Red Moscow

Chapter 1990

Before Rokossovsky could respond, the phone on the desk rang, and Antonov grabbed the phone: "This is the General Staff Headquarters. I'm Antonov. Where are you?"

After hearing the other party's voice, Antonov, who was sitting, stood up abruptly, straightened his body and said, "Hello, Comrade Stalin, what instructions do you have?"

Knowing that it was Stalin's call, the personnel in the General Staff stopped talking, stood up straight, and looked at Antonov who was on the phone respectfully, eager to see something from the other's expression .

But before they could see anything, Antonov put down the phone, looked at Rokossovsky and said, "General Rokossovsky, just received a call from the Supreme Commander himself, he said An emergency military meeting will be held in half an hour, and you will be allowed to participate in this meeting."

Sokov, who was far away on the front line, did not know that Rokossovsky had arrived in Moscow and was preparing to explain his battle plan in detail to the Supreme Commander himself. After Sokov inspected the army, he found that the recruits of individual companies did not even have weapons, which gave him a headache. There are no guns, what should I do on the battlefield, should I take a stick to fight the Germans?

To solve the problem of weapons, he first thought of his old friend Yakov. Yakov works in the weapons and equipment department, not only can provide himself with conventional weapons, but also some newly developed weapons. In the past two years, it is precisely because of the support of this friend that the troops under his command have won one victory after another.

Sokov asked the director of the communications corps to help him connect to the switchboard of the weapons and equipment department. When the voice of the female operator came out, he said politely: "Hello, comrade operator, I am General Sokov from the front line. Please help me pick up General Yakov's office!"

"General Yakov?!" Hearing what Sokov said, the operator was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Sorry, Comrade Commander, I have never heard of General Yakov!"

"What, you've never heard of Yakov?" Sokov heard what the operator said, and his first reaction was that the other party must be a newcomer, otherwise he would definitely not know Yakov. Thinking of this, he tentatively asked: "Girl, are you new here?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I was transferred just two days ago." The female operator said apologetically, "Why don't I ask my colleagues to see if they know."

Soon, Sokov heard another voice: "Hello, General Sokov, this is operator 9037. I regret to inform you that General Yakov is not in the Armament Department now, he has been transferred to another The department is gone."

"What, Yakov was transferred?" Sokov asked in surprise, "Do you know where he was transferred?"

"I'm sorry, Comrade General." Operator 9037 said apologetically, "At my level, it is impossible to know where General Yakov has been transferred?"

"You don't know, that's a pity."

Just when Sokov was about to hang up the phone, operator 9037 unexpectedly asked: "Comrade General, do you need to talk to your wife?"

Hearing what the operator said, Sokov almost blurted out his agreement, but he still controlled his emotions and expressed his gratitude to the other party: "Thank you, Comrade Operator. This is a military line, and I cannot use it to discuss private matters. Thank you for your kindness, I will not contact her. Thank you!"

When Sokov hung up the phone, the operator who answered the phone first asked 9037 curiously, "Do you know this general?"

"I know, of course I know." 9037 nodded and said, "He used to call General Yakov often. After the general answered the phone, he would go on a business trip for a while, and he would be promoted soon after he came back."

"What's going on here?" There were not many calls in the weapons and equipment department at the moment, and the operator had time to chat a few words: "Why does General Yakov get promoted every time he comes back?"

"The reason is very simple. General Yakov sent weapons to General Sokov's troops every time." 9037 explained: "General Sokov relied on these weapons to defeat the Germans time and time again. He has established countless feats." At this point, she lowered her voice and said mysteriously, "You may not know that General Sokov is the youngest general in our army, and he is only in his twenties."

"No way, you became a general in your twenties?" The operator said in shock, "You won't tease me, will you?"

"What am I teasing you for?" 9037 said: "If you are interested, go to some newspapers and have a look. There must be a report about General Sokov. If he hadn't been married a long time ago, I would like to try it." Is there any chance of marrying him?"

