Red Moscow

Chapter 2093

After receiving the division commander's order, the three regiment leaders respectively issued orders to their own troops to stand firm, telling them not to take a step back at any time, and to stick firmly to the riverside position like a nail.

Immediately after the shelling by the German army ended, it launched an attack on the riverside positions occupied by the Soviet army. 12 tanks opened the way in front, and there were groups of German soldiers behind. This formation looked very bluffing.

The anti-tank gun that had just been set up aimed at the German tank and fired directly. Due to the hasty launch, the first batch of shells fired were all emptied, falling on the open space between the tanks and exploding, and pillars of mud mixed with black soil shot up into the sky.

Reloaded and fired again, and this time two armor-piercing rounds hit the target. But it is a pity that the Soviet anti-tank guns could not penetrate the armor of the German Leopard tank at this distance. Unfortunately, the two armor-piercing projectiles became ricochets.

The German tanks also noticed the anti-tank guns on the Soviet positions, so they stopped one after another and bombarded the positions of the Soviet anti-tank guns with tank guns. After a round of fire, two unlucky anti-tank guns were destroyed, and the gunners were mostly killed.

Seeing that anti-tank guns could not destroy German tanks, the commander could only change the combat method and send soldiers to climb out of the trenches with anti-tank grenades to blow up tanks at close range.

When soldiers holding anti-tank grenades climbed out of the trenches and crawled towards the distant tanks, the commanders on the ground ordered machine guns to shoot at the infantry behind the tanks to prevent them from harming the anti-tank fighters in order to ensure their success. .

However, the German tanks were not so easy to bomb. The Soviet army sacrificed more than a dozen soldiers, but only broke the track of one of the tanks. Come out.

But as the tank approached, the anti-tank guns on the position gradually played a role. The distance was far, and the armor-piercing projectiles could not penetrate the frontal armor of the German tanks, but when they approached, two anti-tank guns achieved results, destroying the two Panther tanks and stopping them at a distance of 70 to 80 meters from the position combustion.

Batov on the right bank of the river saw that the enemy was approaching the position, so he quickly ordered the artillery to fire and intercept the enemy's attack with artillery fire to reduce the pressure on the position.

The German army, which was about to approach the Soviet army's position, fell into chaos after being violently bombarded. In order to prevent greater losses, the German army commander issued an order to retreat. His starting point is good, in order to avoid the loss of the troops, but as everyone knows, the closer the German army is to the Soviet position, the Soviet artillery on the right bank will be cautious when firing, fearing that they will accidentally injure their own people. Now that they have retreated and opened up the distance from the Soviet army, the artillerymen don't have to worry about accidentally injuring their own people, and can freely bombard the retreating German army.

Seeing that the German army began to retreat, the Soviet army standing on the ground launched a counterattack. They scrambled out of the trenches, risked their bodies and began to run slowly, and the attacking queue gradually unfolded while running.

The artillery fire is extending, and the soldiers are charging. Risking being accidentally bombed by their own artillery fire, they throw a dense rain of bullets behind the enemy's buttocks. attack.

I have to say that these commanders are quite powerful. During the years of war, they have accumulated extremely rich experience. Even though they were dizzy by the enemy's fierce artillery fire not long ago, they still dispatched troops quickly with their keen sense of smell. Braving the extended artillery fire, he launched an attack on the hurriedly retreating enemies, and beat those enemies who were trying to attack them back steadily.

Seeing that the troops on the left bank suddenly launched a charge, Rajecki couldn't help being surprised, and then said to Batov: "Comrade commander, you should immediately give an order to the troops on the other bank to stop their attack, otherwise it will be easy to be attacked by our own troops." Human fire accidentally wounded."

"Comrade military commissioner, don't worry." Batov saw the intention of the commander on the other side, and he said with relief: "This kind of attack is the most effective. The soldiers follow behind the bombing point and attack the enemy." , the enemy can't even organize a decent resistance."

After saying this, he put down the binoculars, turned his head and asked, "Has the commander of the 321st Division arrived yet?"

"Here I come, Comrade Commander, I'm here!" Hearing Batov ask himself, the commander of the 321 Division quickly walked to Batov from the door, and said respectfully: "Comrade Commander, do you have any questions?" What instructions?"

