Red Moscow

Chapter 813 Clearing out the remaining enemies in the factory area (Part 1)

Kisley guessed that this person might be the person he was looking for, so he first revealed his identity to relieve the other party's vigilance: "I am Lieutenant Colonel Kisley, deputy commander of the 187th Regiment of the 45th Division, and you are in our defense zone right now. Li. What's your name?"

"I'm Lieutenant Ivanov." The man in the white shirt replied weakly, "I'm a company commander of the 114th Regiment of the 41st Guards Division."

Hearing that the other party said that his name was Ivanov, which had the same name as the person he was looking for, all the soldiers around him heaved a sigh of relief, which meant that their mission had been completed. However, out of caution, Kisley continued to ask: "Your defense zone is to the south of the factory, why did you appear here?"

"Our company was ordered to blow up the road bridge. Because the enemy's firepower was too strong, we couldn't approach the bridge from the ground." Lieutenant Ivanov weakly explained: "The battalion commander thought of a way, that is, put the explosives in the gasoline barrel Float down the river to the bottom of the road bridge and detonate...”

After Ivanov finished speaking, Kisley confirmed that he was the person he was looking for, and then raised his head and said to the soldiers standing around: "What are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and bring the stretcher over and take Ivan Lieutenant Nove was sent to the division field hospital."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel," when Ivanov was carried on a stretcher by the soldiers, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly begged Kisley: "Please inform my troops that I have been washed downstream by the river." .” His purpose of doing this was to worry that the division would treat him as a missing person, which would be detrimental to his future.

"Don't worry, Comrade Lieutenant." Kisley saw what the other party was thinking, and explained to him with a smile: "Your division commander called and asked us to help find your whereabouts. When we return to the field hospital, we will I will immediately report the news of finding you to my superiors."

Kisley's words reassured Ivanov, and he lay on a stretcher with peace of mind, allowing friendly soldiers to carry him to the field hospital northeast of the factory.


After Chuikov learned that the three road bridges leading to the factory had been blown up, he discussed with Krylov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, the road bridges leading to the factory have all been blown up by our soldiers. That is to say, in a short period of time, the Germans cannot send more tanks or assault guns into the factory area, and we can use this precious time to kill all the tanks and assault guns that enter the factory area."

Krylov did not object to Chuikov's plan, but asked cautiously: "Which army do you think should be handed over to complete this task?"

"Call Colonel Bely," Chuikov thought for a while, and said to Krylov: "His tank brigade has lost almost all of its tanks after fighting during this period, and only a few remaining tanks have been buried in the ground." As a fixed firepower point. I think he should have enough power in his hands to complete this glorious task."

"I think it will work." Krylov immediately agreed to Chuikov's proposal: "I will immediately call Colonel Bely and assign him a combat mission."

Biely, who received the call, rushed over from his headquarters immediately. After saluting Chuikov and Krylov, he asked respectfully, "Commander, Chief of Staff, you asked me to come over, do you have any combat missions?"

After Chuikov and Krylov looked at each other, they turned to Bely and said, "Comrade Colonel, I called you over today. I do have an important task for you to complete."

Bely had been staying in the Dzerzhinsky factory during this time, and he was very clear about the situation in the factory. In order to prevent the two superiors from assigning him impossible tasks, he felt that it was necessary to vaccinate them in advance: "Two chiefs, after this period of fighting in our brigade, except for the four tanks whose tracks were blown off, all of them were buried. Apart from being a fixed fire point underground, there are no tanks anymore. If you want me to launch a counterattack against the enemy, I can only tell you with regret: sorry, I can't do it!"

"Don't worry, Colonel Bely." After hearing Bely's grievances, Chuikov said to him with a smile: "I know you have no tanks in your hands, and I didn't call you here today. Instead of leading the tank force to counterattack the enemy, I want you to send someone to destroy the enemy tanks in the factory area."

Bely looked at Chuikov in surprise and said, "Comrade Commander, my troops have no long-range anti-tank weapons, neither anti-tank guns nor anti-tank rifles. If you want us to destroy the German troops in the factory area Tanks, I'm afraid our brigade may be wiped out."

