Red sand dust

Chapter 463: Tired Enemy

If a ninja is careless, danger will always arise unexpectedly.

The sand ninjas of Kaijing Mountain Castle suppressed their sorrowful thoughts for the fallen compatriots who were guarding the distant attack armed battle formation and the city. When they took the time to rescue the injured, amidst the noise, they looked up and saw a meteor-like fireball falling.

The people who looked at such a wonderful scene with their mouths wide open felt a flash of fire in the distance, flying sand and dust, rising and spreading in all directions, and all kinds of poisonous smoke were blown away without any resistance.

A few seconds later, the deafening violent sound was transmitted to Kaijing Mountain City along with the shock wave.

"The defense troops move forward, others hide..."

The air flow mixed with the rapidly flying sand grains cut the exposed skin of the unsuspecting Sand Ninja all over.

The defensive wall made up of sand and soil, supported by the sand ninja in front, barely managed to fall down.

Fortunately, the shock wave came and went quickly. After all, Kaijingshan City was a bit far away from the center of the fall, so the damage caused by the wave was not great.

The Iwa Ninja who were at the center of the attack were not so lucky. If they were not tens of meters deep underground with a thick earth wall blocking the shock wave, they might have all been wiped out long ago.

Even with the protection of Onoki, who had keen intuition and early warning, many Iwa ninjas had their ears bleeding, and their heads were violently concussed and they fainted.

Most of those who could still stand were dizzy and obviously out of shape.

In mid-air, looking at the center of the crystallized explosion, the severely injured Iwa ninjas still had the energy to fight again, and Daimaru couldn't help but admire them.

The Iwa ninja who is known as the strongest defensive ability is not unworthy of his reputation.

Of course, if his subordinates were stronger and could carry heavier rocks to the sky, Iwa Ninja would probably die.

In the past, those subordinates whose flying ability was only half a bucket of water, whether they could fly so high was a problem. Now that they are much more skilled, they gathered everyone's strength and managed to form an air combat force with some deterrence. From now on , they shouldn’t be underestimated as a hit-and-run “vegetarian abuse unit”!

Although many Iwa ninjas fell down, not many died on the spot. Akatsuchi, who was severely injured, was able to stand up after emergency treatment and cooperated with his companions to perform earth escape ninjutsu. His resilience was really surprising.

"If you can't kill him with one blow, can you hold on and wear the enemy to death?" Sure enough, he has the style of the Iwa Ninja, and it is not without reason that he can beat the Sand Ninja to the ground with his weak personal strength! 』

In terms of being brave and good at fighting, Suna Ninja is not inferior to other Ninja Villages. The reason for repeated defeats is still lack of foundation. Unlike Konoha Village, which has a large number of people, is not as rich as Kumo Ninja, and is not as good at teamwork as Iwa Ninja. Therefore, he could not scare outsiders, but instead played himself half disabled in the blood mist. The Suna Ninja was sure to be able to overcome it.

"If it doesn't work once, do it again?" 』

Daimaru, who had made up his mind, was not indecisive and directly signaled his subordinates to throw down the last stone bullet.

In a moment, another bolide fell from the sky, and its target was still the shocked Iwa Ninja.

Onoki, who was on guard against Daimaru's further attack, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Ten seconds later, the Iwa ninjas who were about to suffer misfortune again could no longer withstand the torture. Ohnoki, who suppressed his physical discomfort, gathered all the chakra in his body and aimed at the rapidly approaching Bolide.

The dust escape beam spread extremely quickly, directly hitting the stone ball that was violently rubbing against the air, turning part of it into dust, and then exploded suddenly.

The huge stone ball split into small pieces. After the speed was greatly reduced, it fell like hot magma balls like raindrops.

Such a scene looked very spectacular to the Sand Ninja. The Iwa Ninja below seemed to have seen the sky collapse. Fortunately, it looked terrifying, but in fact, its power was greatly reduced. The remaining Iwa Ninja used Earth Release again to create a wall. The earth wall protected itself from being hit by the rain of fire.

Just when the Iwa ninjas were lucky to have escaped disaster, Daimaru, who was ready to go, swooped directly. The shadow that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye instantly penetrated the long distance and the Iwa ninja's defensive formation, and came to Ohnoki. He grabbed the short Onoki's head.

"Old man, do you have the habit of praying to God?"

The secret skill of Wind Escape - Dark Elegy reappeared after a long absence. The Wind Escape in the palm of his hand turned into a fierce wind tornado, attacking Ohnoki mercilessly. Ohnoki resisted the pain, and the earth escape armor on the surface of his body was peeled off piece by piece, and his right hand He used Earth Release: Fist Rock and bombarded Daimaru, but before he could take action, it was torn apart.

"Lord Tsuchikage!"

After being distracted for a moment, Chitu, who had caught Daimaru's flaw, hurriedly came over and suddenly gave him a bear hug, intending to subdue Daimaru, even if they both died together.

How can Daiwan get what he wants?

It would be too stupid for the wind escape ninja who had lost his speed advantage to fight hand to hand with the rock ninja who was good at earth escape.

He casually threw the broken Onoki body towards Akatsuki, and Daimaru flew into the air again without showing any trace of pride.

"It feels wrong!" 』

Sure enough, Ohnoki, who was caught by the red soil, turned into broken rock and fell down.

"Iwa clone? Lord Tsuchikage Sandaime, who has been famous for decades, is so cautious when facing a junior like me. It's really disappointing..."

In response to Daimaru's taunt, it was the earth thorns that shot up into the sky, forcing Daimaru to keep dodging. After looking at the right moment, he disappeared again, and among the confused Iwa ninja group, he made a hidden attack and rushed towards the Onoki rising from the ground. Then, accompanied by the cover of the magnetic release and sand iron knot attack, the busy Iwa ninja couldn't find Daimaru with the blessing of sage mode.

Just when Daimaru's hand once again reached for Ohnoki, who was somewhat weakened by the short-term continuous use of Dust Release and Original Realm Peeling Technique, a giant hand rose from the ground, accurately grabbed Daimaru's wrist, and suddenly Swinging and hitting the ground hard.

"What do you want to do to my lord, arrogant young man?"

Immediately afterwards, a heavy stamp stepped on Daimaru into the sand, and then the giant hand wrapped in rock grabbed Daimaru's neck and lifted it up.

"Like this?"

Daimaru, who had always hidden his attacks, showed his true face to Iwa Ninja for the first time.


After holding back for a long time without making a move, Huang Tu, who captured Daimaru with one hit, looked at the strange-looking young man in surprise. His hair had grown abnormally, his eyes were like black flames, and his whole body had light golden fluorescence, which was obviously unusual.

"It's me! I'm so calm!"

Daimaru, who was not frustrated at all by falling into his opponent's hands, had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"Is it really okay to be so close to me? I'm a wind escape ninja. I don't want to confront you head-on, but that doesn't mean I'm not good at close combat! By the way, this isn't the main body either..."

As Daimaru spoke, his body expanded and turned into a chakra whirlwind, spreading around and stirring up wind and sand.

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