"Comrade Colonel," Batov said to the commander of the 321st Division: "Now the 304th Division is attacking the enemy under the cover of artillery fire, and the position that was originally held by them has been vacated. You immediately command your troops to cross the river. To take over the defense zone of the 304th Division, move quickly."

Perhaps because he was worried that the other party would not pay attention to this matter, Batov also specially emphasized: "Now the riverside position is empty. Once the 304th Division's attack is frustrated, the Germans will take the opportunity to counterattack. If no troops are stationed, the riverside position will soon be destroyed. The Germans retake it. Got it?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander." The commander of the 321st Division said, "I'll make arrangements for crossing the river."

After the commander of the 321st Division left, Batov turned to the commander of the 304th Division: "Comrade Colonel, if your troops gain a foothold far away from the river, as their division commander, it is obviously not right to stay in the right bank area." suitable."

Although Batov only spoke half of what he said, the commander of the 304th Division already understood what he wanted to say, and hurriedly said: "I understand, Comrade Commander. I will take the members of the division headquarters to follow The troops of the 321st Division crossed the river together."

In response to his reply, Batov nodded in satisfaction and said, "Good luck, Comrade Colonel!"

The troops of the 321st Division had already arrived at the Narew River, and they could cross the river immediately after waiting for an order from their superiors. At this moment, after receiving the order from the division commander, the soldiers immediately boarded the small boat parked by the river, waved their oars and quickly rowed to the opposite bank. After landing, they immediately entered the fortifications and seized the time to repair the dilapidated fortifications.

Colonel Filipov, the commander of the tank brigade summoned by Batov, said approvingly: "Comrade Colonel, your brigade performed well in today's battle. The 304th Division can take the position on the left bank so smoothly. The credit is indispensable, and I will truthfully report the achievements you have made to my superiors."

Filipov was quite excited when he heard what Batov said, but he still said modestly: "Comrade Commander, you are flattered, we are only performing our duties."

Rokossovsky was very pleased to learn that Batov's troops had crossed the Narew River and established a landing site in the Pultusk area. He called Malinin and told the other party: "Comrade Chief of Staff, please call General Popov of the 70th Army immediately and tell him to transfer the troops to Sokoluv, Radzimin, and General Modlin immediately." Direction, and implement the river crossing operation as soon as possible.”

After Ma Linin agreed, he asked, "What about General Sokov's 48th Army? What kind of combat mission do you plan to give them?"

Rokossovsky looked down at the map in front of him, picked up the red and blue pencils on the table, drew a circle on the map with the red end, and said to Malinin: "Chief of Staff, call Misha and ask He transferred his troops to the Luran area as soon as possible, and carried out the forced immigration operation from the area."

Regarding the order issued by Rokossovsky, Malinin did not dare to neglect, and quickly called Popov and Sokov, ordering them to transfer their respective troops to the area arranged by Rokossovsky.

After receiving the combat order conveyed by Malinin, Sokov immediately began to study with Sidolin and Ponejielin. Sidolin pointed to the map and said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, the offensive location designated by our superiors is located on the right bank of the Narew River, near the town of Luzan in the north of Warsaw..."

"Comrade Commander." Ponejelin, who had just returned not long ago, also expressed his opinion after looking at the map: "I think the higher authorities asked us to take action in the Luran area in order to effectively expand the Narew River. The landing field on the left bank."

"That's right, Comrade Deputy Commander, I think so too." Sokov nodded and said, "If we establish the Luran Landing Field, we can attack in the direction of Willenberg) and Merzak... ..."

While the three were discussing, a staff officer came in and reported to Sokov, "Comrade Commander, there is a colonel asking to see you outside!"

Knowing that a colonel wanted to see him, Sokov couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Is it from our army?"

"No, Comrade Commander." The staff officer shook his head and said, "He said he was Colonel Terkov, the commander of the 120th Guards Division, and his superiors placed his division under the command of our army group."

Hearing what the staff officer said, Sokov couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thinking that this is really great. He felt that his troops were not enough, so his superior sent him a new army, and quickly told the staff officer: "Hurry up! Come in, Colonel Terkov!"

