Red Moscow

Chapter 1879

The next day, the vanguard of the 52nd Army reached Kri Rapiri.

Kirillov's 252nd Division was stationed here. He was surprised to see friendly troops unexpectedly appearing in the defense zone, so he sent a staff officer to find out the situation.

Soon, the staff officer who inquired about the situation returned. He reported to Kirillov: "Comrade Commander, I have learned about the situation. They are the vanguard of the 73rd Infantry Army of the 52nd Army. They are ordered to take over the defense of the city."

"He was ordered to take over the city's defense?" Kirillov, who was confused, turned his head and asked the chief of staff of his division: "Comrade chief of staff, what's going on?"

The chief of staff of the division, who was also confused, shrugged his shoulders when he heard what Kirillov said, and spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know what was going on?

Seeing that the chief of staff didn't know what was going on, Kirillov couldn't help but feel a little angry, but he suppressed the anger in his heart and told the other party: "Chief of staff, contact the army headquarters immediately and ask what is the matter?" what happened."

The chief of staff didn't dare to neglect, and quickly ordered the communications soldier to connect to the phone of the army headquarters.

As soon as the phone was connected, he reported himself: "I am the chief of staff of the 252nd Division, and now there is a unit of the 73rd Infantry Army of the 52nd Army to take over the defense of Kri Ropiri. I would like to ask, what is this? what's going on?"

After receiving Konev's order to make way, Sokov immediately notified the 57th Army of the matter. But Chumakov felt that even if the friendly army came to take over the defense, it might not arrive so fast, so he hadn't had time to inform the troops below.

Now that the Chief of Staff of the 252nd Division asked about this matter, Chumakov answered the phone with some embarrassment: "Comrade Colonel, yesterday the commander of the Army Group informed us that friendly troops would come to take over the defense in the near future. I thought they arrived It won’t be so fast, I haven’t come and notified you yet.”

"Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do, Comrade Colonel?" Thinking that after his defense area was handed over to friendly forces, the troops would turn from offense to defense, Chumakov felt very uncomfortable: "Of course it is to hand over defense to them. There is no doubt about it."

"After handing over the defense, what should we do?"

"After handing over the defense of the city, you immediately transferred to Thomas Peary, where you joined the 233rd Division in the city, built fortifications outside the city, and transferred to the defense on the spot."

After the chief of staff of the division put down the phone, he reported to Kirillov: "Comrade commander, the commander said, let us transfer to Thomas Peary immediately after the friendly forces hand over the defense, and join the 233rd division stationed there. turned to defense, and built a large number of fortifications outside the city."

Although it is not clear why Kirilov turned over the defense to the friendly forces and transferred to Thomas Piri to turn to the defense. However, as a commander with more than 20 years of military experience, he understands the importance of obedience. As soon as the chief of staff finished speaking, he directly issued an order: "Chief of staff, order the troops to start to assemble, and at the same time hand over the city's troops to the friendly army." defense."

"Comrade commander," said the chief of staff a little unconvinced, "our division took the city, why should it be handed over to the friendly army? In my opinion, you should contact the commander and see what he has to say."

Kirillov heard what the chief of staff meant, that he didn't want to leave this newly liberated city. Why didn't he have the same idea, but as a soldier, obeying orders is a bounden duty. Now that the superior has issued the order to hand over the defense and transfer, no matter how reluctant he is, he can't stay here any longer.

"Come on, Comrade Chief of Staff, stop talking." Kirillov interrupted the Chief of Staff and said to him in a stern tone: "Don't you know that we can only carry out orders, not discuss them? "

When the chief of staff heard what Kirillov said, he suddenly became speechless.

"Comrade Chief of Staff, hurry up and hand over the defense to friendly forces as soon as possible, and transfer to Thomas Piri." When Kirillov gave the order to the Chief of Staff, he was secretly muttering, and when he arrived at Thomas Piri, he would call Sokov Call and find out what's going on.

Two hours later, the troops that had handed over their defense were transferred to Thomas Piri in the northwest direction. Kirillov, who was sitting in the jeep, thought to himself: It seems a bit inappropriate to call the commander directly. Bar. Maybe more useful information can be obtained from his mouth.

