Red Moscow

Chapter 2126 Take office

Rokossovsky was transferred to the Second Belarusian Front Army as the commander, and the original commander, General Zakharov, was naturally and inevitably affected.

Zakharov didn't know that his position was in danger, so when he received a call from Antonov, he still smiled and asked: "Comrade Chief of Staff, why did you think of calling me today?"

"General Zakharov." Unexpectedly, the old acquaintance Antonov said solemnly today: "On behalf of the Supreme Command, I will inform you of something."

Hearing that Antonov's tone was different from usual, Zakharov also realized that something might have happened, and asked quickly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, tell me quickly, what is it?"

"After the study of the Supreme Command, it has been decided to relieve you of the commander of the Belarusian Second Front Army."

Even if a thunderstorm exploded beside Zakharov at this moment, it would not be as shocking as the news Antonov said. He held the microphone in a daze for a long time, and then murmured, "Comrade Chief of Staff, I would like to ask, why did the headquarters dismiss me from my post? Did I make any mistakes?"

"Comrade General," Antonov heard the anger in Zakharov's tone, and quickly explained to him: "The reason why the Supreme Command made such a decision is because the direction of the Second Front Army is very important. Important, a more capable commander is needed to take charge, so you will be relieved of your duties."

"Who is it?" Zakharov asked angrily, "I don't know who the superior plans to send to take over my position?"

"Your old superior, Marshal Rokossovsky." Antonov said slowly, "He has been dismissed from the position of commander of the First Front Army and transferred to the post of commander of the Second Front Army."

Zakharov is both Rokossovsky's old friend and his old subordinate. As early as the Moscow Defense War, he served as the deputy commander of the 16th Army and assisted Rokossovsky in resisting the German attack. When he learned that the person who came to take his position was actually Rokossovsky, most of the anger in Zakharov's heart disappeared immediately.

If someone else came to take over his position, he would definitely have objections, but he knew exactly how capable his old superior was. He took a deep breath and tried to ask in a calm tone: "Comrade Chief of the General Staff, I would like to ask why Marshal Rokossovsky was transferred to us? After he left the First Front, what happened to him?" Who is in command of this army?"

Considering that the new personnel appointments had been officially announced and there was no leak, he told him truthfully: "The Supreme Commander himself believes that to completely end the war in the West requires the First and Second Belarusian Fronts. , and the close cooperation of the three units of the Ukrainian First Front Army. Therefore, it is necessary to equip these three front armies with a commander-in-chief with outstanding capabilities. Marshal Zhukov took over."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Zakharov waited for Antonov to finish speaking, and asked again: "I wonder how the headquarters plans to arrange me after I am dismissed from my post?"

Antonov did not directly answer Zakharov's question, but instead asked: "Comrade General, I would like to hear your thoughts, where are you planning to go?"

Zakharov knew that after he was dismissed, it would be impossible for him to become the commander of the front army again. His best choice was to stay in the familiar army and work with the familiar old superior. Thinking of this, he said into the microphone: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I want to stay in the Second Belarusian Front and serve as the deputy of Marshal Rokossovsky. Please approve."

Regarding Zakharov's request, Antonov thought about it and thought it was a good choice. Now the positions of commanders and deputy commanders of the front army on all fronts are full. It is really not easy to arrange a commander of the front army who has just been dismissed. You can't let someone else be the commander of the army group, right? In that way, everyone will think that he has made some serious mistakes, otherwise he will not be demoted by his superiors.

Antonov said bluntly: "Okay, Comrade General, I agree with you to stay in the Second Front Army as the deputy commander. But I still need to report to the Supreme Commander himself and ask for his approval. Therefore, your official appointment , It may take a few days before the announcement.”

"It's okay, it's okay." Hearing that Antonov agreed to continue to stay in the Second Front Army, Zakharov suddenly felt a lot more at ease, and he quickly stated: "As long as I can stay here, it will be a long wait." It's okay for a few days."

In order to welcome Rokossovsky, he called Chief of Staff Bogolyubov and told him: "Comrade Chief of Staff, immediately call the commanders of the various armies and ask them to come to the headquarters immediately for a meeting."

Bogolyubov asked with some surprise: "Comrade commander, what happened? Why did you suddenly think of calling a meeting of all army commanders?"

"I just received a call from Chief of the General Staff Antonov." Zakharov sighed softly and said, "I am about to be dismissed as the commander of the Belarusian Second Front Army."

