Red Rebels

Six hundred and eighty-five: lose the ball and lose the person

685 Lose the ball, lose the person

At this moment, there are too many unexpected things in Villa's heart.

He never imagined that the first time he met the Red Rebels, he would appear in such a mess. At the Camp Nou, he didn't look like a forward at all, but more like a defender, a defender who was exhausted.

He never imagined that when he returned to the Red Rebel Stadium for the first time, he would receive thunderous boos from the fans who originally supported him, although he knew that the fans were not booing him as a person, but as a person. This jersey, but he still felt bad, after all, he was once one of the most popular players in this stadium.

What he didn't even expect was that in this game, Barcelona would get a penalty kick in such a way. He saw it clearly, but he couldn't say it because he knew that there were some things that he would never say in his life. Finished

However, what surprised him most was that he would stand at the penalty spot and face his former teammate Petr Cech.

As a player, he knew very well that if the penalty kick was scored, even if the Red Rebels were lagging behind, he had to score. His professional ethics prompted him to score the penalty kick, otherwise, he would Become a sinner for Barcelona fans.

Villa is a person who distinguishes between public and private affairs, so he quickly sorted out these thoughts and took a few steps back.

When the referee blew the whistle, he immediately stepped forward and pushed the ball directly, but Cech pounced to the left and the ball went in:

There were only sparse cheers from Barcelona fans, and the Red Rebel fans were silent for several seconds before bursting into even more violent boos. This time, they included Villa.



"What a bunch of liars," Walsh yelled angrily.

Xiao Yu's face is also very gloomy, but there is not much expression. After all, he is used to it. The live TV cameras will probably look for him at this time. If he gets angry, the media will make a big fuss the next day.

This is like those actors competing for the Oscar winner. When the award presenter says a name that is not theirs, they have to act and know how to hide their emotions. Even if they were extremely regretful and disappointed at the time, they all Smile and make a congratulatory expression.

Besides, Xiao Yu has experienced a lot, especially in his previous life. He has seen too many behaviors of movie stars like Barcelona.

When I was a fan,

He would feel that UEFA was not doing anything, but after coming to this world and understanding the rules of football, he began to understand that sometimes football is like this.

Of course, the attitude of the Red Rebels will still be very tough this time, and UEFA must thoroughly investigate this matter. He will not make it easy for Pedro, nor will it make it easy for Barcelona.

But on the court, he must pray that Mourinho's team can defeat the opponent in the remaining 0 minutes.



Time passed by, Mourinho replaced Drogba and Beckham, Guardiola replaced Oleg and Pedro. At this time, Barcelona had shrunk into its own penalty area. , completely defensive.

The Red Rebels seemed helpless against this kind of iron barrel formation. Even though they got a lot of opportunities in the frontcourt, they still couldn't break Barcelona's iron barrel formation because Guardiola had decided to eliminate this ugly and conservative formation. tactics until the end.

Not seeking beautiful artistic football, just seeking to defeat the Red Rebels

The Red Rebels bombed wildly and Barcelona was in turmoil. Even at the last minute, the Red Rebels continued to attack relentlessly. However, in the end, the Red Rebels had to accept a tragedy, that is, the game was over.

In a 90-minute game, there is no need for overtime, no penalty shootout, nothing. The battle ends within 80 minutes.

Two draws, the Red Rebels were eliminated by Barcelona

The situation was changing, and this sentence suddenly came to Xiao Yu's mind. No one in this world can always win without defeat.

Although the Red Rebels have Ronaldinho, Messi, Cesc Fabregas, Aguero, Drogba and other top stars in Xiao Yu's previous life, it is still difficult to break through Barcelona's iron barrel formation, just like a gathering of stars. Real Madrid will also lose to the C-level team. If he were interviewed at this time, Xiao Yu could only say with a wry smile, this is the charm of football.

Can he be angry?

No, that will only make people laugh at the fact that the Red Rebels cannot afford to lose.

Just like Ferguson said, it doesn't matter if you lose, you can never lose to others.

