Red Moscow

Chapter 1857

"This is really great." Sokov said: "Comrade Sidolin, please convey my thanks to Lieutenant Colonel Glushko for his achievements."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Sidolin said politely: "I will convey your thanks to him." After a short pause, he continued to ask, "After capturing Uman, our next task What is it?"

"After the friendly troops enter the city, hand over the defense to them." Sokov stared at the map in front of him and said: "Then the 18th Guards Army advanced to the west of Haixin and Teplik, and captured these two small towns. After the city, forcefully cross the South Bug River. After completing the crossing operation, quickly push to the Transnistria."

Sidolin quickly pulled the map in front of him, and after seeing the direction Sokov said clearly, he couldn't help taking a breath: "Comrade Commander, our division has been greatly weakened after repeated battles. , I’m afraid it’s not appropriate to participate in such a long-distance raid.”

"I understand, Comrade Sidolin." Sukov naturally knew what price the 18th Guards Corps had paid in order to capture Uman. Among the three divisions of the army, the 41st Guards Division suffered the most. He comforted Sidolin and said: "But don't worry, you will not be allowed to go deep alone this time. There will be tank brigades and artillery units to cooperate with you."

"That's good, that's good." Sidolin couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief after hearing Sokov's words. Although the resistance of the German army was not strong when they attacked Uman this time, due to the absence of tank troops Coordination, in some battles, the troops inevitably made huge sacrifices: "With the cooperation of the tank troops, I think our attack will be smoother."

After waiting for Sokov to put down the phone, Smirnov asked, "Comrade Commander, can you see if you have recruited the three army commanders to the headquarters and assigned them the next combat mission."

"I don't think it's necessary." Sokov shook his head and said, "The battle in the city is not over yet, calling the three army commanders over to assign tasks in a hurry will cause the troops in combat to lose their unified command, and into chaos and thus give the Germans a respite."

"But if after the battle is over, it will be too late to call a few army commanders for a meeting?" Smirnov reminded Sukov: "At that time, the friendly army may be ahead of us, and the Nanbu Forced crossing of Ge River."

"The battle of the 18th Guards Army can come to an end." Sokov said to Smirnov: "Let Commander Afunin come to the headquarters immediately, and at the same time order the army to stop fighting in the city."

"The battle in the city?"

"The 49th and 57th Infantry Corps can be put in charge." Sokov said: "Now most of the city has fallen into the hands of our army, and the remaining enemies have also been disrupted and scattered in the city. There are sporadic resistances. If the troops of the two armies are unable to eliminate such an enemy who has basically lost their combat effectiveness, it means that their commanders are not qualified, and we should consider replacing them with more suitable commanders."

Sokov took a sip of tea and said to Shtemenko who was sitting next to him: "Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, after the Uman battle, should you return to Moscow?"

Hearing what Sokov said, Shtemenko couldn't help but chuckled, and then asked, "Why, Comrade Sokov, is that why you don't welcome me?"

"No, Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff." Sokov responded with some embarrassment: "In any case, this is the frontier, and it is inappropriate for you to stay here as the deputy chief of staff of the army. It's life-threatening. Once you have an accident, I can't explain it to my superiors."

"Don't worry, Comrade Sokov." Seeing Sokov so disturbed, Shtemenko said with a smile: "I won't stay here for long, and I will leave as soon as the Battle of Uman is over. Always make you worry about me."

Knowing that Stemenko would leave after the battle, Sokov was somewhat relieved, but he still said insincere words: "If our headquarters hadn't been transferred frequently, I would like you to stay here, If there is anything I don't understand, I can ask you for advice."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Shitemenko laughed haha. He pointed Sokov with his hand and said, "Sokov, you, you are really good at speaking, obviously you let me learn it." There are many things, but you just say you want to ask me for advice, isn't this a slap in the face?"

Sokov laughed dryly, then turned to Smirnov and asked, "Comrade Chief of Staff, is there any news from Colonel Yakov?"