As soon as Zakharov's words came out, not only Bogolyubov was shocked, but even the military commissar Subbotin couldn't sit still: "Comrade Commander, what happened, why did you have to be dismissed?"

Seeing that both of them were concerned about themselves, Zakharov was moved, and repeated what Antonov said on the phone to the two of them, and finally said: "This is what happened, I called the commanders of the various armies The meeting was held to inform them of this important personnel change."

After listening to Zakharov's narration, although Bogolyubov and Subbotin felt very sorry, they could more or less accept it. After all, Rokossovsky's military command ability is obvious to all.

Bogolyubov quickly called the heads of the various armies and asked them to rush to the front army headquarters immediately to assemble. Since the recent battle was not intense, it took less than an hour for these senior commanders to rush to the front army headquarters after being notified.

The latest to come was General Tsvetayev, the commander of the 33rd Army. When he and his deputies entered the room, the commanders of the rest of the army had already sat down in the room. Seeing Tsvetayev come in, Bogolyubov nodded at him, and then said: "General Tsvetayev, please find a place to sit down, our meeting will start soon."

Tsvetayev found an empty seat and sat down. Seeing General Gorbatov, the commander of the 3rd Army sitting next to him, he lowered his voice and asked: "Hey, I said buddy, Comrade Commander called us today. Come here, is there anything urgent?"

"I don't know either." Gorbatov shrugged his shoulders and said with a blank face, "I was inspecting the army. After I got the order, I rushed over immediately. I don't know what happened."

When Zakharov saw that all the commanders who had been notified to come to the meeting had arrived, he stood up, coughed lightly, and then said, "comrades commanders, there is an important thing to call everyone here today. , I want to announce to you." Having said that, he fell silent, after all, it was not easy to announce his dismissal in front of a group of senior commanders.

Seeing that Zakharov had finished speaking halfway, he stopped, and the chiefs of the group army sitting below looked at each other, thinking in their hearts: what happened to Comrade Commander today, why did he speak so hesitantly.

Fortunately, Zakharov did not pause for long, and he went on to say: "According to the order of the headquarters, starting today, I will no longer serve as the commander of the Belarusian Second Front Army."

There was an uproar in the meeting room. Except for the leaders of the front army who had known the situation for a long time and remained calm, the chiefs of the group army sitting below began to discuss why the base camp suddenly dismissed Zakharov from his post. Zakharov stood there with his hands behind his back, didn't stop his whispering subordinates, and didn't explain the reason to them, allowing them to discuss.

After everyone's discussion came to an end, Tsvetayev stood up and asked on behalf of everyone: "Comrade Commander, I would like to ask, why did the headquarters suddenly dismiss you from your post?"

"This is the arrangement of the headquarters." Zakharov introduced what he knew to his subordinates present: "The main force to attack Berlin in the future will be composed of the Belarusian Second and First Front Army and the Ukrainian First Front Army. To better accomplish this strategic intention, the higher authorities decided to strengthen the leadership of these three forces."

"Comrade Commander, who will take over your position?" Although he heard that it was the arrangement of the headquarters, Tsvetayev said a little unconvinced: "Except for Marshal Zhukov and Marshal Rokossovsky, I I really can't think of anyone more suitable for the post of commander than you."

Zakharov waited for Tsvetayev to finish speaking, smiled faintly, and then said: "General Tsvetayev, you are right, whether it is Marshal Zhukov or Marshal Rokossovsky, they The commanding skills of both of them are unmatched by me. Therefore, the superior intends to let Marshal Rokossovsky take over my position."

I heard that the person who will succeed Zakharov is actually Marshal Rokossovsky. The commanders present suddenly feel that this is a matter of course. After all, they have accepted his leadership directly or indirectly. , is still very recognized for his ability.

Before sitting down, Tsvetayev asked one last sentence: "Comrade Commander, I would like to ask, where are you going next?"

"I have already made a request to my superiors, and I hope to stay here as the deputy of Comrade Marshal." Zakharov also thought about it at the moment. To be able to be with such an excellent commander as Rokossovsky, even if he was only a commander for a lifetime A lieutenant, too, is totally worth it. So he said with a smile: "comrades commanders, in the days to come, we will continue to fight side by side until the Japanese invaders are completely defeated."

Just as Zakharov convened a meeting of the commanders of the various armies, Rokossovsky, who had completed the transfer of command from Zhukov, drove to the headquarters of the Second Front Army under the escort of a company of guards.

