Red Moscow

Chapter 2051

"Comrade Commander, call!" A communications staff officer held up the microphone in his hand and reported to Sokov: "It's General Onuprienko, the commander of the 6th Guards Division."

The 6th Guards Division was the vanguard of the attack on Mizyrets. Sokov heard that it was Onu Priyenko calling, so he hurried over to take the phone: "General Onu Priyenko, your Are the troops in attack position?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Onuprienko replied on the phone: "Half an hour ago, my troops were all in attack position and ready to attack the city."

After hearing this, Sokov showed a gratified smile on his face, and then asked: "General Onuprienko, since your troops have arrived at the designated attack position and are ready to fight, then immediately attack the city." Go on the offensive."

"Comrade Commander, I called you just to attack." Onupriyenko said with some hesitation: "I think the attack on Mizyrec is no longer necessary."

"Why?" Sokov frowned: "General Onupriyenko, why is there no need to launch an attack? What happened to you?"

"Before the attack, I sent people into the city to search." Onuprienko said hesitantly: "But according to the scout's report, there is no enemy in the city, is it an empty city?"

"What?" Sokov couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this: "What did you say, Mizyrets is an empty city?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander. This is what my scouts reported to me. Not only is there no enemy, there are even no inhabitants in the city. It is an empty city."

Knowing that Mizyrets is an empty city, Sokov tapped his fingers quickly on the tabletop, wondering, anyway, Mizyrets is a portal of Siedlce, how could the Germans say Give up and give up? Thinking of this, he asked into the microphone: "General Onuprienko, besides the scouts, do you have any other troops entering the city?"

"No, Comrade Commander." Onuprienko replied simply: "Except for scouts, no troops have entered the city."

"Well, you can send a regiment to enter the city first to search. We have encountered this situation before. The Germans felt that they could not stop our attack, so they took the initiative to abandon some irrelevant cities and withdraw their troops to the rear. Strengthen the defense." Sokov told the other party on the phone: "In order to prevent the Germans from setting a trap for us, the other two regiments stayed outside the city to serve as guards. Get out. Got it?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Onuprienko replied loudly: "I will immediately send Colonel Ivanov's 10th Guards Regiment into the city to search."

As soon as Sokov put down the phone, Ponejielin came over and asked curiously, "Comrade Commander, what happened in Mizyrets?"

"General Onu Priyanko reported that the scouts he sent found no trace of the enemy in the city." Sokov said: "Not only are there no enemies, even the residents can't see one. So I ordered Onu General Prienko immediately sent a regiment into the city to search and find out what was going on."

"Comrade Commander," Sidolin waited for Sokov to finish, and offered a suggestion: "If the Germans really give up on Mizyrets, then our original offensive plan needs to be adjusted."

"What kind of adjustment?" asked Pornegerin.

Sidolin walked quickly to the map, pointed to the map of the situation of the enemy and the enemy and said: "Comrades, two commanders, according to the original plan, the 6th Guards Division took the lead in attacking Mizirec, and the 1st Guards Division Be a reserve team, and when the 6th Guards Division's attack fails, they will go into battle again.

Now that the Germans have abandoned Minzizec, I think it is possible to adjust the mission of the 1st Guards Division so that they rush directly to Siedlce, and attack the city by surprise before the enemy reacts. "

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Ponejielin waited for Sidolin to finish speaking, and immediately raised his own doubts: "Have you ever considered that if Minzizez is really a trap set by the Germans for us, if The 1st Guards Division has been transferred to the direction of Siedlce, who will support the 6th Guards Division at that time."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, you don't have to worry about this." Sokov picked up the explaining stick by the wall, knocked on the position of Mizyrec, and said confidently: "Even if Mizyrec was set up by the Germans A trap, they can't eat our 6th Guards Division in a short period of time. As long as General Onupriyenko can persist for four or five hours, the 3rd and 109th Infantry Divisions who follow behind will be able to arrive .

Mizyrets is a small city, and the German army can only deploy one regiment at best. Do you think they can withstand the joint attack of our three divisions? "

"Misha." Khrushchev, who had been listening in, couldn't help but interjected when he heard this: "If there is really only one German regiment in the city of Mizyret, even if they set some traps, the 6th Guards Division The strength of one division can annihilate them without the support of follow-up troops."

"Comrade Khrushchev," Sokov didn't know that the other party was telling the truth, he said with a smile: "If the German army is only deployed in the city of Mizyrebar, the Wehrmacht, then the current strength of the 6th Division of the Guards , There is no big problem in destroying them. But if the defenders deployed in the city are elite SS troops, then even if the 6th Guards Division has an advantage in numbers, it may not be able to wipe them out in a short time, or even The possibility of being defeated by them."

"Comrade Commander is right." Sidolin added: "According to the information we have obtained, the German Skeleton Division may be deployed nearby. With the combat effectiveness of this division, even if our army's strength ratio is three to one, I am afraid It will also suffer."

For Sidolin's statement, Bulganin took it seriously. He clearly remembered that during the Battle of Kursk, one SS division of the German army could defeat an army of the Soviet army. If the German army really deploys a regiment of the SS division in Mizyrec, then even if the 6th Guards Division has the numerical advantage, it may also be defeated.

Unexpectedly, Khrushchev said disapprovingly after hearing this: "Misha, if it is other troops, they will be panicked when they hear that the enemies they encounter are the Banner Guard Division, Imperial Division, Skeleton Division and Viking Division. But You are different from others, among these mighty SS divisions, which one has not suffered a defeat under your hands?"

