Red Moscow

Chapter 2115 the German army's attack

"Where are you going to withdraw your troops?" asked Glebov.

"Let's retreat to the Belovizh Forest." Batov said: "After all, we stayed there for a long time and built a lot of fortifications. When the troops are resting, they can conduct a drill or two. .”

Naturally, Glebov would not object to Batov's arrangement. He then asked, "Our troops are going to withdraw to the Belovizh Forest. Do we need to report to the Front Command?"

"There is no need for this." Batov said carelessly: "From the recent situation, there are still some enemies in the 48th Army who are still struggling to support them, and the Pultusk area where we are located is basically invisible. What an organized unit. We used this period of time to withdraw our troops to rest in order to better fight against the enemy in the future. The reason why we didn’t report it was because I was worried that some people would oppose it. We insisted that the main force of our army stay at the landing field on the left bank .”

In this way, without asking for instructions, Batov took the initiative to withdraw three relatively well-organized infantry divisions across the Narew River overnight, leaving only two troops on the left bank landing ground to be extremely exhausted. Greatly weakened infantry division. And all this, Rokossovsky, as their superior, knew nothing about it.

The landing field established by Sokov's department was only a dozen kilometers away from the landing field of Batov's department. The retreat of the three infantry divisions must have alarmed the nearest 6th Guards Army.

After receiving the report from Lieutenant Colonel Ma Daqiang, the head of the 4th Guards Regiment, Onupriyenko felt that the other party might have made a mistake. Under the current situation, how could the 65th Army withdraw its troops from the landing field on the left bank? ? "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, did you make a mistake? You must know that we were trying to launch an attack on the enemy in the triangle two days ago. Although the 65th Army did not participate in the attack, their mission is the same as ours. How could it be possible for our army to withdraw at such a time at the landing site on the left bank of the Narew River? You must have made a mistake."

"That's right, Comrade Commander." Ma Daqiang said in an affirmative tone: "I saw this with my own eyes. If you don't believe it, you can come to my regiment headquarters in person, where you can clearly see that the friendly troops are fighting with a telescope. cross the river."

In order to find out what was going on, Onuprienko personally rushed to the regiment headquarters of the 4th Guards Regiment. Here, he saw that a large army was passing the pontoon bridge on the river and retreated to the right bank of the Narew River in an orderly manner.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Ma Daqiang asked tentatively, "Why did the friendly forces suddenly abandon the left bank landing field and retreat to the right bank area?"

Seeing this situation, Onu Priyenko was also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. He shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on."

Ma Daqiang reminded Onu Prienko: "Comrade Commander, if the 65th Army really withdraws, it means that our right wing will be exposed to the enemy, which is very detrimental to us..."

"Stop talking, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." Onu Priyenko interrupted Ma Daqiang without waiting for him to finish speaking: "Can your phone here communicate with the Army Group Command?"

"Yes, Comrade Master."

"Help me connect to the Army Command immediately. I will report what I see here to the commander."

A few minutes later, Sokov received a call from Onu Priyenko, and he couldn't help being taken aback: "What, General Onu Priyenko, what are you talking about? The 65th Army on your right wing is retreating? You Do you know what's going on?" When he said this, he was very emotional, he didn't expect that Batov would order the troops to withdraw from the left bank landing site without even saying hello in advance. The right wing may be exposed to the enemy.

"I see, General Onuprienko." Sokov said in a deep voice, "Where are you now?"

Onuprienko was stunned for a moment before thinking clearly about where Sokov asked him where he was now, and quickly replied: "I am at the regiment headquarters of Lieutenant Colonel Ma Daqiang of the 4th Guards Regiment."

"You go back to your division immediately, and I will contact you after I figure out what's going on."

After putting down the phone, Sokov quickly told Ponejielin and Sidolin about the situation reported by Onuprienko, and finally said: "Tell me, how did General Batov respond? Why did you withdraw your troops from the landing field on the left bank without even saying hello?"