Barcelona won the ball, but they lost the man, so the Red Rebels didn't need to do anything at this time. The eyes of the world are sharp, they all know how to distinguish right from wrong, and they all know how to see what is going on.



"Perhaps it was affected by the scene and result of the game. Although Barcelona won, the players of Barcelona showed no interest in celebrating. They all lowered their heads, just like the defeated roosters, and the fans of Barcelona did not have any intention to celebrate. cheered with joy as if they were the losers.”

"On the contrary, it was the Red Rebels who lost. The fans sang the loud team song. They were celebrating and cheering."

"Yes, to be able to force Barcelona, ​​which claims to be noble and proud, into this situation, and even had to rely on a despicable dive to win a penalty kick, the Red Rebels were undoubtedly successful. Although they lost, they won They have won the respect of everyone, and they are still the most feared super team in Europe."

"I believe that these two rounds of games this season will teach Barcelona a good lesson and let them understand that they can lose so miserably. Even if they win from the score point of view, from the heart and from the fans' In the eyes, they have completely lost, lost the ball, and also lost the person."

Guardiola seemed a little excited. After all, he really defeated the powerful Red Rebels, so he wanted to walk over and meet Mourinho, but as soon as the Portuguese saw him coming, he immediately turned around and left without even a trace. He didn't even save face, leaving Guardiola standing there in embarrassment.

But Mourinho did not leave the field. He walked onto the turf, came to the players, hugged them one by one, encouraged and supported them, but it could be seen that the defeat in this game made them all feel sad. Very unwilling.

The Barcelona players not far away felt the anger in the eyes of the Red Rebel players. They all looked away with a guilty conscience and did not dare to look over. Even Abidal and Billy, who originally wanted to come over to comfort their friends. Ya and Hleb did not dare to come over until the end, because they were both guilty, even though they were not the ones who were wrong.

"Don't be like this, Cesc, be strong." Mourinho pulled Fabregas hard and pulled him up from the grass.

I don't know when it started, but the Spaniard was crying uncontrollably.

He is blaming himself, feeling guilty

If he hadn't been affected by Barcelona's psychological tactics in the round and was unbalanced, the team might not be tied. If he could beat Barcelona in the round, then the result would be completely different when he returns to the Red Rebel Stadium.

Although he was the most dazzling player on the pitch for the Red Rebels in the second round, he was unable to prevent the team from losing, and he was annoyed with the way the defeat was done and wanted to find a place Damn, if he could, he really wanted to have a fight with Harvey, but he knew he couldn't, so he could only hug his knees and cry bitterly.

"We just lost one game, not everything. We will come back next season, ** those bastards." Mourinho pulled Fabregas tightly.

At this time, the surrounding teammates also came closer, each one supporting and comforting Fabregas.

Ronaldinho was also sitting alone on the grass. He was stronger than Fabregas. He did not cry, but his heart was even more uncomfortable than crying because he failed to score in the two rounds. This was too much. He's fucking bad

You must know that this season is Ronaldinho's best season. He has scored goals in the English League and is the top scorer in England this season. He will also be the biggest favorite for the Golden Boot Award in Europe this season. In addition to In addition, he has scored 9 goals in the Champions League this season and is currently the most popular top scorer in the Champions League.

Although Ronaldinho has no appearance records in the FA Cup and League Cup, he has scored 40 goals just by relying on the League and Champions League. His scoring efficiency and form are evident, but unfortunately, in He was very annoyed that he failed to score when he needed it most.

But it's useless to be angry anymore, the game is over



The game was over, but the bar was quiet. Even Mike looked weak after drinking.

There was deathly silence, and everyone was silent for half a minute before a burst of curses broke out.

The fans' scolding is more to vent their anger. If the team's performance is too poor, they will scold the players, the coach, and even the management. But now they will only scold Barcelona because the Red Rebel players are in their minds. , the performance is already outstanding enough.

"Mike, let's go to the Red Rebel Stadium. I think those bastards from Barcelona haven't left yet."

