Red Moscow

Chapter 1979

Rokossovsky said it would take an hour to return, but Sokov and others waited for three full hours before he returned to the headquarters.

Seeing Rokossovsky walking in from the outside, the four people who were sitting and chatting all stood up. Malinin stepped forward to greet him, while the three of Sokov straightened their backs at the conference table and saluted Rokossovsky.

After greeting Rokossovsky and Malinin, he came to Sokov. Before Sokov raised his hand to his forehead, he grabbed it and shook it vigorously: "Comrade Sokov, I represent Belarus. All commanders and fighters of the First Front Army welcome you and your subordinates."

On informal occasions, Rokossovsky always called Sokov Misha, but today it was a formal occasion, so he was called by his surname and position.

But the two were about to finish shaking hands, and Rokossovsky took Sokov into his arms and gave him a warm hug. While patting Sokov on the back, he said, "Misha, I hope that after you come here, you can continue to make more achievements like you did in other troops."

"Don't worry, Comrade General." Sokov swore to Rokossovsky, "I will never let you down."

After listening to Sokov's answer, Rokossovsky nodded with satisfaction, then let him go, and then went to shake hands with Ponedelin and Kirillov.

"Colonel Kirillov," before Rokossovsky came back, he learned from Malinin that Kirillov was unwilling to serve as chief of staff, so he felt it necessary to talk to Kirillov: "I I heard that you don't want to be the chief of staff of the 47th Army, is there such a thing?"

When Malinin called Rokossovsky, Kirillov was next to him, and the conversation between the two could be heard clearly. Rokossovsky knew that he did not want to be the chief of staff of the army group. up. However, since the other party asked him personally, he still replied truthfully: "Yes, Comrade Front Army Commander, I don't think my ability is suitable for serving as the chief of staff of the group army, so I rejected the appointment you arranged."

Rokossovsky waited for Kirilov to finish speaking, and did not express his opinion immediately, but stared intently, which made Kirillov feel hairy.

After an unknown amount of time, Rokossovsky said again: "Colonel Kirillov, since you are unwilling to serve as the chief of staff of this army group, can you recommend a suitable candidate for this position?"

According to Rokossovsky's thinking, Kirillov will definitely not be able to find a suitable candidate. At that time, he can force him to take up this position first, and it will not be too late to replace him after finding a suitable candidate in the future .

But what he didn't expect was that Kirillov nodded vigorously after hearing what he said, and said affirmatively: "Comrade Commander of the Front Army, I really have a suitable candidate for the post of Chief of Staff of the Army Group."

Kirillov's words aroused Rokossovsky's curiosity: "Oh, there is a suitable candidate? Who is it?"

"Colonel Sidolin, Chief of Staff of the 41st Guards Division." Kirillov said: "I think it is most appropriate for him to be the Chief of Staff of the Army Group." Probably to convince Rokossovsky, he He even mentioned the cooperation between Sokov and Sidolin in the past, "You know, Colonel Sidolin served as the chief of staff as early as during the Stalingrad Defense War, assisting our commander in his work. Since he He was a qualified chief of staff at that time, so I think it is very appropriate for him to go one step further and serve as the chief of staff of the group army."

Not only Rokossovsky did not expect that Kirillov would propose Sidolin as a candidate, but Sokov also did not expect. He was taken aback for a moment, but soon felt that the candidate proposed by Kirillov couldn't be more suitable. You know, before Sidolin was transferred here, he was the Chief of Operations under Cuikov, and he had a wealth of staff experience. During his tenure as his chief of staff, he was also very satisfied with the abilities he demonstrated.

"Comrade Sokov," Rokossovsky looked at Sokov and asked, "What do you think of Colonel Kirillov's proposal?"

If Konev hadn't said hello in advance, so that the people taken away by Sokov would not cause stability in the army, maybe Sokov would have considered taking Sidolin away at that time. Even if he can't be the chief of staff of the group army, it is more than enough to be the chief of staff of the army.

