Red Moscow

Chapter 2202

"Comrade Military Commissar, you are half right." Sokov waited for Lunev to finish speaking, and then interrupted: "Marshal Konev's troops will definitely not be the first to enter Berlin, that's for sure. But you It is not true that we were the first to enter Berlin."

Lunev was surprised when he heard this, and then asked back, "Misha, why is that?"

"Don't forget, why the superiors asked Marshal Zhukov to replace Marshal Rokossovsky, it is simply because he has Polish blood." Sokov said cautiously: "I think the Supreme Command It means that the honor of being the first to enter Berlin should be left to the real Russians. Marshal Zhukov happened to meet this standard, so I think the first army to enter Berlin must be Marshal Zhukov’s First Belarusian Front Army. "

"No way?!" Regarding Sokov's statement, Lunev expressed doubts: "From the current situation, the resistance of the Germans is obviously much weaker on our way forward. I am confident that , our 2nd Belarusian Front will be the first to enter Glass."

Seeing that Lunev was so stubborn, Sokov was unwilling to argue with him, so as not to hurt the harmony between them. "Comrade Military Commissar, let us not argue in this matter. Before long, time will tell whether the speculations are right or wrong."

"Okay, Misha, then let's speak with facts." Lunev said unconvinced: "I believe that what I said will be confirmed in half a year at most."

Sokov calculated silently in his heart, and he was full of calculations. In three and a half months, the Germans would announce their unconditional surrender, and they couldn't wait for half a year. Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "Comrade Military Commissioner, don't you have so little confidence in our troops? It actually took half a year to reach Berlin."

"Then according to your analysis, how long will it take us to reach Berlin?"

"Three to four months," Sokov said, "I think our troops will be able to reach the outside of the city before summer comes."

Regarding Sokov's statement, Ponegerin was the first to agree: "From all indications, the enemy's main force has been attracted to the East Prussian region, and on our next offensive route, the German resistance is weak. Yes. And now the morale of our army is booming, and the next offensive will be extremely smooth, so the commander said that it is entirely possible for us to reach the outside of Berlin within three to four months."

"It's good to be able to reach Berlin earlier." Lunev said with a sneer: "A few years ago, there was a self-righteous moustache who thought he could inspect his troops on Red Square, but his million-dollar army was in The city of Moscow was battered. Now that the wind and water have turned, it is finally our turn to attack. I believe it will not be long before our troops will be able to hold a victory parade in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin."

"Comrade Military Commissar, you are right." Sokov gave Lunev a thumbs up: "We are not Germans, and we will not fall into the sand outside their capital city. On the contrary, we will enter their capital." The capital, held a military parade in front of the famous Brandenburg Gate."

"The Brandenburg Gate is also called the Arc de Triomphe, which is also related to Napoleon." Lunev said: "When Napoleon attacked Berlin, the mayor of Berlin handed over the city key to Napoleon here, acknowledging his defeat. Since the French were able to reach Berlin back then, our country, which once defeated Napoleon of France, can naturally also reach Berlin."

"As far as I know, there are three triumphal arches in the world, and it just so happens that they are all related to Napoleon." Pornegelin said.

Sokov didn't know much about this kind of thing, so he asked curiously: "Comrade Deputy Commander, tell me, what's going on with the three triumphal arches?"

"Just now the military commissioner has already talked about the origin of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, so I won't say more." Ponejielin said: "The French Arc de Triomphe was built to celebrate the victory of the French army; while in Leningrad The Arc de Triomphe was built by our ancestors to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon. It is a pity that this Arc de Triomphe was demolished for various reasons.”

After listening to Ponegerin's explanation, Sokov realized that he had made a tentative error. There is also a triumphal arch in Victory Park in Moscow. He always thought that this triumphal arch was built to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon. It turned out that the real triumphal arch was built in today's St. Petersburg, but it was later demolished.