Someone next to me suddenly suggested it, and it was immediately agreed by most fans.

"Okay, go to the Red Rebel Stadium, let's stop their bus and kill those bastard liars." Mike immediately agreed.

A group of people hurried out of the bar, and soon the more than 20 fans drove to the Red Rebel Stadium.

As fans, they were naturally familiar with everything about the stadium. They stood directly at the entrance and exit of the bus. Unexpectedly, they were not the only ones at the scene. There were more Red Rebel fans like them who came to the scene and blocked the crowd. Entrance.

When the Barcelona team bus drove out of the parking lot, the fans immediately swarmed up. The police who were maintaining order were so frightened that they quickly stopped them, but they still could not stop the surging fans.

"Liar, shameless liar, bitch liar, you stole our victory"

"Go away, go back to Spain, you shameless liars"

The fans looked very fierce, and some even grabbed stones and threw them. The players in the car were so frightened that they all shrank in their seats and did not dare to peek out for fear of being hit by stones accidentally.

Although angry, the Red Rebels fans did not do anything too outrageous. After all, if fans make trouble these days, they will only suffer losses for the club they love. Not only the fans of the Red Rebels, but also anyone who truly loves the team. Fans will not do anything that damages the club's image and interests.

The Barcelona team bus left in despair, but there were still many fans following in their cars and continuing to curse.

More and more fans were following on the road. It was obvious that they were preparing to vent their anger against Barcelona in this way, because they used despicable means to steal a victory that should have belonged to the Red Rebels.

The fans cursed all the way and sent Barcelona out of Manchester, but there were still many Red Rebels fans at the scene who did not leave for a long time. They were either standing at the gate, as if they were lost, or at the bus entrance, waiting for the ball. The team's departure.

When the players came out on the bus, they received completely different treatment from Barcelona. The fans encouraged them with songs to comfort their wounded hearts, hoping that they could get out of the shadows as soon as possible.

As the on-site commentator of the game said, judging from the two rounds of the game, the Red Rebels almost had an absolute advantage. Barcelona's total number of shots in the two games was less than double digits, and they only had only three shots on target. It includes Villa's penalty kick. From here, we can see the advantage of the Red Rebels in the two rounds.

However, Barcelona used extremely conservative tactics and used the iron barrel formation to withstand the Red Rebels' offensive in two rounds, and then used an intentional deception of a penalty kick and took advantage of the referee's mistake to defraud a penalty kick. , and then eliminated the Red Rebels, who deserved to be in the Final Four more than they did.

"This is not the responsibility of the Red Rebels. After all, they have done well enough. Even if we really want to blame, we can only blame the Red Rebels for the decline in final goal efficiency, especially Ronaldinho and Aguero. And players like Messi, in front of Barcelona’s iron barrel formation, and under the interference of Barcelona players everywhere, their shooting sights plummeted.”

"But no matter what, the Red Rebels definitely have reason to be angry about the result."

After the game, when Xiao Yu was interviewed by the media, he also stated in a high-profile manner that he had sent some information about the game to UEFA and would file a complaint against Barcelona for their actions on the field.

"If they beat us with an honest game, I would applaud them. We are not the kind of team that cannot afford to lose, but unfortunately, they used despicable tricks. I don't think it is a victory for football. This kind of cheating on penalty kicks should be stopped on the pitch."

But in fact, even Xiao Yu knew how difficult it was.

Even though Xiao Yu has a good eye for UEFA, but you just need to think about it, among those super forwards, who has not had the experience of diving to cheat a penalty kick? Which wealthy team has not suffered the benefits of misjudgment?

Maybe from a certain perspective, flopping does cause controversy, but isn't it precisely these kinds of controversies that attract more attention? Let more fans, or non-fans, pay attention to football?

That’s why FIFA, as a leader in the football industry, always says that misjudgments are part of football.

But as a victim, Xiao Yu had to show his attitude. He was determined to fight Barcelona to the end, and UEFA quickly made a penalty.

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