"Or, let's call General Batov directly." Sidolin said cautiously, "See how he explains it."

"No, you can't call General Batov directly." Ponegerin is much more experienced than Sidolin in this matter, he shook his head and said: "I think General Batov I am afraid that the retreat has not been approved by the superior."

Both Sokov and Sidolin couldn't help being taken aback by Ponegerin's words: "What, General Batov ordered the troops to retreat without asking his superiors for instructions? This is unlikely."

Faced with the doubts of the two, Ponegerin said solemnly: "Although we and the 65th Army's landing field on the left bank are more than ten kilometers apart, they are a whole. If any party wants to withdraw from the left bank landing field, the front army The headquarters will definitely greet the other side. But now the troops of the 65th Army have begun to retreat, but we have not received any notification. Based on this, I guess that the retreat implemented by the 65th Army has not obtained the permission of the superior. "

Although Ponegerin's statement sounded a bit alarmist, Sokov felt that he should check with Rokossovsky to see whether Batov's retreat was based on orders or on his own initiative. Thinking of this, he called the director of the communications corps and told the other party: "Comrade director of the communications corps, get through the phone of the front army headquarters immediately. I want to talk to Comrade Marshal."

When Rokossovsky learned that Sokov wanted to talk to him, he immediately ordered someone to transfer the call to his office: "Hey, Misha, what do you want from me?"

"Comrade Marshal," Sokov was eager to find out what happened, so he didn't go around in circles, but asked directly: "Are you planning to abandon the landing site on the left bank of Narev?"

"Abandon the landing site on the left bank of the Narew River?" Rokossovsky asked in confusion: "That is the starting point for our attack on the German hinterland. Why should I give up?"

"However, my subordinates have just reported to me that General Batov's troops are withdrawing from the landing site on the left bank and moving to the right bank of the Narew River via the pontoon bridge."

"It's impossible." Hearing this, Rokossovsky couldn't help interrupting Sokov: "Misha, your subordinates must have made a mistake. I didn't give General Batov any orders to retreat. How could he let his troops abandon the left bank landing field and move to the right bank area?"

"Comrade Marshal, this is absolutely true." Sokov said: "My subordinate General Onu Prienko, the commander of the 6th Guards Division, reported to me that he was at the regiment headquarters of the 4th Guards Regiment. The binoculars saw the troops of the 65th Army retreating to the right bank area in an orderly manner through the pontoon bridge."

Hearing this, Rokossovsky realized the seriousness of the problem. He hurriedly called Malinin and told the other party: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you should contact General Batov immediately and ask him why he sent the Troops withdrew across the Narew River."

"Comrade Commander, this is unlikely." Malinin also had an unbelievable expression on his face: "General Batov never asked us for instructions, how could he withdraw the troops across the Narew River without authorization? For sure Something went wrong."

"It can't be wrong." Rokossovsky said with a serious expression: "I trust Misha, he will definitely not deceive me."

Seeing what Rokossovsky said, Ma Linin came to the side, picked up a phone and called the 65th Army Command. After hearing Glebov's voice, Malinin did not exchange pleasantries, but asked bluntly: "Comrade Glebov, I heard that your troops are withdrawing from the landing field on the left bank of Narev. Is that the case?"

Hearing the call from Malinin, Glebov couldn't help feeling a little panicked, but when he saw Batov sitting not far away, he suddenly gained confidence in his heart: "Yes, General Malinin, the three divisions of our department At the moment, we are withdrawing from the left bank area, preparing to withdraw to the Belovizh Forest for rest.”

Confirming that the 65th Army was retreating, Malinin quickly covered the microphone with his hands and reported to Rokossovsky: "Comrade Commander, Chief of Staff Glebov reports that they have withdrawn three divisions from the landing field and are preparing to Transfer to Belovizh Forest for rest."

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense." Rokossovsky said into the microphone: "Misha, I'll call you later." After speaking, he hung up the phone and walked to Malinin's side, from his He took the microphone in his hand.