"Colonel Bely, you probably don't understand the situation yet." Seeing that Bely obviously didn't understand what he meant, Chuikov turned to Krylov and said, "Chief of Staff, tell him about the situation."

Krylov nodded, called Bely to the map, pointed to the location of the Dzerzhinsky factory, and said to him: "Comrade Colonel, you can see from the map that Dzerzhinsky's north and west , The south is surrounded by water on three sides, and if the enemy tanks want to rush into the factory area, they must use the road bridge over the river."

"That's right, that's right." Bely nodded slightly after Krylov finished speaking, and asked puzzledly, "But what does this have to do with letting us destroy the enemy's tanks?"

"You have been in the factory area recently. You should know that the German army occupied most of the factory area under the cover of tanks and assault guns, which greatly reduced the existing defense area of ​​our army." Krylov pointed with red and blue pencils. Looking at the map, he continued, "In order to change the unfavorable situation of our army in the factory area, we adopted a suggestion from Colonel Sokov, which is to send troops to blow up all the road bridges. In this way, the enemy's technical equipment and Logistical supplies can no longer be sent to the factory area. And the tanks and assault guns they rushed into the factory area during the day, after almost a day of tossing, there is a shortage of both ammunition and fuel. We only need to send a small force, It will take out these lying tanks and assault guns."

"So that's how it is." When Bely heard that Sokov was making plans again, he felt inexplicably relieved. He had worked with Sokov for a while, and he knew the other party's ability well. He even felt that no matter how unfavorable the situation was to his own side, as long as Sokov stepped out, he could immediately turn decay into magic and reverse the situation in time. At this moment, he learned that the German tanks and assault guns in the factory area had become lambs waiting to be slaughtered due to the lack of fuel and ammunition. Complete this task."

"Don't worry, Colonel Bely." Chuikov said with a smile: "After dark, send people to touch the enemy's tanks or assault guns and kill them with Molotov cocktails. If you are lucky, your troops may still We can achieve zero casualties.”

"Comrade Colonel," Krylov asked with great interest after handing Bely a cigarette, "Which company do you plan to send to carry out this mission?"

Bely took the cigarette, put it in his mouth, and was not in a hurry to light it. After thinking for a while, he replied: "I plan to let Lieutenant Alitai, the commander of the third company, carry out this task." Seeing Chuikov handing over the lit match, After he lit a cigarette with the help of a flame, he continued, "This lieutenant is Misha's old subordinate, and he was temporarily seconded to me. I think it is very appropriate for him to complete this task."

"Oh, it's Sokov's old subordinate?!" Krylov said in surprise: "So, he must be very familiar with Sokov's tactics, and if he leads the team to attack, he will definitely achieve good results. .”

After taking two puffs of cigarettes, Bely couldn't help sighing, and said to Chuikov: "Comrade Commander, almost all the tanks in our brigade have been reimbursed. It would be great if we could capture these German tanks and assault guns." ah."

"Even if it can be captured, it's useless." Chuikov shook his head and said, "We can solve the fuel used by tanks and assault guns; but what about the ammunition they need? If there is no ammunition, these tanks and assault guns will be a waste Heaps of scrap iron. Therefore, you must destroy all tanks and assault guns during the sneak attack, and absolutely must not allow the Germans to use them again. Understand?"

"Understood!" Bely threw the cigarette butt on the ground, straightened his body and replied, "Comrade Commander, will you allow me to go back to the army?"

"Go, go." Chuikov nodded and said to him with a smile, "I wish you good luck!"


Back at the base of the tank brigade, Bely ordered someone to call Lieutenant Alitai over, and said to him, "Comrade Lieutenant, I have an important task for you. I wonder if you have the confidence to complete it?"

"Comrade Brigadier," Ali Tai replied respectfully, "As long as I am alive, I promise to complete the tasks you entrusted to me."

