Red Moscow

Chapter 2660

"Two gangsters climbed on the roof of the car and threw grenades into the dining car. Seryosha went up and killed them both." After Sokov briefly explained the matter, he asked with concern: "Kopalova, are you okay? Right?"

"It's much better." Kopalova replied: "I was just in the bathroom of the box and fainted from the thick smoke. Fortunately, you rescued me in time, otherwise my life would have been lost by now." "

Sokov looked at the layout of the bathroom and couldn't help but frowned: "Kopalova, the gangsters on the roof of the car have been eliminated. Let's not stay here anymore. Find a suitable box to rest for a while. This will help your recovery." It’s helpful.”

"But which box can we go to?" But after hearing this, Kopalova said with a wry smile: "The boxes in these carriages are basically full of corpses, and I don't want to be in the same box with the dead. "

"Have you forgotten that the box where Vaserigov and the two guards lived is clean and there are no bodies." Sokov said: "We will go there."

But as soon as Kopalova stood up, her body swayed, and if Sokov hadn't caught her in time, she would have fallen directly to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Misha. I had been squatting for a long time. When I stood up suddenly, my eyesight turned black and stars were appearing, so I almost fell down." Kopalova tried her best to put a smile on her face: "Don't worry, I Just rest for a while.”

Sokov didn't say anything, he just bent down and gave Kopalova a princess hug, then carried her to the box where the guards lived.

Kopalova was suddenly picked up by Sokov, and she felt a little embarrassed. She blushed and said, "Misha, this is not good. I would be embarrassed if others saw her."

"You just said that on the way from our private room to this bathroom, almost all the private rooms were full of corpses. Who would laugh at you? Even if Vaseligov and the others saw it, they would not gossip. "

The two came to the box where the guards lived. All the facilities here were intact, and even the car window glass was not broken.

Sokov carefully placed Kopalova on the berth, lowered his head and said to her: "Kopalova, you lie here for a while, and I'll go out and take a look."

But Kopalova reached out and grabbed his hand and said in a pleading tone: "Misha, stay and talk to me. Just a few minutes."

Sokov hesitated for a moment, feeling that given the current situation, the gangsters occupying the train might not launch an attack for the time being, and he should have no problem staying here to talk to Kopalova.

Sokov was sitting in the berth opposite Kopalova. When he began to think about what he should say to the other party, he heard Kopalova say: "Misha, there is something I haven't told you. In fact, I I went to Berlin in November last year.”

"Did you go to Berlin last November?" Sokov felt inexplicably panicked when he heard what Kopalova said: "What did you do there?" After asking this question, Sokov realized that he had asked a question. Stupid question, as a photojournalist, what can Kopalova do when she goes to Berlin? Of course, she is to follow the interview team for interviews. "Are you going for an interview?"

"Well, I did go with the interview team." Kopalova suddenly asked: "Have you heard of Johannes Henschel?"

Hearing the unfamiliar name spoken by Kopalova, Sokov shook his head and asked doubtfully: "Is he German?"

"Yes, he is an authentic German." Kopalova said: "On July 4, 1934, Henschel was hired as the chief electrical mechanic of Mustache's private apartment in the Chancellery. Years later, in During the Battle of Berlin, he was in charge of the engine room of the Führerbunker.

I learned during the interview that after Mustache’s death, Henschel and telephone operator Rochus Misch became the last two people left in the bunker complex. They exchanged letters to their wives in case something bad happened to either of them. Misch then left the bunker and tried to pass through the encirclement of our troops in the city center.

Henschel stayed alone in the bunker full of corpses. He did not choose to leave because the field hospital in the Prime Minister's Office on the ground needed water and electricity, and there were still wounded people there. When our commanders entered the bunker, Henschel chose to surrender. "

"This is a man who is very responsible for his work." After hearing this, Sokov asked casually: "Is he being held in a prisoner of war camp now?"

"Well, yes, he was locked up in a prisoner of war camp." Kopalova continued: "He told me that after dark, when our army stopped shelling near the bunker, he would come out of the bunker and check on the prisoners. Buildings destroyed by artillery fire, and the burned remains of Goebbels and his wife..."

