Red Moscow

Chapter 2182

"What, are the intelligence officers in the defense area under our army's jurisdiction under arrest?" Sokov didn't know whether to send reconnaissance personnel to the depths of the German army, "Comrade Marshal, please wait a moment, let me ask what happened."

Sokov poked his head out and shouted at the people outside: "The chief of staff, come here, and the chief of intelligence and reconnaissance, come in together."

After the three of them came in, Sokov, who was still holding the microphone in his hand, asked straight to the point: "I want to ask you, who sent scouts to the Danzig area?"

"No, Comrade Commander." The Chief of Intelligence and the Chief of Reconnaissance replied in unison: "We are still far away from Danzig. There is no need to send scouts in that direction at this moment."

Sokov turned his attention to Sidolin again, trying to find out if his chief of staff did this behind his back. But Sidolin also shook his head, indicating that no reconnaissance personnel were sent to the Danzig area.

After getting the confirmation, Sokov said into the microphone: "Comrade Marshal, I have already learned about the situation. No one has sent scouts to the Danzig area. It should be that the intelligence agents of the underground organization made a mistake."

"There is nothing wrong." Rokossovsky said in a positive tone: "The intelligence agent of the underground organization said that the person came from your defense zone."

Seeing that Rokossovsky spoke so firmly, Sokov couldn't help but hesitate a bit. He asked tentatively, "Comrade Marshal, do you know the name of that man?"

"Wait a minute, let me ask." Then Sokov heard Rokossovsky ask on the other end of the phone: "Chief of Staff, what is the name of the intelligence officer who was killed by the German army reported by the superior? The same one who was arrested today in Danzig and quickly killed."

After a while, Sokov heard Rokossovsky's reply: "The chief of staff said that according to the list provided by the underground organization, the man's name was Henrik, his father's name was Jamon, and he was also killed together. mother and sister..."

"It turned out to be him." After figuring out who it was, a smile appeared on Sokov's face: "Comrade Marshal, I know who it is."

"who is it?"

"Do you still remember the fake defense map we provided to the Germans?" Sokov said with a smile: "It was passed to the Germans through this Polish man named Henrik. He and his brother-in-law are The Germans sent to our defense area to spy on intelligence..." Although he had already reported this to Rokossovsky, he worried that the other party had forgotten, so he recounted what happened at that time.

"Oh oh oh, it turned out to be this person, I know." Rokossovsky nodded after listening to Sokov's narration, and said, "He provided false information to the Germans, causing the German army to fight in our The attack suffered heavy losses, it would be strange not to kill his whole family."

When Sokov put down the phone, Sidolin asked urgently, "Comrade Commander, what happened?"

"Chief of staff, the situation is like this." Sokov told the content of the call between Rokossovsky and himself to the three people present. Anyway, they are all participants in this plan. There is a leak.

After listening to Sokov's narration, Sidolin laughed: "Henrik even betrayed his brother-in-law in order to get a bounty from the Germans. And his father Germon is not a good person." , It’s not a good village, and I insisted on going to the Germans with my son, now it’s okay, the whole family’s life was taken in, it’s what I deserved.”

This matter has passed, and Sokov didn't want to say more, so he said to the three people: "Okay, let's go out and continue the meeting. The commanders outside should be anxious."

The meeting continued, and Ponegerin, who was sitting next to Sokov, leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, what happened just now, how did I see that you put the Director of Reconnaissance and the Director of Intelligence together?" Are they all called in?"

Considering that Ponegerin was also a participant in this incident, Sokov did not hide it from him, and told him what happened in a low voice.

After hearing this, Ponegerin's expression didn't change at all. He could only nod his head slightly, then sat up straight again and listened to Nikitin, commander of the 120th Guards Division.

After all the division commanders had finished their summaries, Sidolin asked Sokov for instructions: "Comrade Commander, all the division commanders have finished their battle summaries. Do you have any orders for the next step?" , if there is nothing wrong, I will announce the adjournment.

