Red Moscow

Chapter 2020

"Comrade Commander," Ponedelin suddenly asked Sokov after the German attack on Minsk was repulsed: "You sent two infantry divisions and an infantry brigade to attack Bala with Batov's troops. Norwich, but without a unified command, maybe it's inappropriate?"

After being reminded by Ponegelin, Sokov immediately realized his negligence, nodded, and said: "Comrade Deputy Commander, you are right. The three units are not affiliated to each other. If there is no unified command, It is very easy to fight independently on the battlefield. I think we divide the work, one stays here to command the troops to resist the German attack on the city, and the other goes to command the assault troops to assist General Batov in fighting."

"I agree." Ponegerin readily agreed to Sokov's proposal, and then asked, "Are you going to stay or command the assault force?"

In all fairness, Sokov very much wanted to command the assault force, because the results of the battle could be seen. And stick to the city, if you keep it, it is your duty; if the city falls, you just wait to go to the military court.

However, after a fierce ideological struggle, he decided to choose the most difficult path, which is to stay and command the troops to defend the city. As for the opportunity to make a difference, leave it to Ponejeline.

Thinking of this, he said to Ponegelin: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I think you should command the assault force. In order to better command the force, you'd better bring a few students with you. A regiment-level commander with combat experience, I believe he can help you."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Ponegerin had no objection to Sokov's arrangement: "I'm going to command the troops right now, what else do you want to tell me?"

Hearing what Ponejielin said, Sokov suddenly remembered something. In real history, after Batov's troops fought fiercely with the Germans in the Baranovich area, the commanders and fighters became exhausted. It was so unbearable that the soldiers approached the city of Baranovic, but did not immediately attack the city. As a result, Batov was scolded by Zhukov.

Although Sokov didn't know where the 48th Army was at that time, whoever captured Baranovich first was a great achievement. Since he sent the most elite troops, he naturally hoped to be the first to enter the city. force. Thinking of this, he told Ponejielin: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I would like to remind you: If the troops arrive outside the city of Baranowicz, no matter whether the friendly forces are still attacking at that time, you must report to them without hesitation." The city is attacking. Understand?"

Although Pornegerin didn't know why Sokov said this, he, who was used to obeying, nodded and replied: "Understood, Comrade Commander. As soon as the troops arrive outside the city of Baranovich, I will who ordered them to attack the city."

After Ponegerin left with a few students, Sidolin asked Sukov curiously: "Comrade Commander, why don't you command the assault force?"

Sokov looked at Sidolin and asked with interest: "Comrade Chief of Staff, why do you think I should command the assault force?"

"It's very simple." Because of the close relationship between the two, Sidolin didn't have so many scruples when speaking: "Although we have a lot of troops left in the city, facing the enemy's strong attack, it is not ruled out that some cities will fall." We all know that it is our duty to hold the city, and that is no great thing. But if the city cannot be held, and the Germans take it back, it will be a great event, and a lot of people will probably be hurt. Punishment from superiors."

"You're right, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov agreed with Sidolin's statement: "It doesn't matter if an ordinary city is lost, just take it back. But this city is the capital of Belarus , and not long ago, in order to celebrate the recovery of Minsk, a salute was fired on Red Square in Moscow. If it is occupied by the Germans again, I am afraid that the Supreme Command will not be able to step down. At that time, you and I will definitely not be able to escape the end of the court-martial. Our commanders at all levels will also be implicated."

After Sokov finished speaking, he took a sip of tea and continued: "It is because of the importance of the relationship that I am worried about entrusting the task of defending the city to the deputy commander. You also know that he used to With his experience, if he is allowed to stay and command the defense of the city, if he loses, I am afraid that the fate waiting for him will be very tragic."

"Yes, Comrade Commander, you are right." Sidolin nodded and said, "Although Comrade Deputy Commander has been restored to the rank of general, he is still guilty. If something goes wrong, , his punishment will be very severe."

Sokov nodded, and then asked: "What is the current situation of each division?"

"The 3rd and 211th Infantry Divisions have already repelled five German attacks." Sidolin reported to Sukov: "I asked the two division commanders, and they said that the troops' defensive operations relying on fortifications were very successful. Casualties are also much less than expected. According to the current style of play, even two or three months will not be a problem."

"Tell them, don't underestimate the enemy." Even though the German attack on the city was repelled, the danger still exists, so Sukov was always vigilant, and he reminded Sidolin: "The better the troops fight As a commander, the less you can be proud, otherwise you will easily underestimate the enemy, which will be very detrimental to the next battle."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Sidolin nodded and said, "I have greeted them many times, and I believe they will not make such low-level mistakes again."

"Just don't make low-level mistakes." Don't see Sukov's appearance of indifference, but he is actually quite worried in his heart. What should he do if the city really falls?

When Sokov was worried about whether he could hold the city, Model was also caught in a dilemma. According to his original idea, he mobilized two elite infantry divisions to attack Minsk. Even if the commander who defended the city was Sokov, to his surprise, his troops attacked for two days. Even the outer positions have not broken through.

The commander of the 170th Infantry Division reported to him: "Your Excellency, the Russians are simply crazy. When the distance between the two armies was less than 150 meters, they dared to use rockets to attack, which caused huge damage to my troops. casualties."

"What, the Russians used rockets to attack you during close combat?" Model asked in surprise, "Is this true?"

"Of course it is true, Commander." The commander of the 170th Division said with a bitter face: "My subordinates did not expect how crazy the Russians were, and they were not afraid of accidentally injuring their own people, so they fired directly at the area where the two armies were fighting. The rockets caused huge casualties to my attacking troops."

