Red Moscow

Chapter 803 On the verge of danger

Sokov opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound, because he didn't know in his heart whether the bomb above his head would suddenly fall, blowing himself to pieces with a "boom".

"Not good!" Sidolin looked up at the bomb above his head and couldn't help exclaiming: "The bomb seems to be shaking, is it going to fall soon? Comrade Commander, this place is too dangerous, you should leave first."

Sokov looked up and saw that the bomb hanging on the top of the corridor was shaking slightly, which should be caused by the bombing outside. He was worried that the bomb would be shaken down, and he would die without a whole body, so he quickly reached out and hugged it to prevent it from falling.

After embracing the bomb, Sokov immediately realized that he was doing something stupid. If a bomb weighing several hundred kilograms was really going to fall, let alone himself, even if there were five or six more people, he would still be overwhelmed. . But since he had already hugged the bomb, he didn't dare to let go easily. Originally, the bomb was only shaking slightly due to the bombing outside, but he hugged and let go so tightly, maybe he tossed the bomb down.

Sokov, holding the bomb, asked Sidolin dumbfounded: "Chief of Staff, how long will it take for the engineers to arrive?"

"When I called the engineering company, I already told them about the situation here." Sidolin quickly replied: "The company commander, Lieutenant Vasya, said that his men would arrive at the fastest in ten minutes." Having said that, He raised his hand and looked at his watch, and added, "If the time he said is correct, the comrades from the engineering company will arrive in two minutes."

As soon as Sidolin finished speaking, he heard a rush of footsteps coming from the corner of the corridor. After a while, five or six commanders appeared around the corner, trotting over. When Sidolin saw this, he was shocked and immediately shouted at those people: "Slow down, you move slowly, you run so fast, do you want to knock this bomb down?"

The commanders and fighters who were running over heard Sidolin's shout, quickly slowed down, and walked over lightly. After they came to Sokov, an officer raised his hand and reported to Sokov: "Comrade Division Commander, Lieutenant Vasya, the engineer company commander, is reporting to you. We are ordered to come to remove the bomb, please instruct!"

Sokov urged the other party impatiently: "Okay, Comrade Lieutenant, stop saluting, you should find a way to deal with this bomb as soon as possible."

Lieutenant Vasya nodded, then turned around and told the two soldiers behind him: "You two, go help the commander." The two soldiers who received the order hurried forward, supported the bomb hanging in mid-air, and let Soko Husband can let go and step back.

Sokov took a few steps back, his legs could no longer support the weight of his body, and he fell directly to the wall of the corridor. Sidolin quickly stepped forward and knelt down and asked, "Mr. Comrade, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Sokov shook his head and replied, "It's just that my legs are a little weak. I'll just sit and rest for a while."

Sidolin never dreamed that Sukov's legs were weak, but it actually started from the moment he saw the bomb. He thought he was too nervous when he was holding the bomb just now, so he quickly comforted him and said, "Then take care of yourself." Rest for a while, the engineer comrades will be able to deactivate the bomb soon."

Vasya stared at the bomb for a moment, and then ordered the other two soldiers who were not holding the bomb: "Check carefully, how many fuzes does this bomb have?"

When the soldiers were carefully checking the fuze of the bomb, Sidolin, who was squatting next to Sokov, said to Sokov with a forced smile in order to ease the atmosphere: "Comrade commander, maybe this bomb will not explode at all, we are just a false alarm." One. Maybe before it left the factory, those anti-Fasi Temple fighters in the factory disabled it. I remember that some time ago, I found an unexploded bomb with no ammunition in it, only a note, It reads in German: 'We are anti-Fahishi'."

Sidolin's words made Sokov feel more at ease in his heart. He stared closely at Vasya, wanting to see how the engineering company commander deflected the bomb. Vasya reached out and gently hugged the bomb, and put his ear to it, as if he was listening to something.

