Red Moscow

Chapter 2024 Working together to break the city

But in the current situation, no matter how anxious Sokov was, he still had nothing to do. After all, as long as Gorbatov's troops are less than a day away, he and the remaining troops will not be able to withdraw from Minsk for a day. After all, there are still a large number of German troops outside the city.

Sokov said helplessly into the microphone: "Okay, Comrade General, I will wait for the friendly forces to arrive before rushing to the Baranovich area to join the assault troops fighting there."

Rokossovsky heard Sokov's helplessness, smiled and comforted him and said, "Misha, I know you are concerned about Baranovich's war and are eager to rush over to join General Ponedelin. I can Let me give you an idea, so that you can rush there as soon as possible without affecting Minsk's defense."

"Comrade general, tell me quickly." Sokov heard Rokossovsky say this, and he couldn't help but look forward to it: "What's going on?"

"General Gorbatov's troops will definitely not enter Minsk all at once." Rokossovsky explained to Sokov: "They must enter Minsk in batches in divisions. .For every division they come in, you withdraw a division from the city and rush to the Baranovich area as quickly as possible..."

"Good idea, this is really a good idea." After listening to Rokossovsky's words, Sokov couldn't help applauding: "Anyway, there is Chief of Staff Sidolin in the city, and I will let him stay in the city." Sit down, I will take the withdrawn troops and rush to the Baranovich area as soon as possible to join the deputy commander's troops."

"Misha," Rokossovsky did not express any opinion on Sokov's statement, but only told Sokov: "You must pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, Comrade General." Sokov said: "I will pay attention to safety."

After Sokov put down the phone, Sidolin, who heard him talking to Rokossovsky, said: "Comrade commander, I have thought about it carefully. If I adjust the offensive deployment, I can still draw troops and rush to Pakistan." Ranovich joined the assault force commanded by Comrade Deputy Commander."

Unexpectedly, Sokov shook his head after hearing this, and said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, although I am in a hurry to rush to the Baranovich area, I cannot easily adjust the offensive deployment here in Minsk, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles." Mixed rounds. Once the German army realizes that there is chaos here, and then takes the opportunity to launch a counterattack, I am afraid it will cause us huge losses. Haste makes waste, and there are some things that cannot be rushed."

While Sokov and Sidolin were in the headquarters, studying the withdrawal order of the troops in Minsk, Baranovich's battle was in full swing.

The 122nd Brigade, which was the main attack task, has successfully controlled half of the city and successfully reached the church in the city center. Although the headquarters of the German army is not located here, it is an important fire support point. Several machine guns on the bell tower can block several nearby streets.

During the assault, the 4th Battalion of the 122nd Brigade was killed by firepower from the bell tower and paid a heavy price. After discussing with the brigade chief of staff, Victor decided to take down the church in the city center first, and then continue to advance in other directions to support friendly troops into the city.

But in doing so, the forces attacking other areas will become weak. But after learning of this situation, Ponegerin decisively sent all the troops of the 1st and 6th Guards Divisions into battle, hoping that with the strength of the three troops, they could control more territory in the city.

When Onuprienko received the order from Ponejielin, he said excitedly: "Comrade Deputy Commander, our troops of two divisions and one brigade enter the city, I am afraid that we will not wait for General Batov's troops to break through the city." , we can take over the entire city.”

The speaker was not interested in the listener, and Ponejielin was worrying about the shortage of troops. Onupriyenko's words gave him a new idea. He asked the communications soldier to help him connect to the headquarters of the 65th Army Group, and was going to have a good talk with Batov about cooperation.

After the call was connected, Ponejielin said sincerely: "Hello, General Batov! I am Ponejielin, deputy commander of the 48th Army!"

"Hello, General Ponegerin." Batov asked politely, "Do you have any advice?"

"That's right, General Batov." The purpose of Ponedelin's call to Batov was to use the power of the 65th Army to quickly clear the German army in the city and liberate Baranovich as soon as possible. . "My troops have broken through the German city defenses and have successfully rushed into Baranowicz."