"Comrade General," since Rokossovsky asked, Sokov naturally wanted to express his true thoughts: "I think it would be a more correct choice for Colonel Sidolin to be my chief of staff. But , he now belongs to the Ukrainian Second Front Army, I wonder if there will be any problems if he is transferred here?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Rokossovsky said carelessly: "As long as you are willing to let Colonel Sidolin serve as the chief of staff of the group army, I can immediately contact Marshal Konev before he is transferred away. Bring Sidolin over to you."

Hearing Rokossovsky's affirmative tone, Sokov suddenly gained confidence in his heart, "Comrade General, then please. With Sidolin as a capable assistant, I believe that the next work will be carried out. It's going to be smoother."

The candidate for the chief of staff of the army group has been confirmed, but there is still no conclusion on how to arrange Kirillov. Rokosovsky got up, walked up to Kirillov, shook his head and said in embarrassment: "Colonel Kirillov, how do you think I should arrange you?"

Kirillov looked at Rokossovsky and said respectfully: "Comrade Front Army Commander, I resolutely obey your orders. I will take up whatever position you assign me."

"Now the 47th Army's army commanders and division commanders are full, and you will definitely not be able to serve as division commander or army commander." Rokossovsky frowned and said, "Although there are still many vacancies for regimental commanders , but I can't let you, an excellent commander, serve as a regiment commander."

There is a reason for Rokossovsky to say this. When the war broke out, he had the same rank as Kirillov and also held the post of army commander. In less than three years, he had become the commander of the front army in charge of a front, but because Kirilov was captured by the German army in the Battle of Uman, his position was not only not promoted, but was demoted to use. If the other party is appointed as a regiment-level commander, it will not hurt much, but it is extremely insulting.

At this moment, Ponegerin, who had remained silent all along, suddenly said, "Comrade General, can I share my opinion?"

Rokossovsky was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said politely: "General Pornedelin, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Since the superior cannot arrange a suitable position for Colonel Kirillov in a short period of time." Ponejielin said cautiously: "I think it's better to let him stay in the headquarters until he has a suitable position." , it will not be too late to arrange for him to take up the post."

Rokossovsky thought about Ponedelin's proposal and felt that it was the most suitable choice at the moment, so he nodded and agreed: "Well, let Colonel Kirillov stay in the headquarters first, Rearrange his work when there is a suitable position. How about it, Colonel Kirillov, do you have any objections?"

"No." Kirillov replied very straightforwardly: "I firmly obey your orders!"

After everyone's work was properly arranged, Sokov continued to ask: "Comrade General, when will we go to the 47th Army and take over the command there?"

"Don't worry, Comrade Sokov." Rokossovsky waved his hand at Sokov and said, "You guys just came here, so stay here for a couple of days. It's best to wait for Colonel Sidolin to come over." , I will send you to take office together.”

Although Sokov can't wait to appear at the 47th Army Headquarters now and take over the command of the troops from Lieutenant General Polenov. But since Rokossovsky said he would go in two days, he couldn't say anymore, so he could only obediently stay and wait here patiently for Sidolin's arrival.

Sidolin, who was far away in Romania, was feeling sorry for the news that Sokov had been transferred away. Suddenly, he received a call from Army Commander Afunin, saying that he was about to be transferred to the First Belarusian Front Army. He immediately handed over his duties to the deputy chief of staff, and took the plane arranged by his superiors to the new area.

After the plane took off, Sidolin looked down through the glass and could see the Prut River that he crossed not long ago and the dense forest. He thought to himself that his transfer to the Belarusian First Front Army this time must be related to Sokov, but he didn't know what position he would assign to him.

When the plane landed at the simple field airport, Sidolin got off the plane. A captain trotted over from the side, stopped in front of him, raised his hand and saluted, and asked politely: "Excuse me, are you from the west of the 41st Guards Division?" Colonel Doring?"

"Yes, I am Sidolin!"

Before Sidolin asked the other party's name, the captain had already turned his body to one side and made a gesture of invitation: "Comrade Colonel, the car that picks you up is parked next to the runway, please get in the car, I will take you to the headquarters .”

"The headquarters?" Sidolin couldn't help asking curiously when he heard the other party mention the headquarters: "What kind of headquarters, the headquarters of the group army or the headquarters of the front army?"