Smirnov nodded and said: "Not long ago, I received a telegram from Colonel Yakov, and I haven't had time to show it to you. He has arrived in Kursk at this moment and is loading cargo. It takes about 24 hours You can return later."

After hearing this, Sokov couldn't help but murmured, "The departure will take 24 hours, so I guess we won't be able to catch up."

"Can't catch up? What can't catch up?" Smirnov just asked this question curiously, and immediately guessed Sokov's intentions, and asked tentatively: "Comrade commander, don't you want to let Colonel Yakov Help us break through the defense line of the South Bug River?"

"What's wrong?" Sokov stared at Smirnov and said, "With the assistance of the hovercraft unit, we can send the commanders and fighters of a division and their equipment to the opposite bank within an hour. "

"Let me do the math," Smirnov counted with his fingers: "Although it only took Colonel Yakov and the others from here to Kursk, it only took one day, but when they return, they will be traveling at a much slower speed because they are fully loaded with goods." Slow down, that is to say, it will take about three days to reach us. It seems that they really can't keep up with the battle across the river."

The phone rang, and Sokov grabbed the receiver and stuck it to his ear: "I'm Sokov."

The voice of Marshal Konev came from the receiver: "Comrade Sokov, I am Konev. How is the situation in your place? How long will it take to take Uman?"

"Comrade Marshal," Sokov reported to Konev, "the municipal building has been taken, and most of the city has indeed fallen into the hands of our army. The enemy below is based on small units, occupying some important positions, and is carrying out the last desperate resistance."

"Then when will you take down the entire city?"

Sokov thought about it in his heart, and finally gave an answer: "Comrade Marshal, I think we should be able to take down the entire city before dawn."

Konev hummed, and then said: "Comrade Sokov, a few days ago you said that you took Uman in three days, and I thought you were talking big. But now it seems that you won the whole city, I'm afraid it won't be held for 24 hours, which is really amazing."

"Comrade Marshal, the first front army commanded by Marshal Zhukov is indispensable for the reason why we have achieved such results." Taking down Uman is a great feat, but Sokov will not take credit casually. On the contrary, he Part of the credit must also be given out: "If it weren't for their attack from the north that attracted the main force of the German army, I am afraid it would take us a day or two to reach the outside of Uman."

"Comrade Sokov, you don't need to be humble." Konev said with a chuckle: "Even if the main force of the Uman Group of the German army was attracted to the north by Marshal Zhukov, I'm afraid it won't be that bad if you change another army to fight." Easy to reach outside of Uman. What are your next plans?"

"I plan to order the troops to advance to the west of Hessing and Jaiplik. After capturing these two small cities, they will forcefully cross the South Bug River. After completing the river crossing operation, they will quickly push to the Transnistria."

When Sokov finished reporting his intentions, Konev nodded and said: "Comrade Sokov, you have considered the issue very comprehensively. I also plan to order the 27th and 52nd armies to move westward after Uman is liberated." Push forward, after forcibly crossing the South Bug River, continue pushing toward the Dniester River.”

Sokov glanced at Smirnov, who was on the phone not far away, and reported his plan to Konev: "Comrade Marshal, I have ordered the 18th Guards Army to stop fighting in the city, and the The remaining combat missions are handed over to the 49th and 57th armies to complete."

"After you stopped the 18th Guards Army from attacking, are you planning to give them any new combat missions?"

"That's right, Comrade Marshal." Sokov replied truthfully: "I plan to let the army withdraw from the battle and advance westward with the tank brigade and artillery to capture the two small cities of Hessing and Teplik. "

"Well, your decision is correct, Comrade Sokov." Konev said approvingly: "According to my original plan, it will be at least a week later to advance to the South Bug River. The time has come a long way.”

"Well, is there any difficulty?"

"There must be difficulties." Sokov said with some hesitation: "After a long period of fighting, the 18th Guards Corps has lost more than 60% of its personnel. After the river, I am afraid there will be no strength to move forward."