Sokov stood up and said to the division commanders: "Comrades, in today's battle, although there are still problems of one kind or another, everyone has successfully completed the combat tasks set by the headquarters. In the next In a few days, your primary task is to consolidate the occupied areas, and at the same time, when conditions permit, carry out limited development into the depths of the enemy, and you must not underestimate the enemy. Do you understand?"

"Comrade Commander." After Sokov finished speaking, Kirillov stood up and asked inexplicably: "Now we are fully capable of launching a large-scale attack on the enemy's defense depth. What about the Lord?"

"The reason is very simple." Sidolin rushed to say: "Now our 3rd Army on the left and the 2nd Assault Army on the right are not progressing smoothly. If our army continues to push the enemy's defense depth at the current speed, and There will be a huge gap between the friendly forces on the two wings. Once the German army concentrates its forces to carry out assaults from these gaps, then we may fall into the enemy's encirclement. Once this bad situation occurs, it will bring negative consequences to the entire front army. Influence."

Kirillov had been dealing with Sokov for a long time, and there was no reason why he didn't understand the importance of the matter. He just heard a commander beside him discussing it in a low voice, so he simply pointed it out and let Soko Husband gave everyone a clear answer.

Sure enough, after Sidolin finished explaining, those commanders who had doubts in their hearts shut up and did not intend to question Sokov again.

Seeing that no one spoke, Sidolin officially announced: "This is the end of today's meeting. Everyone go back to their respective troops."

After all the commanders who participated in the meeting had left, Ponejielin asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, I wonder if there are any lurking underground intelligence personnel in the city of Danzig?"

"I don't know." Sokov shook his head and replied very simply: "I'm afraid that Comrade Marshal will know about this kind of thing. After all, even if the intelligence personnel in the city want to provide some information, it is the first time to understand the situation. At the front army level, I don’t think we need to worry about this kind of thing.”

"Comrade Commander," Sidolin asked next to him, "How about that old man?"

"Which old man?" Sokov asked in confusion at first, and then he understood who Sidolin was talking about: "You mean Odzansky, right? His son is a German intelligence officer, He himself was also supporting the Germans openly and secretly. This kind of person cannot be kept, so he was immediately sent to arrest him, and then sent to the headquarters of the Front Army. As for how to deal with it, it is up to the superiors to make the decision."

Pornejerin asked with some concern: "The Poles here are very close to the Germans. If we arrest a Pole so blatantly, won't it cause other people to protest?"

"What are you afraid of? Anyone who protests will be arrested." Sidolin said with a strong attitude: "I found that the people here are bullying and fearing the hard. When the Germans occupied this place, they were obedient citizens with low eyebrows; now we are here , they opposed us openly and secretly. In my opinion, we are being too kind to them.”

"The Chief of Staff is right." Sokov agreed with Sidolin's statement: "If you blindly treat them well, they will be regarded as weak and bully, so when necessary, we still have to show our toughness." one side."

"Comrade Commander, I think this matter should be handed over to Captain Koshkin." Sidolin suggested to Sukov: "After all, he came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and handling such matters is what he is best at." .”

That same evening, Koshkin entered the village with a company of guards. First, enter Jamon's house to search. After the search, the doors and windows are sealed. then. They brought someone into Odzanski's house and arrested the old couple.

From the beginning of the arrest process directed by Koshkin, there were villagers watching. Some soldiers asked whether to disperse these villagers, but Koshkin shook his head and said that as long as they do not interfere with our actions, there is no need to talk to them. The surrounding villagers saw that Gemon's house was raided and Odzanski and his wife were arrested. Not only did they not point out the actions of the Soviet army, on the contrary some people applauded.

Koshkin couldn't help being a little surprised by the villagers' reaction, but as long as the villagers didn't interfere with his execution of the task, he didn't bother.