"Of course it's the Front Army Command."

The captain quickly drove Sidolin to the location of the headquarters, then led him into the building, and handed him over to a major waiting here: "Comrade major, I have already picked him up! "

"Thank you, Comrade Captain." The major nodded at the captain, and said politely, "Leave the rest to me. You can continue to work on it."

After the captain saluted the major, he turned and left.

Seeing the captain leave, the major raised his hand and saluted Sidolin: "Hello, Comrade Colonel. My name is Lekashari, and I am the Chief of Staff of the 233rd Infantry Division."

"The 233rd Infantry Division?!" After repeating the number of the unit, Sidolin said with some surprise: "Isn't this unit affiliated to the 49th Infantry Army of the Second Ukrainian Front? Are you under the command of the First Belarusian Front Army?" gone?"

Unexpectedly, Likashali smiled lightly after hearing this, and said: "Comrade Colonel, it's not that the troops have changed their affiliation, but a group of our regiment commanders all came here with Commander Sokov."

"Oh, you also came with the commander?" Sidolin heard that the other party came here with Sokov, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Do you know where the commander is now?"

"Comrade Colonel, don't worry." Rekashari said to Sidolin with a smile: "I am going to take you to see him now."

Hearing that he would see Sokov soon, Sidolin lost his composure and hurriedly urged Lekashari: "Comrade Major, hurry up, I want to see the commander soon."

Lekashari brought Sidolin to Sokov's office, stood at the door and shouted inside: "Report to Comrade Commander, Colonel Sidorin has arrived."

This is the office arranged by Rokossovsky for Sokov and others. Sokov is sitting behind his desk at the moment, chatting with Ponedelin, Kirillov and others. Hearing Likashali's report, he immediately stood up and said urgently, "Please come in, Colonel Sidolin!"

Sidolin walked into the room and saw Sokov walking around his desk, he quickly raised his hand to his forehead and said loudly: "Comrade General, the former chief of staff of the 41st Guards Division, Colonel West Dolin reports to you, I am ordered..." At this point, Sidolin suddenly got stuck, saying that he was ordered to come, and this transfer seemed to have nothing to do with Sokov. But it doesn't matter, when I got off the plane, someone brought me in front of Sokov. For a moment, Sidolin didn't know what to say.

"Hello, Colonel Sidolin, I'm finally expecting you." Sokov stepped forward to shake hands with Sidolin, and then greeted him: "Hurry up and sit down, please."

But Victor didn't sit down right away, because he saw that Ponejerin was still here. Not to mention that Bornejelin is now a general, and not long ago, he was the commander of the 41st Guards Division, and he was a partner with him, so he naturally went up to say hello: "Hello, Comrade General, it's a pleasure to see you here .”

"It's a pleasure to see you here, too, Comrade Chief of Staff."

Hearing Pornegerin call his chief of staff, Sidolin waved his hands and said with a smile: "Comrade General, don't say that, I have been dismissed from the position of chief of staff of the division, and the superior will assign me to be the chief of staff." What job, I don't know."

"You don't know, but I know, Colonel Sidolin." Pornejerin held Sidolin's hand and said with a smile: "Now you are the chief of staff of our 47th Army."

"Comrade General, stop joking." Sidolin didn't take Ponegerin's words to heart. He was the chief of staff of a division not long ago. How could he become the chief of staff of the army group in the blink of an eye? The span is too great point.

"Colonel Sidolin, how can I joke with you about this kind of thing?" Ponejielin continued with a smile and said: "If you are unlucky, you can ask Colonel Kirillov or Comrade Commander, they can prove What I said is real."

Sidolin and Kirillov were not familiar with each other, so naturally they would not ask strangers to confirm this matter, so they cast a questioning look at Sokov and asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, what did General Ponejielin say?" Is it all true?"

"Of course it's true." Sokov nodded, affirming Ponejielin's statement, but added: "At first, the superior appointed Colonel Kirillov to take up this position, but he felt that he was not suitable. , I recommended you to General Rokossovsky. After obtaining our consent, I officially appointed you as the chief of staff of the 47th Army."

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