"Oh, you have already rushed into the city of Baranovich?" Batov thought that the other party was deliberately showing off to him when he heard Ponegerin say this. Although he was unhappy, he still told the other party out of politeness Expressed congratulations: "General Pornegelin, I congratulate you for achieving such a remarkable result."

From Batov's tone of voice, Ponegerin could hear dissatisfaction. As for why the other party was dissatisfied, Ponegerin naturally knew it well. He smiled and said, "General Batov, I called you to ask for help."

"Ask for help?!" Ponejielin's words confused Batov: "What help?"

"That's right, General Batov." In order to reach a cooperation as soon as possible, Ponegerin did not go around in circles, but said bluntly: "Although my troops have successfully entered the city, due to limited forces, they cannot reach the city." It is already beyond our capacity, so I specifically make a request to you, hoping that you can send troops to support us."

Ponedelin spoke very well. He planned to let Batov's troops enter Baranovich through the gap opened by the 122nd brigade, but in order not to hurt Batov's self-esteem, he called the invitation a request for help.

Sure enough, Batov had a smile on his face when he heard this: "General Ponegerin, I don't know how I should help you?"

"It's very simple!" Ponegerin heard from Batov's tone of voice that the other party was willing to cooperate, so he continued: "This time we rushed to Baranovich's troops, only two divisions and one brigade, and all of them are infantry. After a long period of fighting, the number of troops has been so reduced that even in battle, there are now insufficient troops. So I beg you, send troops to reinforce us."

"General Ponegerin, my troops are attacking the city, and they have restrained a considerable part of the German army." Batov said: "This can be regarded as support for you!"

"This kind of support is far from enough." Ponegelin continued: "I hope your troops can enter the city through the gap we opened, and take over or assist our troops to annihilate the defenders in the city."

When Batov heard this, he was secretly delighted. I was worrying that the troops would not be able to tear through the enemy's line of defense. Someone invited his troops to enter the battlefield through the gap opened. No problem, no problem. General Pornegelin, I will send the 23rd and 24th Infantry Divisions to you as soon as possible, and enter the city through the gap that has been opened."

Rajecki, the military commissar next to him, saw Batov's happy face and asked curiously, "Comrade commander, is there anything happy?"

"Of course, my Comrade Military Commissar." Batov couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, and said to Rajecki: "General Ponedelin, deputy commander of the 48th Army, called me and said that his troops had rushed Entered the city. However, due to the limited force, it is impossible to expand the results of the battle, so I hope we can send reinforcements."

Rajecki had thought that troops of the 65th Army had broken through the city, but he heard that it was the shock troops of the 48th Army who had broken the city. Unavoidably a little disappointed, he said disapprovingly: "The troops who entered the city are not ours, so there is nothing to be happy about."

"Comrade Military Commissar, you can't say that." Batov explained to him with a smile: "Although the assault troops of the 48th Army broke through the German defenses and broke into the city, due to their limited strength, they could not expand the results of the battle." , so I ask for help, hoping that I can send troops into the battlefield through the gap they opened, and assist them in clearing the defenders in the city."

"What, they let us enter the city through the gap that was opened?" Rajecki was absent-minded at first, but when he heard Batov say this, he suddenly became excited: "Comrade commander, since this is the case, why bother? Immediately order the troops to enter the city through the gap opened by the friendly army."

"That's right, I thought so too." Batov said to Rajecki: "Our army's attack from the city has attracted most of the city's defenders, and the city's defenses must be empty. We At this time, if the troops enter the city through the opening opened by the friendly army, they will be able to catch the enemy by surprise, thereby creating favorable conditions for clearing the enemy in a short period of time."

Rajetsky urged: "Comrade Commander, since this is the case, then give the order quickly. Otherwise, when Marshal Zhukov arrives, I will probably reprimand you again."

Batov called the chief of staff and told him: "Call the commanders of the 23rd and 24th Infantry Divisions immediately and ask them to rush to the combat area of ​​​​the 48th Army as soon as possible and enter the city through the gap opened by friendly forces."

