Red Moscow

Chapter 2175

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Rokossovsky said to Bogolyubov: "You can call Gorbatov, commander of the 3rd Army, and assault the 2nd Army, and I will call myself. "

Bogolyubov knew that Lieutenant General Fejuninsky, commander of the 2nd Assault Army, was good friends with Rokossovsky. When the war broke out, one of the two men was the commander of the mechanized army and the other was the commander of the infantry army, both with the rank of major general. But a few years have passed, and Rokossovsky has become the Marshal of the Soviet Union, and the former commander of the infantry army, Fejuninsky, is now the commander of the 2nd Assault Army, but a lieutenant general.

"Okay, Comrade Marshal." Bogolyubov nodded. "Then I'll just call General Gorbatov."

"Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" After the call was connected, Rokossovsky called Fejuninsky's real name and father's name affectionately: "Are you ready to attack?"

"Comrade Marshal," although Fejuninsky and Rokossovsky are good friends, but now they are talking about business, he did not call each other by nickname as in the past, but by rank: "We have already done a good job. All preparations for the attack, as long as the artillery preparations are over, they will immediately attack the enemy's defensive positions and strive to be the first to break through the enemy's defenses."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Rokossovsky laughed, and then said: "Ivan, although I also hope that your army will be the first to break through the German defense line, but I think you may be disappointed. "

Fejuninsky was taken aback for a moment, and then asked back: "Why, did something happen?"

"Not long ago, Misha's troops successfully broke through the German defenses, and are they advancing in depth?"

"What, the 48th Army has already broken through the German defenses and is advancing in depth?" Fejuninsky said with a face full of shock: "This is impossible, our artillery preparations for the enemy's positions have not yet ended, how could they Has it broken through the German defenses? Comrade Field Marshal, is what you said true?"

"Of course it is true. Misha personally called me to report it." Rokossovsky said, "According to what I know about him, he would never do such a thing of lying about military information."

After confirming that the news that Rokossovsky said was true, Fejuninsky became depressed: "What the hell is going on? Why is our artillery preparation not over yet? Sokov's The 48th Army has broken through the German defenses, what is going on here?"

"Misha told me that the enemy had obtained the information that our army was going to attack in advance, and had already transferred the main force to the second line of defense in advance. In fact, most of the artillery preparations we carried out on the first line of defense were fired at unmanned areas. on the open ground." Rokossovsky explained to Fejuninsky: "So he only had ten minutes of artillery preparation before ordering the infantry to attack the enemy's position. The soldiers who retreated to the second line of defense The German army, seeing the attack by the 48th Army, immediately tried to return to the first-line position through the communication trench to block our army. At this time, our artillery fired at them, causing huge casualties to the enemy..."

After listening to Rokossovsky's words, Fejuninsky asked tentatively: "Comrade Marshal, according to the original plan, our artillery preparations will last about forty minutes. Can we stop the bombardment in advance and let the infantry charge? Woolen cloth?"

"I think it's okay." Rokossovsky said: "But let me remind you that once you find that the Germans are trying to return from the second line of defense to the first line of defense, you must immediately cover them with artillery fire, thereby reducing the number of attacking troops." casualties. Understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Marshal." "Once you have broken through the German defense line, you should concentrate your forces on Mwawa, encircle the heavy German troops deployed there, and launch an annihilation campaign against them when friendly troops arrive." Rokosov Ski said earnestly on the phone: "Old man, when the war broke out, our military ranks and duties were the same, and now you can be far behind. I hope you seize this opportunity and establish great feats, so that room for improvement."

"I understand, Comrade Marshal." Fejuninsky heard Rokossovsky's concern for him, and quickly stated: "I will definitely strive to make contributions and live up to your trust in me."

"Just understand. Then I wish you good luck and success as soon as possible." After finishing the call with Rokossovsky, Fejuninsky immediately called his staff officer and told the other party: "Comrade Chief of Staff, The artillery was ordered to stop bombarding the enemy's positions. At the same time, the 327th, 372nd, and 376th Infantry Divisions, which had moved into attack positions, immediately launched an attack on the enemy's defensive positions."

