Red Moscow

Chapter 2208

Just as Sokov was looking forward to the early arrival of the day to attack Berlin, a bad news came. In order to strengthen the strength of the Belarusian Third Front, the headquarters intends to place the 3rd and 48th Army under the command of General Cherniakhovsky.

When Sokov heard the news, his whole body was like a deflated ball, leaning on his chair and not wanting to move.

And Sidolin was also walking back and forth in the room angrily, saying in his mouth: "How could this be, how could this be? Didn't you say that we should turn around and go west, and prepare to participate in the attack on Berlin? Why are we going to be killed in a blink of an eye?" Placed under the command of the Belarusian Third Front Army, what is going on?"

Lunev also said with a puzzled look: "Yeah, this matter is quite strange. The superiors should know that our army's combat effectiveness is quite strong, no matter which direction it is placed in, it can achieve ideal results. Why did it suddenly decide to send us How about assigning it to the Third Front Army?"

"Comrade Military Commissar." Sokov said with a serious expression: "You said that it is because our army's combat effectiveness is too strong, so the Supreme Command made such a decision to classify us as the Third Front Army, so as to Strengthen the offensive capabilities of this front, and strive to win Königsberg and Danzig as soon as possible?"

Regarding Sokov's statement, Lunev did not agree with it, but at the same time he did not deny it, but said cautiously: "Misha, don't worry, I will call Comrade Beria to find out what it is what happened."

"Okay, Comrade Military Commissioner." Sokov tried hard to squeeze a smile on his face: "I'll leave this matter to you. If there is a way to make the Supreme Command change its mind, it is naturally the best situation. If it is true No, we are about to get ready to go to the Third Front.”

When Lunev called Beria, the other party thought that Lunev was talking about Shula, so he asked directly: "Comrade Lunev, what happened to the matter I asked you to do? I found Shula." ?"

"I'm sorry, Comrade Beria." Hearing Beria's question, Lunev said apologetically: "I tried my best, but I couldn't find Shura in the Second Belarusian Front. But I got some There are clues that he may be in General Cherniakhovsky's Third Front."

"Oh, it is possible to be in General Cherniakhovsky's Belarusian Third Front, that would be great." Beria said with a smile: "Anyway, your army will soon be assigned to this front. You will be of great help in finding Shura's whereabouts."

"Comrade Beria, I called you today just to find out why the Supreme Command suddenly decided to put us under the command of the Belarusian Third Front Army?"

"Who proposed this matter, I can't tell you." Beria said: "The man said that the performance of the Belarusian Third Front Army in East Prussia is not satisfactory. An area, but not long after, was driven back by the German army. This shows that the front army lacks a strong fighting force. Then the other side gave an example of the outstanding performance of the 48th Army in this battle, and finally proposed , if the 48th Army is placed under the command of the Third Front Army, it may improve the overall combat effectiveness."

When Lunev heard what Beria said, his heart sank. If the situation is really as he said, there is basically no room for change. After chatting with Beria for a few more words, Lunev put down the phone. Lunev looked at Sokov and said: "Misha, I have already asked, and there is no room for maneuver in this matter. It seems that we are going to be ready to go to the Third Front Army."

After finally winning the opportunity to attack Berlin, how could Sokov give up so easily? He stood up and said to Lunev and Sidolin: "Military Commissar, Chief of Staff, I have decided to immediately call Comrade Marshal and ask him to come forward." Intercede for me and see if we can stay in the Second Front Army."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult." Lunev shook his head and said, "Since it is a decision made by the Supreme Command, I don't think anyone can change it."

"Try to make a call, maybe you will fail, but there is a slight hope of success." Sokov picked up the receiver and dialed while saying: "But if I don't try, the hope of success is zero. I don't want to wait until the future , looking back on today, I regret that I didn't try to change some things."

Seeing Sokov's attitude is so firm, Lunev nodded and said sincerely: "I wish you good luck!"

