Red Moscow

Chapter 2149 new artillery director

Seeing Potapov being sent to Moscow, nothing was more disturbing than Ponedelin's. He was worried that his old friend's visit would be bad or bad, so that in the next few days, his whole body was in a state of panic. In a state of absent-mindedness.

"Comrade Deputy Commander," Sokov saw Ponedelin so preoccupied, he comforted him and said, "From the tone of Marshal Zhukov's speech, there should be no problem with General Potapov's trip to Moscow this time. Do not worry."

"He has been away for a few days, but there is still no news." Pornegerin sighed and said, "It is impossible to say that I am not worried."

"Actually, you can think of it this way. No news is good news." Sokov said with a smile: "Maybe one day he will appear in front of you alive again, maybe."

After saying this, Sokov walked up to Sidolin again and asked him, "Chief of Staff, how are the rescued commanders and fighters doing?"

"The 120th Guards Division rescued a total of 2,392 people," Sidolin picked up the notebook on the table, turned to the page where the data was recorded, and said, "374 people were disabled, 843 people were weak, and the rest There are only 1,175 people who can be incorporated into the army."

"1175 people," Sokov said with some regret after repeating the data: "Although it is a little less, it is better than nothing to supplement the 120th Guards Division."

"Comrade Commander, if all the rescued prisoners of war are added to the 120th Guards Division, I am worried that the commanders of other troops will get angry."

"This is very simple." Sokov said with a faint smile: "You tell those commanders, if they have the ability, they will also liberate a few prisoner-of-war camps. As many prisoners of war as they can rescue, they will be replenished."

Sokov's statement seemed fair, but after hearing it, Ponegerin quickly reminded him: "Comrade Commander, I don't think this is appropriate."

"What's wrong?"

"If the divisions enter the rear of the German defense zone to rescue the prisoner-of-war camps in order to replenish their own troops, the Germans will be alerted at that time." Pornegelin said: "If the Germans want to prevent our army from Infiltration, and the strengthening of the defensive deployment of the defense zone will have a negative impact on our next offensive operations."

Sokov hadn't thought about this problem just now, but now he heard Ponejielin's reminder, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. If the commanders of the following divisions, in order to replenish their own troops, infiltrated into the enemy's rear without authorization to attack or liberate the prisoner-of-war camps, the Germans would definitely strengthen the defense line to prevent the infiltration of Soviet troops. If this is the case, it means that in the offensive battle at the beginning of next year, the resistance he faces will be much stronger than it is now.

"So, in the future, we can't let the troops casually infiltrate the enemy's rear to engage in any major operations."

"Yes." Ponegerin gave Sukov an affirmative answer: "The last action of the 120th Guards Division has alarmed the enemy, and now they have closed the gap in the junction. That is to say, if It is no longer possible for us to infiltrate the enemy's rear from this area."

After the two chatted for a while, Sidolin interjected and asked, "Comrade Commander, what about those disabled soldiers? They must not be able to return to the army, so we can't just ignore them, right?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, who said that we don't pay attention to these disabled soldiers anymore." Sokov said seriously: "There are still many jobs suitable for them. I will contact General Su Bojing, the military commissar, in two days and see Can he house these disabled fighters for us."

"Comrade Commander, I don't think we can rely solely on the Front Army Command to help us solve the problem." Ponejielin said: "I think we also have the ability to arrange them."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, how do you plan to arrange them?" Sidolin interrupted and asked.

"Every time we are in battle, we will capture a lot of prisoners." Ponejelin said: "If we send troops to take care of them, it will take up our precious troops. But if we hand over these disabled soldiers to take care of them, I think It's very appropriate."

Sidolin questioned Pornegerin's statement: "Comrade Deputy Commander, many of these disabled soldiers lack arms and legs. Is it appropriate to let them take care of prisoners of war?"

