Red Moscow

Chapter 2570

When the colonel led his men to arrest the plumber, Sokov was still very nervous. Although he analyzed the matter clearly in front of Sokolovsky, the truth of the matter could only be answered by catching the plumber.

"Misha," Sokolovsky knew that it would take some time to catch the plumber, so he asked Sokov to sit down and drink tea: "Sit down and drink some tea."

After thanking him, Sokov sat down, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and put the teacup down again: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I wonder if there will be a trial tomorrow?"

"No." Sokolovsky shook his head and said: "This trial can be said to be the trial of the century, and naturally it will not be carried out at any time like ordinary cases. A trial was just held today. The prosecution filed charges against the German war criminals on trial, but the defense tried to plead not guilty for the war criminals. It takes three to five days for the defense to collect evidence and organize materials, so The next trial will be in five days. "

Sokof asked curiously: "Comrade Deputy Commander, where are the lawyers who defended the German war criminals from?"

Hearing Sokov's question, Sokolovsky's expression became serious: "The lawyers who defended these war criminals are all from Germany. They were invited to attend the court and were full of enthusiasm for this case. In their defense of the innocence of the war criminals, they not only glorified the war criminals, but also shamelessly said that it was because of our country's mistakes that provoked their attack. "

Sokof knew little about the Nuremberg Trials. At this moment, he was particularly shocked to hear that the German lawyers, in order to exonerate the war criminals, actually lied that the war was provoked by the Soviet side. After a moment of contemplation, he asked, "Comrade Deputy Commander, I wonder how the judges for this trial are set up?"

"The Nuremberg International Military Tribunal consists of eight judges: the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, and France each appoint two judges, one of whom is an assistant judge. The American judge is Biddle, who served as the U.S. Attorney General during the war; Assistant Judge Parker. The British judge is Sir Lawrence, and Assistant Judge Burkitt. ​​French Assistant Judges Falco and De Vabre are both law professors at the Sorbonne University in France.

As for our side, Judge Nikitchenko is familiar with Western law and is a gentle and honest person; Assistant Judge Volchkov, originally intended to be appointed as a judge by his superiors, but considering that he knows nothing about the Western legal system, he can only be wronged as an assistant judge.

After consultation, the judges of the four countries elected Sir Lawrence as the president of the court."

"I heard that the court was established in The trial was held days ago, so I applied to Marshal Zhukov to come here to observe the trial. "

"Yes, the International Military Tribunal officially opened on the morning of November 20, 1945." Sokolovsky continued: "First, Chief Prosecutor Jackson delivered an opening speech and began the prosecution. He pointed out: "The crimes we want to condemn and punish are so well-planned, so bad, and so destructive that our civilization cannot ignore them. If these crimes are allowed to repeat in the future, human civilization will not survive. The four major countries, inspired by victory and stung by injury, stopped their revenge and voluntarily handed over the captured enemies to the sacred court for trial. This is the best proof of the rational exercise of human power and the highest tribute to human civilization. '"

"I don't know who the prosecutors who filed the lawsuits in various countries are?" Sokov continued to ask.

"After the list of indicted war criminals was officially announced, Judge Jackson was responsible for the prosecution of the United States. Maxwell Fyfe was responsible for the prosecution of the United Kingdom on behalf of Sir Shawcross. Our Supreme Command appointed Lieutenant General Rudenko as the chief prosecutor. The chief prosecutor appointed by France was Dementon."

After the two chatted about the trial for a while, the colonel walked in quickly from outside.

Seeing his adjutant coming, Sokolovsky stood up quickly and asked eagerly: "Colonel, how is the situation?"

"Comrade Deputy Commander!" The colonel said excitedly: "We have successfully captured the plumber and found this from his residence." As he said, he took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and handed them to Sokolovsky.

After Sokolovsky quickly read the contents above, he nodded slowly, "Yes, this is indeed a document given to the translator. If it falls into the hands of others, it will cause serious consequences."

"Colonel," Sokov waited for Sokolovsky to finish speaking, and then asked the colonel carefully: "I wonder what the plumber confessed?"

"General Sokov, your judgment is completely correct." The colonel turned to Sokov and said: "After our interrogation, the plumber confessed and told the details of his crime. After he tricked the female translator into writing the fake suicide note, he tricked her into drinking whiskey mixed with poison. After confirming that the female translator was dead, he put the body on the bed, pretending to commit suicide, and then left the victim's room in the way you guessed."

Sokov raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was one thing to guess the truth of the matter, and it was another to get confirmation. From this moment on, his heart, which was hanging in his throat, finally returned to his stomach.

"Colonel," Sokolovsky raised the document in his hand and asked his adjutant, "Has the content of the document not been leaked?"

"No, Comrade Deputy Commander." The colonel said in a positive tone: "The plumber said that since we were under martial law when it got dark, he had no chance to leave the hotel. He originally planned to wait until dawn tomorrow before going out to deliver information. Who was it? Zhi was suddenly arrested by us."

"That's good, that's good." Sokolovsky nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "It's good that it's not leaked. If this document falls into the hands of some people, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get away with it.”

"Comrade Deputy Commander." The colonel asked Sokolovsky for instructions: "What should we do with the plumber? The US military police are still in the hotel and have not left. Should we hand over the suspect to them?"

"No, we can't leave it to them." Sokov and Sokolovsky said in unison.

Sokov and Sokolovsky looked at each other and said with some embarrassment: "Comrade Deputy Commander, it's up to you to make the decision."

But unexpectedly, Sokolovsky handed over the handling of this matter to Sokov: "Misha, if it weren't for you, not only would this murderer be free, but our important documents would also be lost. In the hands of friendly personnel. Therefore, I think it is most appropriate for you to deal with this murderer."

