Red Moscow

Chapter 2079

Besides, Batov, who pushed into the depths of the forest, saw that the sound of the guns had gradually faded away, so he told Glebov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, this place is already some distance away from our original headquarters, you should immediately arrange for communications troops Call nearby troops and let them come over and join us."

"Comrade Commander," Glebov said with a flustered expression, "it's no more than five kilometers from here to the original headquarters. The Germans may come over soon. If we stay here, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. of."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Batov said angrily seeing Glebov's reluctance to carry out his orders, "I know this place is not too far from the original headquarters, but that's the only way we can join the troops coming Only then can we rush back in the shortest possible time and rescue the commanders and fighters of the guard regiment."

Glebov listened carefully, and then said to Batov with a wry smile: "Comrade Commander, some words may be difficult to hear, but I have to say them. Listen, the distant gunfire has stopped, and that's it." It means that the entire guard regiment may have been wiped out at this moment. If we continue to stay here and wait for the Germans to catch up, we will not be able to leave if we want to."

Hearing Glebov say this, Batov showed a bitter expression on his face: "Comrade Chief of Staff, do you think we can completely get rid of the enemy if we continue to retreat to the depths of the forest? It's useless, as long as we don't fight with other No matter how far they retreat, they will be overtaken by the Germans, and they will not be able to get rid of the fate of destruction. So it is better to stay and try to see if they can contact the nearby troops and come to fight with the Germans. Have a duel."

"Okay, Comrade Commander, since you said so, let's try to contact the nearby troops here to see if we can contact them." After speaking, Glebov called the director of the communications corps and asked him to Arrange for manpower to set up the antenna, try to call the nearby troops, and let them rush over to join the army headquarters.

When the signal soldiers started to get busy, Batov asked Glebov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, how many usable guards do we still have?"

Glebov looked around and replied: "Less than a hundred people. But if the Germans do touch them, they will still be able to resist for a while and buy us time to get out."

After the antenna was set up on the tree branch, several radios brought out by the communications soldiers began to call the nearby troops. But before any troops could be contacted, a company commander serving as a security guard came to Glebov with a soldier, and he reported with a happy face: "Comrade Chief of Staff, this soldier was sent by the regiment commander." Yes, he has good news for you."

Glebov knew that the regimental commander the company commander was talking about was the commander of the guard who led the troops. Hearing that the soldier in front of him was sent by the head of the guard, he quickly grabbed his arm and said excitedly, "Comrade soldier, tell me quickly, how is the situation there?"

"Report to Comrade Chief of Staff." The soldier reported to Glebov: "After you retreated, the enemy launched a frenzied attack on our defensive position, and the regiment commander was also injured in the battle. It seems that I can't stand it anymore, who knows But a friendly army came to the rescue and drove off the attacking enemy."

"A friendly army?!" Glebov asked, "Which army is it?"

This soldier just came to report the news. He didn't know the specific numbers of the reinforcements, so he could only say vaguely: "I don't know the specific numbers, but they were sent by the commander of the 48th Army, General Sokov, to support us." of."

"What, General Sokov sent to support our troops?" Glebov asked in surprise.

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff," replied the soldier in the affirmative.

Glebov took the soldier's arm, ran towards Batov's position, and said, "Comrade soldier, I will take you to see the commander, and you tell him everything you know. Understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Chief of Staff." The soldier said, "I will report the truth."

Batov was also surprised to learn that Sokov sent people to reinforce him. After carefully questioning some details, he had a clue in his mind, and then told Glebov: "Chief of Staff, you stay here and continue to call nearby I will go back to the original station to meet with the commander of the friendly army."

"Comrade Commander," Glebov was a little anxious when he heard that Batov was going back to his original station, "there is an area covered by enemy artillery fire. If you rush back, you may be in danger."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, comrades from the friendly army can take the risk to rescue us." Batov said sternly, "Can we just hide and never see our faces because of the danger there? If we do this, the friendly commanders and fighters may be chilled." heart of."

Now that Batov had already talked about this, Glebov couldn't be more reluctant, and could only agree that Batov return to the original station with a small number of personnel to meet with the commander of the friendly army.

Not long after Batov left, a radio operator reported to Glebov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I have received a telegram from the Front Command."

"Quickly translate it and see what they said."

Soon, the content of the telegram was translated, asking why he suddenly lost contact with the front army headquarters. After reading it, Glebov immediately ordered the operator to call back and report everything that happened just now to the Front Army Command.

After receiving the telegram, the operator of the Front Army Command immediately handed it over to the director of the communications corps. After reading it, the Director of the Communication Corps felt that the matter was of great importance, and immediately handed over the telegram to Ma Lining.

After browsing the contents of the telegram, Ma Linin walked up to Rokossovsky and reported to him: "Comrade Commander, the reason why the 65th Army lost contact with us just now is because their garrison was bombarded and attacked by the Germans." Infantry attack."

Hearing what Malinin said, Rokossovsky couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and quickly asked: "How is Batov, isn't he injured?"

"No." Malinin shook his head and said, "Shortly after the bombardment began, Chief of Staff Glebov took Batov and Rajecki and some staff and communications personnel to transfer. Leaving behind the broken guard regiment and rushing forward The enemy fought fiercely, and when they were about to lose their hold, one of Sokov's troops came to support them, repelled the invading German troops, and saved General Batov's headquarters."

After hearing this, Rokossovsky had a surprised expression on his face. He walked quickly to the wall and looked up at the map hanging on it. After looking carefully for a while, he turned to Malinin and asked, "Comrade Chief of Staff, didn't we order Misha's troops to attack the middle of Praga and Siedlce?" The enemy, why did he go to the Belovizh Forest in the north to rescue Batov?"

