Red Moscow

Chapter 808 The Reaction of All Parties

Gutchakov is about to organize a partisan detachment for an offensive behind enemy lines, which is a great event. Even though he didn't explain anything to Samoilov when he left, Samoilov felt that he had an obligation to report the matter to the division headquarters.

Before the detachment set off, Sukov specially equipped them with two radios considering the complex situation behind the enemy lines and the possible division of troops in the detachment. Although Guchakov took away a radio station, it did not affect Samoilov's use of another radio station to report Guchakov's actions in detail to the division headquarters.

Sidolin was shocked when he received the telegram from Samoilov. He hurried back to the table, put the telegram in front of Sokov, and said anxiously: "Comrade commander, look, this It was a telegram from Lieutenant Samoilov, saying that Guchakov was going to gather a large partisan force for an offensive in the enemy's rear."

After reading the contents of the telegram quickly, Sokov did not express his opinion, but handed it to Ivanov, who was looking forward to it, and asked calmly: "Comrade deputy commander, what do you think about this matter?" What do you think?"

"Absurd, it's simply absurd!" As soon as Ivanov read the content of the telegram, he immediately burst into flames: "Comrade commander, Guchakov is so hasty, he doesn't even think about how many people we can gather behind enemy lines." Troops, is there enough ammunition, is there any heavy weapons to attack? If the enemy reinforces, how should they deal with it? He didn't even figure out these things, so he hurriedly prepared to launch an attack. I don't see how his offensive will be successful What effect, on the contrary, will also cause heavy losses to our guerrillas operating in this area."

Sokov waited for Ivanov to finish speaking, and was silent for a long time before looking up at the anxious Sidolin and asking, "Comrade Chief of Staff, in this telegram from Lieutenant Samoilov, why didn't you mention When it comes to where Guchakov is going to attack, how many troops will go into battle?"

Sokov's words stopped Sidolin, who was stunned for a while, and then said in an uncertain tone: "Comrade commander, Lieutenant Samoilov mentioned in the telegram that Guchakov and a The guerrilla leader went to the camp of the Ignatov brothers' guerrillas, and planned to convene a meeting with the guerrilla leaders there to formulate a proper attack plan."

"You're right, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov pushed the telegram Ivanov put on the table in front of Sidolin, and said with a normal expression: "Our battle with Captain Guchakov If you don't even understand the plan, how do you know whether the offensive he organizes will be successful?"

Although Sokov looked at what Sidolin said, Ivanov, who was sitting next to him, still blushed. He knew in his heart that Sokov was denying his point of view in a disguised form.

From Sukov's words, Sidolin heard that the other party seemed to agree with Guchakov's actions, so he tentatively asked: "Mr. Comrade, what should we do next?"

"Send a telegram to Guchakov immediately," Sokov said lightly, "ask him to report the detailed battle plan."

"Understood, I will ask the radio operator to send him a report immediately, and let him report the battle plan." Sidolin walked a few steps in the direction of the radio, stopped again, and turned to ask Sokov: "Comrade commander, this matter has nothing to do with it." Significant, do you think it is necessary to report to the Army Command?"

"You are right in reminding." After Sidolin's reminder, Sokov immediately realized that no matter what the results of Guchakov's guerrilla forces in the enemy's rear were, it would have a certain impact on the situation in Stalingrad. , Therefore, it is necessary to ask Cuikov to report this matter, so that the other party can know: "I will call Comrade Commander personally and report this matter to him."

After Sidolin walked away, Sokov picked up the phone on the table and asked the communications soldier to connect to the headquarters. Hearing Krylov's voice coming from the receiver, he immediately said respectfully: "Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff! I'm Sokov. I have something important to report to you immediately!"

Krylov was woken up from his sleep by the ringing of the phone. He was still a little dazed at this moment. Hearing Sokov's words, he said weakly: "Colonel Sokov, what happened? Has Mamayev Post launched a powerful offensive?" After saying this, he instinctively raised his hand to look at his watch, and found that it was only three o'clock in the morning, and it was still early before dawn, so he said to himself, "If today's It’s not yet light, and the Germans don’t dare to attack us without the support of planes, tanks and artillery, so what’s going on?”