The chief of staff couldn't help being taken aback after hearing this, and then reminded Fejuninski: "Comrade Commander, according to the original plan, we still need to bombard the enemy's positions for at least 40 minutes, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the effect of the bombardment."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, according to reliable information, the Germans were aware of our offensive plan and moved their main forces to the second line of defense before our artillery preparations began. That is, the shells fired by our artillery , Most of them landed in the open field." Fejuninsky said to his chief of staff: "It is pointless to continue shelling, it is the turn of the infantry."

"What about the artillery?" asked the chief of staff to Fyouninsky.

"The artillery remains where it is for the time being," continued Fyuninsky: "Let the artillery closely observe the enemy's movements, and when they notice that their troops have shifted from the second line of defense to the first line of defense, immediately fire. Cover the enemy with firepower and try to kill their vital forces as much as possible. Also," he said without waiting for the chief of staff to ask again, "move up the tank brigade. To break through the enemy's direction, the cover of tanks is indispensable."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." The chief of staff replied loudly: "I will pass on your order immediately." Coincidentally, just as Fejuninsky's 2nd Shock Army stopped shelling and mobilized three divisions of infantry While attacking the German line of defense, the 3rd Army at the Luran Landing Field also stopped its ongoing artillery preparations and charged the frontal German positions with infantry.

The German commander was not aware that the Soviet army had adjusted its tactics. Seeing the Soviet infantry charging towards its own position, the German commander immediately gave orders to the troops on the second line to return to the first line of defense immediately to block the attacking Soviet army. Unexpectedly, when their troops left the second line of defense and advanced along the traffic trench, they were suddenly hit by intensive artillery fire from the Soviet army. The unprepared German officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties for a while.

When Rokossovsky heard the news, he couldn't help but smile, and he said to Subbotin and Bogolyubov: "I really didn't expect that the Germans just suffered a big loss on the 48th Army's defense line, and it turned out that they didn't do anything wrong." After learning lessons, we suffered a big loss again in the direction of the attack of the 3rd Army and the Assault 2nd Army."

"The main reason is that General Sokov's tactics are effective." Bogolyubov said with emotion: "If he hadn't reported to the headquarters in time that the enemy's main force had withdrawn to the second line of defense, what we shelled would be nothing but air There is no one in the empty position, probably we are still wasting shells on the enemy's position at this time."

"This Sokov is really a treasure." Subbotin said: "I went back to Moscow for a meeting some time ago, and I overheard that at the meeting of the Supreme Command, someone once proposed that General Sokov be in charge of a certain task. Commander of the line."

"Isn't it a misrepresentation?" Bogolyubov did not believe Subotin's statement, "I admit that General Sokov is very talented in military command, but let him serve as the commander of the front army. I think it's an exaggeration."

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Rokossovsky chimed in, "I've also heard such rumors, and now it seems that the reason why Misha failed to become the commander of a certain front was due to his young age. In addition, the qualifications are too young, and suddenly assume such an important position, there must be many people who are not convinced."

Subbotin said: "After our East Prussian campaign is over, General Sokov's popularity will reach a new height. I think that when someone proposes to let him be the commander of a certain front army, there should be no more objections. .”

"Comrade Marshal, do you think the newly launched troops can break through the German defenses as they wish?"

"I have such confidence." Rokossovsky said without hesitation: "Although he is young and lacks qualifications, after the Battle of East Prussia, he will be remembered by more people. If someone proposes to promote him, there should be much less resistance.”

"That's right." Rokossovsky nodded and said, "Not only will the number of people who oppose him decrease, but also the number of people who support him will further increase, that's for sure."

"If all three of our armies broke through the German defenses on the first day and achieved the original combat plan, what should we do next?"

"According to our original plan, the 65th and 70th Army Groups will also be put into battle the day after the battle begins," Rokossovsky said, tapping the map with his fingers. The Mwawa heavy army group encircled the Mwawa-Elbing area and concentrated its forces to wipe it out."