"I just came back from the headquarters. The commander gave us an important task, to blow up all the German tanks and assault guns in the factory area tonight." Bely looked at Ali Tai and said, "I decided to send this honorable and The arduous task is entrusted to your company to complete."

"Comrade Brigadier." Ali Tai waited for Bely to finish speaking, and replied cautiously: "According to my observation, although the German army has only a dozen tanks and assault guns in the factory area, they are scattered in several places, and there are still a few of them. There are a large number of infantry, and it may be difficult to blow up all of them."

"The people I trust the most in the entire brigade are you and your subordinates." Bere felt that in order for Alitai and the others to carry out this task willingly, it was necessary to give him a high hat: "When it comes to sneaking attacks on the enemy, I am afraid that the entire army No one can compare to Colonel Sokov. You are all his subordinates, and you must be familiar with his tactics. I think it is most appropriate for you to sneak attack the enemy."

"Comrade Brigadier." Seeing that Bely put such a high hat on himself, Ali Tai was really a little dumbfounded. But an order is an order. Since the superior has assigned tasks to him, he can only execute them unconditionally. However, in order to better complete the task, he felt that he should make some requests: "Can I make some requests?"

"What request?" Bere said reasonably, "As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely agree."

"The enemy's tanks and assault guns are scattered in six areas," said Ali Tai, who hid in the ruins during the day and had carefully observed the enemy's tanks and assault guns. Therefore, he knew exactly where the enemy was when he planned to carry out a sneak attack. However, his current staff is short of manpower, and he is unable to attack so many targets at the same time: "I only have more than 20 people under my command. If I want to attack so many targets at the same time, I'm afraid you will need to send me more men."

He was afraid that Bely would not agree, and he specifically emphasized: "If you don't give me more manpower, we can only carry out sneak attacks one target after another. But as long as one German is attacked, the other places will be attacked." There will be precautions, which will lead to our sneak attack turning into a strong attack. Not to mention the places where tanks and assault guns are parked, there are so many infantry, even if there are no infantry, the machine gun firepower in the tank is enough to crush our sneak attack.”

"The tanks and assault guns you went to sneak attack have almost used up their ammunition and fuel after the day's toss." Bely explained to Alitai: "They are almost a pile of scrap iron, you just need to Concentrate on the German infantry."

Not to mention that Alitai's rank did not know that the road bridge outside the factory had been bombed. Even Colonel Bely, it was Chuikov and Krylov who only knew about the bombing of the road bridge when they handed over the mission to him. Ali Tai said cautiously: "Comrade Brigadier, even if the ammunition and fuel of the German tanks and assault guns are exhausted during the day, when it gets dark, their logistics supplies will continue to be transported into the factory area... "

"The Germans won't have any logistical supplies." Bely waved his hand and said: "Comrades from the 37th Guards Division and the 45th Infantry Division blew up the road bridge on the river outside the factory during the daytime. In other words, the tanks and assault guns in the factory area have become a pile of scrap iron due to lack of fuel and ammunition. When you go to sneak attack, you only need a Molotov cocktail to completely destroy them. On the contrary, you It is the enemy's infantry that the main force is to be directed against."

After learning that he was mainly dealing with German infantry when he was blowing up the tank, Ari Tai asked Bely again: "Comrade Brigadier Commander, I beg you again to send you more manpower to ensure the success of the sneak attack."

Seeing that Alitai proposed to send additional manpower again, Bie Lei was not angry, but asked calmly, "Comrade Lieutenant, how many people do you think I have given you to carry out a sneak attack on the area where tanks and assault guns are parked in the factory area at the same time?"

"Comrade Brigadier, I plan to use seven people as a combat team. If we want to attack six areas at the same time, we need forty-two people." Ali Tai said to Biely with his fingers: "Now I have only about twenty people under my command. , You need to add 20 people to me to complete the formation of the six combat teams."

"You only need twenty people?" Belei originally thought that Alitai would at least ask for a company from himself, but now when he found out that the other party only needed twenty people, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and replied straightforwardly: "I never Twenty fighters will be drawn from my own guard company and handed over to you to command."

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