"It's very difficult, Comrade Sokov." Facing the question raised by Sokov, Konev also found it difficult to handle. Not only the 53rd Army, but all the troops suffered serious attrition during the battle. The supplements have not arrived for a long time, even if I want to supplement them, there is nothing I can do: "All the group armies are facing the problem of insufficient soldiers, but I can't replenish you with the lost soldiers until I get replenishment from the superior."

After being silent for a while, Konev put forward his own idea: "Or, you can recruit recruits locally. If possible, recruit a few guerrillas with combat experience, so as to ensure that your combat effectiveness will not gets diluted."

If he were in Russia at the moment, Sokov would naturally be eager for Konev's proposal. But in Ukraine, the situation is due to one thing. Although there are a large number of guerrillas, they are divided into several factions: one is the pro-Soviet guerrillas, who will actively provide intelligence to the Soviet army during the battle, and even assist in combat;

One is pro-German, they are a dog raised by the Germans, helping the German army to fight against the Soviet army;

The third type of guerrilla is neither pro-Soviet nor pro-German. They form a faction of their own and want to fight both the Germans and the Soviet army.

"Comrade Marshal," Sokov said cautiously, "the composition of the Ukrainian guerrillas is too complicated. If there is no other way, I don't plan to recruit them. If you accidentally recruit that kind of pro-German guerrillas, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the Ukrainian guerrillas." Pull us back in the fight."

Konev knew that Sokov was telling the truth, so he could only say euphemistically: "Comrade Sokov, in a short period of time, the Front Army Command cannot provide you with personnel supplies, so you can only be discharged from the hospital after recovery." The wounded, or other means, to make up for your lack of soldiers."

After putting down the phone, Sokov first asked Smirnov who put down the phone earlier than himself: "Comrade Chief of Staff, have you called General Afunin?"

"Yes, we have already fought." Smirnov nodded and said, "He said he would arrive at the headquarters within five minutes."

Sokov nodded, and greeted a colonel sitting in the distance: "Colonel Burgos!"

Hearing Sokov call his order, Burgos quickly stood up and walked over quickly, stood in front of Sokov, waiting to accept his task.

"Comrade Armored Corps Director," Sokov called Burgos' position, and asked, "How many tank brigades does our army have, and can they go into battle?"

"Comrade Commander, there are three tank brigades that can go into battle." After Burgos answered Sokov's question, he asked tentatively, "Are you planning to let the tank brigades move with the 18th Guards Corps?"

"That's right, that's what I think." Sokov finally added: "In addition to the armored troops, the pontoon troops under the group army will also accompany you and build a pontoon bridge for you on the South Bug River."

Afunin walked in from the outside and walked straight to Sokov. He raised his hand to his forehead, "Comrade Commander, I am here on orders. Do you have any instructions?"

"Come here on the map." Sokov, who was standing by the table, greeted him, "I'll assign you combat missions."

When Afunin came to the table, Sokov pointed to the map and said to him: "General Afunin, after your army is assembled, immediately leave the city from the west of Uman, and then head towards Haixin and Jaip Rick is going forward, trying to capture these two cities in the shortest possible time, and then cross the Nanbug River before the enemy recovers. Do you understand?"

"Comrade Commander," Afunin waited for Sokov to finish speaking, and then took the initiative to mention the difficulties he was facing: "My troops have suffered heavy losses in successive battles. If they cannot get supplementary troops, they will continue to fight. is very difficult."

Before Afunin could finish speaking, Sokov raised his hand and interrupted him: "Comrade Commander, stop talking, not only your army, but even the 49th and 57th armies have lost more than 40%. However, you will not be able to obtain any supplements for soldiers before you receive supplements from your superiors."

Seeing Afunin's dejected expression, Sokov went on to say: "Don't worry, Comrade Commander, you won't be allowed to go deep alone this time." He pouted at Burgos next to him, "Here, Colonel Burgos will personally command the three tank brigades to act with your army."

Knowing that there is a tank brigade accompanying his troops, Afunin smiled: "Comrade Commander, if this is the case, that would be great. With the tank brigade accompanying us, we can let some soldiers ride on board." The tanks will move forward, which will greatly reduce our marching time."

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