Red Moscow

Chapter 1932

"There is not a single enemy in the city?" Although Yakuda knew that the defenders in the city might have abandoned the city before coming here, it was still a bit unbelievable to hear the scout's report with his own ears: "Have you checked it out?"

Faced with Yakuda's doubts, the scouts were very calm. After all, when they found no trace of the enemy in the city, they were also full of suspicion, thinking that it was a trap set by the enemy. "Comrade Major," he replied politely, "we have inspected many important locations, but we have not found any sign of defenders. We have reason to believe that the defenders in the city have long since disappeared."

Yakuda waited for the scouts to finish speaking, thought for a while, and continued: "Well, I plan to divide my troops into two groups and conduct another search in the city. Can you act as a guide for me?"

The two scouts were just ordinary soldiers, and they dared not agree to Yakov's request.

Next, Yakov divided his troops into two parts: the first company commander took his company, followed one of the scouts, to scout the bank and the post office; , businesses, and municipal buildings to see if they are empty as well.

This search took over an hour. At this moment, the troops led by Shamrih had reached the edge of the city. However, out of caution, he did not immediately order the troops to enter the city, but contacted Yakuda through the radio to find out what was going on in the city.

"Hello, Major Yakuda? I'm Shamrih." Shamrih asked through the microphone: "How is the situation in the city? Have all the defenders been withdrawn?"

"That's right, Comrade Commander." Yakuda's excited voice came from the earphones: "I led people to search for banks, post offices, schools, enterprises, and municipal buildings. I really didn't find a single defender. I asked the municipal A staff member who stayed in the building inquired. The defenders in the city quietly left the city yesterday morning, crossed the river and returned to Romania."

From Yakuda's report, Shamrihe knew that the defenders in the city turned out to be Romanian troops. No wonder they left without a fight. Presumably they knew very well in their hearts that they couldn't stop them with their strength. Soviet offensive. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, they simply abandoned the city and left.

After confirming that there were no defenders in the city, Shamrih entered the city with his troops. After he established his own command post in the municipal building, he used the line set up by the staff of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau to call the division commander Chuvashov and report what happened here: "Reporting to the division commander, our regiment has successfully captured everything. Ernovtsi."

Chuvashov had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by Chief of Staff Uzakov. He was not happy at first, but when he heard the call from Shamrih, he guessed that the troops had arrived at the city of Chernivtsi, and they called to announce the good news to him. After all, this is a great victory.

He braced himself up and said into the microphone: "Colonel Shamrih, I think you must have good news to tell me."

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander." Shamrikh reported emotionally: "I am honored to report to you that my troops have successfully captured Chernivtsi."

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible." In Chuvashov's perception, Chernivtsi is not a small city, and there are at least two regiments of defenders in the city. Just relying on the strength of one regiment of the 296th regiment, it is tantamount to wishful thinking to win this city. Therefore, he said convincingly: "With the strength of one regiment of yours, how could it be possible to capture Chernivtsi in such a short period of time?"

"That's right, Comrade Commander, you heard me right." Seeing that Chuvashov didn't believe what he said, Shamrich specifically explained to him: "After discovering the boundary markers on the border, I originally planned to wait until dawn before returning to the city." Send troops to attack Chernivtsi. But in order to find out the deployment of the enemy's troops, I specially sent a reconnaissance team.

It was this reconnaissance team that gave me an unexpected surprise. After searching the city, they unexpectedly found that there were no defenders in the city at all. It must have been hastily withdrawn from the city after learning the news that our army was advancing here. "

When Chuvashov heard this, he felt that this explanation was more reliable. After nodding his head, he asked, "I wonder what your plan is next?"

"It must be to build fortifications around the city and build a defense system to resist possible attacks by the German army." Seeing that the city is so large, Shamrich wants to control the entire city with only one regiment of his own. More troops are needed. Comrade commander, when will our reinforcements arrive?

Chuvashov's rank is higher than that of Shamrich, so he naturally knows some inside stories that others don't know. He knew that a division of the friendly army was advancing towards Chernivtsi, so he asked tentatively: "Colonel Shamrich, Are you short of troops now?"

"That's right, Comrade Commander. You guessed right." Shamrih replied truthfully: "With the strength of my regiment, I can only control two-thirds of the city at best. If we want to build Fortifications, and deploying troops to defend, in that case, the area we can control is at most half of the city."

"Don't worry, Colonel Shamrikh." Chuvashov said politely: "Reinforcements are already on the way. I believe it won't be long before we have enough troops to take charge of the defense of Chernivtsi." Work."

"That's really great." Hearing Chuvashov's reply, Shamrikh said boldly: "In this way, I only need to leave a small number of troops to defend in the city, and send the rest outside the city." , Build a line of defense in the direction close to the Prut River."

Chuvashov felt that the success of the 296th regiment in occupying Chernivtsi in such a short period of time was a remarkable thing, and he needed to report it to his superiors immediately. Although the 296 regiment was rewarded for the discovery of the boundary monument, he was still honored as the commander of the division.

After connecting with the command headquarters, he heard Sokov's objection coming from the handset, and he said hastily: "Hello, Comrade Commander, I have great news and I need to report it to you. "

"General Chuvashov." Hearing what the other party said, Sokov thought it meant that the Shamrich Regiment found the boundary marker in the south of Chernivtsi, so he said disapprovingly: "This matter, You didn't report it to me. I also reported it to the front army headquarters, and the superiors also gave corresponding rewards."

Sokov's answer stunned Chuvashov, and then he realized that the other party had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Comrade Commander, you made a mistake. The good news I want to give you is not about the discovery of the boundary marker. It's something more important."

