Red Moscow

Chapter 2624: Speak with your fists

"What, what remarks?" The military attaché obviously knew nothing about Churchill's speech and asked with a face full of surprise: "What kind of remarks did he make that would cause you people to take drastic action against us?"

"Mr. Major," Sokov said coldly, not wanting to talk nonsense with the military attaché: "If you want to find out what happened, you'd better go in and ask your ambassador. Ask him if he knows about your former Prime Minister Churchill. Sir, what kind of speech did you give yesterday on your way to the United States?”

The military attache hesitated for a moment, then turned around and ran towards the building, apparently preparing to ask the ambassador what unfriendly remarks Churchill made to the Soviet side. As a result, the Soviet side took the opportunity to attack and dispatched troops to surround the embassy.

Seeing that the military attache had left, Sokov said to Yakov: "Yasha, it's too cold outside. Let's go sit in the duty room at the door. Not only can we keep warm there, but there is also a phone to communicate with the outside world at any time."

"Okay, let's go to the duty room and sit down first. It won't be too late to come out and deal with it when something happens."

The two entered the duty room. They originally wanted to ask Bezikov to come in and warm themselves by the fire, but he refused: "Two comrades, generals, I'd better stay outside. In case of any emergency, I will also can be processed in a timely manner.”

Since Bezikov is not willing to come in, Sokov will not force it. He and Yakov may talk about something confidential in the room. If Bezikov is around, there will be a lot of inconvenience. He nodded: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, if anything happens, remember to inform us in time."

After closing the door, Yakov asked: "Misha, how long do you think we will be under siege?"

"I don't know." Sokov shook his head and said: "According to my analysis, the superior ordered us to do this in order to give the British a slap in the face. After they give in, the siege will be lifted. If everything goes well, before dark We should be able to retreat to the military camp.”

"Will the British really give in?" Yakov said cautiously: "Churchill just issued a harshly worded Iron Curtain theory in the United States yesterday, and today Britain apologized to us and admitted its mistake. This does not mean that it is a slap in the face to Churchill. Face? I think it’s not easy to get a British guy to admit his mistake.”

"Now we have to compete with who is more patient." Sokov smiled slightly and said: "Anyway, we have plenty of time to spend with them."

Sokov sat by the stove and heated up the fire for a while. He felt that it would be a waste if he didn't bake something to eat.

What to bake? All kinds of meat are definitely not good. After roasting, you have to add various seasonings, which is inconvenient. Sweet potatoes are not good either. There is no such crop in Russia. Later generations occasionally saw sweet potatoes sold in Chinese markets. But the price is more expensive than meat; the most economical thing nowadays is potatoes.

Thinking of this, Sokov stood up, felt in his pocket, and found that there were still a few bills in it. He held one of the bills in his hand, opened the door, and shouted outside: "Come here, come here!"

Bezikov was standing not far away. When he heard Sokov's shout, he immediately ran over and asked respectfully: "Comrade General, what are your instructions?"

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel," Sokov handed the banknotes in his hand to Bezikov and told the other party: "Please send two soldiers to the nearby military store to buy us some potatoes."

"Buy potatoes?" After hearing Sokov's order, Bezikov looked at the embassy building with some confusion and asked tentatively: "Comrade General, are you planning to let our people use potatoes to smash the embassy?" Floor window glass?”

Sokov was amused: "Lieutenant Colonel Bezikov, you are so funny. Potatoes are for eating, not for smashing window glass. I asked you to buy potatoes for me to roast and eat. .do you understand?"

"I understand, Comrade General." Bezikov realized that he had made a mistake, and said with some embarrassment: "I will immediately send someone to buy potatoes for you."

When Sokov retracted into the room, Yakov asked curiously: "Misha, are you going to bake potatoes in the house?"

"Yes." Sokov pointed to the stove in front of him and said to Yakov: "It would be too wasteful to use such a good stove just to keep the fire warm. Anyway, we have nothing to do here, so why not bake some potatoes? You can still satisfy your hunger.”

After buying the potatoes, Sokov washed them and placed them one by one on the edge of the stove for baking.