Thinking of this, he quickly ordered the driver to stop, and then on the side of the road, he contacted the group army headquarters by radio.

Fortunately, he was very popular when he was a consultant at the headquarters, and he quickly got in touch with a familiar staff officer. He smiled and said, "Comrade Captain, can you please find me Lieutenant Colonel Pornegerin? I have something important to do with him."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the other party was unexpectedly silent for a moment, and then asked back: "Why, Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, don't you know?"

Hearing what the other party said, Kirilov couldn't help but thumped in his heart, wondering if something happened to Porneygelin? He asked tentatively: "Comrade Captain, what should I know?"

"Lieutenant-Colonel Pornegelin is no longer at headquarters."

Hearing this, Kirilov panicked even more, and he murmured, "What happened to him?"

After hearing this, the staff officer was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Kirilov meant, and said with a smile: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, don't worry. Lieutenant Colonel Ponejielin is indeed not at the headquarters now. He was transferred by the commander to the No. The commander of the 41st Division."

"What, Lieutenant Colonel Ponejielin is now the commander of the 41st Guards Division?" Kirillov asked in surprise, "When did this happen?"

"Today is today." The staff officer explained: "The commander just appointed Lieutenant Colonel Ponegerin as the commander of the 41st Guards Division today, and sent comrades from the military commissar to accompany him to the post."

"What about the original commander of the 41st Guards Division, General Kurishenko?" Since Ponedelin was appointed as the division commander, the original division commander must not be able to stay in the post. Kirilov asked curiously: "He How was it arranged?"

"Not very clear." The staff officer replied: "The commander just appointed Lieutenant Colonel Poniedelin as the division commander. As for how General Kurishenko arranged it, he didn't mention it."

Knowing that Ponejielin was appointed as the division commander, Kirillov was excited, but he didn't bother to continue asking why he had to hand over the defense to the friendly army. After finishing the call, he immediately got into the car and continued on his way.

When the troops were approaching Thomas Piri, a three-wheeled motorcycle was driving towards him. Seeing a major officer sitting in the car, Kirillov quickly ordered the driver to pull over.

After the car stopped on the side of the road, the three-wheeled motorcycle stopped not far from the jeep. The major in the sidecar got out of the car, came to the jeep, raised his hand to salute Kirilov in the car, and said: " Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov, I am here to meet you under the order of the division commander."

Kirillov saw that it was Major Lekashari, Muzichenko's chief of staff, opened the door and got out of the car, went up to shake hands with him, and said with a smile: "Comrade Major, I didn't expect you to come out of the city to meet him in person." us."

After shaking hands with Kirillov, Lekashari said to him politely: "There is not enough space in the city for your troops to station. The division commander means, please build the fortification here."

If someone else said that to Kirillov, maybe Kirillov would be furious at the other party. But since this plan was proposed by Muzichenko, it proves that the upcoming Thomas Piri city is too small, and it is indeed impossible to station more troops in it.

After thinking about this, Kirilov turned around and said to the chief of staff who was coming from behind: "Comrade chief of staff, order the troops to stop advancing and build fortifications on the spot."

Hearing Kirilov's order, the chief of staff couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked: "Comrade commander, this place is less than three kilometers away from the city, we can definitely build defenses in the city..."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, you don't need to say it. There is no place for us to build defenses in the city, so it is the best choice to choose to build defenses on the spot." Seeing that the Chief of Staff still hesitated to speak, He urged: "Execute the order, Comrade Chief of Staff."

"Okay, Comrade Division Commander." At this time, the chief of staff could only bite the bullet and reply: "I will immediately order the troops to stop advancing and build fortifications on the spot."

When the chief of staff went to assign tasks, Lekashari said to Kirillov: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, the teacher said that if it is convenient for you, I would like to invite you to sit in the city."

The chief of staff was in charge of the work of the division, so Kirillov boldly followed Lekashari to the city and met Muzichenko at the division headquarters.

After the two met and exchanged a few pleasantries, Kirillov asked Muzichenko curiously: "Muzchenko, the superior asked me to hand over the defense to the friendly army and rushed here to join you. You know what's going on. ?"

"Why, Comrade Commander didn't tell you?"

