Red sand dust

Chapter 270 Order Arrow

Daimaru said so much, what made these children who had gone through several days of tests the most happy was the qualification of official ninja.

From the time they were young, they were educated to become ninjas. When they failed the graduation test, they felt the despair of not knowing what to do, which is still unforgettable to this day.

There has never been a clear commitment from Daimaru, and some young people who were worried about gains and losses have finally let go of the idea.

Although there are only nine places, it means that nearly one-third of the thirteen people present will be eliminated.

But if you want to become a ninja, where is the competition? Losers who have already suffered one blow are lucky to get an extra chance.

What's more, the passing rate of about two-thirds is already very high. There is no need to be at the top. It is enough to perform well and be better than the few at the bottom.

If the facts are not before our eyes, how many young and energetic teenagers will think that they are the worst group?

"Quiet, don't be too happy first..."

Daimaru interrupted the boys and girls who were excited and noisy because of Daimaru's words,

"Although the village has given me a few places, it may not necessarily be you. It is possible that all of you will fail and be eliminated..."

In an instant, a bucket of cold water was poured over the somewhat excited thoughts.

"I don't know if you are lucky to be chosen by me! In any case, it will be very difficult next time. Since you want to be a ninja, don't think that I will treat you as kindly as the teachers at the ninja school. I I didn’t come here to play ninja games with you..."

Daimaru, with a malicious smile on his face, waved his hand, and Qian, who had been waiting for a long time, opened the curtain in front of everyone, revealing the half-body wing armor that had been prepared for a long time.

"Are these all for us?"

The little girl with short black hair who was closest to Daimaru looked at the metallic wing armor with excitement.

There are thirteen pairs in total, the appearance is exactly the same, but the colors are different, red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, purple, white and black. Brown, pink, gray and brown are arranged in a row. The half-body armor, including the helmet and goggles, is equipped with a pair of large V-shaped flying wings with a wingspan of nearly 2.5 meters on the back, just above the waist. At first glance, it looks like a crane about to fly. generally.

Even if you have seen it in light projections, or even used it in illusions, the shock of seeing it in front of you is still different.

"If you want to make it something that belongs to you, you have to work hard. Each person chooses one, and it will be your most important partner for more than two months. The color will be your code name during training, until I agree to change it Until your names are written on the ninja registration card! I think you probably don’t want to be destined by fate, so in the end you can’t even let me remember your name!”

The trainees have all gone back, and of course they cannot take the wing armor with them.

Daimaru looked blankly at the winged armor that he had placed great hopes on. He didn't know how much thought he had spent on turning the designs on paper into real objects.

The material value of a single set of wing armor is higher than that of an ordinary puppet. Including the labor costs, the favors of asking the puppet masters to help, and the tangible and intangible support of the village, just a few students who have just graduated from the ninja school want to have it?

With those young people's family backgrounds, they may not be able to afford a wing armor after a lifetime of hard work.

Thirteen ninja tools were created by the puppet masters from almost the entire Sand Hidden Village. The interests involved were astonishingly huge. Daimaru didn't have such a big appetite, so it was impossible to swallow them all and give some to others. , which not only speeds up the manufacturing of wing suits so as not to slow down the progress of forming an aerial team, but also allows others to share some of the pressure, making Daimaru less conspicuous.

Being too greedy is not a good thing, and money is not that important compared to Jonin qualifications. If the money is gone, you can make it again. Opportunities for promotion as a ninja don't come around all the time.

Nara Shikamaru is a lesson learned from the past. Even though everyone knew that he had the ability to be a chunin, he didn't even get a chance to perform in the chunin exam, and his hard-won promotion mission failed. So now, the next time he is promoted to chunin The opportunity is still far away.

Daimaru never forgot his identity as a ninja, and he could not delay business for a little money.

"Daimaru, the way you lectured just now, you looked like a big shot with great power and wanton actions, full of majesty..."

Qian said with a smile.

"If you are really dignified, you don't need to pretend to be evil..."

Daimaru smiled and shook his head,

"Real big shots don't need to show off their power at all; the humbler the little guy, the more they need to show off the feathers in their hands, otherwise who will listen to you?"

Once you have the power, you will carry out your orders!

If Daimaru hadn't held the key to their becoming ninjas, they wouldn't have listened to Daimaru's instructions with a low eyebrow.

Not many sand ninjas have good tempers. Do you really think that fists can conquer everything? Without any entanglement of interests, Mr. "Red Sand Dust" is nothing in their eyes.

"I thought you were already the number one figure, but it turns out you're still far from it..."

In the past few days, Chiwa Yeme, who had been enjoying the pleasure of bossing around with pretentiousness and pretentiousness, almost had the illusion of pulling the flag and setting off a firecracker, but was exposed mercilessly by Daimaru.

"What good thing are you thinking about? If you don't take responsibility, others won't take you seriously. I, the boss, are just a chuunin, so I can scare these ignorant children. When they become official ninjas, if I haven’t made much progress yet, and it’s probably hard to command them…”

"No, maybe they will be grateful to you. Without this opportunity, they wouldn't even be able to become ninjas..."

Daimaru chuckled and said:

"You are too naive. Maybe they will think that I didn't pick them and there will be a more glorious future waiting for them. Anyway, it has not happened. They can imagine whatever they want! It is difficult for things like kindness to last long. If there is no The benefits are not worth mentioning! Moreover, I just want to take advantage of the opportunity to become a Jonin and increase the bargaining chip for Gaara to ascend to the position of Kazekage Fifth Generation. Hold them firmly in my hands, body I don’t want to be trapped in a whirlpool of power and profit..."

Daimaru's eyes have never been on this small one-third of an acre of land. Since he has no intention of competing for the position of Kazekage Fifth Generation, he will naturally not focus on fighting for power, business wars, farming, and conspiracy.

"After accumulating resources for so long, you two can exchange them for an opportunity to improve your physical fitness. Don't you think about it?"

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