After roasting for almost an hour, several small potatoes looked ripe. Sokov was about to pick them up to check whether they were ripe when he heard a noise coming from outside.

Yakov stood up, opened the door and asked: "Lieutenant Colonel Bezikov, what happened?"

"Report to General Yakov," Bezikov hurriedly came over and reported: "There were more than a dozen British soldiers trying to come out of the building. They were having a dispute after being stopped by our soldiers."

"Oh, there was a dispute between British soldiers and our soldiers?" Sokov came over and asked, "Was there any physical contact?"

"Not yet." After Bezikov said this, he couldn't help but asked with some worry: "General Sokov, what should we do if the British soldiers take excessive actions?"

"What else can we do, of course, beat them." Sokov waved his fist and said to Bezikov: "Let those British guys understand who has the biggest fist."

"General Sokov, if our people fight with British soldiers, will it cause an international dispute?"

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Colonel Bezikov, I'm responsible for everything." Sokov said with a smile: "If any international disputes arise, I will bear the responsibility."

"Misha, the officers and soldiers sent by the British to defend the embassy should be the most elite." Yakov asked with some worry: "If they start fighting, can our people defeat them?"

"Yasha, don't worry." Sokov recalled that at a certain European Cup in later generations, 200 Russian fans beat 2,000 British fans until they were at an absolute disadvantage. The troops currently deployed in the British Embassy are members of the most elite guard regiment of the Soviet army. If these tall and powerful officers and soldiers cannot defeat the British despite their numerical superiority, then they will not continue to remain in the guard regiment. It's necessary. Therefore, in the face of Yakov's concerns, Sokov said confidently: "I believe they will be able to defeat the disobedient British guys."

"Misha, are you so confident?"

"Yes, I am so confident." Sokov took out two hot potatoes and gave them to Bezikov: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, the temperature outside is a bit low. Eat two potatoes to warm yourself up. Also, you tell the soldiers, you can use your fists, but never use your guns.”

Bezikov took the potatoes, thanked Sokov, and ran towards the embassy building, preparing to convey Sokov's order to the soldiers guarding the entrance.

A dozen British soldiers trying to break out of the building had an argument with the Soviet guards at the door. The two sides used a language that the other party did not understand and cursed at each other unscrupulously. At first it was just an exchange of curses, but as they continued to curse, the British soldiers deliberately hit the Soviet guards with their bodies to test the opponent's limits.

The team leader was a squad leader. When he saw this situation, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. In order to prevent his subordinates from suffering losses, he wanted to order a counterattack, but he was worried about causing international disputes, so he couldn't help but hesitate. At this moment, Bezikov ran over and announced loudly: "Comrades, General Sokov has an order. If the British continue to provoke, use your fists to fight back and let them have a taste of our power. But you can only use your fists, not any weapons."

The Soviet officers and soldiers who were provoked by the British soldiers were filled with anger and wanted to teach the British a lesson, but because they did not receive orders from their superiors, they could only choose to endure it. At this moment, when I heard Bezikov conveying Sokov's order, I immediately began to let myself go. Although they could not use guns, the soldiers of these guard regiments were also very good at fists and kicks, and they all greeted the British soldiers where their clothes were thick. , so that they can be beaten painfully without leaving any scars.

Since there were three or four fighting against one, the provocative British soldiers only lasted for less than two minutes before they fell to the ground and groaned.

The military attache who ordered these soldiers to come out to cause trouble became a little anxious when he saw that his subordinates were defeated by Soviet officers and soldiers. He shouted to Bezikov: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I want to see your supreme commander. I'm going to protest to him."

Sokov, who was standing at the door of the duty room, saw the soldiers of the guard regiment knocking the troublesome British soldiers to the ground, and then walked slowly over with Yakov.

When the military attache saw Sokov coming, he quickly shouted to him: "Mr. General, I need you to give me an explanation."

Sokov held a peeled potato in his hand. After taking a bite, he asked: "Mr. Major, what kind of explanation do you want me to give you?"

"Mr. General, your men relied on a large number of people and defeated all my men." The military attache said angrily: "I strongly protest your rude behavior. I ask you to apologize to us and severely punish those who deliberately hurt others. Officers and soldiers.”

