Red Moscow

Chapter 2067

Unexpectedly, Sokov's question really caught Malinin's question.

After a long time, he said: "Comrade Sokov, I don't know how to answer your question. Although we have contacted the Polish comrades and asked them to come forward to inquire about this matter, so far, there has been no response." I don’t have any news, so I don’t know whether an uprising broke out in Warsaw city as we analyzed.”

For a moment, Sokov almost blurted out, telling Malinin that the Warsaw Uprising had been organized by a group of officers from the Krajov Army, and had begun on August 1 at the signal of the Polish government-in-exile in London. Leading the uprising was General Montel. The Krajovian army plays the leading role, as they have the largest number of troops, the best equipped and organized. As long as there are patriotic residents of Warsaw in the city, those who hate the German occupation forces and hope to expel the slaves as soon as possible, they all participated in the uprising. They took up all kinds of weapons and fought against the enemy without hesitation.

But at the moment, neither the Front Army Command nor the new Polish government knew about it, so he wanted to say it rashly. If his superiors interrogated him, Sokov would not be able to tell even if his mouth was full. He couldn't tell others that he was Did you see it in the historical materials of later generations? That way, it's no wonder that others don't treat her as a psychopath.

After putting down the phone, Sidolin came over and asked, "Comrade Commander, has the news of the uprising in Warsaw been confirmed?"

Sokov shook his head lightly after hearing this, and said: "I haven't received any news yet. According to my estimation, if an uprising really broke out, it might be led by the officers of the Krajov Army, so that they can control the news. Both the Front Command and the comrades in Poland were unable to obtain the information they wanted to know."

Sidolin rubbed his hands and said: "If this is the case, it will be difficult. I don't know what the situation in Warsaw is. Should we continue to attack or rest in the occupied area?"

"The troops that should attack, still have to attack." Sokov said: "The Second Tank Army will still push directly towards Warsaw. It is good to be able to take the city. If you can't take it, then stop outside the city for rest. Wait until After replenishing enough soldiers, weapons and ammunition, and getting a full rest, it will not be too late to launch an attack on Warsaw City."

"I just don't understand why the insurgents in the city didn't take the initiative to contact us when our army is outside the city." Sidolin stared at the map and said, "If we can get their cooperation, we will be able to In time, capture the city and destroy the enemies entrenched in the city."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, the commander has already said this many times." Ponejelin interjected next to him and said, "The Krajov army in the city is unwilling to cooperate with our army. We have tightly sealed the news, lest we rush into Warsaw before their masters."

"Comrade Deputy Commander," Sidolin asked after listening to Ponejelin, "If an uprising really broke out in Warsaw, do you think the strength of the rebel army can defeat the German army in the city?"

"I said, Comrade Chief of Staff, you really think highly of the Warsaw Uprising Army." After hearing this, Pornejelin sneered and said: "The troops who staged the uprising are just resistance organizations or guerrillas. The well-trained and well-equipped German army is fighting street battles in the city. I think their chances of winning are not high. Even if the Germans were caught off guard due to the suddenness of the uprising in the early stage, as long as the Germans hold their ground, they will be able to win. Kill them one by one."

Regarding Ponegerin's analysis, Sokov couldn't help being secretly surprised. The process of the Warsaw Uprising was indeed as he analyzed it. At the beginning, because the uprising broke out suddenly, the Germans had no precautions at all. As a result, they were beaten. caught off guard. But as time went by, the German army stabilized its position. As more and more German troops arrived, the initiative on the battlefield in Warsaw was completely in the hands of the Germans, while the rebel army was completely at a disadvantage. Surrender to the Germans without laying down your arms.

The root cause of the failure of the Warsaw Uprising was that it was an adventure. The German army had not yet reached the point of complete collapse, and the uprising was too weak, which eventually led to its failure. Although the Soviet Army did not do its best to help the Warsaw Uprising, it did not sit idly by and provided some help. The main responsibility for the failure of the uprising did not lie with the Soviet Army.

