Red Moscow

Chapter 2157 The operation is over

Sokov asked tentatively: "General Chuikov, did little Sidolin die?"

"No, no." Chuikov shook his head and said, "General Sokov, I didn't send the death notice to the old man Sidolin. The little Sidolin was seriously injured after being bombarded by the enemy, and he is currently undergoing rescue. ..."

Chuikov's words confused Sokov. Since Little Sidolin did not sacrifice himself, and you and your chief of staff, General Sidolin, are old friends, if you have anything to do, just call the other party directly. Why do you have to make such a fuss? How about calling yourself in a larger circle?

"General Chuikov," Sokov thought of this, and couldn't help asking: "As far as I know, you have a close relationship with my chief of staff. You can talk about this kind of thing directly. Why do you have to make such a big circle? And alarmed Marshal Rokossovsky?"

"General Sokov, how should I put it?" Chuikov sighed and said with some embarrassment: "Six hours have passed since little Sidolin was sent to the operating room, but the rescue is still going on. I asked the doctor about it." , with little hope of surviving."

Hearing this, Sokov couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that Chuikov was making two-handed preparations. In case little Sidolin could not be rescued, he would have to tell Sidolin the bad news by himself, but he could stay out of the matter: "General Cuikov, what are you doing for me? It’s a difficult problem. If something really happened to little Sidorin, how should I explain it to my chief of staff? There are some things that you can’t even say, and I’m afraid it’s even harder for me to say.”

"I'm sorry, General Sokov, I'm really sorry for asking you to convey such bad news." Chuikov heard his displeasure from Sokov's tone, and hurriedly said apologetically, "But I didn't The method, you know, the war is busy now, and I have endless work to deal with every day. If there is really something wrong with little Sidorin, and I tell my old buddy about it, he will definitely be heartbroken. Even if you want to persuade him, there is no way to persuade you. But your situation is different, you and Major General Xidolin get along day and night, and it is more convenient than me to say some comforting words."

"Understood, General Chuikov, I understand what you mean." After hearing Chuikov's explanation, Sokov finally understood the other party's good intentions. He hesitated for a moment and said: "If you have definite news, remember to inform me in time, and I will pass the matter on to Chief of Staff Sidolin."

"Thank you so much, General Sokov." Chuikov, who had received Sokov's promise, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I will remember this kindness. If you need help in the future, please feel free to speak up." , I will definitely help with all my strength.”

After a few more pleasantries with Chuikov, Sokov put down the phone. He strolled to the door, looked outside, and saw Bornejelin and Sidolin sitting on the sandbags beside them smoking a cigarette, so he walked towards them and said to them: "Deputy Commander, Chief of Staff, It's too cold here, let's go back to the house and smoke."

Sidolin just finished smoking a cigarette. He stood up and threw the pipe on the ground. After crushing it with his toes, he asked with a smile, "Commander, have you finished calling General Chuikov?"

"Well, it's over." Sokov was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing what to say to Sidolin.

But Sidolin didn't notice Sokov's abnormality, and said to himself: "Comrade commander, the deputy commander just told me what happened to you in the village. I think whether it is Odzan Whether it is the Ski family or the village head's family, it is doubtful."

When Sokov heard this, he immediately became interested: "The chief of staff, tell me, why are they all suspicious?"

"The reason is simple. There are people working for the Germans on both sides." Sidolin said: "Poland has been occupied by the Germans for five years, and many people have to choose to cooperate with the Germans in order to survive. But listen According to Comrade Deputy Commander, Odzanski’s son left his hometown with the Germans, proving that he was determined to serve the Germans, and it was probably because of his instruction that German scouts appeared at his home.