"No." Kirillov shook his head and said, "All the vanguard troops of the friendly army entered my defense zone, and I didn't know that the defense was to be handed over. I hurriedly asked the chief of staff to call the army headquarters to find out. The transfer of defense by the friendly forces is an order personally issued by the commander.”

"Kirilov, in fact, I don't know much more than you." Muzichenko said with a wry smile: "I received a call from General Smirnov, the chief of staff of the Army Group, half an hour ago. Knowing that you are coming to join us, I ordered Lie Kashali to meet you."

"Then, have you asked the chief of staff what is the reason for our division to abandon the existing defense zone?"

"I heard from General Smirnov that the superior ordered the 52nd Army to launch an attack from our army's left flank, preparing to forcefully cross the Transnistria and continue to advance towards the Romanian border."

"What about us?"

"Stay on the spot and wait for orders." Muzichenko said: "But in order to prevent the enemy from guessing our true intentions, we still need to launch a small-scale attack on the enemy in some areas."

"What the hell is going on here?" Kirillov became more and more confused as he listened: "We are progressing smoothly, and it only takes one day at most to complete the preparations for the forced crossing of the Transnistria, but we are suddenly stopped. gone."

"Kirilov, you have a good relationship with Ponedelin," Muzychenko reminded Kirillov: "After you received the order to hand over the defense, you didn't call Muzichenko to find out. Condition."

Muzichenko's words reminded Kirillov, and he quickly replied: "Of course I have contacted, but it is a pity that Ponedelin is not in the headquarters, but has gone to other places."

"Where did you go?" Muzichenko asked, "Where did you go?"

"I asked the staff officer who answered the phone, and he said that Comrade Commander suddenly appointed Ponegerin as the commander of the 41st Guards Division today."

"What, Ponedelin is the commander of the 41st Guards Division?" Muzichenko was shocked. He felt that he and Kirillov were the division commanders, and Sokov, who gave the order, had already taken a great risk , and now he has appointed Bornejelin as the division commander, and he is also an ace division like the 41st Guards Division. So he tentatively asked, "Is this news reliable?"

"Reliable, absolutely reliable." Kirillov replied: "And Comrade Army Military Commissar personally accompanied him to take office. I think this news can never be false."

After confirming the news, it was Muzichenko's turn to wonder this time: "It's strange, isn't the 41st Guards Division playing very well? Why did Ponejielin suddenly become the division commander?"

After a pause, he asked another key question: "Then the original division commander, General Kurishenko, what position does the superior plan to place him in? Is he going to be the commander of the army?"

"I don't think so." Kirillov shook his head and said, "If he was about to be appointed as army commander, there must have been rumors in the headquarters. But the staff officer I was talking to had no rumors at all. hear."

Since no one knows where Kurishenko will go next, the two will stop talking about him. Muzichenko said with a smile: "Now that our two divisions are concentrated in Thomas Piri, even if the enemy launches a counterattack, they will never want to take the city back from our hands."

Kirillov laughed twice, and then asked: "Muzichenko, if it is German, then the battle for the city will be extremely fierce, but the enemy in front of us is Romanian. With their strength, can they take down this city?"

"I can't take it." Muzichenko didn't have the slightest doubt about this: "If it was the beginning of the war, the Romanian troops behind the Germans would have a very strong combat effectiveness. But after more than two years and nearly three Years of fighting, the powerful Romanian army has been exhausted, and the troops we are facing today are all newly formed in the past two years. Not only are they poorly trained, but also have little combat experience, which is why we can force them through so easily. South Bug River, successively occupied four cities on the right bank, thus gaining a firm foothold."

"It's a pity that we are not allowed to participate in the offensive anymore." Kirillov said with regret: "Otherwise, based on the recent performance of our troops, we are fully capable of entering the Romanian border within a week."

"This is indeed a regrettable thing." Muzichenko said: "I think Comrade Commander is in a bad mood at the moment. Seeing that victory is in sight, but an order from the superior made us stop the attack and let the friendly forces The fruits of victory were easily reaped."

"By the way, Muzichenko, can your phone talk to the 41st Guards Division?" Kirillov asked tentatively, "I want to talk to Ponedelin to see what's going on. How could he suddenly become the commander of the Guards Division?"

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