"Wait a minute," Sokov couldn't help but interrupt Kopalova after hearing this: "Are you talking about the remains of the Goebbels?"

"Yes, the burned remains of Goebbels and his wife." Kopalova looked at Sokov with doubtful eyes, and asked with some confusion: "Why do you ask this?"

"Child, where are Goebbels's children?" Sokov may have felt that his expression was not accurate enough, and added: "I heard that Goebbels's wife personally poisoned her when she learned that Germany's defeat was inevitable. Six of his children, five daughters and one son were poisoned to prevent the children from falling into the hands of our army."

"I was just about to talk about Goebbels' children." Kopalova continued: "Hentschel told me that the first people to enter the bunker were a group of female medical soldiers. After they found Hentschel, they couldn't wait to ask where Eva's wardrobe was. He said he could take them to the room where the wardrobe was.

But when they passed a closed room, a female soldier tried to open the door, but was stopped by Hentschel. He told them with a serious expression that there was nothing they were looking for in the room.

But the female soldier stared at Hentschel for a while, and still opened the door. As the door opened, five or six female soldiers rushed into the room. But what caught their eyes were the bodies of several children lying on the beds. Although their bodies were covered with white cloth, their exposed feet were It was already covered with corpse spots.

The team leader was a female military doctor. After seeing the bodies of the children in the house, she immediately asked Henchel in a stern tone: Who are these children and why did they die here?

Henchel was silent for a long time before slowly saying: They are all Dr. Goebbels' children. Because their parents did not want them to become prisoners of the Russians, they poisoned them to death, and then let the sentry kill themselves, and moved the bodies outside the bunker to burn. When you came in, you saw the two bodies burned in the crater near the door. They were Goebbels and his wife. "

Although Sokov always believed that Goebbels was not a good thing, his children were innocent. Every time he saw the scene of Goebbels' wife poisoning the children in film and television works, he still felt a little bit reluctant. When the troops advanced to Berlin, he even had the idea that if his troops were fast enough, they might be able to occupy the bunker of the mustache before the Goebbels and their wife poisoned their children. After capturing Goebbels alive, handing him over to the International Military Tribunal for trial, his children would survive.

But there are no ifs in history. The area under the charge of the Second Belorussian Front, which was responsible for covering the right wing of the First Belorussian Front of Marshal Zhukov, had no chance to enter Berlin before Germany surrendered, and the idea of ​​rescuing the children became a fantasy. At this moment, I heard Kopalova talking about Goebbels' children, and I couldn't help but feel a little touched.

"Misha, what are you thinking about?" Kopalova asked.

"I'm thinking that even if Goebbels is a war criminal with a lot of crimes, his children are innocent and should not die in vain."

"Misha, I don't think you have many ideas." Who knew that after hearing this, Kopalova said righteously: "The lives of Goebbels' children are lives, but the lives of those children who died in the war are not lives? I think this is God's punishment for him."

For a moment, Sokov felt that he was speechless about what Kopalova said.

At this moment, Kopalova suddenly widened her eyes in surprise, and she shouted to Sokov: "Misha, look out the window quickly, what is that?"

Sokov didn't know what happened, and quickly turned his head to look out the window. What he saw made him stunned. At this moment, the sky was full of parachutes, and under the parachutes were soldiers carrying weapons.

"My God! Paratroopers, they are our paratroopers." Sokov exclaimed, walked quickly to the window, looked up at the sky, and wondered who made such a bold decision to send paratroopers to rescue him?

I saw those paratroopers landing in the target area as lightly as fallen leaves. After landing safely, they quickly put away their parachutes, and then rushed to the location of the train with their weapons.

Seeing this, Sokov was overjoyed. He bent down and grabbed the submachine gun on the bed, and said to Kopalova: "Kopalova, you hide here for a while. The bandits occupying the train will be wiped out by us in no time."

Sovkov left the compartment and first rushed to the front of the train to find Vaserigov.