"That's right, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sukov heard that Krylov had just woken up, and in order to let him hear every word he said, he deliberately slowed down his speech: "Didn't we have a small Are some of them operating behind enemy lines..."

"Yes, yes, I remember this. They also destroyed a field airport of the German army two days ago, destroyed forty enemy planes, and achieved remarkable results." When Sukov mentioned the activities behind the enemy The sub-team, Krylov suddenly regained his spirits. He guessed that what Sokov wanted to report must be related to this sub-team, so he couldn't wait to ask: "Is the content of your report related to them?"

"That's right, Comrade Chief of Staff." Seeing that Krylov had guessed his intentions, Sokov continued, "I just received a telegram from Lieutenant Samoilov, and he reported to me that Gu Tsarkov has gone to the camp of the Ignatov brothers' guerrillas, and is preparing to gather several guerrillas to launch an offensive in the enemy's rear..."

Krylov, who was still a little confused at first, was immediately frightened and disappeared after hearing Sukov's words. He stood up suddenly from his seat and asked loudly: "What do you mean?" What, is it true that Captain Guchakov is going to gather partisans for an offensive behind enemy lines?"

"I think it should be true." In order to make his words more convincing, Sokov specially mentioned Samoilov's previous identity, "The telegram was sent to me by Lieutenant Samoilov. It used to belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so it would never lie about such an important matter."

After listening to Krylov, he calmed down and asked again: "Then do you know how many troops Captain Guchakov can gather and where is he going to launch an offensive? After the offensive is over, how do they plan to withdraw from the battlefield?" ?”

Facing a series of questions from Krylov, Sokov could only shake his head and regretfully replied: "I'm sorry, Comrade Chief of Staff, I can't answer your questions for the time being."

"Can't answer me for the time being?" Sokov's words irritated Krylov a little. He raised his voice and asked, "What are you doing as a division commander? You don't even know the attack plan of your subordinates?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I didn't mean to be secretive, I really don't know." Sokov heard the other party get angry, and replied helplessly: "Captain Guchakov who made the battle plan didn't report to me at all, or Samoilov reported to me privately."

Krylov's loud voice woke up Chuikov who was on the side. He looked up at his chief of staff and asked in a daze, "Chief of staff, what happened to make you so angry?"

Seeing that Chuikov was woken up by himself, Krylov quickly covered the microphone with his hand, and repeated the situation reported by Sokov to Chuikov. After hearing what Krylov said, Chuikov immediately reached out to take the microphone, and asked bluntly: "Colonel Sokov, I am Chuikov. Since you don't know Captain Guchakov's battle plan, send a message immediately to ask He, maybe the offensive he launched behind the enemy lines can change the situation of the enemy and ourselves in the city."

"I have asked Sidolin to report to Guchakov and ask him to report the battle plan immediately." After Suokov made a brief report, he cautiously reminded Chuikov: "Comrade commander, even if Guchakov gathers enough troops , but I think it is very difficult to complete the task of attacking the fortifications. After all, most of the guerrillas operating in the enemy's rear have no experience in regular warfare, and the troops lack ammunition and lack the heavy weapons needed to attack the fortifications..."

"Colonel Sokov, I admit that the difficulties you mentioned exist." Chuikov waited for Sokov to finish speaking, and immediately expressed his opinion: "But my opinion is different from yours." Kefu asked, and he went on to say, "The enemy's elite troops are now fighting our army in the city, and those troops left in the rear will be greatly reduced in combat effectiveness. I believe that if Guchakov can gather Sufficient forces, and launching an offensive in areas where the enemy's defenses are weak, it is entirely possible to achieve very brilliant results."

