenko interrupted: "A few hours ago, Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov entered the town from the east with part of the 252nd Division, and along the way The enemies encountered were almost wiped out without any fighting."

"Then will the Germans deploy heavy troops to the east of the town to defend us?" The head of the 701st regiment said in an uncertain tone, "What if they find that Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov's troops have entered the town? , draw troops from other places, and build a new line of defense, lest more troops enter the town through that gap."

"I don't think so." Muzichenko said confidently: "The Germans must think that after we entered the town once from the east, in order to prevent a fierce exchange of fire with them, we must choose a new road. But We decided to do the opposite this time, deliberately entering the town again from the east, so as to catch the Germans off guard."

"That's right, what the division commander said is quite correct." Lekashari continued: "On the way here, I was thinking about whether we should adjust the direction of attack in order to quickly break through the German defensive positions outside the town. If we want to adjust If so, where should I choose? Just when I was having trouble making a decision, I suddenly remembered a story the commander once told me."

The crowd did not interrupt him, but listened patiently to what Sokov had to say: "He said that a certain famous general led an army to ambush an enemy army and won. But after cleaning the battlefield, they did not leave immediately, but rearranged a new ambush circle not far from the ambush point.

When I heard this, I asked the commander specifically: I just completed the ambush against the enemy, and set up a new ambush circle near the site of the last battle. Will the enemy not find it? "

Likashali's words aroused everyone's curiosity. It sounds like a fantasy to be near the same place twice, and it is strange to be able to succeed. "What happened later, what happened later?" The head of the 701 regiment asked a little impatiently: "Did the second ambush succeed?"

"Yes, it succeeded." Lekashari nodded and said, "The newly arrived enemy, as judged by the general, thought that his friendly forces had suffered near here before, and when they rushed over, they would not It's dangerous. Unexpectedly, he crashed into the general's ambush circle and suffered huge losses in the end."

"Is this a real battle?" The head of the 701 regiment asked, "Why have I never heard of it?"

"This case was told to me by Comrade Commander." Rekashari said with affirmative tone: "Although he did not say clearly where this case occurred, I believe the commander will not lie to me."

"Commanders," Muzichenko said again, "whether this example is true or not is not a question for us to discuss. I just want to tell you one thing. If you enter the town from the east, there is a high probability that you will not be attacked by the Germans." Intercept. Therefore, I decided to attack the town again after fifteen minutes. The 700th regiment is feigning a frontal attack, while the 701st regiment detours to the east of the town, enters the town from that direction, and joins forces with the friendly forces in the town."

After the combat mission was completed, the three regiment leaders returned to their respective regiments.

"Major Lekashari," Muzichenko asked Likashari curiously, "is the case of ambushing twice at the same place you just said true?"

"Comrade commander, I just said that this is what the commander told me personally." Out of trust in Sokov, Lekashari said in an affirmative tone to Muzichenko's question: "I I think it must not be fake."

Muzichenko nodded, and then got down to business: "Can I get in touch with Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov?"

"Yes." Lekashari replied: "But if you talk in plain language, I'm afraid the Germans will eavesdrop. I think it's better to send a telegram to Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov."

"I think it's okay." Muzichenko nodded and agreed with Lekashari's proposal: "You immediately send a telegram to Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, saying that I plan to send troops to enter from the east of the town, and ask him to send someone there. Accept."

After receiving the telegram from Lekashari, Kirillov immediately called Victor to him and said to him: "Victor, I have some good news for you. Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko has taken over as the No. The post of commander of the 233rd Division will soon send troops to reinforce us."

But after Victor heard the news, he didn't show much joy. On the contrary, he said with a straight face: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, won't you be happy again?"

Victor said so for a reason. Originally, the task he received was to assist the 233rd Division to seize the town. As a result, his own troops rushed into the town, while the 233rd Division, which was supposed to attack the town, was still dawdling outside the town without any intention of attacking. Later, Sokov personally called the army commander Chumakov, and Yesenin reluctantly ordered the troops to attack. But what effect can this kind of prevarication attack play? If Kirilov hadn't arrived with reinforcements, he might have been wiped out already.

"Victor, don't worry." Hearing that Muzichenko had taken over the position of the 233rd Division, Kirillov felt more at ease: "I knew General Muzichenko before the war. What kind of man he is, I know very well. Since the telegram he sent us said that an attack was about to be launched, it must be true."