"By the way, Comrade Commander, I heard an exciting piece of good news." Sidolin said again suddenly; "Since it has not been confirmed, I can only take it as gossip."

"Let's listen to it." Sokov said disapprovingly: "Even if it's gossip, we can listen to it to amuse ourselves."

"Some people say that on July 20, a small-scale military uprising broke out in Berlin, Germany, and a group of senior German officers assassinated Mustache..."

"Fake, Comrade Chief of Staff." Unexpectedly, before Sidolin finished speaking, Ponegerin interrupted him without hesitation: "This must be false news from the Allied forces. Our army thought that the death of the mustache would cause the Germans to lose their combat effectiveness, so as to increase the intensity of the attack, thereby reducing the pressure on them."

Sidolin's words reminded Sokov that he immediately remembered that the German officer Stauffenberg really wanted to use a bomb to kill Mustache, but for various reasons, Mustache escaped.

Seeing that Pornegerin was about to distinguish from Sidolin, he quickly raised his hand to stop the other party, and then said: "Comrade Deputy Commander, the Chief of Staff has just said that it is just an unconfirmed gossip. Don't listen to it, don't believe it."

"Comrade Commander, you really believe in such rumors." Seeing that Sokov also believed in the assassination of Mustache, Ponegerin shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I think such news, everyone Would love to hear that, but it's not realistic. Do you think that would happen with German loyalty to mustaches?"

"Comrade Deputy Commander, I think everything is possible." Sokov said eloquently: "If a similar incident really happened, then it makes sense why an uprising broke out in Warsaw."

"I don't understand. Is there any connection between the life and death of Mustache and whether an uprising broke out in Warsaw?"

"Of course there is a connection. If the assassination really happened, the German army may not want to fight, and may even voluntarily withdraw from the whole of Poland." Sokov explained to Ponejielin: "Some time ago we obtained the information that the German army is about to retreat. The order may be related to the assassination."

"However, the time of the assassination has not been confirmed," Pornegerin emphasized his point of view again: "I think this should be false news deliberately released by the Allied forces in order to divert our attention."

"General Ponegelin, this is not false news, but a real thing." At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from not far away.

Sokov looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the person standing there was Zhukov. He quickly stood up from his seat and saluted him: "Hello, Comrade Marshal!"

Bornejelin and Sidolin also saw Zhukov, and hurriedly stood up to salute.

"Sit down." Zhukov told the three of them to sit down, and then said to Ponegerin, "General Ponegerin, the assassination of Mustache is not a rumor, but a fact."

"What, did the assassination really happen?!" Pornegerin asked in shock, "Is that mustache dead?"

"No," Zhukov shook his head, and said angrily, "It is said that the officer in charge of the assassination had already put the briefcase with the bomb under the feet of Mustache, but for some reason, he was not killed. , it seems that he should die."

Hearing this, Sokov thought to himself, but Mustache should not die. Originally, Stauffenberg had already placed the briefcase with the bomb under the conference table, only a few steps away from Mustache. Once it exploded , will definitely kill the opponent. But Mustache couldn’t die, and after Stauffenberg left the meeting, the officer standing next to him moved his briefcase under the table so it wouldn’t block his feet. But just like this, there is a thick table leg between the bomb and the mustache, so that the mustache can keep his life after the explosion.

Sidolin slapped the table and said angrily, "It's such a pity. If the bomb kills Mustache, maybe this damn war will be over."

"That's not necessarily true." Sokov waved his hands and said, "Even if Mustache is dead, his successors are not willing to continue the fight, but I analyze that they will make peace with the allied forces alone and continue to fight our army. Once the Allied forces stop their military operations against the German army, the Germans will be able to deploy more military forces to the Eastern Front to deal with us. At that time, the situation on the battlefield will change from being favorable to our army now to being unfavorable. After all, the reason why the German army retreated steadily was because the Allied forces helped us contain a certain number of German troops."