The phone of the Front Army Headquarters was connected, but the person who answered the phone was Chief of Staff Bogolyubov. He heard Sokov's voice and said quickly: "Comrade Marshal is calling the Supreme Command to discuss sending you to the Supreme Command. The matter left by the group army. You called because of this matter, right?"

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff." Knowing that Rokossovsky was working hard on his own affairs at the moment, Sokov felt warm in his heart, and he tentatively asked Bogolyubov: "What do you think of this matter?" Is there a high chance of success?"

"Not much, General Sokov." Bogolyubov said seriously: "If you want me to tell the truth, I will tell you that there is basically no hope of success in this matter. Comrade Marshal called the Supreme Command. It’s just doing the best it can.”

The only spark of hope in Sokov's heart was extinguished by Bogolyubov's basin of ice water. He didn't remember what he said later or how he put down the phone.

Seeing Sokov sitting there in a daze as if suffering from a serious illness, Sidolin couldn't bear it, so he walked over to persuade him: "Comrade Commander, since there is no room for change in this matter, Then think about it. It’s a pity not to be able to participate in the attack on Berlin, but if we can take Königsberg or Danzig first, it will be a great achievement.”

"Misha," Lunev came to sit next to Sokov and comforted him, "I know what you're thinking. You think our 48th Army's combat effectiveness is strong, and it can change the situation in any direction. effect, so if it can become the army to attack Berlin, maybe it will be the first army to break into the city in the future."

"Yes." As soon as Sokov opened his mouth, he was surprised to find that his voice had become hoarse at some point.

"Drink some water." Lunev put a cup of hot tea in front of Sokov and continued: "You are the commander of the army group. If you fail because of this matter, it may have a negative impact on the morale of the troops. , when we go to the battlefield, I am afraid it will be very difficult to win the battle."

When Lunev said this, Sokov's heart changed. He thought that he would never be able to go to Berlin anyway. Then when fighting in East Prussia, he would no longer be able to fight and rush like before. As long as he let go Slow down the attack speed, fight steadily, keep consistent with the surrounding friendly forces, and never show any limelight.

The phone on the table rang, and although Victor was within reach, he didn't move. Finally, Lunev picked up the phone: "I am Lunev, where are you? ... Oh, it is Comrade Marshal, please wait a moment, I will let him answer the phone."

"Hello, Comrade Marshal." Sokov said in an extremely hoarse voice: "I am Sokov, what instructions do you have?"

"Misha, I'm sorry." Rokossovsky said apologetically on the phone: "I have tried my best, but this is a decision made by the Supreme Command, and I have no way to change them. decision."

"So I will soon cease to be a member of the Second Belarusian Front."


"Hey, what a pity." Sokov said regretfully, "I still want to follow you to conquer Berlin."

"No way, this may become the biggest regret in your life." Rokossovsky said: "Everyone of us has regrets, but we have no ability to change everything."

After saying this, Rokossovsky suddenly didn't know what to say. The two of them just held the microphone like this, you didn't speak, and I didn't speak, both remained silent.

After an unknown amount of time, Rokossovsky felt that he should put down the phone, so he said into the microphone: "Misha, when Yasha called two days ago and said he wanted to go back to the front line, maybe we should agree to him. Now that he has gone to Cherniakhovsky's Belarusian Third Front, and your troops will be transferred there, I wonder if you two will feel embarrassed when you meet?"

"What, what? Comrade Marshal, what did you just say?" Sokov heard Rokossovsky say this, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind, and he thought of a way to break the situation, and hurriedly asked: "You just said, Is it true that Yasha went to General Cherniakhovsky's Third Front?"

"Yes, of course it is true." Rokossovsky said: "When I called the Chief of the General Staff Antonov, he told me personally that Yasha would be back in two days at the latest. Report to General Cherniakhovsky's headquarters."

Hearing this, Sokov waved his arm excitedly and said excitedly, "Comrade Marshal, I thought of a way not to go to the Third Front Army."

