Red Moscow

Chapter 2120 Attack

When Rokossovsky and his party came to Batov's headquarters, Batov's eyes widened in surprise: "Comrade Marshal, why are you here?" His gaze passed Rokossovsky Over his shoulder, he saw Terekin, Kazakov, Oliel and others following behind, "And there are so many people here at once?"

Hearing what Batov said, Rokossovsky said jokingly: "Don't worry, Comrade Batov, we brought our own chef and enough ingredients, so we won't add burden to your cooking class. "

Rokossovsky's words caused a burst of laughter, and the tense atmosphere in the headquarters became much more relaxed.

When he came to the table, Rokossovsky looked down at the map spread out on the table. According to the red and blue arrows marked on it, it represented that the situation at the Pultusk landing site was extremely dangerous.

"Comrade Batov," Rokossovsky withdrew his smile and asked seriously, "How is the current situation at the left bank landing site?"

"I'm sorry, Comrade Commander." Before Batov could speak, Chief of Staff Glebov rushed to say, "We made a mistake. We shouldn't have withdrawn the troops on the left bank without the permission of our superiors."

Rokossovsky looked at Glebov with strange eyes, and said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I am asking you about the current situation at the landing site, not to hold you responsible. Even if you are to be held accountable, you must be held accountable." Let’s wait until the enemy’s attack is repulsed.”

When Glebov heard what Rokossovsky said, his nervousness eased a lot. He took a deep breath, and then introduced the current situation to Rokossovsky.

After listening to Glebov's introduction, Rokossovsky couldn't help frowning: "So, the two guard divisions standing on the left bank have retreated to the Narew River under the strong German offensive. ?”

"Yes, Comrade Marshal." Glebov nodded and said in a positive tone, "That is indeed the case."

"Then what remedy did you take?"

"In addition to urgently bringing back the troops in the Belovizh Forest, we also dispatched artillery to establish artillery positions on the banks of the Narew River, preparing to use direct-point shooting to deal with the German tanks attacking our positions."

Hearing what Glebov said, Rokossovsky couldn't help laughing. He turned to Terekin and said, "Comrade Military Commissar, Misha invented the technique of destroying enemy tanks with direct fire. It is called 'bayonet on a cannon', not only is it limited to deal with the German armored units, but even in street fighting in the city, it can easily destroy the enemy's firepower."

"Comrade Marshal, you are right." Batov added: "I just heard that this tactic is good. I sent people to the 48th Army to learn from General Sokov."

"Batov, before I came, Misha told me that he would send troops to support you." Rokossovsky looked at Batov and asked, "How is it? His troops launched an attack from the enemy's side. ?"

Hearing what Rokossovsky said, Batov couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly turned to look at his chief of staff. Glebov also didn't know anything about it, he shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands to show that he didn't know either.

Seeing that his chief of staff didn't know about it, Batov turned to Rokossovsky and said seriously, "Comrade Marshal, I don't know much about this matter. So far, we haven't received any reports that the troops have been reinforced."

"In this way, Misha's troops have not yet launched an attack on the enemy." Rokossovsky said, "But I think his attack will start soon. You should inform the troops on the left bank and say friendly troops. The reinforcements will arrive soon, let them pay attention to identification, and don't let your own people fight with your own people."

"Okay, Comrade Marshal." Glebov quickly replied, "I will immediately notify the troops on the left bank and let them pay attention to identification."

While Glebov was on the phone, Rokossovsky said to Batov: "Batov, judging from the current situation, your troops can't last until dark, so I urgently ordered from the Front Army In the army, anti-tank artillery regiments and tank brigades were mobilized and rushed here to participate in the battle."

Batov thought that Rokossovsky was here to supervise the battle, but he didn't expect that the other party would arrive with reinforcements. He couldn't help being surprised and delighted: "Comrade Marshal, is this true? They really sent us Reinforcements?"

"Yes, Comrade Batov, I can attest to that." Terekin took a step forward and said to Batov: "I heard with my own ears the order from Comrade Marshal that reinforcements for your troops will arrive at the latest in the afternoon." Come."