"He's married, is it true?"

"Of course it's true," 9037 nodded, and said, "His wife is the female military doctor named Asiya from the medical office. It is said that the two of them registered their marriage during the Stalingrad Defense War..."

Just as the operator was about to ask a few more questions, the phone line suddenly became busy. She could only let go of her curiosity and concentrate on connecting the lines.

Sokov didn't find Yakov, and he was very depressed. He said to Ponejielin and Sidolin: "The deputy commander, the chief of staff, just now the operator of the weapons and equipment department told me that Major General Yakov is not here now. The weapons and equipment department has been transferred to other units."

"What, was transferred to another department?" Sidolin and Sokov had worked together for a long time, so they naturally knew that the troops could win time and time again, thanks to the weapons provided by Yakov. Now that such a backer suddenly disappeared, he was also very anxious: "Did the operator say where Major General Yakov was transferred?"

Sokov shook his head and said slowly: "I don't know. The operator said that she is not qualified to know at her level."

"This is really a headache." Sidolin said with a sad face: "Without Yakov's help, it would not be as easy for us to obtain some advanced weapons in the future."

Hearing what Sidolin said, Sokov smiled wryly, and then said: "Without Yakov's help, let alone advanced weapons, I am afraid that even conventional weapons, they can be supplemented if they don't want to. Sigh , Now that there are so many recruits without weapons, where should we go to help them find weapons?"

"Comrade Commander, when it comes to finding weapons, I have an idea. I wonder if you want to hear it."

"Comrade Deputy Commander," since Ponegelin said that he has a solution to the weapon problem, there is no reason why Sokov didn't want to hear it, and he hurriedly urged him to say, "Hurry up and tell us, where should we go to buy weapons?" ?”

"When we were still in the Ukrainian Second Front Army, I heard that when the troops liberated Moldavia, they found many military warehouses left by our army before, which contained a large amount of weapons, ammunition and various supplies." Bogne Jelin asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, is this true?"

"That's right, Comrade Deputy Commander, this is all true." Sukov understood the other party's intentions from Ponegerin's words, and asked tentatively, "You mean, let's organize our people and put them in the defense zone." Search inside to see if you can find the military warehouse left by our army?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, that's what I mean." Seeing that Sokov had guessed his intentions, Ponegerin nodded in agreement. Then he put forward his own suggestion: "I think this matter can be handed over to Colonel Kirillov, and he will lead people to search for the military warehouses left by our army in the defense zone."

"I think it's okay." Sokov readily agreed to Ponedelin's proposal, and he told Sidolin: "Chief of Staff, transfer a company to form a special force, led by Colonel Kirillov to search for possible Existing military warehouses."

But I didn't expect that when Kirillov received Sokov's order, he was a little dumbfounded. He said to Sokov: "Comrade commander, I want to give you a vaccination in advance. What are you going to do?" There is no mental preparation to be found.”

Sokov didn't expect Kirillov to say that, so he asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

"Comrade Commander, you don't know that our defense area is on the edge of a swamp, and the air is humid. Even if we build a warehouse, the things inside are prone to rust or mold." Kirillov explained to Sokov : "That's why I said that our army will not have any warehouses in this area."

Seeing Sokov's disappointed look, Ponedelin, who was sitting by the side, hurried out to smooth things over: "I said Kirilov, since the commander has assigned you this job, you can take someone to try it out. Maybe you’re lucky, and you might be able to find a warehouse.” Seeing that Kirillov opened his mouth to refute, he quickly winked at him, signaling him to agree to Sokov’s matter first.

Kirillov, who understood Ponedelin's hint, sighed softly and said, "Okay, Comrade Commander, since you have assigned me a task, let me try."

"The war is imminent, and the recruits in the army urgently need to replenish their weapons." Sokov said to Kirillov: "Colonel Kirillov, then you should act as soon as possible. I have ordered the chief of staff to prepare a company for you. You take them to look for possible military warehouses in the defense zone."