As for Village Chief Jermon, his sons and daughters have all gone to the German defense zone, which shows that his family is also pro-German. In today's meeting, he only showed his distaste for Odzanski, but he didn't mention his views on the Germans at all. "

After listening to Sidolin's analysis, Sokov recalled it carefully, and found that the other party was really right. We all sat together and ate for an hour. Apart from hearing Jamon constantly scolding his in-laws, he didn't seem to mention his perception of the Germans at all, indicating that he also has problems. Thinking of this, Sokov nodded and said, "Comrade Chief of Staff, so you agree with me sending someone to monitor him?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I very much agree." Sidolin nodded, and gave Sokov an affirmative answer: "I think we should send people over as soon as possible, monitor both families as soon as possible, and find out who they are. Was there any collusion with the Germans?"

"Come here," Sokov called a staff officer passing by, and told him, "Go and call Captain Koshkin!"

Seeing that the person who stopped him was Sokov, the staff officer ran to the room where Koshkin was staying, and said to Koshkin, who was warming up, "Comrade Captain, the commander is looking for you!"

"Comrade Commander looking for me?" asked Koshkin. "Where is he?"

"He's at the entrance of the headquarters." After the staff officer answered, he felt that he didn't speak in detail enough, so he quickly added: "The deputy commander and the chief of staff are also here."

Hearing that the three of Sokov were waiting for him at the gate of the headquarters, Koshkin thought something serious had happened, put on his boots in a hurry, put his military coat on his body, and ran out in a panic behind the staff officer .

When he came to Sokov, Koshkin had already buttoned up his military coat. After raising his hand to salute, he asked politely, "Comrade Commander, what instructions do you have?"

"I told you, are you done?"

Koshkin was taken aback for a moment, then understood what Sokov was talking about, nodded his head vigorously, and said, "Yes, Comrade Commander, I have already arranged manpower to deal with Odzansky and Djemon Village. The elders and the two families will monitor."

"We must arrange more manpower." Sidolin reminded from the side: "If there are too few manpower, I am afraid that the necessary monitoring effect will not be achieved."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, you can rest assured about this." Koshkin turned to Sidolin and said: "I sent a total of 15 people, divided into three groups, and changed shifts every eight hours. They are under our surveillance 24 hours a day, even if a mouse enters their house, the people I send to monitor will find it immediately.”

"A group of 5 people, will the goal be too big?" Although Koshkin's arrangement sounded fine, Sidolin still said worriedly: "If the villagers find out, it may attract unwanted people. Trouble."

"Chief of Staff, I believe in Koshkin." Sokov interjected, "He came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and surveillance of targets is his forte. I believe that since he dared to make such an arrangement, he must have considered it carefully."

Seeing Sokov trusting him so much, Koshkin was quite moved. After waiting for Sokov to finish speaking, he explained to Sidolin: "Comrade Chief of Staff, when I left the village with the commander, I observed the surrounding terrain and found a small hillside nearby, from which I could clearly see everything in the village." , the person in charge of monitoring is hiding there. My people are all specially trained, if they want to hide, ordinary villagers can't find it at all."

Sidolin was very satisfied with Koshkin's answer, he raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Captain Koshkin, it's no wonder the commander values ​​you so much, you really have real skills. "

Since the next step is to study the preparations for the troops to attack, Sokov and others returned to the headquarters.

As soon as he entered the door, a staff officer called Sidolin aside and reported to him the information he had just received. While Sidolin was explaining the matter to the staff, Ponejielin touched Sokov's arm with his elbow and asked in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, what is General Chuikov looking for you for? Can you tell me?" ?"

"This, this?!" Ponegerin's words made Sukov feel embarrassed. Logically speaking, it doesn't matter if he told Ponegerin about this matter. If Sidolin was not present just now, maybe he wouldn't let Bonegerin Jaylin evaded. He said a few words of "this" in a row, but he never said the following.

Seeing the embarrassment on Sokov's face, Ponegerin couldn't help but smiled, and then asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, if I guessed correctly, what General Chuikov said must have something to do with Chief of Staff Sidolin. It matters, and maybe it's about his son, little Cidorin. Am I right?"

Seeing that Ponegelin guessed it right, Sokov didn't hide anything, so he nodded and gave a soft "hmm".

"Comrade Commander," Sidolin came over with two pieces of intelligence and said with a serious expression, "I just received intelligence from the scouts that the enemy's strength in some areas has changed, and it seems that they are planning to take action What action."