"I think the deputy commander's proposal is good." Sukov agreed with Ponejielin's proposal: "Although these disabled soldiers lack arms and legs, I think it is quite appropriate for them to take care of the prisoners of war. .Even if they have no legs and can only sit disabled, they can sit there and use machine guns to monitor prisoners of war in the camp..."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Ponedelin added, "As far as I know, there is a pilot who won the title of 'Hero of the Soviet Union'. He had to be helped up and down the plane. Even so, he still shot down seven enemy planes in dogfights."

After Sokov and Ponejielin's narration, Sidolin suddenly felt his eyes light up. He didn't expect that it would be a good choice to use the disabled to manage the prisoner-of-war camp. "Two commanders, I really didn't expect disabled soldiers to be so useful. I'll make a call right away and ask someone to arrange suitable jobs for them."

"Can their bodies be affected?" Pornejelin asked.

"No problem." Sidolin said confidently: "They suffered so much in the German prisoner-of-war camps, and now letting them take care of the German prisoners of war is an opportunity for them to avenge their hatred. capable of the job.”

Just as Sidolin reached out to the phone, the phone rang first.

"I am Sidolin." Sidolin said, "Where are you?"

"It's Bogolyubov." The voice of the Chief of Staff of the Front Army came from the phone: "I have something important and I want to inform you officially."

Knowing that the other party had something important to inform, Sidolin couldn't help but feel a little nervous: "Please tell me, General Bogolyubov, I'm listening."

"It's like this," Bogolyubov said, "After the research and decision of the Front Army Command, a new artillery director will be sent to you in the afternoon. I hope you can receive him well."

"But, General Bogolyubov." Sidolin quickly argued, "We already have a director of artillery, and it would be inappropriate to send another one."

"The original chief of artillery is about to be transferred." Bogolyubov said: "In the future, the artillery unit of your army group will be commanded by the new chief of artillery. Do you understand?"

Hearing what Bogolyubov said, Sidolin had no choice but to agree: "Understood, General Bogolyubov."

After a pause, Sidolin thought of another thing and hurriedly asked, "What's the name of the new artillery chief? Did he come alone, or did the Front Army Command send someone to accompany him?"

"He took office this time, and there was only one guard by his side, and he was not accompanied by anyone from the headquarters." Bogolyubov said on the phone: "When you see him, you should be able to recognize him."

Sidolin put down the phone and said to Sokov with a depressed face: "Comrade Commander, the Chief of Staff of the Front Army just called and said that the artillery chief sent to us by the superior will arrive in the afternoon, and let us do the reception work. "

"Damn it, our artillery chief is doing a great job, why did he change suddenly?" Sokov frowned and said, "Also, I don't know what kind of person the new artillery chief is and whether he's easy to get along with."

"Comrade Commander, you don't have to worry about this." Ponegerin said to Sokov: "If the chief of artillery is a difficult person to get along with, just don't let him stay in the headquarters at ordinary times. Out of sight, out of mind Well."

"That's true." Sokov nodded, then turned to Sidolin and asked, "Chief of Staff, is our armored chief, Colonel Malyshev, back?"

The last time Colonel Malyshev asked for leave, he said he would go to Smolensk to pay homage to his fallen comrades. It had been such a long time, but he hadn't returned for a long time. Sokov couldn't help worrying about him. If he really can't come back, it means that the superior will send a new director of armored forces over, and then he will be partnered with the new commander, and it will take a certain amount of time to adjust.

"He came back a few days ago." Sidolin replied: "He spends most of his time in the 202nd Tank Brigade now, saying that he needs to get familiar with the troops below as soon as possible so that he can better command the troops in the next battle. Troops fight."

"Since he's back, he should say hello to me." Sokov said with some displeasure, "It turns out he's been back for a few days, and I didn't know until today."

"Comrade Commander, this is all my fault." Sidolin quickly admitted his mistake to Sokov: "Actually, when Colonel Malyshev came back, he called the headquarters to report. I answered the call The phone call, I don’t think it’s a big deal since he came back to work, so he didn’t report to you in time.”

For this kind of thing, Sukov felt that it was unnecessary to get angry at Sidolin, so he could only tell the other party: "Forget it this time, and remember to report to me in time if there is a similar thing next time."

