Red Moscow

Chapter 2594

The fake captain recognized the man, but at the same time he had a misunderstanding. He thought that he had beaten the other party and asked the other party to call the police, and then the police would come to arrest him. Therefore, he said unconvincedly: "Yes, I beat you two days ago. But wasn't that when I was drunk? If you feel unconvinced, we can fight openly. There is no need to call the police for this matter."

"Okay, stop acting." The director of the bureau interrupted the fake captain and said impatiently: "If it was really a small matter like fighting, do you think we would come to arrest you with a big fanfare? Tell me honestly, how many accomplices do you have and where are they?"

Hearing the question of the director of the bureau, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the fake captain, Then he stiffened his neck and said arrogantly: "I don't have any accomplices, I live alone."

"You are talking nonsense." As soon as the fake captain finished speaking, the man jumped out to refute him: "Why did you beat me up that day and smash my bicycle? It was because my son had a conflict with your son."

"I don't have a son. You must be mistaken." The fake captain said lightly: "He was just an ordinary child. He was bullied by a group of older children. I couldn't stand it, so I came out to stop them."

When the fake captain's eyes flashed with panic, Sokov had seen it. He said to the director of the bureau office: "Comrade Director, ask the landlord who rented the house to him, whether he lives alone or with his family. . "

"Comrade General, the landlord will come out soon, and then we will be able to get to the bottom of the matter."

As soon as the director of the bureau office finished speaking, an old lady was brought out by the police. As she walked out, she answered in a panic: "I just rented the house to him, but I really don't know what he did. Please, don't arrest me, don't arrest me."

After the old lady was brought in, Sokov comforted her and said: "Don't worry, old man, we just want to ask you a few questions."

The old lady saw that Sokov was wearing casual clothes and was very young, so she ignored him and cast her eyes on the director of the bureau office next to her: "Comrade police officer, what I said is true, I just rented the house to him, he is I have no idea what the body did. "

"Old man, we have a few questions to ask you, and I hope you can answer us truthfully."

The old lady nodded vigorously and replied hurriedly: "Ask, comrade police officer."

"When did he move in?"

"In late November." The old lady tried her best to defend herself: "When he moved in, he said that his military allowance had not been paid yet, so he hoped that I could collect his rent after a while."

"You agreed?"

"Of course, I think he is a soldier and should not lie to me." The old lady said: "And he is not alone."

The director of the bureau office turned his head to look at Sokov, and happened to meet Sokov's eyes, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They brought the landlord here just to find out whether the fake captain lived here alone or with others. Unexpectedly, before I had time to ask, the old lady said it first.

"Old man," the director of the bureau office continued to ask, "Who else lives with him?"

"His wife and son."

The director of the bureau office was stunned when he learned that the fake captain had a wife and children, and then asked back, "Where are they now?"

The old lady glanced at the fake captain who was controlled by the police next to her, and said cautiously, "Her wife works in a coffee shop in town, and her son should be in school."

"Which coffee shop is it, do you know?"

"Yes, of course I know." The old lady took the initiative and said, "I can take you to find her."

The director of the bureau office called a policeman and told him, "Follow this old man to the coffee shop and take the captain's wife to the police duty point."

"What about the child?" the policeman asked.

"Don't worry about the child. I'll make arrangements."

Not long after the police left with the old lady, the police who were searching the house came out with two suitcases and said to the director of the bureau with some excitement: "Comrade Director, look at what we found?"

Sokof looked at the open box and found that there was no radio or anything like that inside, only things like silver candlesticks, silver tableware, and some gold and silver jewelry.

While he was still wondering, he heard the director of the bureau sneer and said, "I really didn't expect that you are actually a thief. Now come back with us and tell us everything you have done."

When the police escorted the fake captain back, the director of the bureau said to Bakanidze: "Comrade Bakanidze, we have caught the person we want to catch, and you militia can withdraw."

Sokof was worried that Bakanidze would not have a car when he went back, so he took the initiative to say: "I will take you back."

"No need." But Bakanidze guessed that Sokov might have to participate in the interrogation of the fake captain. In order to prevent him from running back and forth, he declined his kindness: "I will take the militia company's truck back, and you stay here to participate in the interrogation of this fake captain."

"Comrade Director," Sokov sent his father-in-law away and walked towards the police duty point with the director of the bureau, and asked curiously: "How do you know that the fake captain is a thief?"

"Comrade General, didn't you see the things in the suitcase?"

"I saw it."

"Those silver candlesticks, silver tableware, and gold and silver jewelry are obviously not what this captain should own." The director of the bureau office replied briefly: "Based on my many years of experience in handling cases, these things must have been stolen. Specifically. The matter cannot be clarified until we interrogate him.”

Ten minutes later, in the interrogation room at the police duty station, Sokov, the bureau director and the police sergeant began interrogating the fake captain.

"Tell me," the police chief pointed to the suitcase on the ground: "Where do these things come from?"


The police chief sneered and said: "I heard from the landlord that you can't even pay the rent, how can you still own so many valuable things?"

The fake captain was silent for a long time, and finally began to say: "I am a soldier. Even if I own these things, I cannot just sell them out, otherwise it will affect my reputation."

"Hahaha," the police chief laughed a few times after hearing this, and said in a disdainful tone: "A thief is actually worried that his reputation will be affected. You said you are a soldier, then show me your military ID card ”

"I don't have a military ID card," the fake captain said hesitantly, "my military ID card was stolen while I was riding the train."