Although the commanders are used to saying that the enemy will be wiped out when they give orders. But in fact, it can only severely injure the enemy, and the total annihilation can only be said casually, and it is impossible to do at all.

The Soviet army, which launched an early charge, caught the Germans by surprise, broke through the German defense lines in several areas one after another, and advanced deeply into the German defense.

The progress of the East Prussian campaign was of great concern to Stalin far away in Moscow. At this moment, he was walking back and forth in the office with a pipe in one hand and the other behind his back.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang, and he hurried to the table and grabbed the receiver: "I'm Stalin, what can I do?"

"Comrade Stalin." Poskrebyshev's voice came from the receiver: "Marshal Rokossovsky is calling you. Would you answer it?"

Hearing that it was a call from the front line, Stalin replied without hesitation: "Yes, I will definitely answer it! Hurry up and get Rokossovsky's call, I want to speak to him in person."

"Konstantin Konstantinovich!" Stalin called Rokossovsky's real name and father's name affectionately, and asked enthusiastically, "Call me, do you have any good news for me?" ah?"

"Yes, Comrade Stalin." Rokossovsky said proudly: "I have the honor to report to you that the 3rd and 48th Army Groups and the 2nd Shock Army, which participated in the offensive, have all achieved the scheduled results in today's battle. Among them, Misha's 48th Army successfully captured the town of Puutusk and defeated the German 129th Division.

After continuously breaking through the two lines of defense of the German army, Fejuninsky's 2nd Assault Army has reached the vicinity of Mwawa, and is preparing to encircle the German Mwawa heavy group. "

"Can only rely on the strength of one group army to encircle the German army's heavy army group?" Stalin has encountered too many similar situations in the past few years. Victory becomes defeat, and it ends in tragedy. What's more, the 2nd Assault Army had a disgraceful history. Vlasov, whom he trusted, surrendered to the Germans after being captured.

Rokossovsky heard Stalin's worries, and quickly explained to him: "Comrade Stalin, the strength of the 2nd Assault Army is much stronger than before, even if they are hit by a strong force, they are still capable of sustaining for a period of time. What's more, I plan to put the 65th and 70th Army into battle tomorrow, and a few days later, I will put in the 5th Guards Tank Army. I believe that our army's three combined armies and one tank army will deal with the Germans There is still no big problem with the heavy army group."

"Okay, Konstantin Konstantinovich, since you have made Zhou Xiang's considerations, I can rest assured." Stalin picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette, and crushed it with his fingers. Then put it into the pipe, and said into the microphone: "Also, how is Xiao Xiaosha's performance on the battlefield?"

"It can be said to be great." Rokossovsky said: "This time the 48th Army under the command of Misha is the first echelon. His left is the 3rd Army, and the right is Feduninsky's assault. The 2nd Army. While the artillery of the other two units was still bombarding the German positions, Misha's troops had stopped the bombardment and sent troops to charge the enemy's positions."

"Have you broken through the defense line?" Hearing what Rokossovsky said, Stalin suddenly asked nervously, "Has his troops broken through the German defense line?"

"Yes, Comrade Stalin, a breakthrough." Rokossovsky said: "The enemy who had retreated to the second line of defense saw our army attacking and rushed back to hold their positions. But Misha did not give them This opportunity is to order the artillery that has already been prepared to cover them with firepower, killing and injuring the Germans in large numbers..."

"This Xiaoxiao is really not easy." Stalin struck a match, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile: "If there is a chance, I would like to meet him."

"You can wait until the end of the East Prussian campaign and ask him to meet you in Moscow." Rokossovsky said, "I will arrange this."

Stalin thought he had said many times that he wanted to meet Sokov if he had the chance, but it had been several years and he hadn't seen him yet. Hearing what Rokossovsky said at this moment, he nodded and said, "Okay, let him come to see me in Moscow after this battle is over."

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