At the same time, Sokov received a call from Ismailov from the left bank: "Comrade Commander, according to the information we have, the Germans have compressed the defenders of the Pultusk landing site to Nare The pre-positioned position on the bank of the River Fu. Do you think we are ready to attack?"

Sokov glanced at the map in front of him, and found that the German army's front line had been stretched very long, and he believed that the troops in many areas had become weak. However, he did not rush to issue an attack order, but asked cautiously: "Colonel Ismailov, what is the strength of the enemy in front of you?"

"According to my observation, there is at most one battalion of troops." Ismailov said with a smile on the phone: "It seems that your decision to let us stand still is correct. The enemy saw us camping here, and thought We are defending the Luran landing site, so only a small number of troops are left to monitor us, and the rest of the troops continue to attack our friendly troops."

"Colonel Ismailov, the time is ripe." At this moment, Sokov can be sure that the Germans have indeed made a wrong judgment, thinking that the troops he sent were only to defend the Luran landing site and would not easily join the Prussian army. The battle at the Utusk landing site, so only a few troops were left to monitor, and the main force was used to attack the 4th and 40th Guards Divisions under Batov's command. He decisively issued an order: "Start the attack immediately. "

With the order issued, the third battalion of the 202nd Tank Brigade took the lead in launching an assault. The commander of the battalion, Captain Kupala, gave a concise and powerful order to the whole battalion: "Brothers, as the vanguard, our actions are fast, fierce, accurate, and ruthless! We must use iron fists to smash all enemies who dare to resist! When we meet the Germans The firepower point, whether it is a trench or an earthwork, is greeted by tank guns and machine guns, so that the enemy has no chance to entangle us, and guides the infantry to quickly rush into the depth of the enemy's defense."

As soon as the tank battalion approached the German position, it encountered fire resistance. This is a German company that rushed into battle. Since the original trenches were pitted by their artillery fire, they could only use sandbags to pile up new fortifications. But it is regrettable that as soon as their sandbags were half piled, the Soviet tanks launched an attack. The Germans quickly set up machine guns on the half-filled sandbag fortifications, spewing dark red flames, trying to stop the third battalion of tanks. way to go.

But the two tanks that opened the way simply ignored the crossfire of the German machine guns and the surrounding submachine guns and rifles. The motors roared, and the vehicle-mounted machine guns fired, making the German machine gunners unable to lift their heads. Immediately afterwards, the tank that rushed to the sandbag fortification directly crushed it. There was only a crisp click sound, and the German machine gunners and their machine guns were crushed to pieces under the tank tracks.

Seeing that the Soviet tanks actually broke into their defensive positions, the Germans panicked. Various weapons fired at them from all directions, even mortars. But it is a pity that the Germans did not expect that the Soviet army on the opposite side would launch a sudden attack, and they were not even prepared for anti-tank weapons, so that the Soviet tanks broke through their defenses so easily.

The German soldiers with two firepower points saw that the weapons in their hands were useless against the Soviet tanks, so they fired at the infantry following behind. More than a dozen soldiers were unable to dodge in time, and were knocked to the ground by German bullets, and the bright red blood was spilled all over the ground at that time.

Seeing this, Lieutenant Kavachuko, the tank company commander, was so angry that he gave an order to the car radio: "Destroy the enemy's firepower with tank guns."

Several shells came out of the tank, accurately hitting the German civil firepower point, and directly destroying it. None of the German machine gunners hiding inside and shooting could escape.

The German army had only one battalion of troops and was scattered over a relatively wide area. Facing the coordinated attack of the Soviet army's infantry and tanks, they could not resist at all. Soon, this area was controlled by the Soviet army, and the German army who did not have time to escape was either killed or captured.

Ismailov saw that his troops had successfully broken through the German defenses and advanced towards the 65th Army's preset position on the Narew River, and quickly reported to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, we Division forces have successfully penetrated the enemy's defenses and are advancing in the direction of friendly positions."

"Good job, Colonel Ismailov." Knowing that the 284th Infantry Division and the Tank Brigade were progressing smoothly, Sokov was also very happy: "Keep it up, and try to get to the preset position by the river as soon as possible. The allies standing there must meet."