"Well, even if you don't have a military ID, you can always tell me which army you are from, right?" The sergeant looked at the fake captain and continued: "I can call your army to find out about your situation. "

"I'm from the 53rd Army," the fake captain said unexpectedly: "I'm from the Army Guard, and my responsibility is to protect the security of the headquarters."

Sokov just picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip. When he heard the unit number mentioned by the fake captain, the water in his mouth immediately spurted out.

He put down the teacup, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and then asked: "You said you were from the 53rd Army. I wonder when you joined the security force of the Army Headquarters?"

"In July of this year, I was transferred from the Third Belarusian Front."

If the fake captain said he was from another army, Sokov really wouldn't be able to say anything. Unexpectedly, the other party actually pretended to be a guard unit directly under the 53rd Army Headquarters. You know, I basically know the captain-level officers of the guard unit, but I have never seen this person.

"Since you said you joined the 53rd Army in July this year, and you are still in the headquarters guard force, let me ask you." Sokov asked coldly: "Before the August storm started, the commander of the 53rd Army Who is the commander, and who are the deputy commander and chief of staff?”

Sokov's series of questions stopped the fake captain. He hesitated for a long time, but did not explain why.

Sokov slapped his hand hard on the table and said angrily: "To tell you the truth, before the August Storm Battle began, I was the commander of the 53rd Army. As a member of the security force of the Army Headquarters, you It’s impossible for an officer not to recognize me.”

"I know you," the fake captain said in a panic: "Comrade Commander, you are wearing civilian clothes, I didn't recognize you for a while."

Sokov laughed angrily: "Then tell me, what is my name? I was wearing civilian clothes, so you didn't recognize it, which is understandable. But as an officer of the headquarters' security force, it is impossible for you to even name the commander. Don’t you know? In the 53rd Army, not to mention a member of the security force at the headquarters, every soldier in the subordinate divisions knows my name.”

Sokov's words left the fake captain completely speechless.

Since the commander of the 53rd Army was sitting in front of him, it was obviously impossible for him to pretend to be a member of the headquarters' guard force.

"Now, you can honestly explain your problem." The police chief said in a stern tone: "If you continue to resist, I don't mind taking some severe measures."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the sergeant said the words, the fake captain panicked: "No, I say, I say. Whatever you want to know, I will tell you."

"Where did the military uniform on you come from?" the sergeant asked.


"On the train." The fake captain replied: "When I was returning to Nizhny Novgorod from Moscow by train, I met a captain who was from the 53rd Army. I stole it while he was sleeping. The military uniform he placed by the window."

"Do you have a military ID in your uniform?"

"Yes," the fake captain said, "but I was worried that my secret would be exposed, so I came out of the box, opened the window in the corridor, and threw the torn military ID card out."

"I heard from the landlord that you still have a wife and son. What is going on?"

"Actually, those are not my wife and son," the fake captain said here. Several people in front of him showed surprised expressions on their faces, and then continued: "Victoria, the person the landlord thought was my wife, is I met her on the train. At that time, I saw her sitting in a hard-seat carriage with a child, and I felt that if I could establish a relationship with her, it would be of some help to me in my future actions..."

"What help?" asked the sergeant sternly.

"Of course it's to provide cover." The fake captain shrugged and continued: "You know, if there are women and children around, it will be easier for me to commit theft, and it will not easily arouse the suspicion of others."

"You took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Victoria, didn't she have any doubts about your identity?"

"No." The fake captain shook his head and said, "After all, the war just ended, and women have an inexplicable affinity for men in military uniforms. Plus, I'm wearing a captain's military uniform with a medal on my chest. She didn’t have the slightest doubt about my identity, and she got off the bus with me after arriving at Nizhnilovgorod.”

When Sokov found out that the fake captain in front of him was actually a thief, he couldn't help but become interested. He was eager to know how the other party stole, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you from Nizhnilovgorod?" ?"

"No." The fake captain shook his head and replied: "I am from Smolensk. After the war broke out, I was evacuated to Nizhnylovgorod with my parents. Later, they died of illness one after another, leaving me alone. I started my stealing career. Unfortunately, I was arrested by the relevant parties in early 1942 and sentenced to three years in prison. I was sent to Siberia for rehabilitation when I met Victoria on the train. Not long after I was released from prison.”

"So that's it." The police chief continued to ask, "Then how did you steal after you were released?"

"I have just said that having a woman and child next to you who look like a family of three can lower other people's vigilance." The fake captain said: "My usual approach is to find a place that looks good and rent a room. I will take Victoria and her son to live in the house. Then I will establish good relations with the neighbors and understand the situation in their homes through conversations. If possible, I will find excuses to enter their homes and take a look at their homes. Put all the valuable things somewhere.”

Sokov did not expect that the fake captain would be so ingenious every time he visited the stealing spot, so he asked again: "Have your neighbors never had any suspicion about you?"

"No." The fake captain said confidently: "The military uniform on my body is the best talisman for me. Those people see that the person they are dealing with is an officer wearing a medal, so naturally they will not If they are alert, they will even take the initiative to invite me to their homes, so that I can understand their family situation more conveniently.”

"Even if you know the situation in other people's homes, it's probably not easy to break in and steal." The director of the bureau office, who had been silent, now asked: "Tell us, how did you do it?" A successful burglary?"

"Yes." Hearing the director of the bureau ask this question, the police chief echoed: "Tell me honestly how you committed the burglary."

"It's actually very simple." The fake captain said with a relaxed expression: "It's very easy to enter their home. As long as I find a way to get them away, I can implement the plan."

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