Red Moscow

Chapter 2211 Attacked

"What, General Cherniakhovsky will take you around the armies in a few days?" Sukov heard Yakov say this, his heart raised in his throat, he thought about how many days later Today is the day when Cherniakhovsky died in battle. If Yakov stayed by his side, would he be in danger?

"Yes, Misha." Yakov heard that Sokov's voice seemed a little abnormal, so he asked tentatively, "Is there something wrong?"

"Yasha, I think it's better for you not to go out on patrol with General Cherniakhovsky." In order to prevent Yakov from having an accident, Sokov racked his brains for a solution: "If you want to get familiar with The commanders of each group army, the method is also very simple, just let the military commissar General Makarov accompany you. After all, he is not as busy as your commander, and he has more free time."

Hearing what Sokov said, Yakov couldn't help but feel a little hesitant. He felt that Cherniakhovsky was indeed very busy with work. If he was asked to spare time to accompany him to various armies, he didn't know how long he would have to wait. time. And if Makarov, the military commissar, accompanied him, the travel time could be greatly advanced.

After thinking about this, he said into the microphone: "I see, Misha. I will talk to Comrade Military Commissar tomorrow to see if he is willing to accompany me to the troops below and get to know the commanders at all levels. It will also be very helpful for my future work.”

Hearing what Yakov said, Sokov felt more at ease, chatted a little more, and put down the phone.

Seeing Sokov put down the phone, Lunev immediately asked with concern: "Misha, how is Yakov in the new army, is he used to life there?"

Sokov nodded and replied: "He said he has adapted to life there, and even regretted why he didn't come to the front line sooner. If he had come earlier, maybe he could have made greater achievements on the battlefield."

"Come on." Lunev shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that the battle has completely moved in a direction favorable to our army, who would dare to let him come to the front? You also know that he has a special status. If something happens at the front The question is, which commander can take up this responsibility?"

"Yes, yes." Sokov agreed with Lunev's statement: "A while ago, Comrade Marshal asked me to discuss whether he would let Yakov come to work with me. The reason why I was very I simply refused, because I was worried that he would be in danger if he came to me. If something happens, I will be punished, and maybe Comrade Marshal and more people will be implicated."

"Your choice is right." Sidolin interjected, "If you didn't refuse, General Yakov really came to our troops, and then the superiors will put us under the command of the Third Front Army, then no matter what No one will be able to change the decision of the Supreme Commander himself. If it really comes to that point, we will completely lose the qualification to seize Berlin."

"Misha, I heard a gossip from a friend in Moscow." Lunev looked at Sokov and asked, "I wonder if you are interested in knowing?"

Sokov knew very well that Lunev's friends were all from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the gossip they knew was probably true. Then he asked tentatively: "Is it not related to confidentiality? If it is, I won't listen."

"Misha, don't worry, it won't involve any secrets." Lunev said with a smile, "Maybe it will be officially announced in two days."

"Then let's hear it."

"It is said that in order to make up for Cherniakhovsky's inability to participate in the attack on Berlin, the Supreme Command specially compensated him." Lunev said: "In a few days at most, he will be officially promoted to marshal. .”

Knowing that Cherniakhovsky will be promoted to marshal, Sidolin's eyes widened in surprise, but Sokov's performance was very average. Because he knew that the promotion of Cherniakhovsky to Marshal by the Supreme Command had already been settled, and even the Marshal's uniform was ready. When the time comes, the promotion order will be officially announced.

"Comrade Military Commissioner," Sidolin asked curiously, "is this true?"

"Of course it's true." Seeing that Sidolin didn't believe it, Lunev explained to him specifically: "It is said that even the marshal's uniform is ready, and someone will send it to him in a few days, and he will be promoted to marshal in public. The command."

Hearing what Lunev said, Sidolin calculated with his fingers on the side: "From the outbreak of the war to the present, there have been Marshal Zhukov, Marshal Rokossovsky, Marshal Konev, and Marshal Vasilevsky. .It seems that there will be another Marshal Cherniakhovsky."

Sokov originally wanted to interject and add, "Isn't there Marshal Baghramyan?" But after thinking about it, the former chief of operations of the Southwest Front, although now serving as the commander of the First Front on the Baltic Sea, seemed Still just a general. He was promoted to marshal, which should have happened in the 1950s.

"Comrade Commander," Sidolin suddenly said to Sokov at this moment: "Tell me, if our troops were the first to storm into Berlin and capture Mustache alive, would you be promoted to Marshal?"

After hearing this, Sokov laughed, waved his hands and said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you really know how to joke. Whether I can become a general in this life is unknown, let alone a marshal. I have said before that although the Belarusian No. The Second Front Army also participated in the attack on Berlin, but judging from various signs, the first troops to enter Berlin will definitely not be born from among us, so don’t make such extravagant hopes.”

"Why?" Sidolin said puzzledly: "Since the three armies marched together, it means that everyone is striving to be the first to storm into Berlin. Why do you always think that this honor has nothing to do with us?"

Sokov hesitated for a moment, but seeing that there were only himself, Lunev, and Sidolin, and there were still some things to say, he said slowly: "At the time Marshal Rokossovsky was transferred to the No. The Second Front Army, and his original post was replaced by Marshal Zhukov, which shows that the Supreme Commander himself intends to leave the honor of being the first to enter Berlin to Marshal Zhukov, and the others are just training partners.”

"Comrade Commander, I think you are too extreme." Sidolin continued to express his opinion: "Our three troops are all advancing towards Berlin. If any of the troops progresses smoothly, it will be the first to reach Berlin. It’s an unchangeable fact, so what could happen?”