"Comrade Deputy Commander," Sokov said to Ponedelin: "Although the Triumphal Arch in Leningrad has been dismantled, don't get lost. I believe that when the war is won, we will still be in Moscow, built Build a large-scale triumphal arch to commemorate our defeat of the German invaders."

"Misha is right." Lunev interjected: "Although the Triumphal Arch in Leningrad has been demolished, after we win the Great Patriotic War, it will definitely be in Moscow or other cities. Build a new Arc de Triomphe."

When everyone was discussing the most intensely, Sidolin raised his hand and asked curiously: "comrades, commanders, I have a question."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, if you have any questions, just ask." Sokov said with a smile: "I think everyone present will give you a satisfactory answer."

"St. Petersburg, no, it's the Triumphal Arch of Leningrad. Why was it demolished?"

Sidolin's words stunned everyone. Everyone knows that the Triumphal Arch in Leningrad was demolished, but the specific reason for the demolition is unknown.

Just when everyone looked embarrassed, Sokov remembered the materials he had read in later generations, and quickly said: "Comrades, I know the reason."

"Oh, Comrade Commander knows the reason." Sidolin said urgently: "Then please tell me quickly, the reason for the demolition of the Arc de Triomphe."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I just heard that whether it is confirmed or not remains to be verified." Sokov said to Sidolin: "It is said that the urban planners at that time said that the existence of the Arc de Triomphe affected the traffic in the city, so they ordered the demolition of the Arc de Triomphe. But when he arrived in France for a visit, he unexpectedly discovered that French vehicles passed both sides of the Arc de Triomphe instead of under the Arc de Triomphe, so the presence or absence of the Arc de Triomphe would not affect the traffic in the city at all.”

"What, the Arc de Triomphe in Leningrad was demolished because our vehicles passed under the Arc de Triomphe, causing traffic jams." Sidolin said in surprise, "As a result, the city planners used the Arc de Triomphe to influence the city." For reasons of internal traffic, this great building was demolished."

"Misha, is what you said true?" Lunev also asked in surprise, "Where did you know about this?"

Sokov smiled slightly and said, "I just said it, and I heard it too. As for the truth of this matter, I really don't know."

"Oh, so that's the case." Lunev nodded and said regretfully, "It would be a pity if the Arc de Triomphe was demolished for this reason."

"Comrade Commander, if we attack Berlin." Sidolin changed the topic to a new direction: "How long do you think we can take this city?"

Sokov did not immediately answer the question, but asked instead: "Then what do you think, Comrade Chief of Staff?"

Sidolin thought for a while and replied: "I think it will take half a year anyway. Just think about how long the Germans fought with us in Stalingrad, at least half a year. But in our army's Under the tenacious defense, the Germans could not completely occupy the city. As a result, after our army was assembled, they were even wiped out by our army, and even their Marshal Paulus became our prisoner."

Tisidorin reminded Stalingrad, and Ponejielin said with emotion: "When I was in Moscow, I heard many parties talk about the situation of the Stalingrad Defense War. It is said that the survival time of each officer is only 72 hours. And fighters only have 24 hours."

"Yes, the battle was quite tragic." As a witness of the Stalingrad Defense Battle, Sokov said: "At that time, my troops stood firm on Mamayev Post. After a few months, the members of the troops changed several times. , even I have been injured twice.”

"The terrain of Mamayev Hill is dangerous, and it is the link linking the north and south of the city." Ponedelin said: "The Germans launched the most violent attack here. If other troops were to defend Mamayev Hill , I don’t know how many times I lost it. But the infantry brigade or infantry division commanded by the commander has always been firmly on the ground like a nail. Let the Germans try to seize Mamayev Post and occupy the ferry, The plot to cut off the left and right banks of the Volga has failed."

"Comrade Commander, I want to ask you a question." Ponedelin looked at Sokov and asked, "If there is another battle to defend Mamayev Hill, are you confident in holding your position?"