Sokov thought to himself that there was more important news than the discovery of the boundary marker so soon. It seems that this Shamrikh did something wrong. He asked a little nervously: "Hurry up, General Chuvashov, What exciting news is that?"

"Comrade Commander, you probably never dreamed of it," said Chuvashov. "The Shamrikh regiment has successfully occupied Chernivtsi."

"What, Chernivtsi has already been occupied by Shamrikh's troops?" Sokov asked in surprise: "General Chuvashov, are you sure you are right?"

"That's right, Comrade Commander." Chuvashov said: "When I first heard the news, I was even more shocked than you. I thought that Shamrikh's men only had more than a thousand people. In such a short time, capture this big city located in the border area.

But after Colonel Shamrih's report, I learned that the defenders in my hand had given up the city and retreated before our troops arrived. It is precisely because there are no defenders in the city that the Shamrikh regiment can occupy the city so easily. "

After Sukov understood what was going on, he quickly asked, "Then what measures did you take?"

"I have already ordered the other two infantry regiments and artillery regiments to march towards Chernivtsi overnight, and try to arrive before dawn to strengthen the city's defenses."

Putting down the phone, Sokov came to Trofimenko, Sameko and others, and said to them: "comrades commanders, I have great news for you. After the boundary marker was found, Chernivtsi was successfully captured."

"What, a regiment took Chernivtsi, how is this possible?" Sameko thought of a possibility as soon as he finished speaking, with a shocked expression on his face: "Comrade commander, is it possible The defenders in the city took the initiative to retreat?"

"That's right." Seeing that Sameko guessed the truth of the matter, Sokov nodded and said, "According to the analysis of the grassroots commanders, the enemy should have voluntarily abandoned the city and retreated before our troops arrived."

"Comrade Commander, I have an ominous feeling in my heart." After hearing this, Sameko was not only not happy, but on the contrary said worriedly: "The battle that took place on the left bank of the Dnieper River last year by our army can give us some vigilance. At that time, I saw that the German army was constantly retreating and throwing one town after another to our army, but as everyone knew, this was really their strategy. As the front line stretched, we had to divide our troops to guard those occupied areas, which led to The strength of the frontal assault troops was weakened, and there were also major problems with supplies.

When our troops were dispersed and supplies were seriously insufficient, we had no ability to stop them from the German counterattack. "

Sokov heard what Sameko said, and he asked tentatively: "Comrade Chief of Staff, do you think the Germans are using the same tactics now, by constantly abandoning cities to disperse our troops? purpose?"

"Yes, that's what I thought about it."

"If the Germans want to launch a counterattack, Chernivtsi, which has just been occupied, will become their main attack target." Trofimenko reminded Sukov: "Comrade commander, we should give priority to strengthening the defense here. .”

Judging from the topography of the map, Chernivtsi, which had just been occupied, has become the most prominent unit of the entire combat group. If the German army adopts a two-wing detour, the city will fall into their encirclement.

After seeing this, Sokov raised his head and said to Sameko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, immediately send a telegram to Bogdanov, asking him to immediately send infantry to Chernivtsi to strengthen the defense forces there. "

"Comrade Commander," Sameko reminded in a low voice after listening to Sokov's order: "As early as two hours ago, General Bogdanov sent an infantry division to attack Chernivtsi. Move in the same direction, and you will be able to reach the designated location by dawn at the latest."

Reminded by Sameko, Sokov immediately remembered that Bogdanov seemed to have indeed sent troops to Chernivtsi. He paused and added: "Chief of Staff, judging from the current situation, it is not enough for the infantry to occupy the city. It also requires the cooperation of artillery and tank troops. Otherwise, when the enemy's armored forces counterattack, it is difficult for the infantry to block them." Very difficult."

"Both the artillery and tank units can be dispatched overnight, and they can reach the designated positions before dawn." Sameko said, "But where do you plan to deploy them?"

Sokov did not answer immediately, but pondered in his mind what kind of troops should be deployed here in Chernivtsi. You must know that the geographical location here is important, and Romania is across the river. If you use this place as the starting point of the attack, your troops will only need a short time to enter Romania.

He tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and after a long time, he raised his head again, looked at Sameko and said, "Comrade Chief of Staff, call Lieutenant Colonel Ponejerin and tell them to move the current defense zone to Handed over to the friendly forces who took over the defense, and then rushed to Chernivtsi with two other divisions day and night to strengthen the defense there."

When Ponedelin received the call from Sameko, he arrived and was very puzzled: "Comrade Chief of Staff, General Chuvashov's troops have not been away for a long time. What about occupying Chernivtsi?"

"Their luck is better." Sameko said: "Some towns along the way did not encounter decent resistance, and even encountered a city like Chernivtsi that retreated without a fight. The speed of advancement must be It will be faster."

"Okay then, I'll pass on the order now." Ponejielin said on the other end of the phone: "But the troops can't leave until dawn tomorrow at the earliest."

Sokov didn't have any objections to Ponegerin's remarks. Although the troops can go on their way immediately after the assembly is completed, there are many new recruits in the two divisions. If they go on the road overnight, a large number of commanders and fighters will definitely be left behind. one.

"Lieutenant Colonel Ponedelin," Sokov said into the microphone: "After your troops are stationed in Chernivtsi, you will still be in command of the three divisions. Within a short period of time, consolidate the defense forces in the Chernivtsi area to prevent possible counterattacks by the Germans.

Of course, if they don't take the initiative to attack, it is undoubtedly the best thing for us, and we can use that as the starting point of the attack to launch an attack into Romania. "

"Comrade Commander, please rest assured." Ponedelin waited for Sokov to finish speaking, and said to him: "I will definitely turn Chernivtsi into a strong fortress so that the enemy cannot come again. The left bank area of ​​the Prut."

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