Sokov still doesn't know where Guchakov is going to attack, how many troops he can mobilize, and what kind of equipment the guerrillas will have. It is unwise to argue with Chuikov when nothing is clear, so he replied cautiously: "Comrade Commander, I will report to you as soon as Guchakov's call comes back."

"Okay then, Colonel Sokov." Knowing that Guchakov didn't report the battle plan, it would be useless to say more, so he said smoothly, "I'll wait for your report."

Sokov originally thought that after Sidolin sent a message to Guchakov, he would receive a call back from the other party within half an hour at most. As a result, I waited until noon before I received a call back from Guchakov with a detailed battle plan.

Seeing that there were too many contents in the telegram, Sidolin handed it over to Sokov before he had time to read it carefully. Sokov put several telegrams on the table so that both Sidolin and Ivanov could read them with him. After reading Guchakov's battle plan, Sokov couldn't help taking a breath, and he said in surprise: "My God, Guchakov's big handwriting, if it really succeeds, he is attacking the factory The enemies in the area will definitely stop for two days."

After seeing the telegram, Sidolin nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Sokov. He hesitated for a moment, but he still asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, since the battle plan has been reported, do you want to report it to the headquarters immediately?"

"Needless to say, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov guessed that Cuikov and the others might be impatient for waiting for this battle plan, so they had to report to them immediately: "I'll call the commander immediately."

Although the telephone line at the headquarters was busy, the operator heard that Sokov was calling the commander, so he gave priority to connecting him. As soon as Sokov heard Chuikov's voice, he quickly said: "Comrade Commander, Captain Guchakov has reported the battle plan..."

"The battle plan has been reported?!" Cuikov's surprised voice came from the receiver: "Quickly read it to me."

Sokov looked down at the telegram on the table, and reported to Chuikov unhurriedly: "Comrade Commander, Captain Guchakov intends to launch an offensive in the north of Nadezhda to seize the German-occupied No. 564 km station and Kotluba station, destroy all the supplies that the enemy has hoarded in the two stations..."

Chuikov quickly found the two stations mentioned by Sokov on the map, and asked anxiously, "How many troops can they attack?"

"Guchakov, with the help of the two brothers Mishika and Vovka, assembled eleven guerrilla units with a total strength of about 2,000." Guchakov mobilized far more troops than Soko According to the husband's imagination, he thought there could be five or six hundred people at most, but he didn't expect it to be three or four times more: "But the weapons and equipment are a bit poor, and there is also a lack of heavy weapons for attacking fortifications. But don't worry about this. In Guchako There are still some new rockets in the hands of Captain Fu, so it shouldn’t be a big problem to destroy the enemy’s solid defense at the station.”

Chuikov was also stunned by the number of people called by Guchakov. After he paused for a moment, he asked tentatively: "Colonel Sokov, the two brothers Mishika and Vovga you mentioned are Ignatov. The captain of the brother guerrillas?"

"That's right, it's them." Sokov quickly replied: "The guerrilla group named after them has nearly 400 people who participated in the battle, and it is the strongest guerrilla group."

After confirming the location of the attack and the strength of the troops participating in the battle, Chuikov began to think about it, and he said thoughtfully: "Colonel Sokov, I think that only the few rockets that Guchakov and the others carried , I am afraid that it is not enough to completely destroy the enemy's solid defense in the station. I am thinking, can I provide them with any help?"

provide help? Hearing what Cuikov said, Sokov couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said to himself that there are mud Buddhas crossing the river in the city now, and it's difficult for him to protect himself. How can he help Guchakov and the others? Although he thought so in his heart, he pretended to be surprised and said: "Comrade commander, if you can provide them with the necessary support, I think they will be able to successfully capture the station occupied by the enemy. "

Chuikov didn't immediately tell Sokov what kind of help he would provide Guchakov and the others, but just said a few words casually, and then hung up the phone. As soon as he finished talking with Sokov, he called the communications director and told the other party: "Call me through the Front Command immediately. I have something important to report to Commander Yeremenko immediately."

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