Red Moscow

Chapter 2611 An unexpected event

After leaving Zhukov's villa, Sokov drove back to his home.

When he walked to the door, he saw a note on the door with a phone number below. He politely asked Sokov to call him after he got home.

Sokov tore off the note and opened the door.

As soon as he walked into the room, he saw the continuous meowing of the cat. Sokov realized that he left in a hurry that day and forgot to prepare food and water for the cat at home. It was estimated that he was very hungry at this moment. He quickly bent down and picked up the little black cat, saying apologetically: "Luna, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I forgot to prepare food and water for you. You must be hungry. I'll go get you something to eat now."

Came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a few pieces of bread from the refrigerator, crushed them, and put them on the plate. Luna struggled out of Sokov's arms, rushed directly to the plate, and ate it in big mouthfuls. While eating, she kept humming, as if saying that Sokov was a big bad guy who didn't prepare food for him for so long when he was out.

While Luna was eating, Sokov came to the living room, took out the note from his pocket, and dialed the number on it.

The phone rang four or five times, and then it was connected: "Hello!"

Sokov heard someone talking, and after quickly stating his identity and home address, he politely asked: "When I got home, I found a note on the door with your phone number on it. I want to ask, what's the matter?"

"General Sokov, please wait a moment, I will find out the situation and call you back."

"Okay." Sokov put down the phone and began to think about which department the person who just answered the phone was from, and what exactly did he want to talk to him about?

"Comrade General," the other end of the phone said politely: "I am from the municipal housing management department. After my inquiry, I found that your residence is seriously inconsistent with your identity, so I plan to change your residence."

Sokov was shocked when he heard the other party say this, and thought to himself, could it be that the other party knew that he did not have a specific position and planned to take back the house he was living in now, and then give him a small unit?

Thinking of this, he asked tentatively: "Which house are you going to adjust for me?"

"There are several villas a few kilometers away from your current residence." The staff continued: "According to your level, you can live in a more spacious house, so we plan to give you a villa to replace your current residence. What do you think?"

When he heard that he was going to adjust a more spacious house for himself, Sokov was naturally overjoyed and asked quickly: "When do you plan to adjust it?"

"According to regulations, we must contact you and ask for your consent." The staff said: "Now that you have agreed to adjust the house, our staff will visit you at home in ten working days."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

After hanging up the phone, Sokov excitedly waved his fists in the air. He never dreamed that he was qualified to live in a villa. In this way, even if Asiya's mother lives at home, it won't be too crowded. However, it is not known how big the villa is, otherwise it should be considered whether to hire a nanny.

After calming down, Sokov began to think about the design of the truck-mounted self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that he had just thought of in Zhukov's villa.

The truck-mounted self-propelled artillery is a new type of artillery weapon developed on the wheeled truck load-bearing chassis, mainly used for light rapid reaction forces and mobile task forces. It has outstanding advantages such as high driving speed, good road mobility, light structure weight, and low cost, and can achieve a "hit and run" combat method.

The development of this truck-mounted self-propelled anti-aircraft gun should be inspired by the vehicle-mounted crane. The boom of the vehicle-mounted crane is mounted on the top of the driving platform when the vehicle is driving, and it is only lifted up to perform the lifting task when the vehicle is parked. The long boom, looking from a distance, is like a muzzle pointing obliquely to the sky.

However, Sokov is not familiar with the various parameters of this artillery. If he is asked to draw a decomposition diagram and mark the specific data, it is obviously impossible. He can only wait until after work to find artillery experts and tell them about the design ideas of this artillery. The specific details should be perfected by them as professionals.

Sokov got up and went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water. While the water was still boiling, he washed the teapot and teacups, cleaned the cat litter box, and poured new sand into it. After doing all this, he sat on the sofa, petting the cat while quietly waiting for the water to boil.

After the water boiled, he was about to make a teapot when the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Sokov thought it was the housing department calling again, so he stood up and picked up the phone: "I'm Sokov!"

"Comrade Sokov?" A strange and stern voice came from the receiver: "I'm Lieutenant Sabina of the traffic police team. Is your wife called Asia?"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant." Sokov suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he asked cautiously: "Has something happened to her?"

"Yes, Comrade Sokov." Lieutenant Sabina said seriously: "She was on her way back to Moscow from Khimki today. Unfortunately, she had a traffic accident and is now in the hospital for treatment. I hope you can get to the hospital as soon as possible. If it's too late, I'm afraid..."

"Hospital, which hospital are you in?" Sokov shouted into the microphone without waiting for the other party to finish speaking: "Tell me quickly, which hospital?"

"Hospital No. 49 in the north of the city, your wife is being rescued in the emergency room on the second floor, I hope you can move quickly."

Sokov put down the phone, immediately put on his military coat, and rushed out of the room without even buttoning it.

He got into the car, and because of his nervousness, it took him a long time to start the car. But not far away, he crashed into the big tree next to him.

This place is not far from the guard room. Hearing the movement here, the guards on duty ran over. They hurriedly pulled Sokov out of the car and asked with concern: "Comrade General, are you okay?"

Although Sokov felt dizzy, he still shook his head and said calmly: "I'm going to the duty room to make a phone call."

The only person he could think of at this moment was Yakov. After the call was connected, he asked directly: "Yasha, can you come to my house to pick me up?"

Yakov asked curiously: "Misha, has something happened? I feel that you are a little confused."

"I just received a call from the traffic police team saying that Asiya had a car accident on her way back to the city from Khimki and is now being rescued in the emergency room of the No. 49 hospital in the north of the city." Sokov said: "I wanted to drive to see her, but the car crashed into a tree not far away."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Misha, listen, you stay where you are, I will drive over to pick you up right away. Remember, don't move, I We'll be there soon."