But what he saw along the way made Rokossovsky frown. This is a medium-sized village. The ground is full of large and small bomb craters. About half of the houses have been burned, leaving only the blackened frames. There was no checkpoint at the entrance of the village, and their convoy drove into the village swaggeringly, and no one came to question them. Even the soldiers passing by the roadside, after seeing the convoy, could only jump from the middle of the road to the side of the road, so as not to block the way of the convoy.

The guard company commander sitting in the co-pilot seat turned his head and said to Rokossovsky: "Comrade Marshal, the security here is too lax. There is not even a checkpoint at the entrance of the village. If it is not us but the enemy, they will be able to Directly touching the headquarters of the front army, causing huge damage to the personnel inside."

"You are right, Comrade Captain." Rokossovsky agreed with the statement of the guard company commander: "The security here is indeed too lax. After I take office, I must rectify the one time."

Where should the convoy drive next, the company commander of the guard had no idea, and was about to get out of the car and ask the passing soldiers about the location of the headquarters, but was stopped by Rokossovsky with a wave of his hand: "Comrade Captain, you don't have to ask." Yes. I can know where Zakharov's headquarters is."

The captain asked in surprise: "Comrade Marshal, have you been here before?"

"No." Rokossovsky shook his head and pointed to the front windshield: "Look at the big wooden house in the distance, there are a lot of jeeps parked. I think it should be Zakharov A meeting of the commanders below is being called."

Zakharov, who was presiding over the meeting, heard that Rokossovsky's convoy had arrived, and immediately rushed out with the commanders in the room, and stood outside the door to welcome Rokossovsky's arrival.

As soon as Rokossovsky's car stopped, Zakharov stepped forward to help him open the car door, and said with a smile on his face: "Comrade Marshal, welcome to our Second Front Army."

Seeing the twinkling stars behind Zakharov, Rokossovsky couldn't help but frowned slightly, but he didn't get angry in public, but shook hands with Zakharov with his usual expression, and under his introduction , Greeted one by one with the heads of all levels of the front army. After finishing all this, Zakharov faced the crowd and said: "Command comrades, I invite the new commander, comrade, to say a few words to us."

When Rokossovsky saw that everyone was looking at him, he said to them: "Commanders, I think your meeting should have been over. If there is nothing else, go back to your respective units. If there is any What is the problem, we will discuss it in detail when I go to inspect it in a few days."

The senior commanders of the various armies did not expect Rokossovsky to directly issue an order to expel them. Since the new commander did not want them to stay, they all dispersed and returned to their respective troops.

Rokossovsky and Zakharov returned to the headquarters, and said with serious expressions: "Comrade Zakharov, according to my observation, the village where your headquarters is located must be frequently bombed by the German army? "

"Yes." Although Zakharov was surprised by Rokossovsky's keen observation ability, he replied truthfully: "We have been bombed on a small scale several times."

"Since you have been bombed, why don't you transfer the headquarters as soon as possible?" Although Zakharov is his old friend and subordinate, Rokossovsky still criticized him in a harsh tone: "Especially today , In order to welcome me, the senior commanders of the subordinate armies were summoned here. If the German pilots are not blind, he can judge that there is a high-level headquarters based on the concentration of so many vehicles in the village. And carry out indiscriminate bombing. Once this place is bombed during the meeting, how much damage will be caused to our army, have you thought about this?"

"I'm sorry, Comrade Marshal, it was my fault." Zakharov, who was criticized by Rokossovsky, realized that he had ignored the fact that the headquarters was constantly being attacked by German air forces. The commander held a meeting, and it was indeed a bit too rash, so he immediately admitted his mistake to Rokossovsky: "I will not make similar mistakes in the future."

Rokossovsky raised his hand and pressed down, signaling the other party to sit down, and then asked in a friendly tone: "Zakharov, I took over your position, how did the superior arrange you?"

"I have already made a request to my superiors, hoping to stay in the Second Front Army and serve as your deputy." Zakharov said with some embarrassment: "I just don't know if you agree with me to stay."

"It would be great if you could stay." Hearing Zakharov's statement, Rokossovsky said with joy: "As you can see, I came to the post alone. It will be very beneficial for me to have familiar people cooperate with me.” Having said this, he stopped, sighed softly, and said, “Comrade Zakharov, I really wronged you Because of me, you were demoted."

"Comrade Marshal, what are you talking about." Seeing Rokossovsky confiding in himself, Zakharov felt warm in his heart, "It is my greatest honor to be your deputy and work with you. "

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