After a while, Vasya released the bomb, took a step back, and said to the soldiers who were investigating the fuze: "Brothers, we are lucky, there is no timing device in the bomb. That is to say, as long as the bomb does not fall, we have enough Time to defuse the bomb."

"Comrade Company Commander," a soldier reported to Vasya after carefully inspecting the bomb body: "I found two fuzes, one on the side of the bomb and one on the head of the bomb..."

As soon as this soldier finished his report, another soldier added: "Comrade company commander, I also checked carefully. There are only two fuzes, and there is no third one."

"Okay, now that we've figured it out, let's prepare to dismantle it." Vasya said, bending down to open the toolbox that the soldiers put on the ground, and took out the tools for dismantling the bomb.

Just as Vasya was holding a tool to dismantle the bomb fuze, a soldier holding the bomb suddenly said: "Comrade company commander, what type of fuze does this bomb use? As far as I know, one is mechanical." Fuze; one is chemical fuze, inside the bomb is a glass tube filled with sulfuric acid, as soon as the glass tube breaks, the bomb will explode..."

"This bomb does not use a chemical fuze," Vasya said confidently, "The glass tube cannot withstand vibrations. The bomb fell from a height of several hundred meters. If the glass tube was broken long ago, we can still wait for us to come." Bomb defusing?"

Vasya put the blade of the modified knife in the groove of the fuze, took a deep breath, and slowly turned it counterclockwise. Seeing Vasya start to dismantle the fuse, Sokov couldn't help raising his heart. He knew very well that if he made a mistake, everyone present would be reduced to ashes after a loud noise.

After Vasya rotated the knife counterclockwise for half a turn, he stopped the movement in his hand. He took back the knife, took a step back, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said calmly: "Brothers, I have changed the side fuze from the ready state to the non-ready state. Then Come down, and it's time for me to deal with the remaining fuse."

After finishing speaking, Vasya squatted down halfway, looked up at the fuze on the head of the bomb, and repeated the action just now. It took only half a minute, and he turned the fuze into a non-ready state again.

"Comrade Lieutenant," Sokov saw clearly that Vasya had changed the status of both fuzes from the ready state to the non-ready state, so he asked tentatively, "Have the bombs been removed?"

"Comrade Commander," Vasya quickly turned his head and replied when he heard Sokov's question, "I just adjusted the state of the fuze to the non-ready state, and the danger of explosion has been greatly reduced. However, to completely solve the problem, it is necessary to Just take out the fuze inside."

Knowing that the next job was just to take out the fuze of the bomb, Sokov couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief. He waved to Vasya to signal him to continue working, and then he said to Sidolin: "Chief of Staff, Please help me, let's not stay here to interfere with the work of the engineers, let's go back to the headquarters first."

With the support of Sidolin, Sokov staggered back to the headquarters. After he sat down at the table, he unexpectedly found that the microphone was still on the table. Then he remembered that he was talking with Krylov when the bomb fell. He quickly grabbed the microphone and put it to his ear. hang up the phone.

"Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff." Although he heard a voice coming from the earpiece, Sokov asked for safety, "Are you still there?"

After a while, Krylov's anxious voice came from the receiver: "Colonel Sokov, what happened to you, why did I hear it in such a mess?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, please listen to my explanation." Seeing Krylov's questioning, Sokov quickly explained to him: "Just now a bomb penetrated the soil layer and fell on the corridor outside the division headquarters... ..." He gave Krylov a detailed report of what happened not long ago.

After listening to Sokov's report, Krylov was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious: "Colonel Sokov, don't forget your identity. You are the leader of a division, and you have thousands of soldiers under your command. Who gave you the right to risk your own life? If something happens to you, what will the army do?..."