Just when the chief of staff picked up the phone and was about to convey Batov's order, Batov stopped him again and added: "Call the commander of the 3rd Tank Brigade again and order them to participate in this battle." fighting."

"Okay!" Hearing what Batov said, the chief of staff said excitedly: "Comrade commander, although the role of tanks in urban street battles will be greatly reduced due to terrain constraints, with the participation of the 3rd Tank Brigade , can greatly speed up the speed at which our troops can eliminate the remnants of the enemy."

The chief of staff finished his phone call and was just about to report to Batov when Zhukov broke in from the outside. After a brief greeting with everyone, he asked Batov straightforwardly: "Batov, how is the situation? When will your troops break through the German defenses and rush into the city?"

"Comrade Marshal, please don't worry." Batov greeted Zhukov to sit down, poured him a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "In half an hour at most, my troops will be able to enter the city of Baranovich."

Hearing what Batov said, Zhukov had an unexpected expression on his face: "Batov, is it possible that your offensive has taken effect, and a certain area of ​​the enemy can no longer hold on?"

"Comrade Marshal, the resistance we have encountered outside the city of Baranovich is still unprecedentedly strong." Batov said to Zhukov: "But we have found other ways to enter the city."

"Other ways to enter the city?" Zhukov asked puzzled, "What way?"

"That's right, Comrade Marshal." Batov knew that he couldn't hide his cooperation with the 48th Army in combat even if he wanted to, so he simply said: "The troops commanded by the deputy commander of the 48th Army, General Ponegerin, , has successfully rushed into the city of Baranovich. Although their progress is very smooth, due to the serious shortage of troops, there are many problems in trying to expand the results of the battle. Therefore, General Pornejerin called me and asked me to send troops , Enter the city through the gap they opened, in order to achieve the goal of clearing the defenders."

"Oh, Ponegerin's troops have entered the city of Baranovich?" Zhukov was surprised to hear the news, and asked, "When did it happen?"

"About a few hours ago." Batov explained to Zhukov: "Maybe the German army discovered that our side is the main force of the attack, so they used most of the troops in the city to stop our attack. This is also the progress of our department." reason for the delay."

Zhukov did not refute Batov's reason why the attack was unfavorable. He believed that the other party's argument was reasonable. During the attack in the past few days, Batov used a huge force to launch a fierce attack on the heavy German army group. , Naturally aroused the attention of the German army. However, the troops commanded by Ponegelin had no contact with the second and third line troops of the German army. No matter how fiercely they fought, due to the limitation of troops, they would not become the focus of the German army's defense.

When the German army discovered the intention of the 65th Army to attack Baranovic, it would definitely mobilize heavy troops and deploy them in the direction of their attack. This is why Batov's troops progressed smoothly in the early stage, but they struggled more and more in the later stage.

"Batov, since the friendly forces are willing to let your troops enter the battlefield through the gap they opened, then what are you doing?" Zhukov urged: "Hurry up and dispatch troops."

"Comrade Marshal, please allow me to report to you." The Chief of Staff said from the side.

"Speak." Zhukov said lightly.

"According to the order given by Comrade Commander, I have notified the 23rd and 24th Infantry Divisions and the 3rd Tank Brigade to prepare for reinforcements of friendly troops."

Zhukov laughed after hearing this, and he said with satisfaction: "Batov, you are very thoughtful, with these two infantry divisions and one tank brigade, I believe the enemy in the city will not last long. "

"You are right, Comrade Marshal." At this moment, Batov is also full of confidence: "The troops entering the city can not only support the friendly troops in the battle, but also help the troops outside the city to break through the German defense. As long as we If the troops in the city reach four or five divisions, the Germans will not last long, and they will be wiped out by us soon."

Batov's judgment was correct. Since the 23rd and 24th Divisions and the 3rd Tank Brigade entered the city, the situation has changed drastically. They first helped capture the church in the city center, and then helped the siege troops break through the German defenses, thus greatly increasing the number of Soviet troops in the city.

As the defense line was breached, the German army began to fall into chaos. Many officers and soldiers even abandoned their positions and fled to the city, trying to find a way of escape there.

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