"It's hard to say, Comrade Deputy Commander." Sokov said hesitantly: "The German commander who attacked Mamayev Post at that time was not as good as me, so it is normal that he could not seize the high ground. But now let If I go to hold on to Mamayev Post, if there are a few famous generals among the Germans, I probably won’t be able to hold on.”

Sokov's words drew Lunev's laughter: "Misha, you are so humble. What I think in my heart is that if you are asked to guard Mamayev's post again, maybe you can achieve even more brilliant results. Maybe."

But Sokov didn't laugh. From Mamayev Gang, he thought of the Zerau Heights, which frustrated Zhukov. The Belarusian First Front Army with an army of 900,000 was blocked by the German army. Zhukov tried his best, but still couldn't break through the German defenses. In the end, there was no other way but to bypass Konev's combat area and rush towards Berlin from the side and rear of the Zelau Heights. If Berlin had not been captured and Germany had not announced its surrender, countless people would have used the Battle of the Zelau Heights to discredit Zhukov and deny that he was an excellent commander.

"Comrade Commander, what are you thinking?" Seeing Sokov pondering, Ponegerin asked curiously, "Have you thought of any good battle plan?"

"No." Sokov shook his head and said, "I was just thinking, who will be the first army to storm into Berlin?"

"Didn't you just say that among the three front troops advancing towards Berlin, the Belarusian First Front Army under the command of Marshal Zhukov will be the first city to enter Berlin."

"That's right, that's what I said." Sokov nodded, and continued: "I don't deny that Marshal Zhukov's troops will be the first to enter Berlin among the three front armies. What I mean is that Belarus' first Among the many armies under the First Army, which army will be the first to break into Berlin."

"It goes without saying that it must be General Chuikov's 8th Guards Army." Sidolin may have had great confidence in his old superior because he was the chief of operations for Chuikov back then. I forgot that the main force in the bloody battle between Stalingrad and the Germans was the 62nd Army of General Chuikov. It was because of their tenacious performance in the battle and their outstanding military exploits that they were awarded the 8th Guards by the Supreme Command The honorary title of the Army Group."

Sokov had a faint smile on his face, but he didn't speak, because he knew that Zhukov really wanted Chuikov's 8th Guards Army to enter Berlin first. It's a pity that this army suffered heavy losses when attacking the Zelau Heights and was unable to fight again. With the permission of the Supreme Command, Zhukov dispatched Berzarin's Assault 5th Army to rush into Berlin first, and Major Anatoly Rogkin, who was the first to drive a tank into the urban area of ​​Berlin, was awarded the The title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".

Others were naturally unconvinced by Sidolin's statement: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you can't speak for General Chuikov just because you used to be the chief of operations of General Chuikov. You know, the commander used to be General Chuikov's subordinate. Why didn't you speak for General Chuikov?"

Seeing that everyone was pointing at him, Sokov smiled slightly and said, "I know that Marshal Zhukov admires General Chuikov very much, and it is possible to let him serve as the main force and rush directly to Berlin. However, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. I am afraid that even Marshal Zhukov It is also impossible to control. Even if the 8th Guards Army of General Chuikov is the first to launch an attack on Poland, if due to some uncertain factors, the attack of this army is not smooth, and even suffers heavy casualties. Then completely defeat The enemy, the supreme honor of ending the war, will fall on the head of others. People say, is this the reason?"

Regarding Sokov's words, everyone pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement, and said in agreement: "Comrade Commander is right, even if Marshal Zhukov ordered the 8th Guards Army to take the main offensive, but if something happens No mistake, the first unit to enter Berlin may become another unit."

Lunev said thoughtfully: "Misha, I understand what you mean. Even if Marshal Zhukov ordered the 8th Guards Army to take the main offensive, because there are too many uncertain factors on the battlefield, General Chuikov may be frustrated. This led to the failure of the first plan to enter Berlin."

"That's right, Comrade Military Commissar, you guessed right." Sokov smiled and said, "That's what I thought about. I have a hunch that it is impossible for General Chuikov's troops to be the first to enter the city and get this award." Honorable, maybe a lesser-known unit."

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