Red sand dust

Chapter 584 The Price of Growth

If it is a high-profile laboratory sample or an engineering machine that is not mass-produced, the cost and process should be considered later.

But things like puppets are obviously not just for fun. A truly high-quality puppet is a trump card weapon that can save people's lives on the battlefield and in missions. It not only needs to have strong combat power, but also has stable and reliable quality. If it malfunctions at a critical moment, it can It's not something you can get away with just by joking.

Once it is promoted, there are countless aspects that need to be considered.

With the size of Konoha Village, it would be okay to deploy a few jounin or ninja technicians who are proficient in manufacturing to specifically build puppet models. Arming the entire puppet army, or even fully taking over the wing armor of the Konoha Air Combat Force, is simply not possible. Less than.

Even if they are forced to equip them at all costs, it is not worth the loss. It is probably a dream to let high-level ninjas with outstanding strength, reputation and status specially create puppets for middle and low-level ninjas. Before Daimaru developed low-end general-purpose puppets, even the people of Sunagakure Village Puppet masters are a profession that can only be played by high-ranking people.

With the background of Konoha Village, it is better not to force yourself in areas that you are not good at.

"According to reliable information from our allies, they finally reproduced three winged armors that could barely fly in less than half a year. However, the cost was completely uncontrollable. For the same price, you can buy five from us. Double the quantity, and we also provide teaching and skills..."

This cost is no longer a question of whether it is cost-effective.

"Quality aside, the cost would probably shock even the senior puppet stylists in the village..."

Speaking of this, even the serious and old-fashioned layman Ma Ji couldn't help but laugh after reading the information Gaara sent him.

"This is too outrageous. How did our allies do it?"

Daimaru also thought that the sand ninjas, who had been immersed in the puppet manufacturing industry for decades, had actually established a preliminary moat.

It’s not that the technological gap is so deep that it’s insurmountable, but in terms of scale and resource integration, Sand Hidden Village has already had a mature industrial chain foundation, ranging from masters who have been manufacturing high-quality products for decades, to apprentices who polish core materials. , as far away as the parts processing center of the Craftsman Country and the mining and smelting plant of the Thunder Country, as close as the assembly workshops placed in the "Tongzi Building" and the warehouse distribution center, all over the entire ninja world, and it is unknown how many people make a living from this.

The powerful ninja families in Konoha Village may be more proficient in certain niches than the puppet masters in Sunagakure Village, but working together to create puppets feels awkward and there are big pitfalls everywhere.

The three wing armors manufactured at the same time are similar in appearance, but they are very different internally. Parts in the same parts are not interchangeable. If there is a slight malfunction, you have to disassemble and inspect each one, and then manually polish or replace the parts. This is not nonsense. What?

"It seems that the original decision was right, unless Konoha Village completely gives up the puppet field... This is probably unlikely! Our village can still make money for at least several years, which is really good news..."

In fact, the sand ninja didn't really want to expose the puppet to their allies for research, but the price they offered was attractive enough.

"Do you want to agree to Konoha Village's request?"

Gaara asked seriously for advice.

Even the slightly conservative Saakami and Sasha couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Let's have a good talk first. Don't worry. If Konoha Village is really sincere, it's not impossible..."

Daimaru suggested,

"If the two villages are not at odds, this business should last for many years! Consumables such as kunai, shurikens and detonating charms are bought by each village from the big merchants of the Craftsman Country. Even if they can make them themselves, who can Would you refuse good and cheap things?”

What's more, things like puppets are considered industrial products with relatively high added value and not low in technology. Whether Sunagakure Village can gain a foothold in the ninja world in the future, it may really need such a core competitiveness. Things support the scene.

Of course, this cooperation is not a purely commercial act, but a cooperation between the two villages. In the past, no other force could do it except Daimaru. Now, Sunagakure Village has fully mastered Daimaru's first-generation wing armor technology. The puppet masters can also start a price war with Daimaru.

For example, the "shared puppet" hosted by Miss Saya has developed rapidly in the village. The hugely profitable puppet workshop under Daimaru is now also under a lot of pressure.

Internal competition is just that, if externally they lower prices and undermine each other, the benefits will be easier for outsiders.

This short meeting, in addition to letting Daimaru know something, may also have the benefit of allowing the two major puppet-producing entities in the village to unite to the outside world and make a lot of money for Konoha Village.

"As expected, I still have to deal with Miss Saya..."

In the spacious rooftop courtyard, Daimaru held a watering can and carefully watered the pots of black pine trees.

"By the way, how was the blind date at your family?"

Not far away, Hashiya Aika, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, had a stiff expression on her face:

"It didn't work!"


Daimaru raised his head and asked unexpectedly,

"Logically speaking, a ninja with a bright future like you shouldn't have to worry about getting married, right? Which family is so blind that they can't look down on you? Or is it that you don't look down on the young man?"


Hashiya Aika was a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, she answered honestly. In fact, Daimaru shouldn't ask too detailed questions about this kind of privacy. Unfortunately, Hashiya Aika's personal affairs have actually affected her work status, and Daimaru also Have to care about it.

"The other party asked me to work in another department, but I didn't agree?"


What else could he be dissatisfied about as a direct descendant of the most popular "Red Dust" in the village? The future is bright, besides being on Gaara's lap, is there any better place to go?

"The main reason is that Commander Daimaru's reputation is not very good. As a young woman who is a secretary and assistant, it is easy to be misunderstood..."

Zhutani Aika's face was red. She didn't want to say it at first, but she couldn't brush it off.


Daimaru was stunned for a moment, then laughed angrily,

"I am the one who caused you trouble..."

Putting down the watering can in his hand, Daimaru leaned against the flower bed and sighed into the cold wind.

"People's words are terrible!"

In the past, Daimaru rarely cared about the impact of his reputation, except for his relationship with Temari and staying away from scandals with various young girls.

Although there is no real evidence, there is still a certain market for gossip about Daimaru Playboy, and maybe some people will believe it.

Daimaru, who has been in Sunagakure Village for more than ten years, has long been aware of the conservative nature of Sunagakure Village. The boy who is about to turn eighteen can no longer be as dismissive of rumors as before.

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