As soon as he put down the phone, a guard came in and said in surprise: "Comrade General, your forehead is bleeding."

Sokov raised his hand to touch his forehead, but was grabbed by the guard, "Comrade General, be careful, touching the wound with your hands will get infected. I have a medicine box here, I will bandage your wound."

While the guard was bandaging Sokov's wound, he asked tentatively: "Comrade General, your car has been damaged, what should we do next?"

"Leave it there first." Sokov said expressionlessly: "Wait two days and I will arrange someone to help me repair the car."

Soon after bandaging the wound, Yakov drove the vehicle into the compound. Seeing Sokov in such a mess, he asked with concern: "Misha, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sokov shook his head and said, "It's just a little skin injury. Let's go to the hospital now."

After the car started, Yakov asked: "Misha, Asiya was seriously injured, what about the baby in her belly? Is the baby okay?"

Sokov just lost control of his emotions, not only because Asiya had a car accident, but more importantly, he was worried that something might happen to the baby in Asiya's belly. The best case is that both the adult and the child can be saved; the worse case is that only one of the adult and the child can be saved; the worst case is that neither the adult nor the child can be saved.

When he heard Yakov ask this at this moment, he shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know. The traffic police only notified me to go to Hospital No. 49, and he didn't tell me the specific situation."

Since it was still the New Year holiday, there were almost no cars on the road, so Yakov rushed to Hospital No. 49 at the fastest speed.

It took only twenty minutes to get to the hospital.

As soon as the car stopped, Sokov opened the door, jumped out of the car, and rushed into the emergency building.

When Sokov came to the door of the emergency room under the guidance of medical staff, he saw four or five people standing outside the door. Except for one person in plain clothes, the others were wearing traffic police uniforms. He walked up quickly and asked several people: "Who among you is Lieutenant Sabina?"

Hearing Sokov's question, a traffic policeman with the highest military rank raised his right hand: "Comrade General, I am Lieutenant Sabina. May I ask how I can help you?"

"I am Admiral Sokov," Sokov heard that the other party was the traffic policeman who called him. After stating his identity, he said: "I just talked to you on the phone."

Lieutenant Sabina never dreamed that the husband of the victim Asiya was actually a general. He suddenly became restrained. After raising his hand to salute, he said respectfully: "Hello, Comrade General, your wife Asiya is being rescued inside."

"How is her condition? Is her life in danger?"

"I don't know about this." Sabina replied in a panic: "Doctors and nurses have been rescuing inside. So far, no one has come out, so I don't know what the situation is inside."

"How did the car accident happen?" Sokov asked.

"Look, that's him." Sabina pointed to the man in plain clothes next to him and said, "He was drunk and the vehicle he was driving rushed directly into the car your wife was in, and then there was a collision. The truck he was driving was not seriously damaged, but the car your wife was in was smashed into scrap metal. The driver died on the spot, and your wife was seriously injured and unconscious."

Knowing that the man in plain clothes was the driver of the accident, Sokov was furious and slapped him twice, beating him back a few steps. The traffic police next to him saw Sokov attacking the driver and wanted to persuade him, but Sokov's military rank was too high, so they didn't dare to intervene and could only watch the driver get beaten.

"Misha, calm down." Yakov, who happened to be walking over, saw Sokov beating the driver who caused the accident, and hurried forward to hug his waist, saying loudly: "Don't worry, Asia will be fine."

Just at this moment, the door of the operating room opened and a nurse wearing a mask came out.

Sokov quickly grabbed the other party and said very quickly: "Comrade nurse, I am the husband of the injured person who is asking for help inside. I wonder how my wife is doing?"

"Very bad, Comrade General." The nurse replied: "The injured person has caused heavy bleeding due to miscarriage, and the bleeding is not stopping. I am going to the blood bank to get blood now. Please don't hinder my work. Thank you!"

Knowing that the nurse was going to help Asia get blood, Sokov quickly stepped aside and made way for her.

Not long after the nurse left, the door of the operating room opened again, and a doctor wearing glasses came out. He said dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong with the nurse? I asked her to get blood, but she hasn't come back yet?"

The male doctor had just finished complaining when he saw the nurse who was sent to get blood hurried back and asked: "Where is the blood you got?"

"I'm sorry, doctor comrade." The nurse replied with a bitter face: "There is no blood in the blood bank. What should we do?"

The doctor glanced at Sokov and others, and then said: "It seems that we can only organize people to give her a blood transfusion." After a pause, he asked Sokov: "Comrade General, what is your blood type?"

"I am type O."

"It happens, it's exactly the same as the injured person's blood type." The doctor shook his head at Sokov and said: "Comrade General, please follow me in."

Sokov walked into the door of the operating room, but did not see Asiya. Instead, he was taken to a room with two beds by the doctor. The doctor told the nurse: "Comrade nurse, please draw blood for Comrade General."

The nurse looked at the doctor and asked: "How much blood do you need to draw?"

"200CC first, if the amount is not enough, continue to draw blood."

In this way, the nurse drew 200CC of blood from Sokov's arm and hurried to the operating room next door.

A few minutes later, the nurse appeared in the room again. She apologized to Sokov: "Comrade General, 200CC is far from enough. I'm afraid you need to draw another 200CC."

Sokov was determined to save Asia. When he heard that the blood he had just drawn was not enough, he quickly stretched out his hand and said: "Then continue to draw as much as you can. In a word, I want you to save my wife."

"Comrade General, you can rest assured about this." The nurse said in an affirmative tone: "We will do our best."

When the nurse left, Sokov wanted to follow to see, but as soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy. He staggered, but fortunately he held the wall in time, otherwise he would fall to the ground. He held onto the wall and slowly walked to the room where the operation was being performed, wanting to see how Asia was doing.

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