Red sand dust

Chapter 681 Dilemma

I don’t know where Orochimaru got the confidence to deal with Kisame Inikisaki and Itachi Uchiha on his own.

Just like how I used to avoid the pursuit of the Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara, it was actually quite good to run away if something went wrong.

Taking full advantage of his numerous means of fending off enemies and his strong ability to save his life, he can come back no matter how many times he is defeated, but if the enemy loses, he will not be so tough on his life.

Daimaru thought that Uchiha Sasuke might be in this place, and he didn't want anything to happen to the next container he prepared, so Orochimaru had to fight a strong enemy in such a ghost place.

Originally, I just wanted to give Sasuke Uchiha, who was working behind closed doors, a chance to test. Unexpectedly, he encountered a surprise attack. He was probably not well prepared, so he could only hold on.

If Orochimaru is willing to take greater risks and give the dirty body more freedom, maybe the first Hokage Senju Hashirama alone is enough to deal with the combination of Mikigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi.

But after the last incident where Senju Tobirama broke out of control and almost lost control, and Daimaru stepped in to help solve the accident, it would probably be more difficult to get him to loosen his control over the dirty body.

The more stable the control, the less autonomous and flexible the dirt body will be, and the pressure on Orochimaru himself will undoubtedly be greater.

After Uchiha Itachi got rid of Deidara's entanglement, he joined forces with Kisame Ingakaki, which would probably make Orochimaru breathless.

Although the injuries on his hands have recovered, the rejection between the soul and the body has not been effectively alleviated, and it is still unknown how much strength he can exert.

After all, Huan Youwan's qualifications are not very good, so after a few struggles, it is already a good result to be able to stabilize the injury.

Looking at Yakushi Kabuto with a gloomy expression, Daimaru, who was wearing Deidara's vest, thought for a moment and asked:

"Except for you and Guren, who are half-helpers, Orochimaru's other subordinates are far behind. Although it is not without a chance of winning, with your current situation, there should be no need to take risks. You can wait for the forbidden technique in peace. The buffer period for reincarnation has passed. Wouldn't it be good if Orochimaru seizes Uchiha Sasuke's body and stirs up trouble again?"

Is something like a tailed beast really necessary for Orochimaru?

Even Daimaru didn't bother to gather the tailed beasts and jinchūriki, since they would probably be harvested by Nagato in the end anyway.

"If we don't do something, the ninja world will be a stagnant water. Those of us who don't show up openly will have a hard time!"

"So, Orochimaru's purpose in collecting the power of tailed beasts is not to stir up disputes, but to fish in troubled waters!"

This explanation made sense, and Deidara nodded in understanding.

In fact, in the "Konoha Collapse Plan" two years ago, Orochimaru killed the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, just incidentally. In the final analysis, it still wanted to break the balance of power and provoke the Fourth Ninja War.

It's a pity that the Hidden Leaf Village's heritage is really amazing. Even if it is weakened, it is still the strongest in the ninja world, and the Suna Ninja will immediately admit defeat.

"A villain is a villain, and he never forgets to look for opportunities wherever possible!"

Medicine Master Kabuto smiled bitterly and said:

"The situation is stronger than the people. Although Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion were wiped out by you sand ninjas, the subsequent pursuit has not stopped. Isn't it that Uchiha Itachi and Ingaki Kisame came to the door? And the Leaf Village , but they have never given up on finding us, especially the 'roots' under Shimura Danzo, who are really troubled..."

After leaving the "Akatsuki" organization, Orochimaru, who had no protection, struggled to face the pressure from all sides. He had to use the guise of "Sound Ninja Village" and actually became an ally of Konoha Village, a rebel ninja. After struggling to this point, it can be considered a success.

If Shimura Danzo and his "roots" did not exist, and he did not attack Uchiha Sasuke, the "vest" of the Oto Ninja Village would probably be able to wear it for a long time.

"The life of a bereaved dog is indeed difficult. Even a strong man like Orochimaru finds it difficult..."

Precisely because he knew this would happen, Daimaru never thought about leaving Sunagakure Village, establishing his own rule or becoming a rebel ninja.

The matter of rebelling against the village is much more serious than imagined. If you want to clear your name, you must have a unique, irreplaceable and indispensable value.

Many of the rebellious ninjas in the "Akatsuki" organization were looking for a shelter where they could take a breather. Masters such as Momochi Zabuza were chased by the assassination troops of Kirigakure Village and had no way to escape. In order to get For a sum of money, he had to accept the employment of Cardo, the businessman and gangster leader, and finally died in the Country of Waves.

In those novels that travel through the world of Naruto, some of the "protagonists" who rebel against the village and flee at every turn may have some flaws in their brains. Unless they are strong enough to be accepted and sheltered by a big force like the "Akatsuki" organization, their end is probably to be hunted to death. .

Even Uchiha Sasuke's defection, if it hadn't been fortuitous timing and the vigorous rescue efforts of the five Sound Ninjas, there would have been no chance of leaving Konoha Village alive.

I am afraid of being poisoned when I eat and drink, I have to half-open my eyes when I sleep, I dare not stay in a serious hotel for fear of being watched, I don’t have enough food, clothing, housing and transportation, I have to sleep in the open, is this still a human life? Do you really think that a traitorous ninja can conquer an Oto-nin village like Orochimaru?

Then again, as a time traveler, he is already powerful enough to be an S-class rebel nin, and it is really shameful that he wants to defect.

Kabuto Yakushi, who was being mocked carelessly, said helplessly:

"In the past few years, Orochimaru-sama's luck seems not to be very good!"

At every critical moment of the plan, someone always makes trouble, or something unexpected happens.

"You have done too many bad things! You have killed countless people, violated human ethics, and disturbed the peace of the deceased. If there were spirits in the ninja world, I would probably wish you all to die soon..."

Deidara shrugged and made fun of all the nasty things Orochimaru and his capable subordinates did.

"We are not the only ones. Those people in Konoha Village are not innocent either, and you Suna ninjas are not good people either. Most of the blood successor families in Kirigakure Village were slaughtered. In order to cultivate explosive escape troops in Iwagakure Village, As well as studying the inheritance method of blood inheritance elimination and dust escape, I don't know how many so-called 'volunteers' were killed. Even Taki ninja was unwilling to be lonely. In order to increase his strength, he studied taboo powers and secretly captured living people for experiments..."

Kabuto Yakushi retorted in a weak tone.

"If you say that, I don't bother to refute! Who told your master Orochimaru to be so famous and have such a bad reputation? A disciple of the Hokage and one of the 'Three Ninjas', if you don't hold Orochimaru as a model, how can you just point at me? Are you being criticized by a member of a good family who spreads scandals every now and then? Once you are a traitor, you will always be a traitor. Even if you are cleansed, you will always be looked at differently..."

While the two were chatting, not far away, a fiery red half-skeleton suddenly rose up and turned into a giant wrapped in chakra flames. He raised his hands and struck hard in the direction of Mu Dun's attack...

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