Soon, a colonel with a medium build and dark skin followed the staff officer in. After coming in front of everyone, he raised his hand to his forehead and reported loudly: "Comrade Commander, Colonel Terkov, commander of the 120th Guards Rifle Division, reports to you that we will accept your command from now on, and I will Follow your orders, please instruct!"

"Please rest easy, Comrade Colonel." Sokov took two steps forward, held the opponent's hand, and said with a smile: "On behalf of all members of the headquarters, I welcome you to come."

After calling Terkov to sit down, Sokov asked, "Comrade Colonel, how many people are there in your division?"

Hearing Sokov's question, Terkov stood up abruptly, straightened his back and replied, "Report to Comrade Commander, our division is now fully staffed, with a total strength of 10,000 troops."

"What about weapons and equipment?" Sokov knew that although some troops had a large number of people, they were short of equipment, so he tentatively asked, "Does every soldier have weapons?"

Hearing Sokov's question, Terkov looked at the other party a little strangely. He didn't understand why Sokov asked such a question, but he replied truthfully: "Yes, Comrade Commander , my troops are full and well equipped, and every soldier has his own weapon."

Before Terkov's arrival, Sokov was considering which force to use to carry out the crossing mission. You must know that after this period of fighting, the divisions of the group army have suffered losses to varying degrees, and the commanders and fighters have become exhausted, and they are not suitable for participating in high-intensity battles in a short period of time.

Now that the 120th Guards Division has come, it is a timely help for Sokov. What's more important is that this army is fully staffed and well-equipped. It is undoubtedly the most suitable for them to carry out the forced crossing mission.

"Comrade Colonel," Sokov said to Terkov with a smile, "I have a resolute combat mission that I want to entrust to your division to complete. I wonder if you have the confidence."

Terkov stood up again and replied loudly: "Please rest assured, Comrade Commander, we will successfully complete the tasks assigned to me by our superiors."

"Comrade Colonel, come and see!" Sokov pointed to the map on the table, and said to Terkov: "The order given to us by our superiors is to go out to the Narew River immediately and carry out forced crossing in this area." , seize Luran Town on the other side of the river, and build a landing site based on this."

After staring at the map for a while, Terkov looked up at Sokov and said, "Comrade Commander, you can leave the task of crossing to our division, and I assure you that we will successfully complete the task. "

Sokov nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Terkov: "Comrade Colonel, your troops are very fast, your division is now heading towards the designated target, and quickly complete the task of crossing the river before the Germans are ready. .”

Terkov did not disappoint Sokov. After reaching the river, his troops cut down trees to make more than 30 rafts, and then attacked Narev's left bank.

The main force of the German army was transferred to the Puutusk area, and started a tug-of-war with the troops of the 65th Army that established the landing field. The riverside in the Luran area was only defended by two companies. And Terkov's 120th Guards Division, taking advantage of the emptiness of the German army, quickly completed the task of forcing the crossing and drove the German army out of Luran Town.

Knowing that Luran Town had been captured, Terkov crossed the river with his troops to the left bank, preparing to establish his own headquarters in Luran Town. But his decision was opposed by the chief of staff of the division: "Comrade commander, I don't think Luran town is suitable for establishing our headquarters."


"The reason is very simple." The chief of staff of the division explained to him: "The location of the division headquarters is very close to the forward positions, and even rifle bullets can hit the headquarters. It's dangerous."

After listening to the chief of staff, Terkov shook his head and said: "Comrade chief of staff, I understand what you mean. But as a division commander, how can I stay away from my own troops? What's more, put the headquarters in the front Commanding has always been a tradition of our army. As far as I know, some army headquarters are only 300 meters away from the front during the war, and these senior commanders are not afraid of danger, so what are we afraid of?"

The chief of staff of the division still wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Terkov raising his hand: "Okay, comrade chief of staff, I have decided to establish the headquarters here, and you should immediately arrange people to prepare."

Seeing that Terkov was so stubborn, the chief of staff of the division couldn't say anything more, so he could only agree in a low voice, and turned around to direct the staff to set up a new division headquarters.

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