"Oh?!" When Rokossovsky was thinking about how to persuade Sokov, he was surprised to hear that the other party had thought of a way not to go to the Third Front, and he immediately became interested: "What way, let's hear it." !"

"Comrade Marshal," Sokov said to Rokossovsky, "the fact that I have a close relationship with Yasha should be known to many people in the Supreme Command."

"Not a lot of people, but all of them." Rokossovsky said, "Is this method of yours related to your relationship with Yasha?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal." Sokov said: "You can call Comrade Stalin yourself and say that I have a close relationship with Yasha. If my troops are not in the Third Front Army, after Yasha arrives at the front, go The place is naturally the headquarters of the front army, which is the place with the lowest risk factor. But if my troops go to the third front army, then based on the friendship between Yasha and me, he will definitely choose to go to my 48th army group, which will make people He's in an unsafe situation."

"Great, this idea is really great." Hearing this, Rokossovsky slapped the table hard, and said excitedly: "Misha, you are so smart that you can come up with something Such a good idea. I know it well, if I report this matter directly to Comrade Stalin, maybe he will change the decision of the Supreme Command and keep your troops.”

"That's right, Comrade Marshal." Sokov nodded and said in a positive tone: "This can be said to be the only chance. If Comrade Stalin disagrees, I will take the troops to Chernyakhovs with peace of mind." General Ji’s Third Front Army will report for duty, and there will never be any more complaints.”

"Misha," said Rokossovsky, "I will immediately call Comrade Stalin, hoping to change his mind through this matter."

When Rokossovsky put down the phone, Subbotin who was sitting next to him asked in surprise: "Comrade Marshal, General Sokov really thought of a good solution?"

Rokossovsky nodded, and said in an affirmative tone: "Yes, Comrade Military Commissioner, I really can't think of a better way than him. If I go to discuss with the Supreme Commander himself according to his prompt, the other party will There is a high chance of changing the original decision."

After speaking, he dialed the switchboard of the Kremlin with a high-frequency telephone, and asked the other party to connect him to Stalin's office after reporting his home.

After receiving a call from Rokossovsky, Stalin guessed what the other party wanted to say, and said with a smile: "Dear Konstantin Konstantinovich, I know you are calling me for What is it? I can clearly tell you that the reason why the Supreme Command made such a decision was that the Belarusian Third Front under the command of General Cherniakhovsky was too weak and needed troops with strong combat effectiveness to join. In order to enhance their overall combat effectiveness."

"Comrade Stalin, I understand what you mean." Rokossovsky said cautiously: "The reason why I called you is because I remembered an important matter related to you, and I need to report it to you immediately."

"Important matter related to me." Stalin lit his pipe and asked with a smile, "What is the important matter?"

"It's like this. Yasha called me a few days ago and hoped that I could agree with him to come to the front." Rokossovsky said, "You also know that although our army has taken the initiative on the battlefield, the various This danger still exists, so I politely declined Yasha's proposal. Unexpectedly, he turned around and got in touch with General Cherniakhovsky, planning to serve as a staff officer at his front army headquarters."

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Stalin, who had just put the pipe in his mouth, heard Rokossovsky's words, immediately took out the pipe, and said solemnly: "Is this true? How can I Don't know anything?"

"It may be that Comrade Antonov hasn't had time to report to you." Rokossovsky continued; "You know, Yasha and Misha are life-and-death friends, and he wanted to go to Misha at the beginning. Shah’s 48th Army, I directly refused because I was worried about the danger. Later, even if I heard that Yasha was going to the Third Front Army, I didn’t think there was anything to worry about. But now the Supreme Command has decided to assign the 48th Army to the 3rd Army Commander of the Third Front Army. Do you think, based on the friendship between the two of them, will Yasha take the initiative to apply for the 48th Army?"

Hearing what Rokossovsky said, Stalin couldn't help but gasp, but he still tried to say in a calm tone: "Okay, Comrade Rokossovsky, thank you for telling me about this, I will Check it out as soon as possible. I wish you health!" After speaking, before Rokossovsky could say anything else, he hung up the phone.

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