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

While Sokov and the others were having lunch, a staff officer suddenly ran in outside and said emotionally, "Comrade Commander, the new chief of artillery has arrived, and he is at the door."

After hearing this, Sokov didn't move from his seat, but casually said to the staff officer, "Call him in."

The staff officer didn't expect Sokov's attitude to be so indifferent, so he couldn't help being stunned, but he ran out of the headquarters quickly to invite the mysterious artillery director.

"Comrade Commander," Sidolin couldn't help reminding Sukov when he saw Sokov's indifferent reaction, "Isn't it good for us to snub the artillery director like this?"

"It's okay," Sokov said disapprovingly, "If he feels that we are being indifferent to him, he can just walk away. I will definitely not stop him."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Sokov finished speaking, he heard a loud voice in the room: "comrades, commanders, I wish you a good appetite!"

When Sokov and the others heard this person's voice, they couldn't help being shocked, and then cast their unbelievable gazes in the direction of the sound, and Ponejielin even stood up and walked a few steps towards the person.

The visitor stopped not far from the three of them, and asked with a smile, "Why, I haven't seen you for a few days, don't you know me?"

"Misha!" Hearing what the other party said, Ponejielin quickly walked over, hugged him, and said excitedly: "My God, didn't you go to Moscow? Why did you appear here? "

"The superior appointed me as the artillery director of the army group, so here I am!"

When the person came, Sokov and Sidolin stood up in surprise, and Sidolin asked tentatively, "General Potapov, are you the new artillery chief?"

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff." The chief of artillery who appeared in the headquarters at this moment was none other than Potapov who went to Moscow a few days ago, and he answered Sidolin's question with a smile at this moment: "In the future We are partners."

"General Potapov." Seeing that Potapov was wearing a brand-new general uniform, Sokov couldn't help asking curiously, "are you really the artillery director sent by your superiors?"

"That's right, Comrade Commander, that's indeed the case." Potapov said, took out a squarely folded piece of paper from the briefcase he was carrying, and handed it to Sokov: "This is My letter of appointment."

Sokov unfolded the piece of paper, and sure enough, he saw that it was indeed Potapov's appointment letter, and there were signatures of Rokossovsky, Subbotin and others below it. After he handed the letter of appointment to Sidolin, he extended his hand to the other party and said friendlyly: "General Potapov, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the 48th Army, welcome you to be one of us."

"Misha, you haven't had your lunch yet." Pornedelin pulled Potapov to the table, pointed to the food on the table and said to him, "Sit down and eat something together."

Potapov would not be polite about Ponegerin's enthusiasm. He found an empty seat and sat down. He smiled and said to everyone, "I'm just hungry, so I'm not polite."

Ponedelin poured a cup of tea, put it in front of Potapov, and asked curiously: "Misha, what is going on? Didn't you go to Moscow to meet Comrade Stalin? What about the artillery chief of our army?"

Sokov and the others also had the same question. Now that Ponedelin had already asked, he and Sidolin stared at Potapov intently, hoping to hear his answer.

"I heard from Pavel some time ago that all rescued generals will be sent to Lubyanka for review." Potapov said: "I was on the plane to Moscow at the time, and I was really worried to the extreme. Once you leave, you will never come back.

Unexpectedly, after the plane landed, it was a colonel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who came to pick me up. I thought I would be taken to Lubyanka for inspection, but when I waited for the bus to arrive at my destination, I found out that I was actually sent to the Kremlin. And under his guidance, he met the Supreme Commander himself. "

Sokov was secretly thinking that after Potapov arrived in Moscow, the person who picked him up was actually a colonel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he took him directly to the Kremlin to meet the Supreme Commander himself, which shows that Stalin still cared about him. of. Since this is the case, the next meeting must be held in a very harmonious atmosphere.

He noticed that Potapov stopped for some reason, so he raised his chin at the other party and said, "Go on, General Potapov, I wonder what happened when you met the Supreme Commander himself?"

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