Knowing that the enemy was mobilizing troops, Sokov couldn't help being surprised, and then asked, "Where is it?"

Sidolin looked down at the map in front of him, then pointed to one of the locations and said, "It's right here. It seems that they have conducted reconnaissance on our defense area a lot. The location where they increased their troops happened to be the weakest defense of our army. The place."

"Comrade Commander, Braginsky's 109th Infantry Division has just completed replenishment," Pornegerin looked up and said to Sokov after seeing the position clearly: "Their main forces have been transferred to the second line for training. There is only one regiment left. If the Germans do break through from their defenses, it may disrupt our offensive deployment."

After listening to what the two said, Sokov did not answer immediately, but continued to stare at the map in front of him, thinking about a suitable solution.

After a few minutes, he looked up at the two of them and said, "From the intelligence point of view, the enemy's troop mobilization was carried out in secret, which proves that the enemy does not plan to take offensive actions against our army for the time being, so I think the best way is to It is to maintain the status quo and not to increase troops to the front-line positions of the 109th Infantry Division."

"If there is no increase in troops, what should we do if the Germans attack?" Sidolin reminded Sokov: "Once the defense line of the 109th Infantry Division is breached, there will be a huge gap in the defense line of our army. "

"Comrade Chief of Staff, what I mean by maintaining the status quo does not mean that we do not take any action." Sokov said to Sidolin: "Now in areas where the enemy is increasing its troops, don't we have scouts? Just let the scouts The soldiers closely monitor the enemy's movement. Once we find that they have signs of attack, it will not be too late for us to transfer Braginski's main force from the second line to the front. Now let him train the troops with peace of mind. After all, the trained troops , Only by exerting stronger combat effectiveness on the battlefield."

"Okay then." Now that Sukov has already said that, Sidolin can't refute, but he still added his own opinion: "I think we should talk to Braginsky and ask him to send someone Additional observation posts will be deployed at the front, so that he can detect any movement of the enemy in the first place."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, your phone number." A communication staff officer sitting in the corner got up and called Sidolin: "It's Braginsky, commander of the 109th Infantry Division."

Hearing that it was Braginsky's call, Sokov was overjoyed, and he said to Sidolin: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I think Braginsky may have also discovered that something is wrong with the enemy on the opposite side of his position, so he took the initiative I called to report to you. Hurry up to answer the phone and tell him our arrangement."

"Okay." Sidolin agreed, and quickly walked towards the staff officer.

As soon as Sidolin left, the telephone on the desk rang.

"I'm Sokov." Sokov grabbed the phone and asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm Chuikov!" Chuikov's voice came from the receiver: "General Sokov, I have good news for you!"

Although Sokov knew that the good news that Chuikov said was related to little Sidorin, he still urged: "General Chuikov, hurry up and tell me, what is the good news?"

"The operation is over." Chuikov said emotionally: "The attending military doctor told me that all the shrapnel from Little Sidorin's body has been taken out. If there is no accident, he will be able to wake up before dawn tomorrow."

When Sokov heard that little Sidolin's operation was over and that he might wake up before dawn the next day, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Sidolin who was answering the phone in the distance, and tentatively asked Chuikov: "Then what should I do?" Can you tell my chief of staff about this?"

"Yes, yes." Chuikov said urgently: "Little Sidorin is out of danger, and now I can tell my old friend the news."

When Sokov put down the phone, Sidolin happened to come over with two pieces of paper, which seemed to be the phone records written by him.

When Sidolin walked in front of him, before he could speak, Sokov said first: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I want to tell you some news, I hope you can be mentally prepared."

Sidolin was not an idiot either. He had already guessed that Sokov must have something important to hide from him when he asked himself and Ponegerin to avoid him when he was on the phone with Chuikov. In business affairs, Sokov obviously won't let himself evade, it can only be a private matter. What private matters need to be avoided by yourself? It was undoubtedly related to his son. He asked tremblingly, "Comrade Commander, is it news about my son?"

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