After arriving at Vaserigov's location, Sokov asked directly: "Major, how is the situation? Can we keep in touch with the outside world?"

"Comrade General, I'm going to report to you." Vaserigov said: "I found a way to contact General Malinin. When he learned that you were in danger, he was also very anxious. He said that he would send troops to support us as soon as possible, so let us hold on for about a quarter of an hour."

After saying these words in one breath, Vaserigov smiled bitterly and continued: "Comrade General, I think General Malinin may be comforting us. Think about it, even if the nearest troops receive the news, it will take about an hour to rush over. How can he let the troops rush to reinforce us within a quarter of an hour?"

"If it is from the ground The troops coming may not arrive within a quarter of an hour. "Sokov smiled and said, "But what if the reinforcements come from the sky?"

"From the sky?" Vaserigov asked in confusion, "Comrade General, what do you mean, I don't quite understand?"

"Don't you understand that the troops sent by General Malinin to rescue are paratroopers, paratroopers." Sokov walked to the window, raised his hand to open the curtains, and said loudly, "Don't you see that our paratroopers are airborne and will soon rush to the train?"

Vasherigov only glanced out the window and immediately showed a surprised expression: "Paratroopers, they are really our paratroopers. Hahahaha, Comrade General, we are saved, we are saved. Once the paratroopers arrive, we can be rescued. "

"Major, although our reinforcements have arrived, they don't know much about the situation in the train and don't know where we are." Sokov reminded Vaseligov: "Even if they want to launch an attack, they will still be there because of Throw a rat into a trap, but don’t dare to do it easily.”

"This is easy to handle." Vaserigov said: "I will find a way to use the radio to contact the troops outside, tell them our location, and then let them attack other carriages."

"This is a good idea. You ask them to find a way to eliminate the enemies at the front of the car first, so that they can join us as soon as possible." Sokov continued: "Now, I will go to the dining car and tell Seryosha the good news. ”

When Sokov came to the dining car, Seryosha also spotted the paratroopers falling from the sky.

Seeing Sokov's appearance, Seryosha couldn't wait to ask: "Misha, who sent the paratroopers?"

"Major Vaserigov told me that he had tried to contact General Malinin and informed him of our situation." Sokov explained to Seryosha: "General Malinin promised to send troops within a quarter of an hour. Come over for reinforcements, I think this paratrooper unit being airborne should be sent by General Malinen."

"Great, this is really great." Seryosha now felt like he was surviving a disaster. He quickly asked Sokov: "Misha, when will we launch a counterattack against the enemy?"

"Wait a moment, I asked Major Vaserigov to tell the reinforcements to attack from the front of the car. As long as we kill a few enemies hiding in the front of the car, they can join us. At that time, we will attack from the rear of the car and fight. It will go very smoothly." After Sokov said this, he pointed to the debris blocking the door and said: "Seryosha, ask the guards to clean up the debris at the door so as not to affect the attack later. ”

"Okay, Misha, I'll make the arrangements right now." After Seryosha finished speaking, he went to greet the other two guards and carefully began to clear the debris blocking the door. Sokov held his gun and stared at the other side of the dining car warily to prevent them from being suddenly attacked by the gangsters.

Before the mess in the dining car was cleared, Sokov heard the sound of gunfire and the explosion of grenades from the direction of the front of the car. He knew in his heart that it was the commander of the reinforcements who had received the notice from Vaselgov. An attack was launched from the front of the car.

The gunfire from the direction of the front of the car soon stopped, and not long after, Sokov heard a burst of chaotic footsteps. When he turned around, he saw that it was Vaserigov running along the carriage with a group of commanders and fighters.

Sokov rushed up to meet him and intercepted him at the junction between the dining car and another carriage.

Seeing this, Vaserigov quickly raised his hand to salute Sokov: "Comrade General, we have joined the reinforcements and are now here to destroy the enemy."

"Who is the commander of the reinforcements?"

A commander wearing the rank of captain walked out of the team and reported to Sokov: "Comrade General, I am Captain Meglin, deputy battalion commander of the 1st Battalion of the Airborne Brigade. What instructions do you have?"

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