Kirillov also knew that Yakov provided Sokov with weapons, so he asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, since you know that the war is coming, why don't you contact General Yakov and ask him to provide us with a batch of weapons?" What about weapons? You know, with our aimless search, the chances of finding anything at best are slim.”

"Colonel Kirillov, why don't I understand your difficulties." Sokov said with a bitter smile, "If it wasn't because General Yakov was transferred from the Weapons and Equipment Department, I wouldn't have made such a bad move and asked you to bring People are searching around the perimeter."

"Ah, General Yakov has been transferred from the weapons and equipment department?" Kirillov asked in surprise after hearing this: "Where will he go?"

"I don't know." Sokov shook his head and said, "The person who told me this didn't know where Yakov was transferred."

"Will the superior transfer him to the front-line combat troops." Kirillov said cautiously: "You know, there are not many opportunities to make contributions in the weapons and equipment department."

When Sokov heard it, it made sense. Since the superior transferred Yakov from such an important department as the Weapons and Equipment Department, it showed that the place he went to had more prospects for development. But there are so many front-line troops, and there are about a dozen numbers of the front army alone. He really doesn't know which army Yakov is transferred to.

There are so many troops, Sokov doesn't think he can get news about Yakov from these troops with his own fame. After thinking about this, he shook his head and said: "Even if he came to the frontline army, we have no way of knowing which army he went to, and we can't find him at all. Take ten thousand steps back, even if we find him, he Now that it is not in the weapons and equipment department, it still cannot provide us with the weapons we need."

"Kirilov," Ponejielin said again, "whether our troops can be replenished with weapons in a timely manner depends on the results of the search team you lead."

"Don't worry, Comrade Deputy Commander." Kirillov assured Ponedelin, "I will do my best. As long as there is a military warehouse of our army in the defense zone, I will definitely find it."

"Colonel Kirillov!" Sidolin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "How are you going to find the military warehouse? You know, if there are no clues, it's up to a hundred or so of you to find something. It’s simply harder than climbing to the sky.”

"Comrade Deputy Commander, if you are in the defense zone, it is not difficult to find the hidden military warehouse." Kirillov said: "I can ask the residents who live in relatively remote places and ask them about the location of the hidden military warehouse." Have you seen a long convoy of trucks in the past few years? If there is, it means that there must be a military warehouse nearby, because the materials stored in it require a large number of vehicles for transportation."

"Kirilov, your thinking is correct." Ponejielin agreed with Kirillov's point of view: "It is not only the transportation of materials that requires a large number of trucks, but also the construction of warehouses. The number of trucks will not be too small. Just ask the local residents to see if they have seen the trucks of the brigade, and they can judge whether there is a military warehouse built by our army in the local area. "

"Colonel Kirillov, since you already have the idea of ​​finding a military warehouse, then act as soon as possible." Sukov knew that he must give Kirillov a little benefit for arranging such a laborious job: "If you really I found the military warehouse of our army and solved the shortage of weapons in the army, and I will definitely award you an honor in person."

For Russians, honor is more important than their own lives, and Kirillov is no exception. Hearing that if he found the military warehouse, he would be rewarded. He, who was originally calm, suddenly became excited: "Comrade Commander, then I will immediately lead people to start looking for the hidden military warehouse."

After a short pause, he asked respectfully, "Comrade Commander, allow me to leave?"

"Yes, yes." Sokov nodded and said, "Colonel Kirillov, I wish you good luck!"

After Kirillov left, Sidolin suddenly remembered something, and quickly reminded Sokov: "Comrade Commander, although you can't find out the whereabouts of General Yakov, you can find out the whereabouts of General Yakov through Marshal Zhukov or Rocco. General Sovsky will inquire, and I believe that as long as they act, they will be able to find out the whereabouts of General Yakov."

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