In order to convince Victor of his judgment, he continued: "You see, he intends to use the 700th regiment to make a feint in front to attract the attention of the Germans; then he ordered the 701st regiment to turn around to the right and enter the town from the east of the town. .”

Having said that, Kirillov looked up at Victor and said: "Except for the church in the center of the town, most of the north and east of the town have been controlled by our army. Wait a minute Take a few people and go east to meet the troops, with their help, we will liberate this town without much problem."

"That's right, that's right," Victor nodded and said, "Although most of the areas in the east and north of the town have been controlled by us. Unfortunately, due to the lack of offensive weapons, some fire support points have not yet been controlled." Take it down. If the 701 regiment is attacked by these firepower points when it enters the city, it will inevitably cause great casualties."

Kirillov looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late, Victor, you should leave now."

"Yes." Victor agreed, turned around and was about to walk outside.

But just a few steps away, he was stopped by Kirillov. The latter stepped forward to hold his hand, shook it twice, and said earnestly, "Victor, you must come back alive."

"Don't worry, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." Victor said carelessly: "My fate is high, I will definitely come back alive. I also promised the commander that I would rush into Berlin with him and destroy the old lair of Faxi Temple. I don’t want to say nothing.”

After sending Victor away, Kirillov received a telegram from the headquarters. The content of the telegram is simple: "Report the situation there immediately."

Seeing that Sokov was eager to know the situation here, Kirillov did not dare to neglect, and quickly called the operator over, drafted a telegram, and reported everything that happened here in detail, even Victor He didn't let go of the matter of taking people to meet the friendly forces.

After receiving the telegram, Sokov looked at it for a while, then raised his head and said to Smirnov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, it seems that our decision to replace the commander of the 233rd Division is completely correct. Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko noticed the positive Attacking, it was difficult to break through the German defense line, so a regiment was sent to feign an attack from the front, but the regiment responsible for the main offensive task detoured to the left flank of the German army and entered the town from the east, preparing to strike the Germans by surprise."

Shtemenko took the telegram in Sokov's hand, read it carefully, then nodded and said, "It seems that the battle to liberate the town of Golovanivsik will soon be over."

"I believe that Kirillov and Muzichenko will be able to destroy the enemies in Golovanivsik town together." Ponejielin said with emotion: "The last time they joined forces, they were still in the battle. In a previous military exercise."

After hearing this, Smirnov said casually, "That happened several years ago."

"I hope that this cooperation between the two of them is just the beginning." Sokov was thinking in his heart that after the Uman battle, the commanders in his army must make some adjustments, like Kirillov and Muziqin A capable commander like Ke must arrange suitable positions for them.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang. Sokov thought it was Muzichenko calling to report the situation, so he grabbed the phone casually: "I'm Sokov."

"Hello, Comrade Commander." The voice of Chumakov, commander of the 57th Army, came from the phone: "I am Chumakov."

"What's the matter, Comrade Commander?"

"Comrade Commander, the situation is like this." Chumakov said cautiously: "I remember you once said that after the dismissal of Colonel Yesenin as division commander, Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko acted as commander of the 233rd Division. At the same time, let Yesenin remained in the division and served as deputy division commander."

"Yes, I said that."

"However, after Lieutenant Colonel Muzichenko took over the post of division commander, he not only drove Yesenin out, but also drove back his division chief of staff." Chumakov said a little angrily: "I want to ask Ask, what on earth does this mean?"

"It's very simple. It turned out that I didn't think carefully, so I made a hasty decision to appoint Yesenin as the deputy division commander." Sukov said into the microphone: "But after observing this period of time, I feel that Yesenin has no qualifications at all. The ability to command division-level troops, so I changed my mind and asked him to report to my headquarters."

Sokov thought that since Chumakov asked about this, it meant that Yesenin had already arrived at his army headquarters, so he asked tentatively, "Is Colonel Yesenin with you?"

Chumakov on the other end of the phone glanced at Yesenin standing in front of him, and replied boldly: "Yes, he is in my headquarters at the moment." After a short pause, he asked tentatively, "Comrade Commander, can you tell me how you plan to place him?"

Sokov was already very dissatisfied with Yesenin's performance on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, after he was dismissed, he went directly to Chumakov's headquarters and tried to ask Chumakov to ask him for an explanation.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said into the microphone: "General Chumakov, please tell Colonel Yesenin to come to the army headquarters immediately. Otherwise, I will send Lieutenant Koshkin to bring him over." .As for how to deal with him, this is a matter for the group army headquarters, and it is not your turn to ask."

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