Model hadn't dealt with Sokov before, so he naturally didn't know that the rockets fired at close range were not fired with conventional rockets, but the new rockets developed by Sokov. . This kind of weapon, which has been called a guerrilla artifact by later generations, can be launched in any terrain, not to mention that the distance between the two sides is 150 meters, even if it is tens of meters closer, there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring your own people when launching.

Since Model didn't even know about this new weapon, the commander of the 170th Division who had just been transferred from Germany naturally knew nothing about this weapon.

Model was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Do you know where the Russian artillery positions are? If I know, I can notify the artillery to suppress them."

"Unfortunately, Commander." The German division commander said dejectedly: "My subordinates didn't find out where the Russian artillery positions are at all, otherwise we would have suppressed them with artillery fire."

Hearing what the German division commander said, Model's heart became inexplicably angry, and he almost exploded at the opponent. However, as a commander, he still has the necessary self-cultivation. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said to the German division commander: "The next time you fight, ask your subordinates to keep their eyes open. I don't know where the Russian artillery positions are. How can I provide you with artillery support?"

"Your Excellency, Commander!" The German division commander heard that Model was getting angry, and said cautiously: "How about you send the air force to bomb Minsk, and my troops can break through while the defenders are being bombed out of their wits?" their lines of defense, and rushed into the city quickly."

"If you encounter other Russian troops, this tactic will definitely be successful." Model said angrily: "But the troops you are dealing with now are commanded by Sokov. Sokov, you know Is he the most terrifying general among the Russians, and all the officers who fought against him hated and admired him at the same time.”

"What's more, now that the Russians have mastered the air supremacy on the battlefield, even if the air force I send to provide you with air cover, I am afraid that it will not be long before hordes of Russian planes will be recruited. At that time, our air power will definitely be affected. Huge loss."

Just after teaching the commander of the 170th Division here, Model received a call from General Tippelskich of the 4th Army, saying that his troops were being attacked fiercely by the Soviet army, and the situation was now in dire straits. Send troops to rescue as soon as possible.

Before receiving this call for help, Model wanted to continue trying to capture Minsk, but now he has to reconsider whether it is wise to continue attacking Minsk under the current situation.

Just when he was hesitating, he received a call from Chief of Staff Zeitzler, asking him how the war in Belarus was going. Model knew very well in his heart that Zeitzler had always been obedient to Mustache, and he must have been instructed by Mustache to make this call.

If this call had come before Tipperskirch's call for help, Model might have tried his best to seize Minsk in one last hope. But now what he is thinking about is how to rescue the 4th and 9th armies from the encirclement.

Model hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, the situation here in Belarus is very bad. The Russians deployed more than two million troops and launched a full-scale attack on our army at different locations at the same time. Jiming After Sikkim fell and the 4th and 9th armies were encircled by the Russians, the heavy troops I deployed in the Baranovich area were also encircled by the Russians..."

After listening to Model's report, Zeitzler glanced anxiously at the mustache who was listening to the conversation between himself and Model on the extension phone, and asked cautiously: "Marshal Model, I wonder what measures you have taken?"

"I mobilized two infantry divisions and launched an attack on Minsk under the cover of artillery fire." Model couldn't help sighing when he said this: "But unfortunately, our attack was unsuccessful. Now that the 4th and 9th armies are in a difficult situation, I intend to give up the plan to capture Minsk and first rescue the besieged troops."

"No, absolutely not." As soon as Model finished speaking, the mustache growled in the earphones: "Attack! Model, attack, I order you to attack! Attack Minsk at all costs, as long as you take Going out of this city, the morale of the Russians will suffer a heavy blow. At that time, our heroic soldiers will be able to teach these Russian pigs a lesson in a counterattack and drive them all into the Dnieper River."

"My head of state!" Model heard the voice of the mustache, and realized that if he could not convince the other party, he would not be able to carry out the next combat operation according to his intentions, so he said cautiously: "My troops will Minsk launched several attacks, but unfortunately none of them were successful."

"If you fail once, attack the second time." Mustache said furiously: "Two times won't work, just three times, I must take Minsk down! Take it down!! Did you hear that?"

"I'm sorry, my head of state." Model has already made a decision in his heart at this moment. No matter what the mustache says, he is determined not to attack Minsk again. That will only waste his precious troops: "Now the 4th and 4th The Ninth Army is in a very dangerous situation, and I think it is more important to rescue them than to recapture Minsk."

"Even if the German army is under heavy siege, it will not waver." Mustache continued to shout on the phone: "No matter how many Russians surround them, it is not easy to destroy them. That is Said, you have enough time, to continue to seize Minsk."

"My head of state, please listen to my explanation." Model understood Mustache's hysterical character, and after the other party's mood stabilized, he said cautiously: "The Russian commander who sticks to the city is Admiral Sokov, Even if we have the ability to defeat him, it will not be possible overnight. Now the besieged troops are in short supply of ammunition and various supplies, and I am afraid that if they are left alone, they may not be able to support the day when we capture Minsk."

The shadow of the famous tree, after Model said Sokov's name, the mustache, who was still clamoring, suddenly became quiet. He didn't expect that the Russian general who was sticking to Minsk at this moment was actually Sokov who was giving his subordinates a headache. If he insists on going his own way and insists on letting Model take back Minsk, he may fall into a protracted tug of war. Maybe at the end of the fight, the city was not taken down, but the besieged troops were wiped out, so the loss outweighed the gain.

Mustache silently put down the receiver of the extension, waved his hand at Zeitzler casually, and signaled him to deal with Model, while he walked slowly towards the door with his hands behind his back.

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