"Yeah, it's quite strange." Malinin looked at the distance between the 48th Army's defense and Belovizh Forest, frowned and said, "The distance between the two places is more than 20 kilometers. I don't understand why General Sokov would this way."

Rokossovsky stopped guessing, but directly connected to the headquarters of the 48th Army, intending to ask Sokov personally what was going on. Hearing Sokov's voice from the receiver, Rokossovsky asked bluntly: "Misha, I heard that you sent troops to the Belovizh Forest to rescue Batov's troops. okay?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal." Sokov heard Rokossovsky's question about this matter, and quickly replied truthfully: "It is true, I sent the 284th Infantry Division to carry out this task. In order to ensure the success of the rescue operation, I also sent tanks and artillery units to cooperate."

After a pause, Sokov tentatively asked: "Comrade Marshal, how did you know about this?" The reason why he asked this question was to find out whether it was Batov who reported it to Rokossovsky , or someone in his own headquarters secretly reported to Rokossovsky behind his back.

"Just now our contact with the 65th Army was interrupted. After the contact was restored, General Glebov specifically mentioned your rescue when he reported the reason for the loss of contact with the troops."

Hearing what Rokossovsky said, Sokov felt more at ease. As long as someone in the headquarters didn't report to the higher level behind his back, then there would be no problem.

"Misha, I'm very curious." Rokossovsky asked after a short pause, "Why did you think of sending troops to rescue Batov? You know, their location is not close to your defense zone." .”

"Comrade Marshal, this is how I think about it." After the military meeting, Sokov once wanted to report his plan to Rokossovsky, but he was worried about any accidents during the rescue, so he temporarily put the plan aside. The matter was put aside. Since Rokossovsky took the initiative to ask at this moment, he naturally wanted to explain: "If General Batov's troops are rescued from the Belovizh Forest, the flanks of our army will no longer be threatened by the enemy. .”

Without waiting for Rokossovsky to ask, he further explained: "Comrade Marshal, since General Batov's troops have been trapped in the Belovizh Forest, there is a Kwanda between me and him. With a gap of tens of kilometers, the German army can use this huge gap to split our front.

You have sent us to attack the enemy between Praga and Siedlce, but since our right flank is seriously threatened by the Germans, I must leave a sufficient number of troops on guard so that the west can be used as an attacking force The troops are weak.

In order to resolve this crisis, I plan to pull General Batov out of the forest first. As long as his lines are parallel to mine, eliminating the gap between the two armies, the Germans will no longer be able to threaten our right flank, and I will be able to mobilize more troops to join Praga and the battle between Siedlce. "

After listening to Sokov's explanation, Rokossovsky nodded slightly, and said, "Misha, you are very thoughtful. Although we have a lot of troops under our front army, I don't have any Reserve. If you can really pull Batov out of the forest, then the 70th Army, which is in the same situation, can also get out of the current predicament. With the 65th and 70th Army as reserves, in the next battle In the middle of the war, we have enough troops for maneuver, so as to grasp the initiative on the battlefield.”

"Comrade Marshal, my subordinates will report to me." Sukov worried that Rokossovsky did not understand the situation in the forest, so he took the initiative to report to him: "When he led the troops to arrive, the headquarters of the 65th Army It has been occupied by the German army, and General Batov has successfully escaped under the cover of the guard regiment."

"I know that." Rokossovsky nodded and said, "Batov heard that you sent troops to reinforce him, so he immediately took people back to the original headquarters and prepared to meet with your subordinates. Tell me about it." , what are your plans next?"

"It is said that General Batov lost contact with his troops." Sokov said: "So I ordered Colonel Ismailov to lead his troops to stay and protect General Batov until the troops of the 65th Army regrouped." , and then guide them to break through the German blockade and leave the Belovizh Forest as soon as possible.”

"I think it can." Regarding Sokov's plan, Rokossovsky expressed his support: "Batov's troops are trapped in the forest, and we cannot provide them with assistance at all. The reserve team used; the second is the air force sent, because the forest is densely wooded, it is impossible to provide them with the necessary air cover. Now you send troops to reinforce, it is enough to reverse the current predicament of our army. If it is really possible in a very short time Let the 65th and 70th armies get out of the place where they are currently trapped, and I will definitely ask the Supreme Command to give you credit."

Knowing that Rokossovsky intends to claim credit for himself, Sokov couldn't help but feel complacent. If what the other party said is true, then he will have a chance to win the Gold Star Medal and be awarded the honorary title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" . Thinking of this, he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and said solemnly: "Comrade Marshal, I will do my best."

Besides, when Batov returned to the original headquarters of his headquarters, he saw that the wooden houses here were all destroyed by artillery fire, some were still burning, and some of the wooden houses were not burned, leaving only black wooden pillars.

A colonel walked up to Batov, raised his hand and saluted, and reported: "Hello, Comrade General! I am Colonel Ismailov, commander of the 284th Infantry Division. Came to reinforce you."

Batov held the opponent's hand and said gratefully: "Comrade Colonel, thank you for coming to the reinforcements in time. Without you, my guard regiment must have been wiped out. On behalf of the surviving personnel of the headquarters, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you." sincere thanks."

"Comrade General, you are too polite." Ismailov said with a smile, "As the commander said, we are friendly troops. We cannot just sit idly by when our friendly troops encounter difficulties. We must find ways to help them." you."

"Comrade Colonel," Batov felt terrified when he thought of the bombardment just now, and he quickly reminded Ismailov: "This is the bombardment area of ​​the German army. If you are stationed here, you may be bombarded by the German army."

"Don't worry, Comrade General." Ismailov said: "I have sent people to clear the German artillery positions. As long as their artillery is eliminated, the Germans will have nothing to rely on. At that time, we will be able to get rid of the German artillery." They easily defeated and helped you leave Belovizh Forest."

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