"Mr. Major, I just told you that we are here to protect your safety." Sokov sneered and said, "But you didn't listen to dissuasion and insisted on running outside. My subordinates are just here. Fulfill their duties and prevent you from leaving the embassy to prevent you from encountering any mishaps.”

The military attache didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Mr. Major, let me remind you again." Sokov said to the military attache: "If you stay in the building honestly, nothing will happen. But if you still want to run out, don't blame us. Take drastic measures."

After saying that, Sokov took another bite of the potato and said to Yakov: "Yasha, it's too cold here. Let's go back to the duty room."

The two of them had just arrived at the door of the duty room. Before they could enter, they saw several trucks with tarps coming outside the door, and a black car in front of them.

After the motorcade came to a stop at the door, the tarpaulin behind the vehicle was lifted, and the officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, armed with live ammunition, jumped out of the carriage and lined up beside the vehicle in accordance with the commander's order.

"Comrade General, this is a letter for you." A colonel came out of the car and came to Sokov. After raising his hand in salute, he handed an envelope to Sokov.

At the seal of the envelope, Sokov once again saw the red oblate wax block called the fire seal. This kind of wax block is made of rosin and paraffin plus pigments. It can melt with a little heating. When used, bake it with fire, drop a piece on the seal, and then stamp it. This kind of fire seal is usually used on top-secret letters or files. Seeing this thing for the second time today, Sokov realized that there was something important in the envelope.

After opening the envelope, Sokov took out the letter paper inside and browsed it carefully.

The content on the letter was very simple. It said that the internal security forces that had just arrived would enter the embassy to search for suspicious persons. Sokov's task was to strengthen defense and prevent anyone from escaping from the embassy. At the end of the letter, it was also emphasized that if any unidentified person tried to escape from the building, Sokov could order someone to shoot him to death.

After reading the content on the letter, Sokov said to the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: "Comrade Colonel, I already know the order. Now you can take people into the building to search. I and the officers and soldiers outside will strengthen defense and will never let anyone escape from the building."

Although Sokov's military rank was much higher than that of the colonel, the other party just nodded slightly, and then led dozens of internal security officers and soldiers, crossed the cordon set up by Sokov and Yakov, and swaggered into the embassy building. Although there were British soldiers guarding the door, they had been beaten black and blue in the boxing match just now, and lost the courage to continue fighting. Seeing a group of armed soldiers rushing into the building, he immediately ordered someone to report to the military attaché, hoping that he would handle the matter.

The military attaché, who had just returned to his office, heard the report from his subordinates that a group of aggressive Russians were about to enter the building. He immediately felt that something was wrong, and quickly picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number and said, "Mr. Ambassador, according to the report from my subordinates, a large number of Russians are about to break into the embassy. I would like to ask you what to do?"

"Stop them." The ambassador said, "We must not let them break into the embassy casually."

"Mr. Ambassador, I'm afraid we can't stop them." The military attaché said with a sad face, "The people who were sent out to test were beaten black and blue by the Russians guarding the door. Now they are coming It's another group of Russians. If I order the soldiers to stop them again, I'm afraid there will be bloodshed. "

Hearing the military attaché say this, the ambassador thought for a long time, and then said: "Major, you take people to stop them first, I will go down immediately."

When the military attaché learned that the ambassador was going to come in person, he immediately felt that he had found the backbone, and quickly agreed: "Okay, Mr. Ambassador, I will go and stop them immediately. But you have to be quick, I can't stop them for too long."

"I know." The ambassador put down the phone in his hand and thought angrily that this military attaché was too cowardly. Seeing that the Russians were about to break into the embassy, ​​he didn't even dare to fart. When he gets in touch with London one day, let them send another responsible military attaché.

A few minutes later, the ambassador slowly left his office and came to the entrance downstairs.

He soon found that the gate was full of Soviet officers and soldiers, and the few soldiers under his command were like a lone boat in the sea, surrounded by the enemy. Except for the military attaché who was still negotiating with the leading officer, the rest of the soldiers were all in a state of panic. If they were not surrounded and unable to move, many of them would have dropped their weapons and fled.

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