Regarding Khrushchev's statement, Sokov smiled wryly: "Comrade Khrushchev, if I am still in command of the 27th Army, then let alone a regiment of the SS division, it will be considered the one you mentioned. The four SS divisions came together, and I am still sure to beat them all over the place. But today's army, no matter in terms of technical and tactical level, or weapons and equipment, cannot be compared with the old 27th Army , That is to say, even if I face any SS division, I am not completely sure to defeat the opponent."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Sokov turned and told Sidolin: "Call General Tolstikov immediately and ask him to lead the troops of the 1st Guards Division around Mizyrets as quickly as possible. Rush to Siedlce. If possible, it is best to send a reconnaissance team first to find out the enemy's defense situation in the direction of Siedlce."

An hour later, Sokov received another call from Onuprienko: "Comrade Commander, the 10th Guards Regiment has conducted a complete search of the city and found only a few sporadic residents."

Hearing this, Sokov couldn't wait to interrupt Onuprienko's words, and asked: "Comrade General, have you asked those residents where the Germans have gone?"

"I have asked, Comrade Commander." Onuprienko replied, "I just finished asking the residents. They said that the German army suddenly notified all the residents in the city last night to move to Warsaw overnight. If you are unwilling to leave They would have been shot by the Germans on the spot. And they stayed because they hid in attics or cellars and were not found by the Germans."

Hearing that the Germans shot and killed many residents who refused to leave Mizyrets, Sokov tentatively asked: "General Onuprienko, do you know how many residents were shot?"

"According to our statistics, about 200 residents were brutally killed."

"Damn Germans." Sokov gritted his teeth and said to Onuprienko: "Comrade General, these dead residents must be properly buried. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander," Onuprienko replied: "Colonel Ivanov's soldiers are doing this."

"General Onu Priyenko, since it has been determined that there are no enemies in the city of Mezireci, the original plan must be adjusted accordingly." Sokov said to Onu Priyenko: "The original combat plan, It is your division who is responsible for the main offensive task of Mizyrec, and the 1st Guards Division is your reserve. Now that the troops of the 1st Guards Division have bypassed Mizyrets and headed for Siedlce, then you One battalion was left at Mizyrets, and the rest immediately marched towards Siedlce to serve as a reserve of the 1st Guards Division."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Onuprienko said: "I will immediately follow your order, leave the garrison behind, and move towards Siedlce."

After putting down the phone, Sokov said to himself: "I don't know if General Tolstikov's 1st Guards Division has reached Siedlce now."

Bulganin came over and said to Sokov: "General Sokov, I think you are very busy. If Comrade Khrushchev and I continue to stay here, it may affect your command of operations. I think we should go first." leave."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Military Commissioner. Please don't leave for now." Although Sokov didn't want outsiders with higher ranks than himself to stay here when commanding operations, it would make him feel pressured, which would lead to Sometimes it seems to be restrained. But at this moment, Bulganin offered to leave, but he stopped the other party. There was an important matter that needed to be reported to the two of them.

"Anything else?" Bulganin asked.

"That's right, Comrade Comrade Military Commissar." After Sokov finished speaking, he found that he seemed to have left Khrushchev in the cold, and added, "And Comrade Khrushchev, I have an important matter. Report to you two."

"Important matters need to be reported to us." Bulganin and Khrushchev looked at each other and asked Sokov curiously: "General Sokov, what is it?"

"Comrade Military Commissar, didn't my troops occupy the Majdanek concentration camp near Lublin a few days ago?"

"That's right." Bulganin nodded and said, "I read your battle reports. You fought very well. You rescued more than 40,000 prisoners from the hands of the Germans. They may be replaced by other troops. Less than that."

"Before my troops withdrew from the concentration camp today, they found some important things on the hillside of the concentration camp." Sokov knew that the Jewish treasures discovered by his troops would definitely not go into his own pocket and could only be handed over to the The superior, so he said straight to the point: "The owners of these things basically died in the German concentration camps, so I plan to hand over all the things I find to the front army headquarters."

Bulganin asked tentatively: "I wonder if there is something?"

"Jewelry, clocks, brushes, pipes, lighters, kitchen utensils, etc." Sokov said: "Comrade Military Commissar, it is only a matter of time before the Germans are defeated. After the war is over, we will rebuild the cities that were destroyed by the war, A lot of money is needed, and I hope that the treasures found will be of some use."

Bulganin and Khrushchev looked at each other and smiled, then walked up to Sokov, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Well done, General Sokov, you are well done!" Yes! This is what I want to say to you."

At this time the phone rang, Sidolin picked up the phone and listened, then covered the receiver and reported to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, General Tolstikov reports that the reconnaissance team he sent is near Siedlce. , spotted our tank units."

"What, we found our army's tank unit near Siedlce?" Sokov asked with some surprise: "Comrade Chief of Staff, ask him, do you know which unit these tanks belong to?"

Sidolin nodded and replied: "The scouts have already asked that these tanks belong to the 50th Independent Heavy Tank Regiment, which now belongs to the 11th Guards Tank Corps of Major General Guttman Tanker."

"What kind of tanks are they equipped with?" Sokov heard that the opponent was a heavy tank regiment, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Is it the latest model of T-34 tanks?" He asked because he knew in his heart that the German army was There are a large number of Tiger and Leopard tanks deployed near Warsaw. If the tank regiment is equipped with T-34 tanks, it is tantamount to killing the enemy.

"No, Comrade Commander." Sidolin replied: "General Tolstikov reported that the regiment is equipped with IS-2 heavy tanks, even if it encounters German Panther or Tiger tanks , don’t worry about not being able to beat it.”

"Oh, it is actually equipped with an IS-2 tank?" Khrushchev, who was standing aside, turned his head and said to Bulganin after hearing this: "This is a heavy tank that our army has not long ago entered the army. If it encounters an old-fashioned German tank Tanks 3 or 4, it was a one-sided massacre. Even if we encounter the Leopard tanks, which have suffered a lot from our T-34 tanks, the chances of winning are equally high."

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