"Misha, although your statement is a bit alarmist, it is entirely possible to become a reality." Zhukov said: "In mid-July, we noticed that the special envoy of the German army had contacts with senior officials in London. According to various signs, they are preparing to separate from our side for a separate peace negotiation. However, under our strong condemnation, London gave up its attempt to negotiate a peace, and the Germans had to continue to maintain this two-front war situation.”

Cold sweat broke out on Sidolin's forehead. He didn't expect that the content of Sokov's casual analysis was actually confirmed by Zhukov, which proved that the situation on the battlefield was not as optimistic as he imagined. After being silent for a while, he asked, "Comrade Commander, I would like to ask, is the Warsaw Uprising you analyzed also a London conspiracy?"

"There is such a possibility." Sokov said: "Since the assassination of Mustache has occurred, there is a good reason for the London side to make some small moves. Maybe this uprising was used by the London side to contain From our army."

"We just discussed this issue. Without our help, no matter how many insurgents there are in the city, it is impossible to defeat the Germans." Sidolin once again raised his own doubts: "Are they really Think the British will come to their aid?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Sokov saw Zhukov looking at him with interest, as if he wanted to hear his opinion on the matter, and said carefully, "First of all, we can confirm that this uprising has indeed been approved by Britain and the United States. , Said that it would send air force to support and protect Warsaw from the Luftwaffe. At the same time, the Allied forces would send paratroopers to reinforce the Warsaw uprising, and would also drop weapons, ammunition and various supplies into the city.

In fact, however, we only need to take a closer look at the map to find that the promise of the Allies is tantamount to a blank check. Although the Allies had landed in northern France, it would have been suicidal to ask the Air Force to fly halfway across Europe to Poland. In addition, the airborne troops of the Allied forces have just entered into combat in Operation Overlord. Where can paratroopers come for reinforcements? The paratroopers in Normandy still need to rest and reorganize, and they are simply unable to come for reinforcements. "

Zhukov said, "Misha, tell me again, why did the allies instigate such an uprising when they knew that the uprising had little chance of success?"

"Comrade Marshal, there are two reasons." Now that Zhukov asked, Sokov naturally expressed his "view": "First, they hope to occupy a moral high ground, saying that the allies support the Polish people. A just cause will be of great help in preventing our country from expanding its influence in Eastern Europe in the future.

Second, judging from the current situation, even if you want to stop it, you may not be able to stop the Polish uprising. The Poles are a people historically known for their lack of strategic vision, and they will act in any situation they think is feasible. Since the uprising cannot be stopped, it is better to acquiesce in their actions. "

"Misha, because our intelligence organization in Warsaw was completely destroyed a few days ago, we have no way of knowing what happened in Warsaw." Zhukov said: "But according to my personal experience, I think what you said should be correct."

"Comrade Marshal, there is a question that I have never figured out." Pornedelin asked Zhukov tentatively, "I want to ask you a question."

Zhukov was quite polite to Ponedelin: "Please tell me, General Ponedelin."

"Since the Germans can sabotage our underground intelligence system, why didn't they find out that the Warsaw people were preparing for an uprising?" Pornejerin asked: "This is too unreasonable."

Zhukov replied with a wry smile to Ponegerin's question: "General Ponegerin, we analyzed this matter and finally got an annoying answer. The reason why our underground intelligence organization was exposed is that It may have been reported by members of the Krajov Army, and they assisted the Germans in destroying it. In this way, when an uprising breaks out in Warsaw, our army will not be able to obtain any valuable information like it is now."

"I really didn't expect that we are helping the Poles liberate their motherland, but they are always on guard against us." After hearing Zhukov's words, Ponejielin was also a little emotional: "In this way, even if their uprising fails, it is their It's your fault."

"Comrade Marshal," Sokov asked Zhukov cautiously, "will our attack on Warsaw continue?"

"Yes, Misha, our attack on Warsaw will continue." Zhukov said solemnly, "Even if Krajov's army doesn't want to cooperate with us, we still have to find a way to enter Warsaw as soon as possible."

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