"There must be some accidents, my Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov said with a wry smile: "For example, our troops approached Berlin, but Marshal Zhukov's troops were blocked by the Germans and could not move forward. In this In this case, the Supreme Command may give us an order to turn to other directions to eliminate the threat of the German army to our flank. The situation with Marshal Konev is similar, maybe they have opened up the way into Berlin road, but the High Command told them to give up that road to Zhukov, and let the comrades of the 1st Front go through that passage into Berlin."

Sokov's words were astonishing, not only stunned Sidolin, but even Lunev's face was full of disbelief: "Misha, no way. How could the Supreme Command make such a decision? ? Your idea is really absurd."

Hearing Lunev's comments, Sokov didn't make any excuses, but just laughed, and then said: "I'm just guessing, I can't make it right, so just take it as a joke."

Although Sokov appeared relaxed, Lunev had doubts in his heart. He knew Sokov very well, and he knew that the other party would not say anything unfounded, otherwise he would not have grown to where he is today. Since he said these words today, he obviously noticed something. However, it is still impossible to verify the authenticity of these words for the time being. We can only wait until the three troops have reached the city of Berlin, and then look back to see if what he said is unfortunately true.

At noon the next day, Yakov, who was dozing off in his room, was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that it was Cherniakhovsky's adjutant. After saluting to Yakov, the other party said: "Hello, Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, the commander asked me to come to you and said that he is going to inspect the 3rd Army soon. I wonder if you are interested in going with him."

Hearing that Cherniakhovsky was going to the 3rd Army at this moment, Yakov had long forgotten what Sokov said to himself, and he said to the adjutant: "Comrade adjutant, please wait a moment , I’ll pack up and go with you to see the commander.”

After a brief wash, Yakov followed the adjutant to the headquarters and saw Cherniakhovsky waiting here.

Seeing Yakov coming in, Cherniakhovsky said with a smile: "Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, you were on duty all night last night, and I woke you up shortly after you fell asleep, I'm really sorry. I'm going to go to the 3rd Army now, how about it, are you interested in going with me?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Yakov said, "I am willing to go with you to the Third Army."

"Well, the car is outside." Cherniakhovsky waved his hand and said, "Let's start now."

There were two jeeps in total, and a car full of guards opened the way in front. And Yakov sat in the last car with Cherniakhovsky and his adjutant.

On the way, Cherniakhovsky said to Yakov: "The Third Army has been placed under our command for several days, but I have never had time to visit them. They have opinions on me."

Yakov knew that Gorbatov was the commander of the 3rd Army. Hearing what Chernyakhovsky said, he said with a smile: "Comrade Commander, I think General Gorbatov will understand you. I won’t blame you for your difficulties. By the way, where is the Third Army now?”

The reason why he asked this question was because when he changed his shift in the morning, he learned that the 3rd Army might move to a new defense zone today. And he went back to his room to sleep for a few hours. During these few hours, he didn't know anything about what happened.

"A part of the 3rd Army has moved to the city of Merizak," Cherniakhovsky said to Yakov: "Next, they will launch an attack on the city controlled by the Germans. This is It is the first battle after they join our Third Front Army, and as the commander of the Front Army, it is necessary for me to go to boost morale."

"How far is their station from the city?" At this moment, Yakov remembered what Sokov said to himself on the phone last night, and he couldn't help but aroused his vigilance: "We will go to their defense area to inspect, will we encounter in danger?"

After hearing this, Cherniakhovsky laughed: "Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, you are too suspicious. Now the outside of Merizac City is under the control of our army, and we are going to any unit , there is no need to worry about any danger.”

Seeing that Cherniakhovsky was so confident, Yakov couldn't help but feel that he was too suspicious. Now that the vehicle is walking in the area controlled by his own troops, there is no danger. It must be the words Yakov said to himself last night, which made him have a bad association, so that he could think so wildly.

The vehicle drove forward for a certain distance, and the car in front suddenly stopped. Yakov became alert again: "What's going on, why stop?"

"Comrade adjutant," Cherniakhovsky told his adjutant, "go ahead and see what happened?"

The adjutant agreed, opened the door and got out of the car, and went to the front to find out the reason for the stop.

After a while, he came back and reported to Cherniakhovsky: "Comrade Commander, the car has broken down. The driver said that it will take a few minutes to repair it. If you feel that the car is too stuffy, you can get down and walk." Walk."

"Then go down for a walk." Cherniakhovsky extended an invitation to Yakov and said, "Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, are you interested in getting out of the car with me for a walk?"

Faced with Cherniakhovsky's invitation, how could Yakov say no, he could only nod, opened the car door and got out of the car, standing on the side of the road and looking into the distance.

"Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff," Cherniakhovsky pointed to the city in the distance, and said to Yakov: "That is the city of Merizac, our next attack target. As long as this city is captured, The road to Königsberg is completely opened."

Yakov squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. He carefully looked at the terrain here to determine whether the next offensive battle would be as difficult as capturing the city of Memel.

Cherniakhovsky guessed what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, don't worry, the terrain here is very conducive to the deployment of our army. I believe that it will definitely not become the second city of Memel." , if all goes well, the city may be captured in a few days."

Seeing that Cherniakhovsky was so confident, even if Yakov had any concerns in his heart, it was impossible for Yakov to speak out on this matter and pour cold water on the other party. This is a taboo thing. So he just nodded, staring at the driver in front of him who was repairing the car, wondering when the car would be repaired.

At this moment, he vaguely heard a strange sound coming from the air. After a while, as a former artillery commander, he recognized that this sound was the screaming sound of shells flying through the air and piercing the air. He yelled in his heart that he was not good, and immediately jumped towards Cherniakhovsky, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Bombardment, lie down!"

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