Facing a series of questions from Krylov, Sokov did not say a word, but waited for the other party to finish speaking before saying unhurriedly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, seeing such a big bomb hanging on the top of the corridor, It is possible to fall at any time, and individuals will be afraid. If I evacuate first in this situation, the remaining staff officers and signal soldiers may fall into chaos when they see that the commander is not there. When the bomb hits, it will cause huge casualties in the tunnel. It is with this in mind that I decided to stay temporarily so that other members of the command will not panic when they evacuate."

When Sokov was reporting to Krylov, Chuikov had been standing beside Krylov and listening. After listening to Sokov's explanation, he took the microphone from Krylov and said into the microphone: "Colonel Sokov, I have already cleared up the matter. This time the situation is special. In order not to arouse comrades It is commendable that you took the initiative to stay and stabilize people's hearts. But let me remind you again, you are now the commander of the division, not the commander of the company or battalion. It is enough for such a thing once, and it will not be an example. Understand? "

"Understood!" Seeing that Cuikov didn't want to pursue the matter, Sokov quickly and loudly agreed.

He had just put the receiver on the pedestal of the telephone when Vasya walked through the door with a cup-shaped object in one hand. Vasya came to Sokov, stretched out the hand holding the thing in front of Sokov, and reported to him: "Comrade commander, the fuse of the bomb has been successfully removed."

Sokov had never seen what a bomb's fuze looked like before. Hearing that Vasya said that the thing in his hand was the fuze, he couldn't help but look at it curiously. I saw that the fuze of the bomb was in the shape of a cup. The upper part was threaded for fixing, while the lower part was completely smooth.

Sidolin picked up a fuze, looked at it carefully for a long time, then raised his head and asked Vasya: "Comrade Lieutenant, is there no danger of the bomb exploding?"

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff." Vasya nodded vigorously, and said in a positive tone: "The fuze has been dismantled, and the bomb will not explode again. The only danger now is that when the bomb falls, it may hurt people passing by." people."

"Thank you, Comrade Lieutenant." After returning the fuze in his hand to Vasya, Sidolin said to him in a grateful tone: "Please express my gratitude to your soldiers on my behalf, thank them for eliminating the greatest threat for us .”

After Vasya left, Sokov was considering how to inform those who had left to return to their posts, but saw Ivanov walking in from the outside. As soon as he saw Sokov and Sidolin sitting at the table, he stretched out his hand, crossed himself on his chest, and said loudly: "Thank God, it's good to see that you two are all right."

"What can we do? The bomb disposal was done by the comrades of the engineering company. We just watched from the sidelines." After Sukov finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he hadn't sent anyone to call Ivanov. He ran back unexpectedly, and quickly asked, "Comrade deputy division commander, where did you stay just now, why did you come back so soon?"

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander, I resolutely obey your orders and take the comrades from the headquarters to Beigang." Ivanov was afraid that Sukov would misunderstand, so he quickly explained to him: "But I sent someone Observe nearby, and if there is any new situation, he will call me in time. But after I learned that the engineers had successfully dismantled the fuse, I knew the danger was over, so I took my comrades back from Beigang.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the staff officers and communications soldiers who had just left all filed in from the door. They formed a neat queue not far from Sokov and Sidolin, and someone in the queue shouted: "Salute!" Everyone raised their hands to Sokov and Sidolin according to the password. A solemn military salute was paid.

After Sokov and Sidolin raised their hands to salute them, Sidolin smiled and said: "Comrades, the danger has been eliminated, you all go back to your respective posts to work."

When everyone returned to their jobs, Sokov picked up the phone and called the guard battalion, asking Seryosha to bring a squad of soldiers over and stay in the corridor to observe the defused bomb. Once the bomb falls from the sky above the corridor, immediately organize people to remove the bomb.

Seryozha led the people to wait in the corridor for two or three hours, and the bomb hanging above the corridor finally fell with a bang. Since the fuze had long since been dismantled, the fall of the bomb posed no danger other than a cloud of dust. Seeing that the bomb had fallen, Seryozha immediately tied the bomb with a rope with the soldiers and dragged it away from the gate of the headquarters.

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