"General Glebov, where is Batov?" Rokossovsky was furious when he learned that Batov and others had withdrawn the three divisions from the left bank landing site without asking for instructions. His tone was extremely harsh.

Glebov naturally heard the dissatisfaction in Rokossovsky's tone, and quickly covered the receiver and said to Batov: "Comrade Commander, it's the Marshal who called. He seems very upset."

When Batov picked up the phone, he heard Rokossovsky's angry voice coming from the receiver: "Batov, please explain to me, who gave you the courage to do this without asking for instructions?" Under such circumstances, the troops were withdrawn from the left bank landing site without authorization?"

Rokossovsky's reaction had long been expected by Batov, but he was confident that as long as he explained it properly, no matter how angry the other party was, he would calm down.

"Comrade Marshal, please calm your anger!" Batov said with a smile: "I know that withdrawing the troops from the left bank area without asking you for instructions will make you angry, but can you listen to my explanation?"

Batov is Rokossovsky's most valued subordinate. Hearing what he said now, he couldn't get angry anymore, so he could only say casually: "Okay, tell me, I want to hear, why don't you go through After asking for instructions, I retreated the troops to the right bank area of ​​​​Naref without authorization.”

"Comrade Marshal, it's like this." Batov explained: "According to my recent observations, the enemy in front of our army has been greatly weakened after repeated offensive setbacks, and is basically unable to attack us. In In this case, it would be a waste for me to put five more divisions on the left bank landing field, and it would also put a huge pressure on the logistics organization.

After careful consideration, I felt that three of the divisions could be withdrawn to Belovizh Forest. There are fortifications that we built in the early stage. When the withdrawn troops are resting there, they can also use the terrain there to practice offensive operations. "

Hearing Batov's explanation, Rokossovsky felt that it made some sense, but he still asked, "Even so, why didn't you report to the front army headquarters in advance about such a big matter as the evacuation of troops?"

"Comrade Marshal, I know that many people think that the enemy may attack our landing site again. If I propose to retreat in such a matter, I will definitely attract a lot of opposition." Batov said: "In order to avoid this situation Appeared, after repeated thinking, I think it is better to wait for the troops to retreat to the Belovizh Forest, and then report to the headquarters of the front army. It can be said."

Although Rokossovsky was dissatisfied with Batov's approach of killing first and playing later, in this case, he could only let it go. The retreating troops should not be allowed to return to the left bank landing site. "Batov, your starting point is good, but your approach is inappropriate. For example, you and the 48th Army are friendly neighbors. Why didn't you communicate with them in advance about your retreat? The friendly army saw your retreat, and then If you don't understand the situation, it will affect the morale of the army, understand?"

"I'm sorry, Comrade Marshal." Hearing that Rokossovsky mentioned the 48th Army, Batov realized that he hadn't considered the issue carefully and forgot to notify Sokov. He could only say apologetically, "I didn't think carefully about this. I'll call General Batov later and inform him about this matter."

"Forget it, let me call Misha." Rokossovsky said, "If the enemy attacks your landing site again, can the rest of your troops stop them?"

"I think there should be no problem, Comrade Marshal." Batov said confidently: "In any case, there are still two divisions on the landing site. With their strength, they can completely block the German attack."

Rokossovsky put down the phone and asked Malinin: "How is the situation in Chuikov? Are the Germans still attacking?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, the German offensive is very fierce." Malinin nodded and said, "I think the Germans are indeed planning to focus their offensive on the Magnusev landing site. In order to prevent Chuikov's troops from being The Germans have rushed into the Vistula River, and I suggest that the two Guards divisions can be restored as soon as possible."

The German army did not make any movement in the Narew River Basin in the north, but stepped up its offensive at the Magnusev Landing Field in the south. At this moment, Rokossovsky doubted his own judgment: Could it really be me? The judgment was wrong, the focus of the German offensive was the Magnusev landing field, not the several landing fields in the Narew River Basin?

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