Red Moscow

Chapter 2577

"Misha," Agelina asked eagerly as soon as the two returned to the room, "How do you know that top-secret document is fake?"

"It's very simple. I saw a lot of flaws in the document." Sokov smiled faintly and asked, "What do you think of the domestic road?"

Agelina didn't understand what the flaw in the document had to do with domestic roads, so she asked puzzledly: "Misha, I don't understand what you mean?"

"You should be very clear about the domestic road conditions. Except for a very small number of traffic arteries, the conditions of the rest of the roads are extremely bad. It can be described as 'covered with dirt on sunny days, and covered with mud on rainy days'. The weather conditions are good, and the traffic of vehicles on the roads is extremely bad. The driving conditions are relatively good. When it rains, the car will get stuck in the mud and become difficult to move. "Think about it, how can a 138-ton tank be driven on such a bad road?" If you get out, I'm afraid it won't be long before you get stuck in the mud and can't move."

When Sokov said this, he paused intentionally for a moment to observe Agelina's expression. Seeing her nodding in approval of his statement, he continued: "Also, several important cities in our country that produce tanks are Kharkov, Leningrad and Stalingrad. At that time, Kharkov had already Falling into the hands of the Germans, the heavy responsibility of producing tanks fell on the two cities of Leningrad and Stalingrad..."

"Wait a minute, Misha." Unexpectedly, Agelina interrupted Sokov at this time: "Isn't Leningrad surrounded by the Germans? How can it continue to produce what our army needs? Where's the tank?"

"How should I put it? Although Leningrad was besieged by the German army for 872 days, the military production in the city never stopped. I remember that when the defense war was at its most difficult, Comrade Zhdanov personally gave Stalin called and hoped that he would be allowed to leave three days of the tank factory's output so that the counterattack forces could obtain a sufficient number of tanks."

"The output of the tank factory in three days." Agelina asked curiously: "I wonder how many tanks there are?"

"I don't know," Sokov said, shaking his head: "The output of military industrial enterprises is absolutely confidential. Even at my level, it is impossible to understand."

Adelina connected what Sokov said with the tank combat locations mentioned in the document, and immediately came to a new conclusion: "Misha, I think there are flaws in what you said, except that the domestic roads cannot bear tanks. In addition to the weight, there is also a problem with the production location of the tank, am I right?”

"Yes, your guess is correct." Sokov said: "When it comes to tank production technology, Moscow's military factories are definitely far inferior to Leningrad. Since the newly produced super tanks are on the Leningrad battlefield If you want to use it, why go far away and not produce it at the technologically advanced Leningrad Tank Factory, but go to Moscow, which has a much lower technical level and is nearly a thousand kilometers away?”

"Misha, your observation ability is really strong." Agelina said with emotion: "Based on these details, we can easily judge that the top-secret document shown to us by Comrade Deputy Commander is fake. Now I am a little worried, Can such a low-level scam fool General Patton?"

"If this fake document is used to deceive General Patton, there shouldn't be much of a problem." Sokov said with a serious expression: "Their military personnel get this fake document and just check some important parameters. It was easy to see that this was a trap we prepared for them."

"If that's the case, why do we still need to pass this fake document to the United States?"

Sokov sighed softly and said: "The superiors naturally have their own considerations. Since we have been given an order, we only need to execute it. As for the consequences, it is not something that the two of us should consider. "

Sokov didn't want to continue talking about this matter, so he changed the topic to Serova: "By the way, before we went to see Comrade Deputy Commander, we were talking about Serova, can you tell me about her situation? ?”

Adelina nodded and began to tell Sokov the story about Serova: "Valentina Polovkova is a famous movie star in our country, her first husband Anatoly Serov He was not an idle person, he was a pilot who won the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" and was known as the "Eagle of Stalin". After marrying him, Valentina took her husband's surname, and she was known as Valentina from then on. Serova.

The love story between Valentina and Serov is full of romance. The two fell in love at first sight, and on the third day of their acquaintance, Serov proposed to Valentina. On the eighth day, they registered their marriage and became an official couple.

After the marriage, Serov was keen on creating various surprises for Valentina. For example, after Valentina got on the train to Leningrad, he flew directly to Leningrad and greeted his wife when she got off the train. Welcoming her arrival with flowers. He was originally on a business trip, but he would suddenly show up in Moscow during a training break, stay with his beloved wife for a few minutes, and then say goodbye reluctantly...

But Serov died in a plane crash while test-flying a new aircraft in 1939. Valentina was already pregnant at the time. Three months after losing her lover, she gave birth to a son. In memory of her fallen husband, she named her son Anatole. "

Sokov only knew that Serova and Simonov were husband and wife, but he really didn’t know that she had been married before and even gave birth to a son. I couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then how did Simonov and Serova know each other?"

"Simonov first met Valentina at the Young Workers' Theater in 1940. At that time, she was still immersed in the pain of losing her husband and could not extricate herself, but her beauty fascinated Simonov. Simonov at that time Nov, who had just turned 24, dedicated all his works starting from his first play "A Love Experience" to Valentina.

After the outbreak of the Patriotic War, Simonov's famous poem "Wait for Me" was published in Pravda and was dedicated to Valentina. But the influence of this poem far exceeded Simonov's imagination, and even the later hit "Katyusha" could not compare with it. Soldiers on the front line and women in the rear copied this poem and kept it in their pockets as amulets.

Although the poem has achieved great social repercussions, Simonov has never felt at ease in his heart. He is about to go to the front line, and he is worried that the long separation will make their relationship become cold. "

"Simonov's guess is not wrong." Hearing this, Sokov couldn't help but interjected: "Valentina has indeed moved on."