Since Sokolovsky had given himself the power to handle the matter, Sokovsky did not hesitate and said to the colonel: "Colonel, drag him outside and shoot him." Perhaps he was worried that the other party would not understand. He also specifically explained his intention, "I think this plumber must have read the contents of the document. If he is handed over to the American military police to be taken away, it means that our important documents will be leaked. If we want to completely keep this secret , we can only execute this plumber.”

The colonel agreed with Sokov's statement, but he still said with concern: "General Sokov, anyway, the American military police and the German police are still in the hotel. If we take the plumbers out directly If they ask, how should we answer?"

"Let's just say that he brutally killed our female translator because of a relationship dispute." Sokov said to the colonel: "For this reason alone, it is enough to sentence him to death."

"I think Misha's reason is good." Sokolovsky nodded slightly after hearing this, and then said to his adjutant: "Just follow what Misha said and answer the American military police and the German police. I think they There will definitely be no objections.”

After the colonel left, Sokolovsky came to Sokov, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said in a grateful tone: "Misha, you did a great job. If I didn't have you today, We would definitely have thought that the female translator committed suicide, and that the stolen important documents would fall into the hands of unfriendly people tomorrow, causing us countless troubles. But because of your appearance, the case was solved in time. This case and the murderer was captured, I will report the matter to Marshal Zhukov truthfully. "

Hearing what Sokolovsky said, Sokov couldn't help but feel secretly happy and said repeatedly: "Thank you so much, Comrade Deputy Commander."

"I should be the one saying thank you." Sokolovsky raised his hand to look at the time, and then said with concern: "Misha, it's getting late, you should go back and rest early."

When Sokov returned to the room, he found that Agelina had returned.

Seeing Sokov enter the door, Agelina immediately greeted him and asked with concern: "Misha, how is the situation? Have you caught the murderer?"

When Sokov was about to speak, two crisp gunshots suddenly came from outside the window.

When Agelina heard the sudden gunfire, she exclaimed and threw herself into Sokov's arms. She asked nervously: "Misha, what's going on? Where did the gunshot come from?"

"Don't worry, Agelina." Sokov gently patted Agelina's back with his hand, comforting her and said, "The gunfire you heard was the colonel leading the execution of the murderer outside. The murderer of translation.”

"What, the colonel is executing the murderer of the female translator?" After hearing what Sokov said, Agelina quickly broke away from his arms, took a step back, looked up at Sokov, and asked in surprise: "What exactly is going on?"

"Agelina, don't worry, listen to me explain slowly." Then Sokov told Agelina in detail the ins and outs of the case, how he discovered the flaws in the case, and quickly identified the murderer. He recounted the story and finally said: "After the colonel led people to arrest the plumber, after interrogation, he confessed to the crimes he committed, so he was shot directly."

"Why should he be shot directly?" Agelina asked puzzledly: "Even if he is the murderer, shouldn't he be handed over to the police station for processing?"

"Agelina, the situation is different." Sokov stopped the smile on his face and said with a serious expression: "After this plumber stole important information from our army, he killed the female translator. If he could leave smoothly, The hotel means that important information about our army will be obtained by people with malicious intentions, which will cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, the most appropriate way to deal with it is to execute him immediately and completely cut off the leakers. way."

"Oh, that's it." Agelina nodded slowly after figuring out what was going on, and then said with some regret: "I really don't deserve to be that female translator. What a beautiful girl, if she hadn't fallen in love with her If you kill this plumber, you might not lose your life. By the way, who do you think the plumber is, American or German?”

"It's not important. You just need to know that the other party is an enemy who steals important information from our army." When Sokov said this, he was thinking that before the war, this young female translator must have seen Not the plumber who killed her. But after several years of war, as a large number of young men died, it became difficult for young girls to choose a mate. Their choice of partners is not limited to their own countrymen, as long as they are attracted to the opposite sex, not to mention plumbers in German hotels, even prisoners of war in Soviet prisoner-of-war camps, they don't care.

Sokov couldn't help but think of Agelina in front of him. If she stayed in Germany for a long time, she might not be able to withstand the temptation and would choose a German or an American. When he thought about it, his heart felt sour, like a lemon.

Agelina noticed the change in Sokov's expression. She was stunned for a moment, and then guessed the other person's little thoughts. After hitting the other person's shoulder with her fist, she lowered her head and said: "Misha, you are doing this to me." No confidence?"

"Ah, no confidence, what is no confidence?" Sokov was confused by Agelina's words and asked in confusion: "What do you mean, I don't quite understand?"

"Hateful, you clearly know what I'm talking about." Agelina blushed and said, "Don't worry, I won't choose anyone else except you."

When Sokov heard what Agelina said, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. Just when he was about to say something, he heard someone knocking on the door.

He walked over and opened the door and saw that it was Bayer standing at the door.

"Officer Bayer," Sokov looked at the other person and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Bayer did not speak immediately, but tilted his head and looked into the room from Sokov's side. When he saw Agelina, he immediately greeted her: "Agelina, please come here. I have something to ask." Report to Comrade General, please translate."

After Agelina came over, Bayer began to speak: "Comrade General, our colleagues in Nuremberg are still collecting shoe prints. How did you shoot the suspect?"

When Sokov heard Bayer's question, he naturally would not tell the other party, saying that we were worried that the plumber would tell others about the stolen information and cause unnecessary trouble, so he killed him and silenced him in advance. He just said tactfully: "Officer Bayer, from all the current signs, there is no doubt that the plumber was the murderer of the female translator. As for why we sentenced him to death so quickly, it was entirely because he was The female translator he killed was a soldier, so we sentenced him to death through a summary military court.”

Hearing that Sokov had moved out the military court, Bayer couldn't say anything else, so he could only say a few perfunctory words, then turned and left.

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