But when he took the Odzanskys and his wife away, Koshkin couldn't help but called a few villagers, asked them about the situation, and figured out why they saw him leading people to the village to search and arrest them. , and even applaud the reason.

After Koshkin brought people back to the headquarters, Sokov asked curiously: "Captain Koshkin, did you encounter any resistance from the village when you went to the village to perform tasks?"

"No, Comrade Commander." Koshkin shook his head and replied, "When we were carrying out the search and arrest mission, although there were a large number of villagers onlookers, they did not cause us any trouble. On the contrary, they were still applauding." .”

After hearing this, Sokov asked curiously: "Comrade Captain, why is this?"

"I asked the people in the village." Koshkin replied: "Half of the people in this village are Ukrainians. Although they are all born and raised here, their status is very low. The bullying of people like Zansky. It is because of this that they will naturally applaud when they see Jamon’s house being raided and Odzanski captured by us.”

"Oh, so that's the case." Sokov nodded, and then said to Koshkin: "Comrade Captain, since there are so many Ukrainians in the village, you can take the time to contact them and let them elect Find a suitable candidate to serve as the new village head of the village."

"Comrade Commander, this is inappropriate." Ponedelin hurried over to remind Sokov after hearing what Sokov said, "You know, although there are a lot of Ukrainians, their status in Poland is very low. In their conception, the Poles are lords, and they are inferior people. Now if they are asked to elect someone to manage the old lords, I am afraid no one will dare to show the limelight? I think it is better to let the Poles choose one The right person can take up the post of village chief."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, if you don't try some things, how will you know if they will work?" Sokov did not deny Ponejielin's statement, but he did not accept his proposal, but said to Koshkin: " Comrade Captain, go to the village again during the day tomorrow and convey my thoughts to those Ukrainians to see if they are interested in electing a village chief. Of course, if they are not willing, there is no need to force them. Comrade Commander's opinion, choose a new village chief from among the Poles."

After chatting with several people for a while, Sokov left the headquarters.

As the officer in charge of his security work, Koshkin naturally would not let him go out alone, but immediately caught up and asked, "Comrade commander, where are you going?"

Hearing Koshkin ask himself, Sokov replied with a smile: "Today's work is all over, I want to go to the field hospital and see Asia by the way."

Knowing that Sokov was going to visit Asiya in the field hospital, Koshkin said quickly: "Comrade Commander, please wait a moment, I will find some people to go with you."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Sokov shook his head and said, "You just need to follow me. After all, this is within my defense zone, and there should be no enemy infiltration."

Seeing that Sokov didn't want too many people to follow, Koshkin couldn't say anything, so he could only gesture to the nearby soldiers, telling him to find some people, and he followed Sokov silently. Behind him, he walked in the direction of the field hospital.

Not long after walking, more than a dozen people ran over not far away, and the leader was a sergeant. Koshkin saw clearly that the person who came was his trusted subordinate, so he nodded at the other party, and then said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, there is a certain distance from here to the field hospital. If Germans infiltrate, they will definitely ambush them." In this area, I will take these soldiers with me to ensure your safety along the way."

Seeing that Koshkin had already arranged everything that should be arranged, Sokov didn't want to spoil the other party's interest, so he nodded and said, "Okay, Koshkin, since everyone is here, let Let them follow us."

"Okay." Koshkin agreed, and then divided the soldiers who came into three groups, one group opened the way in front, and one group walked at the end, while himself and a group of soldiers surrounded Sokov to protect him at any time. his safety.

All the way was safe and sound, and I arrived at the field hospital smoothly.

Sokov didn't know where Asiya was, so he ordered Koshkin to go to the dean's office to find out where he could find Asiya. Koshkin agreed and ran quickly to the dean's office.

A few minutes later, Sokov saw Koshkin return, accompanied by the director of the field hospital. Seeing this scene, Sokov couldn't help shaking his head secretly. He just wanted to visit Asiya, but Koshkin made such a big fight and even invited the dean out.

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