"Yes, when Valentina went to a Moscow military hospital to perform for the wounded in 1942, she met Marshal Rokossovsky, who had outstanding military achievements. The handsome commander, known as a handsome man, and the peerless beauty both fell in love The love network. Valentina's heart aroused the long-awaited emotional waves. The all-powerful marshal was also passionate, and the two were madly in love.

But in the cruel war years, the love of people with their status can only be short-lived. Although Marshal Rokossovsky lost contact with his wife and daughter, he was a married man after all, and it was impossible for him to marry Valentina. But Valentina was so deeply in love that she couldn't help herself, regardless of the negative public opinion surrounding her. This short but passionate love not only deepened the existing rift between her and Simonov, but also gave her a fatal blow. "

Sokov tapped the table with his fingers and asked cautiously: "How did Simonov react when he found out about Marshal Rokossovsky's relationship with Serova?"

"Simonov naturally knew everything about their love affair." Adelina said: "But despite this, Simonov still did not give up and proposed to Valentina in 1943. And Valentina After some weighing, I finally chose Simonov.”

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Sokov felt in his heart that Rokossovsky and Serova were talented and beautiful, a perfect match, but they couldn't be together. It was really a pity: "If Rokossovsky and Serova Marshal Ji is not married, so he might be able to marry Serova."

"Misha, you are totally wrong if you think that Marshal Rokossovsky has given up on this relationship."

After hearing this, Sokov couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked: "Why, are they still connected?"

Adelina nodded, and continued: "I heard that Marshal Rokossovsky was deeply in love with Valentina. Since the end of the war and his return to Moscow, he often went to Simonov's apartment to sit in front of him. For a moment, he glanced at the curtains of Valentina's bedroom.

I read a document in the Intelligence Bureau that said that every morning at five o'clock, a black car drove outside Simonov's apartment on time. A man would get out of the car and stand in front of the door for a few minutes. The marshal's epaulettes can determine the identity of the opponent. "

When Sokov heard this, he couldn't help but think of how similar his current situation was to that of Rokossovsky. If Agelina gets married in the future, will he also run outside her house and stand for a few minutes every day?

"Misha, Misha." Agelina was talking, and suddenly saw Sokov's thoughtful expression, she pushed his shoulder with her hand and asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?" What?"

Sokov's body shook violently, and then he woke up from his meditation and said in a panic: "No, I didn't think about anything?"

Agelina looked him up and down with doubts and asked displeasedly: "Did you hear what I said?"

"I'm listening, I'm listening, of course I'm listening." Sokov nodded vigorously and said in a positive tone: "I have been listening to you. By the way, what movies has Serova acted in?"

"Valentina Polovikova became a household name in 1939 when she played the heroine in the movie "Girl with Character"," said Adelina. "In 1940, she participated in the play "The Zikov Family", in which she played the heroine Pavla, it was during the performance of this play that Simonov fell in love with her at first sight and pursued her persistently. "

"What movie is she filming or rehearsing for recently?" Sokov asked.

Agelina thought for a while and then said: "Before I left Moscow, I heard that she was filming a movie called "Clay" and played the heroine in it."

Although Sokov has not seen the movie "Clay", he has heard about it because the actress who played the heroine in this film later won the "Stalin Award" and the title of "Meritorious Actor". He didn't expect that the actress was Serova.

"Misha," Agelina said, "by the time you return to Moscow, I estimate that Serova's film will have been filmed, and she will be able to participate in the filming of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by then. Starring in the role of Leda.”

"Well, I think it's okay." Regarding the film and television works of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", Sokov has seen two versions of the movie and one version of the series. The actor who played Lida in the series was from Moscow Film. The Academy's Ostap is the most beautiful. If Serova is played in the upcoming movie, she will be the most beautiful "Lida".

Sokov glanced at the manuscript on the table and said to Agelina: "I plan to finish this book first and then write a new novel. If Serova's acting skills do not disappoint everyone, maybe When my new book is adapted into a movie, I can ask her to play the heroine again."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Agelina stared at Sokov intently and asked with a half-smile: "Misha, it seems that you are planning to write a book for Valentina alone. Do you have any interest in her?" what idea?"

"How is this possible?" Hearing what Agelina said, Sokov was so frightened that he quickly denied it. Just kidding, going against Rokossovsky, isn’t that an old birthday girl hanging himself? Isn’t it too long-lived? I still want to live a few more years and return to the next century: “You also know that she and Marshal Rokossovsky What's the relationship? I have the courage to have thoughts about her."

"Hahahaha," Agelina laughed: "Misha, I was joking with you, I want to scare you."

Sokov raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Agelina, your joke is not funny at all."

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. Let me continue the topic." Agelina asked curiously: "How do you plan to hand over the fake document to General Patton without arousing suspicion from others?" Woolen cloth?"

How to let the fake documents "accidentally" fall into Barton's hands is a problem. It is obviously unrealistic to just throw the briefcase aside. After all, there are a lot of soldiers around him. They are not scarecrows. It is impossible for them to see that they have forgotten the briefcase without reminding themselves.

After some thinking, Sokov said: "Agelina, let me tell you my thoughts and you can see if it's appropriate."

Agelina nodded: "Just tell me."

"When I went to see Patton, I deliberately told him that I was carrying important documents, asked him to borrow a safe, locked the briefcase in it, and then sent soldiers to guard the outside."

"That's not appropriate." Agelina shook her head and said, "If you really locked the briefcase into the safe and sent soldiers to guard it outside, how could they steal the documents?"

"Agelina, you think of them too simply." Sokov said with a smile: "If Barton takes the initiative to invite me to be a guest, he will definitely make preparations in advance. Even if I send someone outside the room where the safe is placed Guard, they also had a way to enter the room from other places, then quietly opened the safe, took out the briefcase inside, and took photos of the documents inside."

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