"Comrade Commander," Ismailov reminded Sokov, considering that if the area he occupied did not leave troops to defend, when the enemy rushed over again, it might fall into the hands of the Germans again. Said: "If we continue to push forward, what about the area we now occupy?"

Sokov covered the microphone, turned his head and asked Sidolin: "Comrade Chief of Staff, where are the 109th and 118th Infantry Brigades now?"

Sidolin quickly replied, "They have already reached the Narew River, and they can cross the river at any time."

"Let them cross the river immediately." Sokov had long considered that if the 284th Infantry Division occupied every place, they would have to leave troops for defense, which would weaken their offensive strength. For this reason, he specially mobilized two infantry brigades to stand by the Narew River. As soon as the 284th Division broke through the German positions, the infantry brigades would cross the river and take over the territory he occupied.

"Colonel Ismailov," Sokov said to Ismailov after he gave the order: "You can leave a small number of troops for defense in the occupied area. I will send someone to take over to Keep your rear safe."

After giving the order to the two infantry brigades to cross the river, Sokov felt that the matter should be reported to Rokossovsky, so he ordered someone to connect to the front army headquarters.

Unexpectedly, Malinin, who answered the phone, told Sokov: "General Sokov, I'm really sorry, Comrade Commander is not at the headquarters."

Sokov was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked back, "Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army, where did the Marshal go?"

"Where else can it be, of course it is General Batov's headquarters." Ma Linin said rather helplessly: "Comrade Marshal was worried about the soldiers there, so he personally took Comrade Military Commissioner and them there. Do you have anything to do? "

"Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army," Sokov reported to Malinin: "The troops I sent to reinforce the friendly forces have already launched an attack on the Germans and successfully broke through their defense lines. They are developing in depth..."

"Great, this is really great." After hearing this, Malinin said excitedly: "As long as you launch an attack from the German flank, you can quickly alleviate the unfavorable situation in the Pultusk area and take General Batov's troops to the next level." Rescued from danger. I will immediately report this to Comrade Commander..."

Unexpectedly, Malinin changed his mind before he finished speaking: "Forget it, General Sokov, I think you should report this matter to Comrade Commander yourself. This way, when he asks for some details, you can give him the details." satisfying answer."

Since Malinin said so, Sokov did not refuse, but ordered the director of the communications corps to connect to the 65th Army Headquarters, and reported directly to Rokossovsky: "Hello, Comrade Marshal, I would like to report to Rokossovsky. You report that the troops I sent to reinforce the 65th Army have launched an attack on the enemy at Pultusk and have successfully broken through the German lines."

"Good job, Misha." After listening to Sokov's report, Rokossovsky said approvingly: "In order to reverse the unfavorable situation in the Pultusk area in time, I also dispatched anti-tank troops directly under the Front Army. The artillery regiment and the tank brigade rushed to the Narew River for reinforcements. They will arrive at the designated location in the afternoon. You have to explain your troops and coordinate with your friendly forces. Don’t let your own people fight with your own people.”

"Don't worry, Comrade Marshal." Sokov felt that what Rokossovsky said was correct. The troops were fighting in unfamiliar places, and there were several troops that were not affiliated with each other. Since they were not familiar with each other, it didn't matter during the day. It is difficult to identify at night, and misunderstandings are entirely possible. He quickly assured Rokossovsky: "I will explain clearly to the former enemy commander."

"Wait a minute, Misha. I still have something to ask you." Just as Sokov was about to hang up the phone, Rokossovsky remembered an important matter, and quickly stopped the other party: " I would like to ask, if the reinforcements you send rush to the 65th Army's preset position to reinforce as soon as possible, what will happen to the areas they occupy along the way? You know, if no troops are left to defend, when the Germans come, these The place will be lost again. And if there are too many troops left, it will affect the strength of the troops."

"Comrade Marshal, I have also considered this point." Sokov said: "I just dispatched two infantry brigades across the river to take over the areas occupied by the infantry divisions and ensure that these places will not be taken by the Germans again."

After hearing Sokov's words, Rokossovsky smiled: "Misha, it seems that you are very thoughtful, so I am relieved. I wish you good luck and join forces with Batov's troops as soon as possible."

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